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[Adventure] Dirty Money: (The Final Encounter; Rohna, Tondrek up)[Judge: THB]

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Tamarand slowly gets to his feet, the arcane energies from Tondrek bringing him back from the long darkness. Wiping blood that was flowing from a split lip, the drow looked at the foes arrayed against him. He knew that he had to get away from them, but he could hardly stand. Tamarand knew his body was failing him, but his mind was ever sharp and he had to use it. There was one weapon in his repertoire that he possessed that might help him. He unleashed a wave of anger unleashed, the drow's pent-up rage was set loose and slammed into the mummy next to him. The force of the blast sent it hurtling down the hallway as a whirlwind suddenly surrounded the drow. It carried him back down towards his allies and set him down next to Tondrek.

As quickly as the whipping winds appeared, they vanished. "Thanks...Tondrek... I owe you" he heaves, then adds "There skulls with deadly flames down there, be careful, they're near the roof" Tamarand warns

Move: Stand up
Minor: Draw Dagger (if not out, I assume they would be, but if not, -1 damage below)
Standard: Bedeviling Burst - vs WILL (Z, M); psychic (1d20 9=12, 1d20 9=29, 1d10 11=16) Crits M for 39 + push 4 crit (2d12=18) & on crit my Storm's Embrace kicks in so push 1 more and fly 5 squares. Push to V16 and fly to O20 (P16 - O17 - O18 - O19 - O20).

Tamarand —Male Drow Sorceror 5
Initiative: +6, Darkvision, Passive Perception: 1, Passive Insight: 11
AC: 25*, Fort: 15, Reflex: 18, Will: 19— Speed:6 (7 on mount)
*Attacks from more than 5 squares away take -1 penalty.
HP: 14/46, Bloodied: 23, Surge: 11, Surges left: 6/8
Action Points: 2; Second Wind: not used
Powers -
Burning Spray
Blazing Starfall

Racial Power (Cloud of Darkness, Darkfire)
Bedeviling Burst
Flame Spiral
Spatial Trip

Ice Javelins
Thunder Leap
Skald's Leather Armour +1

*Left Behind*
Giant Lizard, Draft
Large natural beast Initiative +4 Senses Perception +1
HP 69; Bloodied 34
AC 17*; Fortitude 18, Reflex 16, Will 13
Speed 7 (swamp walk), climb 2
*+1 from light barding

Bite (Standard, at-will)

+7 vs Armor Class; 2d6+4 damage.

Alignment Unaligned Languages --
Str 19 (+6) Dex 14 (+4) Wis 9 (+1)
Con 19 (+6) Int 2 (-2) Cha 7 (0)

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Shava's eye's go wide at the rapid destruction before her. She raises her dagger, but her concentration is thrown. Those observant may notice a gentle breeze.

[sblock=ooc]Thunder Slam vs S. FAIL[/sblock]

[sblock=Quick Stats]
Shava Devla d'Lyrandar
Female Half-Elf Sorcerer 5
Initiative +5; Senses Passive Insight 19, Passive Perception 12
HP 44/44, Bloodied 19, Surge Value 9, Surges 2/7
AC 16; Fortitude 15, Reflex 16, Will 19 (+2 to defenses TENT)
Speed 6
AP: 1

Skills Arcana +7, Athletics +12, Diplomacy +13, Insight +9
Feats Mark of Storm, Sorcerous Blade Channeling, Sure Climber
Equipment Challenge-Seeking Dagger +2, Sylvan Cloth Armor (Basic Clothing) +1, Safewing Amulet +1, Identification Papers, with Portrait, Waterskin, Sunrod (2), Rope, hempen (50 ft.), Pouch, Belt (empty), Rations, Trail (10), Grappling Hook, Flint and Steel, Everburning Torch, Backpack (empty), Arcane Signet Ring, Ritual Book, Belt of Vim, 2 Healiing Potions
Rituals Summon Winds

Lightning Strike, Storm Walk
Guiding Strike, Thunder Slam, Thundering Gust, Sorcerous Sirocco, Storm Power Defenses, Second Wind
Howling Tempest, Thunder Leap
Full Sheet[/sblock]



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Roswyn nods gratefully to her friend as she joins her. "I just don't want to be all alone as the closest to those bodies after we pass through the - " The gnome stops abruptly as the drow is hammered by the previously unseen attackers. "Never mind," she mutters as explosions of fire and wind fill the passage.

