• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Adventure: A Fish Story (DM: BenBrown; Judge: renau1g)

Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
Dante moves forward behind Virgil, Abigail, and Eraden. He speaks to Abigail and Eraden without looking away from the enemy. "There is no better of days or ways to meet an end for these ones. Bath'heroi shath'anolos."

[sblock=Actions]Move + Standard: Double move, Virgil to N15, Dante to O15.
Minor: Quarry Guard Q.[/sblock]

[sblock=Readied Actions]Readying an action is a Standard action, so no to what you are asking, AFAIK. The action you take during the Immediate Reaction that readying gives you can be a converted to a move or minor normally though.[/sblock]

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First Post
[sblock=Readied Actions]Readying an action is a Standard action, so no to what you are asking, AFAIK. The action you take during the Immediate Reaction that readying gives you can be a converted to a move or minor normally though.[/sblock]

Ah, yes i recall now. I did remember that you could ready a minor but was unsure if the action was still standard or if I was wrong in that a minor may be used. Thanks Iron.
As a side note, any tactics we'd like to discuss? Would you like me to charge at big and ugly or will he be "kited" while I hold on to some of the minions? Also, dailys should be used early and on the same target as to take out a key enemy quickly. I however already used mine if I am not mistaken.
EDIT: I never did use my daily, reading back I had expressed my intentions to but the leader gave up the fight before i had the chance.
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First Post
[sblock=tactics]Here are my thoughts:

Eraden focuses on the big guy, with Alastair and Speaker backing him up. Abigail and Dante work together on the sidelines, taking down the rest of the bad guys, doing our best to stay mobile.

OR -

we all focus attacks on the big bad, with Abi marking him from a distance and pulling away. Once we take out the big bad, we play it by ear, cycling all our attacks on the same foe at a time. Speaker drops temp hp on the defenders, Dante drops insane damage, and Alastair is generous with the negative status effects on our enemy of choice. Not as flashy as the first tactic, but probably the better one in the end.

Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
[sblock=Tactics]I think plan A is actually better. Dropping enemies reduces incoming damage and focuses it on targets that can take it. So start small and work your way up.[/sblock]


First Post
As the party enters the great chamber, the priest stops his chanting. "Intruders!" he shouts.

Lucius Hake grabs the terrified Edith. "Take her, lord Gluplik," he says. "We will deal with these."

Then Gluplik speaks. It is a deep and rumbling voice, as if being heard through water, but curiously calm.
"The ritual is not yet complete." the fish creature says. "She is not yet bound to me."

"Then help us slay them, and we will proceed!" says Hake.

"Indeed," says Gluplik. "I will do so. Kill them, o my children."

Hake then drags the girl towards the area covered by the curtain.

The two guards step forward, brandishing their maces. One strikes out at Eraden, the second at Virgil.

On Gluplik's command, the smaller fish-creatures begin to move. One rushes at Eraden, claws flailing. The others dive into the deep water and vanish. One emerges seconds later, to grab at Talks-to-the-Moon.

Suddenly two more of the creatures burst out from beneath the murky stream, clawing at Abigail. One's claws cut into her.

Another jumps out at Dante, drawing blood, but failing to drag him in.

The priest follows Hake, speaking a few words in a blasphemous tongue. A mass of pure blackness floats from his fingers towards Eraden, draining life from him, and filling his eyes with a foul, unnatural darkness.

Lucius Hake--Standard: Grab Edith, Move: to G16

Guard X--Move to M14, Standard: Dazing Strike vs. Eraden: (1d20+4=8) miss

Guard Q: Move to M15, Standard: Dazing Strike vs. Virgil:(1d20+4=8) miss

Spawn 30--Move to N13, Standard: Claws vs. Eraden: (1d20+8=14) miss

Spawn 48--Move to Q12, Standard: Pull Them In vs. Talks-to-the-Moon: (1d20+8=24) 7 damage and spawn shifts to P12. Talks-to-the-Moon's save to avoid being pulled in: (1d20=5) Speaker is slid to Q12.

Spawn 73--Move: to R13, Standard: Claws vs. Abigail:(1d20+8=26) 7 damage

Spawn 75--Move: to R15, Standard: Claws vs. Abigail: (1d20+8=13)

Spawn 56--Standard: Pull Them In vs. Dante : (1d20+8=25) 7 damage, spawn shifts to O17. Dante save to avoid being pulled in: (1d20=15)

Spawn 16--Move: to N6, and then to ???

Spawn 86--Move: to N6, and then to ???

Priest--Move: to H15, Standard: Night's Veil vs. Eraden (vs. fort): (1d20+7=17) Damage: (1d8+3=10) Eraden is Blinded (save ends)[/sblock][sblock=terrain features]Small Rocks: count as difficult terrain

Large Rocks: provide cover to medium creatures and superior cover to small creatures. Can be climbed up on top of, taking an extra square of movement, and requiring a DC 12 athletics check.

Shallow Water: the light blue areas count as difficult terrain

Deep Water: the darker areas can't be moved in normally by creatures without a swim speed. To maneuver, make an athletics check (DC 12) to move half your speed. Deep water is also heavily obscured.

Current: the squares with the arrows indicate a current. At the end of their turn, any character in them will be slid in the direction of the arrows for two squares, or until they enter a square without an arrow.

Stepping Stones: the stepping stones allow normal passage both for people walking above the level of the water, and for those in the water. People in the squares upstream of the stepping stones (P15, Q15) can brace themselves against the current with a minor action, or can allow the current to carry them through.

