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(Adventure) Dealing with hooly-gans [Judge Pbartender]


Grogg, Son of Grogg, puts on this thick lesesed goggles and effortlessly kept pace with Croom.

"My ready, but he right, " he said to Croom in reguards to Rillian's statment, "me do what I have too, even more, I care not, but if he want to knock out instead of kill, me do that too.:)

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Thomas Hobbes

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"I am afaaaid that I do not know the extent and number of those who dishonor our fine watch. I had rather hoped that you fine young folk would be able to find some just solution to the problem, as I find myself quite at a loooss. But it is true that these uncouth young folk deserve the kinder side of the kill/knock out dicotomy so skillfully elucidated by my good friend here." He pats Grog on the back.


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"Hmm, um well it sounds like some information gathering is in order. Why dont you take us to one of those who haven't been 'foortuune to escape their attentions', and we will get started?

With a bounce in his step, and a twinkle in his eye, Rillian presses forward, but then realizing that Coom may not be able to keep up, slows down to match him.

"Um, Kirin, do think Cirus would mind carrying my pack, its really not as heavy as it looks?"

/ooc The pack is only ~40 lbs, but I just like the idea that it seems sooo heavy :)


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"Well, I have some spells that might help. That only render unconcious with no permanent damage. Perhaps if we can capture some, we can get them talking and work our way up the ladder."


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Rillian Trilnason

"Wow, that sounds like a great idea, now all we need to do is find some of them! Um, oh, oh what about um, maybe we could get them to come to us? Mr Ignatious, your a wizard right? So you must be real smart, so um, how could we get them to come to us, do you think?

I mean, you're always hearing about how a gang of people go to the evil wizard's tower...oh wait, hmmm that's backwards or something, but it still must apply somehow, right?"

Rillian gives Ignatious an earnest glance as he waits patiently for enlightenment.

/ooc Wide eyed and bushy tailed, gotta hate em :)
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A few moments of silence go by and then Grogg, Son of Grogg, dashes madly into an into a near by store and as if his furs were on fire. He emerges from the store with a toothy grin on his gray skin.

"Me got it, me bought syrup," he pauses a moment as the others give him a strange look. Grogg, Son of Grogg, feeling quite happy with himself began to walk again. It wasn't until he noticed that the party was not following that he stopped. He scratched his thick head of bluish black locks and then turned, wondering why they were not following. Then, like a bolt of lightning, it hit him.

"You know," he said as he produced his newly bought item, "syrup."

He held forth a large leather style bag filled with small loose rock with a leather thong at the end.

"Syrup, oh, that not it, hmm," he held his fingers to his chin, and then it dawned on him, "no, not syrup, Sap, that what I bought. Knocks em out, in case I want to have fun with them before we eat them." He smiled his toothy grin and the party moved on.


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Ignatious O'Reilly (Iggy)

RillianPA said:
"Wow, that sounds like a great idea, now all we need to do is find some of them! Um, oh, oh what about um, maybe we could get them to come to us? Mr Ignatious, your a wizard right? So you must be real smart, so um, how could we get them to come to us, do you think?

"That's 'Mr. O'Reilly' actually, although most of my friends call me 'Iggy.'" He pauses as Grog gets his sap.

Iggy is always careful to keep another PC between him and the orc. But he smiles at Grog's purchase. "Syrup, yes. I think Grog's onto something there. Flies are attracted to syrup, you see. We just need to figure out what these Hooligans are attracted to, then set a trap, and let Grog whack them around a bit, and get them to talk & go from there. First we've got to gather some information, though, which is our what we'll do when Coom introduces us to his acquaintences. So what kind of things do you do Mr. Rillian?"

Thomas Hobbes

First Post
Coom leads you on a long walk across Orussus, and the buildings start to degrade in quality of materials, quality of architecture and quality of maitenance when Coom stops you and turns to the group. He hesitates for a moment, choosing his words carefully.

"The people heeere are honest working folk. And you, my good Orc, are the stuff of their fairy-taaales. I don't suppose I can hope that one of you has the adventurer's stock in trade, the hooded cloak?"

Grog's an Orc. Which means that up to this point as you walk through the city humans have been giving him dirty looks and Elves... well, if looks could kill and all that....


Grogg, Son of Grogg, dodges to one side of Coom as he watches as Iggy quickly moves to the other side of Coom. He begins to walk to the other side of Coom and cheerfgully watches as Iggy makes his way to the other side of Coom.

"What a great game," he thinks to himself, not bright enough to be offended by the quick distancing of Iggy.

Grogg comes to a halt, his massive 7', 500 pound frame comes to a stop. He looks down at Coom, his yellow eyes penetrating through his thick locks of bluish black hair and gray skin. He thinks thoughtfully to himself and then stratches his head for a moment and raises his meaty finger in the air as a light bulb goes off in his head.

"Here Mr. Coom," he says as he removes his hooded cloak from his broad shoulders and draps it over his new friend.

"You can borrow it if you want to, I am warm" he says cheerfully with a broad toothy grin and a swelling pride.

OOc, "My brains, your steel, his braun, impossible. Maybe if I had a month, than maybe, if we only had a wheel barrel, now that would be something?":)
"Where is that wheel barrel that the Albino had."
"Over by the Albino I think."
"Why didn't you list that amongst our assists in the first place?"
"What I wouldn't give for a holocaust cloak right now."
"Where did you get that?"
"I got it from Miricale Max, he said it fit so nice, he said I could keep it."
;) - the Princess Bride
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Voidrunner's Codex

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