"Hey, Tamarand!" she calls as the battered sorcerer flies back in retreat. "I see you're tougher than you look!" Arcane power fills her words, healing her ally's wounds.

She spins her orb, gathering shadows which she flings down to the intersection. None of the creatures are within the field of shadow tendrils, but they will have a hard time passing through without the illusion slowing them down. Next she turns her attention to the four-armed skeleton menacing Rohna. She sends an illusion of graveworms to harry it, but the spell is hurried and feeble. Finally, she scurries back around the corner, trying to stay out of the line of fire.

[sblock=Actions]Minor: Majestic word. Tamarand heals surge + 4. He can also slide one square but there doesn't look like anywhere to slide to.)

Standard: Grasping Shadows centered on P16. I don't know if this catches any skulls in the area 1 burst? If so please feel free to roll the attack for me - +11 vs Will; 1d8+8 psychic damage. (Any creature that enters the area of the grasping shadows takes 5 psychic damage and is slowed until the end of its next turn.)

Action Point: Illusory Ambush vs. Skeleton. (1d20+11=14, 1d6+8=10) Likely a miss, drat. (-2 to attacks if it's a miraculous hit.)

Move: to M24

Reactions: Shield/Fade Away if appropriate... doesn't seem like anyone is likely to attack Roswyn, but I guess more rats or something could appear. :-S[/sblock]
[sblock=Roswyn stat block]Lady Roswyn d'Sivis- Female Gnome Wizard 5
Passive Perception: 12, Passive Insight: 17
AC:18, Fort:14, Reflex:18, Will:19 -- Speed:5
HP:32/39, Bloodied:19, Surge Value:9, Surges left:4/7
Initiative +2
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: NOT USED
Powers: Cantrips, Illusory Ambush, Scorching Burst,
Orb of Deception, Grasping Shadows, Hypnotic Pattern,
Shield, Horrid Whispers, Summon Abyssal Maw,
Majestic Word, Fade Away, Cloak of Resistance


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Shava's eye's go wide at the rapid destruction before her. She raises her dagger, but her concentration is thrown. The skeleton creature ignores the spell as it merely lifts dust off the ground. Her compatriots may observe a gentle breeze.

Tamarand slowly gets to his feet, the arcane energies from Tondrek bringing him back from the long darkness. Wiping blood that was flowing from a split lip, the drow looked at the foes arrayed against him. He knew that he had to get away from them, but he could hardly stand. Tamarand knew his body was failing him, but his mind was ever sharp and he had to use it. There was one weapon in his repertoire that he possessed that might help him. He unleashed a wave of anger unleashed, the drow's pent-up rage was set loose and slammed into the mummy next to him. The force of the blast sent it hurtling down the hallway as a whirlwind suddenly surrounded the drow. It carried him back down towards his allies and set him down next to Tondrek.

Roswyn nods gratefully to her friend as she joins her. "I just don't want to be all alone as the closest to those bodies after we pass through the - " The gnome stops abruptly as the drow is hammered by the previously unseen attackers. "Never mind," she mutters as explosions of fire and wind fill the passage.

"Hey, Tamarand!" she calls as the battered sorcerer flies back in retreat. "I see you're tougher than you look!" Arcane power fills her words, healing her ally's wounds.

She spins her orb, gathering shadows which she flings down to the intersection. None of the creatures are within the field of shadow tendrils, but they will have a hard time passing through without the illusion slowing them down. Next she turns her attention to the four-armed skeleton menacing Rohna. She sends an illusion of graveworms to harry it, but the spell is hurried and feeble. Finally, she scurries back around the corner, trying to stay out of the line of fire.