Curtain: the curtain is of heavy brocade. It can be pulled back one square as a minor action, or as a move action a character can move three squares and pull it back the whole distance.[/sblock][sblock=status]
Guard X - M14 - No Hits Taken
Guard Q - M15 - No Hits Taken Hunters Quarry (Dante), Cursed (Alastair)
Lucius Hake - G16 - No Hits Taken
Priest - H15 - No Hits Taken
Gluplik - I7-J8 - No Hits Taken
Spawn 86 - ?? - No Hits Taken
Spawn 16 - ?? - No Hits Taken
Spawn 48 - P12 - No Hits Taken
Spawn 30 - N13 - No Hits Taken
Spawn 73 - R13 - No Hits Taken
Spawn 75 - R15 - No Hits Taken
Spawn 56 - O15 - No Hits Taken

Abigail - S14 - 17/27 (5/9) AP:1
Alastair - T14 - 24/24 (4/7) AP:1
Dante - O15 - 15/22 (2/6) AP:1
Virgil - N15 - 20/22 (0/2)
Eraden - N14 - 18/28 (7/11) AP:1, blind (save ends)
Talks-to-the-Moon - Q12 - 19/29 (5/9) AP:1

Edith Sturgeon - G15 - 1/1
AC:15 Fort:12 Ref:14 Will:12
:bmelee: Mace +4 vs. AC, 1d8+1

AC:16 Fort:14 Ref:14 Will:17
:bmelee: Quarterstaff +9 vs. AC, 1d8+1
[sblock=religion DC 15]The priest's vestments are a mockery of those of the priests of Netari. The symbols on his robe indicate his allegiance to dark powers of death and destruction.[/sblock]

Lucius Hake
AC:17 Fort:13 Ref:18 Will:14
:bmelee: Dagger +7 vs. AC, 1d4+3

AC:16 Fort:17 Ref:16 Will:16
:bmelee: Claw +7 vs. AC, 1d6+4
[sblock=nature DC 15]Oddly enough, this is not a creature from outside the bounds of the natural world. The ocean depths contain creatures just as many abominations of the far realm. OOC: Gluplik is a custom monster.[sblock=DC 20]Beware Gluplik's long grasping arms. He can grab you and tear you apart.[/sblock][/sblock]

AC:17 Fort:11 Ref:15 Will:12
:bmelee: Claw +8 vs. AC, 7 damage
[sblock=nature DC 15]These unnatural looking creatures are not all that powerful, but are quite dangerous in the water. OOC: Gluplik's spawn are custom monsters.[sblock=DC 20]They lurk in the water, and will attempt to pull people in if they are too close to the edge.[/sblock][/sblock][/sblock][sblock=Talks-to-the-Moon]There are two more spawn visible in the water at P11 and P13[/sblock]
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First Post
[sblock=Cursed Opponent?]I cursed the nearest opponent (that I could see) after moving to T14, but I don't see it mentioned in the status block. I'm guessing it was Guard Q?[/sblock]
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Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
Ignoring the spawn's attack, Dante leaps to his feet and retaliates against the guard for attacking Virgil, then lashes at the guard again and again, savaging him with the blurred cut, slash, and spin of his kama-chain.

[sblock=Actions]Dante gets an OA against Guard Q since Guard Q attacked Virgil(Beast Protector Feat): 1d20+7 = 17, hit for 2d4+1d6+4 = 13 damage.
Move Action: Stand up(saving against going into hazardous terrain makes you fall prone).
Standard Action: Twin-Strike:
Attack 1 vs Guard Q: 1d20+7 = 24, hit for 2d4+1d6 = 5 damage.
Attack 2 vs Guard Q: 1d20+7 = 16, hit for 2d4 = 6 damage.
Minor Action: Off-hand strike vs Guard Q (assuming he's still alive, Guard X if he isn't): 1d20+7 = 24, hit for 2d4+4 = 10 damage.
Action Point: Twin Strike
Attack 1 vs Guard Q (if he's still alive, Spawn 50 if he isn't): 1d20+7 = 12, miss.
Attack 2 vs Guard Q (ditto): 1d20+7 = 18, hit for 5 damage.

[sblock=Stats]Dante, Male Human Ranger 1
Passive Perception: 17, Passive Insight: 12
AC: 16, Fort:16, Reflex:15, Will:13 -- Speed:6
HP:15/22, Bloodied:11, Surge Value:5, Surges left:2/6
Initiative +3
Action Points: 0
Powers: Twin Strike, Predator Strike, Careful Attack, Second Wind, Off-Hand Strike, Jaws of the Wolf

Note: Dante makes an OA on any creature that makes a melee attack on Virgil as long as it OR Virgil are within reach 2. +7 vs. AC, 2d4+4 damage.

Virgil, Beast Companion(Lizard) 1
Passive Perception: 11, Passive Insight: 11
AC: 16, Fort:13, Reflex:13, Will:11 -- Speed:6
HP:20/22, Bloodied:11, Surge Value:5, Surges left:0/2
Initiative As Dante

Virgil's OA attacks: +7 vs. AC, 1d8+3 damage.[/sblock]
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First Post
[sblock=Cursed Opponent?]I cursed the nearest opponent (that I could see) after moving to T14, but I don't see it mentioned in the status block. I'm guessing it was Guard Q?[/sblock]

[sblock=ooc]Whoops. After spending an hour on that, I was bound to forget something. Corrected now.[/sblock]

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