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(Adventure) Dealing with hooly-gans [Judge Pbartender]

Thomas Hobbes

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RillianPA said:
Didnt we just file out of a bar? ;)

I believe the correct reponse is quiet you!

More seriously, the timeless bar threw me off some, and besides, the Dragon is different than most pubs. Consider it to be noonish.

The hobos all seem disconcerted by Grog, shooting Coom looks that say What kind of help is this, anyway? They seem wary of the rest of you, although you're not sure if this is a side effect of being associated with Grog or if they're just wary of strangers. There's a pause, and the Hops begins, slurring slightly.

"Well, I say you should give those punks a good thumping! That's where'd I'd start! Why, I oughta..." he devolves into muttering.

"Don't mind him," says Smythe. "He's never been the same since the drink got to him." He turns his eyes skyward. "I've been praying to Hyrag every day that he gets back on the wagon."

"Uh, right," says Jenkins. "Whatever you say, holy man." Smythe sniffs a little haughtily.

"I pray for you, too, you know. That you stop playing with those fool snakes and find honest work."

"Hey! You lay off Isp and Osp! They're trained circus animals, I taught them all the tricks myself!"

"Ahem." Coom cuts them off. He turns apologetically to the gathered adventurers. "Perhaps your inquiries should be a bit more directed."

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Grogg, Son of Grogg, growing impatient and only sort of understanding directed, thumps his chest and lowers his voice into a booming echo.

"You there, stop bickering," he bellowed with a sly grin at Jenkins, "tell me now what happened and where they are, but get to the point and stop wasting me time. If there be thumping to be done, let's get to it, if you are going to fight, then at least fecth me a chair to sit in."


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Ignatious O'Reilly

"Oh yes." He shakes his head subtly at Grog (Which he will probably entirely miss), and asks Hops, "Can you tell us how things got started? What your attackers looked like, or where we might find them?"

Thomas Hobbes

First Post
DM-Rocco said:
"You there, stop bickering," he bellowed with a sly grin at Jenkins, "tell me now what happened and where they are, but get to the point and stop wasting me time. If there be thumping to be done, let's get to it, if you are going to fight, then at least fecth me a chair to sit in."

Williams, a small man who has been positively quivering ever since Grog shook his hand, squeeks as the Orc delivers his piece and runs back into the rubble. "Justaminutesirwon'tbeaminutehere'sachairsir." He comes dragging a big wooden barrel. Speaking in less of an uninterrupted stream but still quickly, he says "Usually we store it-use it to store- store stuff in it. Prime catch. Smythe found it." Smythe nods modestly. "Not rotted at all!" Stood on one end, it's easily big enough for Grog to sit comfortably.

Manzanita said:
"Can you tell us how things got started? What your attackers looked like, or where we might find them?"

Hops stops mumbling long enough to look surprised at being asked a direct question. "Well, I tellya, I tellya, there was twenny of 'em! We wuz outnumbered, we wuz, twenny to one!" His voice drops as if relating some dire secret. "And the short bastard took my booze!" Lars clears his throat pointedly, and Hops turns on him belligerently "You got somthin' to say, Mr. Quiet?" He turns back to the adventurers. "'e just sits and watches! Never talks! Alla time! I seen it!" He turns back to Lars. "You got something t' say, lookey man?" Lars just stares at him, a neutral expression on his face, and then Hops lunges forward, taking him in a backslapping hug. "Aw, I'm just joshin' ya! Speak, ya dodgy old whistler!" Hops keeps his arm draped over Lars and looks at him, a big grin pasted on his face.

Lars looks suddenly nervous at the attention, then speaks softly and clearly, but quickly, as if he's got a lot to say and it's all coming out. "They don't all hang together all the time. There's eight, maybe nine of them. They've come after us a couple of times. Two half-orcs, a halfling, the rest human." He glances from side to side. "I got their names, maybe. They hang out all over the place. Roam around. Start trouble." He jerks his chin at the bar. "Sometimes there. Not there now." He falls silent and his gaze sweeps the street, as if someone's going to come get him for saying too much.


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Rillian mutters "A halfling!? Bad just bad, we cant have that, pa's gonna be real upset to hear about this."

then speaking up "Um, Well thank you Mr. Hops, Mr Lars, and all of you gentlemen. That is very helpful. Did you by chance catch any names? Maybe nicknames, or did they say anything?"

Whispered aside to Iggy "Mr. O'Reilly, I'm really liking this trap idea, the hooly-gans seem to like 'booze'. You think maybe if I dress up like one of these fellows, with some 'booze', that might work?"

Rillian wrinkles his nose as he peruses the group of hobos, fixing various details of their appearance in his mind, and wondering which one might smell the least, and yet be willing to sell his clothes
//ooc for a disguise, since I have no skill :)


Grogg, Son of Grogg, in a rare moment of understanding, slaps his meaty hand to his forehead in frustration about the barrel. He looks at it curiously and decides to test the barrel for his weight, if you can't beat them, join them.

The barrel creaks and moans but somehow manages to hold his 500 pound frame in check.

"Me can back you up in disguise, me can hide in shadows waiting for them to come, " he says, "me not very good at it, but me could try."

OOC, sorry took so long to reply, some idiot was trying to kill my wizard. Anyway, we could cover Grogg with papers or something and let rillian play a drunk next to Grogg. I'll check back tomorrow.


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"Lars, it might help if you could remember their names. Any names might help. Also, do they usually come at night? or any old time?"

"So guys, perhaps if we try to hide ourselves, and set up some 'syrup,' the holigans will come and we can straighten them out. I can hide pretty well, I would think." Iggy scans the surroundings for a halfling-friendly hideout. "some of us might have to stay in the tavern."


Grogg, Son of Grogg, swelling at pride at the mention of 'syrup', waits for everyone to stop speaking. He then scans the alley and gets up from his barrel throne and huddles into a corners and gathers loose paper around himself. He pauses and stands as still as possible.

In spite of his best effeort he sticks out like a sore thumb, but not realizing this, he waits for instruction or Hooly gans, which ever comes first.

Voidrunner's Codex

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