[sblock=ryryguy]I won't consider your ap spent since the baddies you know of are not near the AoE.[/sblock]

A pair of heads of goblinoids round the corners. The skulls are wreathed in flame and hover near the ceiling. The skulls clench their jaws together, and in front of their high foreheads a ball of flame appears and then flies towards the group, taking advantage of their tight formation. Tamarand is is burned by the spell, his dark skin red and blistered. Tondrek is caught unaware, the flame burning his hair to his scalp. Rohna's heavy armor absorbs the heat burning her beneath plates. Doggie collapses, it's joints melting in the great heat, and it's magic expended. Shava is struck as well, her hair flickering with flame and covering her shoulders with ash. The flames lick around the corner to Roswyn but she raises an arcane shield to prevent the worst of the wounds.

[sblock=ooc]Tamarand, Tondrek, Rohna, Doggie, Shava, Roswyn (1d20+12=27, 1d20+12=30, 1d20+12=22, 1d20+12=32, 1d20+12=25, 1d20+12=18)Hits everybody(CRITS Doggie). Damage: 19(half on miss) fireball damage(skulls) to all (3d6+6=19)hits everybody. Roswyn uses shield, but takes half damage anyway.[/sblock]

The second skull uses a similar tactic and launches another fireball at the group. Tamarand, already seriously injured can't dodge the flames. He falls again, at least this time he is near his allies.

Tondrek, his hair already burned to his scalp sees his staff smolder as well as his arms. His heritage kicks in and he feels a bit invigorated.

Rohna's stony skin protects her from most of the flame, though she feels as much pain as she has in quite a while.

Shava is able to invoke her magic in time, as much of the flame around her is thrust away by her thunderous power, though it still severely hurts her.

Roswyn, already around the corner is engulfed by the flames of the second skull. The gnome suddenly feels the presence of her twin, and disappears from view.

Another Fireball vs Tamarand, Tondrek, Rohna, Shava, Roswyn (1d20+12=23, 1d20+12=15, 1d20+12=13, 1d20+12=17, 1d20+12=25) another skull fireball (3d6+6=16) 16 fire damage. Half on miss. roswy uses racial power.[/sblock]

The frost bitten zombie moves forward and charges Tondrek. The fist slams against Tondrek's chest, and the half-orc sucks air. His lungs fail him and he can't seem to move and a chill overcomes his body.

[sblock=ooc]Z vs Tondrek AC (1d20+12=27, 1d6+4=10)Hit Tondrek for 10. Tondrek is immbolized until the zombies next turn and takes ongoing 5 cold damage. Tondrek, Tamarand and skelly take 5 cold damage at the start of their next turn(aura).[/sblock]

The chill air from the zombie chills the skeleton, covering it's limbs in frost. Continuing to strike at the goliath, the skeleton lashes out with a flurry of blades again. The strikes start to take off the endurance of the goliath, keeping her off her guard.

[sblock=ooc]S vs Rohna AC (1d20+13=31, 1d8+4=6, 1d20+13=19, 1d8+4=7, 1d20+13=15, 1d8+4=10, 1d20+13=27, 1d8+4=12)2 hits. 8 damage after DR.[/sblock]

The mummy's wounds are of no consquence as it heals. The creature rounds the corner and stands over the prone body of the drow. It's very prescence inspires fear in those nearby.

[sblock=ooc]M heals, you guys that are within 5 squares of M take a -2 to attacks against M[/sblock]

Init Round 2:

Baddies: 24--Acted
Rohna: 19--
Tondrek: 17--
Shava: 10--
Tamarand: 7--
Roswyn: 4

Tondrek: 20/58 5/10(13) AP: 1--bloodied; immoblized until the end of Z's next turn; ongoing 5 cold damage(save ends); takes 5 damage at the start of next turn(aura)
Tamarand: -7/46 6/8(11) AP: 2--bloodied; unconscious, dying; takes 5 damage at start of next turn. mummy rot; +5 AC until end of Tondrek next turn; takes 5 cold damage at start of next turn(aura)
Shava: 17/44 2/7(11) AP: 1--bloodied
Roswyn: 7/39 4/7(9) AP: 2(1) --bloodied-invisible
Rohna: 19/57 resist 5 until end of next turn; 10/15 AP: 1--bloodied; takes 5 cold damage at start of next turn

Z: -11
M: -29
S: -5

[sblock=WOW]I think this may be the hardest combat you guys may have. I think it is the most damage I've done to all of you.[[/sblock]


  • The Dead Walk Round 2.xls
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[sblock=ooc]DM, thank you for using my defenses.

