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Adventure: A Fish Story (DM: BenBrown; Judge: renau1g)


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Erm, maybe I did some bad narative but I never went into the fish. Kind of invisisioned Eraden on the ledge of the pool right above the door flicking fish back onto the concrete with his shield. Never the less my Athletics check is halarious. So if im out of the pool is my balance so bad i topple in? Lol, let me know.

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Talks-to-the-Moon begins to sink more and more quickly into the fish. As she goes under, Eraden lunges for her, and topples headfirst into the piscine mass, dragging the end of the rope with him as they both go under. The fish continues to give way, and a small gap opens up, revealing the top of the door, a gap through which Abigail's familiar flies up.[sblock=ooc]There appears to be a way through, but going down will still require an athletics check, (DC 15) to avoid slipping.[/sblock][sblock=map]
[/sblock][sblock=Abigail, Eraden, Speaker]Eraden and Talks-to-the-Moon emerge from the quicksand-like fish pile (quickfish?) in a room below the warehouse's central platform. Abigail is here, only slightly the worse for wear, and already up and taking a look down a passage in the southern wall. From Abigail's point of view, the passage goes back about five feet, through the foundations of the warehouse, then makes a sharp turn to the right.[sblock=map]

Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
[sblock=OOC]Is it possible to lean over the edge and see where the doorway leads to first? Dante is a fairly cautious/paranoid sort, so he's not likely to go through the door unless he can see what's on the other side first. There might be something in there that just ate Abigail and is now rooting through the fish swallowing the others for all Dante knows!

Rereading what you posted... is the door open or not?[/sblock]


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Azuras' head pops out of the fish, and looks at the remaining people in the large atrium. The dragonling starts to dash around in circles, making a weird screeing noise. He spins around in a few more circles, and then starts pawing at the fish, as if to dig.

[sblock=Azuras' War Dance!]
I love ferrets. :)

He looks up at Virgil imploringly, as if to say "hey, get these stupid humans to work! You can't trust them to do ANYTHING right!"

he then continues to dig.

[sblock=GM, Eraden, Speaker]
Abigail takes a look at the new arrivals. "So pleased you could drop by. Um... Eraden? You have a fish in your belt. It's not a good look for you."

Abigail continues to peer down the side passageway, holding a sun rod in her left hand, with the flat of her blade resting on her right shoulderblade.

"I take it the others are coming? Or have they found a cleaner way in? Because those fish are disgusting - I'm going to have to burn this shirt when I get out of here. I wonder if I can send a bill to what's his name?"[/sblock]

Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
One of Virgil's eyes slides open and he watches the dragonling for a few seconds, then grunts, coughs, and rolls to his feet.

The devil-lizard hops down into the fish-pit, slips, and is quickly buried in the fish.

Dante watches the whole thing with curiosity, then alarm as Virgil disappears. He finally seems to make up his mind and jumps in after his companion agilely and begins digging out the door.


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Alastair watches Dante and Virgil disappear into the fish, and sighs in resignation.

"I didn't sign up for this," he mutters to no one in particular.

The gnome jumps into the fish.

[sblock=Actions]If the rope looks taut, Alastair will use it as a guide to make his way through the fish. Otherwise, he'll just make for the general direction of the door. 1d20-1=1 Yeah, like it will matter :eek:[/sblock]


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Despite almost everyone getting covered with fish and everyone is soon safe in the lower room, despite having to pull spare smelt out of their trousers. And smelt is indeed the correct word, as our heroes have rarely smelt worse.[sblock=ooc]Alastair, Eraden, and Talks-to-the-Moon, all of whom slipped, now smell strongly of fish, and are at -2 to diplomacy rolls for the next three encounters--at least with anyone who doesn't smell like fish. Virgil also smells of fish, but seems unlikely to be attempting diplomacy[sblock=nature DC 25]With proper washing, this smell can be alleviated, but it's going to take a bit of time. The next extended rest should do it.[/sblock][/sblock]The room fits neatly under the central platform of the warehouse. There is another double door across from the fish-slide, and a small passage in the south wall. Abigail has already taken a quick look at it, and discovered that it cuts through the foundation of the warehouse, then makes a sharp right. The passageway is unlit.[sblock=map][/sblock]

Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
Dante walks into the room, glaring at Virgil as the devil lizard wades out of the fish with an especially large on sticking out of both sides of his mouth, then plops down to much on it.

Dante shakes his head, then turns to Abigail and nods. "This one sees the Abigail was not eaten by the litel'gerls'. What has the Abigail discovered?"


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Eraden was pummeled by fish as he fell into to the pit. Sliding through the trout he felt the scales of fish flake off against his amror and skin untill he emerged in another room. After a breif moment he sees a familiar face.

Abigail takes a look at the new arrivals. "So pleased you could drop by. Um... Eraden? You have a fish in your belt. It's not a good look for you."

Eraden stands and bashfully removes the fish trying to make its way into his trousers. "Your not looking too pristine yourself." Eraden says as he points out the silver scales and fish bits stuck to Abigail. "I am releived to see you are ok...and that we are not being eaten by some legendary sea creature."

Eraden brushed himself off as best as he could and made his way towards the doors across from him. He leaned in and tried to listen for anything on the other side.


First Post
Upon hearing Dante, Abigail gestures about the room. "Discovered? Um. Fish. Lots of fish."

A moment later, Eraden speaks, and Abigail frowns. "A Gentleman never insults a lady's appearance. And, besides," she says, picking off a piece of fish from her shoulder and flicking it at the paladin, "I am now completely fish free. I avoided all the big ones on my way down. Where's Azuras?"

Upon hearing his name, the Dragonling's head pops out from the pile of fish, a small pollock clenched between his jaws. The dragonling scampers across the floor, and circles Abigail giddily.

Abigail frowns. "Lovely. Absolutely lovely. So... do we wanna take the hallway, or the door? I vote hallway - and someone see if we can lock the door from our end. You know... so no sea monster sneaks up behind us and chews on the gnome or something."

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