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[Adventure] Desolation Island (DM: jsb420; JUDGE: covaithe)

Son of Meepo

First Post
OOC: Finnean: 4 surges (needs surge + 1)
Ixenvalignat: 3 surges (needs 2 surged + 7)
Cyrus: 8 surges (needs 2 surges + 4)
Damien: 8 surges (needs surge + 4)
Ardens: 9 surges (needs surge + 5)
Jesse: 7 surges (needs 2 surges + 1)

We have 3 healing powers after 1 short rest, which need to go to those lowest on surges. So 1 for Finn and 2 for Ixen.

Ixen will need at least a 7 on 2d6 in order to be at full, but this is the best we are going to be able to do without using up the last healing potion our of combat.

At the end we would be at:

Finnean: 3 surges (full)
Ixenvalignat: 1 surge (with 7 - 2d6 damage remaining)
Cyrus: 5 surges (full)
Damien: 6 surges (full)
Ardens: 7 surges (full)
Jesse: 4 surges (full)

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Son of Meepo

First Post
OOC: found a quick moment to post, but not enough to do anything. Thanks for keeping Ixenvalignat alive. He seems more of a liability than a leader, though. Double SR sounds good. Feel free to use inspiring word as needed. I think Ixenvalignat is down to 3 surges, so keep that in mind.

See you Friday.

OOC: I think you may have shortchanged your Con a bit. I always try to have at a minimum 24 hp at level 1, even if it means buying a 14 Con as is the case with most controllers.


First Post
GM: So everyone agrees to have a short rest, heal up, then continue. Please let me know how many surges everyone uses. If using Ixen's Inspiring word, remember the extra 1d6 hit points.

Once the Loose Lady is on the inside of the reef, more forms start to take shape in the distance, more shipwrecks, and finally the Island!

Your time aboard the Salty Dog has given you a good judge of distances, and you estimate that if everyone took a turn rowing, you should be able to make the island before the setting sun about 5 hours from now.

GM: Sailing to the Island is a skill challenge.

[sblock=Stages]Stage 1: Navigate shipwrecks & sea grass

Stage 2: ???[/sblock]

[sblock=Rules]I am going to experiment with this Skill Challenge. I have read an interesting skill challenge system by Stalker0, and have modified it slightly You can find the article HERE.

*DC: All DCs are 12.

*Skills: Use can use any skill that you can reasonably explain (excluding Endurance – see below). Any explanation I feel doesn’t correspond with the given skill, I will impose a -2 penalty to it.

[sblock=Endurance Check (everyone)]Stage 1: Once per round, each player must make an Endurance check DC 8, due to the effort required to navigate shipwrecks.

Failure: You gain a -1 penalty to your next skill roll, in addition to any other modifiers you currently have for that roll[/sblock]

*Rolls: Stage 1: Everyone must roll one Endurance check and one other skill check per round. No need for initiative rolls, just keep track of who has gone and who needs to go. The same rules apply for skill challenges as apply for encounters (48-hour rule, etc).

*Repeating Skills: Any character repeating the same skill check in two successive rounds will impose a -2 cumulative penalty to the triggering roll (i.e. -2 for second check, -4 for third check, etc.)

*Bold Recovery: Action points may be spent to re-roll a failed skill check roll (This skill challenge will count as a milestone, and you will re-gain an action point at the end of the challenge).

*Critical Success: A natural 20 counts as 2 successes.

*Desperate Gambit: In the last round of the challenge, a player can take a -5 to their roll, but a success gives 2 points instead of one.

*Aid Another: You can roll to aid another PC. A roll of 10+1/2 the rolling PC’s level or higher grants a +2 to that player’s skill check, while a failure grants a -1 penalty to that player’s skill check. A successful aid another roll does not count towards the total number of successes.

*Primary Skills: Stage 1:
Perception: Any player who attempts this skill check gains a +2 to their roll (unless making the same skill check, then see above for cumulative penalties).

If any questions arise, please feel free to ask[/sblock]
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OOC: Why are players penalized with a higher DC if trained? (I know the increase is +4 while training is +5, but how is the DC any different in terms of the game world and why should trained players have a higher DC if trained?)


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*Cyrus remains calm and quiet. As he rows the boat, he keeps the ship smooth and lets it glide across the waves. Hopefully this will keep any unwanted predators away from then for the time being.*

[sblock=Actions]Cyrus uses stealth to keep the boat from making too much noise and drawing something in.

Stealth 15, Endurance 27 (Critical Success)[/sblock]

[sblock=Healing]Spending 3 surges. Be at full.[/sblock]
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Damien uses his skill in nature to guide the boat to avoid obstacles and make most effective use of the currents on the ocean's surface to sail to the island.

[sblock=Surges]Spend 2 surges to get back to full. Will have 6 left.[/sblock]

[sblock=Rolls]Nature Check:

Endurance Check:

Voidrunner's Codex

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