Team, I either need more space, or a way to get to the other side of them without provoking 3 OAs if I'm going to use my remaining potent power. Seeing as how Tondrek is immobilized, I'm open to ideas.[/sblock]

[sblock=Quick Stats]
Shava Devla d'Lyrandar
Female Half-Elf Sorcerer 5
Initiative +5; Senses Passive Insight 19, Passive Perception 12
HP 17/44, Bloodied 19, Surge Value 9, Surges 2/7
AC 16; Fortitude 15, Reflex 16, Will 19 (+2 to defenses TENT)
Speed 6
AP: 1

Skills Arcana +7, Athletics +12, Diplomacy +13, Insight +9
Feats Mark of Storm, Sorcerous Blade Channeling, Sure Climber
Equipment Challenge-Seeking Dagger +2, Sylvan Cloth Armor (Basic Clothing) +1, Safewing Amulet +1, Identification Papers, with Portrait, Waterskin, Sunrod (2), Rope, hempen (50 ft.), Pouch, Belt (empty), Rations, Trail (10), Grappling Hook, Flint and Steel, Everburning Torch, Backpack (empty), Arcane Signet Ring, Ritual Book, Belt of Vim, 1 Healiing Potion
Rituals Summon Winds

Lightning Strike, Storm Walk
Guiding Strike, Thunder Slam, Thundering Gust, Sorcerous Sirocco, Storm Power Defenses, Second Wind
Howling Tempest, Thunder Leap
Full Sheet[/sblock]



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Round 2 Combat Actions:

As her steely hide absorbs the chill of the mummy, Rohna shakes her head as most of the group blatantly ignore her tactical advice and bunch up to allow the blasters to capitalize just like she said they would. "This threat is beyond any of us. Retreat if you want to live." Rohna uses the fact that her racial power is still active to disengageand move as far back down the hall as she can, Mitra follows around the corner as best she can.

Move: 10 spaces back down the hall
Standard: [/sblock][sblock=Mini Rohna]Rohna AC24, HP 13/57 (Temp HP 0), Resist all 1, Surges/Value 10/15, Saves: F21/R16/W16, AP: 1/1
Crushing Surge
Throwing Shield

Pass Forward
Rhino Strike
Passing Attack
Stone's Endurance
Spirit's Fang
Spirit Speak
Villain's Menace
Crack the Shell[/sblock]OOC - As the only reason Rohna didn't die right there was her stone's endurance, and thats gone now, she is out of there.
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[sblock=What?]Evo, I know that Grasping Shadows would not have hit any enemies, but it created a zone that would have damaged and slowed the opponents when they entered it. I think this might have stopped the zombie at least from getting into attack range as well as damaging the others. That was the whole idea.[/sblock]

[sblock=Vertexx]I did take your advice and go around the corner, it didn't do any good. What is the the area on those fireballs? Yeah, we're basically screwed here.[/sblock]
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[sblock=Effect of Zone]Evo, if you had not undone my action and removed the zone, here's what I think would have happened.

The zombie moves 2 squares south and enters the zone, taking 5 damage and slowed. His move stops since he is slowed. His speed is now 2 and he can't hit any of us with a charge.

The zone extended one square down the eastern corridor. So the mummy would have to have moved at least 2 squares before hitting it given how far Tamarand pushed him. He hits the zone, takes damage, is slowed and his move stops. He can take a second move to move 2 squares further into the intersection if he wants.

The skull on the east side might not have been able to attack depending how far down east it was. If it started three or more squares from the intersection, it would have moved two squares by the time it hits the zone, causing it to stop due to becoming slowed. It has to take a second move action now in order to get into the intersection, so it can't attack too.

I have to say, I'm pretty annoyed that you canceled out my action. It seemed like one of the best opportunities I've had as a controller to actually control the battle. I had a followup move planned too. Can you please go back and un-cancel my action?[/sblock]


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[sblock=ooc]Sorry ryry guy. I made a judgement call since their was no enemies nearby and I was wrong. I'll fix it up tomorrow.[/sblock]

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