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Adventure: Echoes of O

Don Incognito

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"You are all lucky that I picked this tome up some years ago. Had I not. your trail would likely have gone cold. I'll see what I can do about the fur, but in the mean time, please, make yourselves at home. Maitre'd will care to your every need."

With that, Allip takes a small sample of the fur you found and retires to his study.

[sblock=OOC]Any further questions will be answered in the form of the book that 7 Rabbit is currently studying. You can take an extended rest before moving out in the morning. This is my way of saying that I'm ready to move on, although now would be an EXCELLENT time to RP amongst yourselves.[/sblock]

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Lord Sessadore

Raiyek waits until Allip has left, and then looks around the room quickly. It seems there is just the five of them in the room now. Without saying a word, he eyes up each of his companions. After a couple moments, he walks over to a bare section of the wall with his usual perfect posture and leans his shield against it, then does likewise with his sword and spear. Leaving his companions to whatever they might be doing, he unfastens his cloak, folds it, and places it by his weapons. Then he takes off the white tabard, giving a critical eye to the tears made by his several fights that day. After laying his pack against the wall as well, he begins stripping off his armor piece by piece. Each piece receives a close inspection and a cleaning, and then he places it in a neat pile by the wall. After the last plate is off, he places his helm on the top of the pile. The entire spectacle seems so smooth that it must be a daily ritual of his.

Raiyek is now wearing no armor, nor carrying his weapons; this is the first time any of the group has seen him in such a state. His clothes are incredibly simple - tunic and pants made of a breathable cotton, undyed, of a plain, fairly formless cut. He looks almost ... unremarkable, were it not for his striking eyes and large frame (large for an elf, that is).

Still not having said a single word, the elf finds the biggest, softest, closest, and most comfortable-looking chair in the room, and ... collapses into it. His ramrod-straight military posture has absolutely evaporated; the elf is taking up as much of the chair as possible, limbs splayed out, slouched as far as he can go. He looks like an ordinary working man come home from a long day of manual labour, exhausted.

With a great sigh, he says, "By Palladys ... what a day." With that, he closes his eyes, though it's clear he's not going to sleep, just resting. "But this is a nice chair. So what does the book say, dear Rabbit?"
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Dawn Raven

First Post
With a quick grin to Kruk, Les also takes a chair. Her ever present leather satchel is tossed to the floor beside it causing a crash as the chain inside falls to the floor. Unlike Raiyek, she keeps her armor on presumably for reasons other than comfort. "I didn't think you ever relaxed. These chairs are comfortable but...something is missing."

The gith grins, planning on taking full advantage of the current situation. "Maitre'd! Could you please bring us some food and drink? Wine preferably..." Her eyes glint with mischief and her tone carries a definite command that is not to be refused. Hopefully, her voice will carry to the warforged.

With that taken care of, Les pulls falls back into the chair and looks over to Seven-Rabbit.

Lord Sessadore

Raiyek opens one eye, looking out of the bottom at Les. Closing it again, he says, "One thing I've learned, my dear, is to take advantage of an opportunity to relax when it presents itself." He raises one forearm, finger pointed to the ceiling, as though he's making an important point. "Being on guard and at attention permanently just gives you a sore back and a lack of appreciation for the simple things." He chuckles as he lowers his arm, a smile remaining on his face. He's clearly enjoying this. "Hmm .. by the way, Les, how old are you, if you don't mind my asking. Here I'm giving advice like an old geezer, and you could be my senior! I've always been horrible at telling age with your folk."

Don Incognito

First Post
"Of course" says the warforged, who leaves the room only to return shortly carrying a full plate of food, drink, plates, etc. He places the tray down on a nearby table, and begins unloading food.

"I never got a chance to apologize for my behavior at the tavern, miss. Rest assured that I was deeply embarrassed by Borius' behavior. The nerve of that man! do you know that he once sent me to a brothel to procure a night's entertainment for him? I mean, can you imagine, ME, in a brothel? The...er...proprietor of the establishment was quite incensed, as you can well imagine. She had never seen a warforged before, let along having one asking for the finest of her ladies. Needless to say, she provided me with a comely lass who had the unfortunate pleasure of spending the evening with Borius. That man is a bother, I tell you..."

The warforged continues to prattle on, his only apparent topic of conversation being how awful his master is.


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Rabbit sits awkwardly in a chair, looking uncomfortable in his gaudy armour but too enraptured in the book to say anything. Absently he replies to Raiyek's question: "Mmmm?"


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Kruk, seeing the warforged with the plate of food, reaches over to take some, but thinks better of it after considering the consequences of stealing the gith's food. She'd put me through more pain than being the "pebble" of an O ritual. Kruk shudders at the thought.

"Hey, got any roast lamb and a barrel of ale?...well maybe a pint of ale, just enough to wet the pallet. Tomorrow we're on the hunt and I've got to be sharp. Save the barrel until I get back." " With that he laughs and then lets out a huge sigh. Fatigue sets in again. Kruk finds a corner of the room, collapses on the floor, resting his back against the wall.

"We must put an end to this madness. I for one am looking forward to sinking my axe into the foul spell caster's head. "

Looking at the palley, the warlord, the warlock and the rogue, Kruk states "You all fought well. I'm honored to fight at your side."

With that, Kruk closes his eyes, too tired to wait for his food, and falls into deep sleep.
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Dawn Raven

First Post
The warm food and wine bring a delighted look to the gith's face and she eagerly accepts both from the warforged. She nods at him when he apologizes and throws an amused look to Raiyek and the now sleeping Kruk. "Well, It is good to know that Borius really is as awful as I imagine him to be. Although the image of you at a brothel is just..." Les trails off into laughter.

After a moment, she stifles her giggles and looks over to Raiyek with a mock serious look. "What sort of manner is this? To ask a lady her age? I 'twould not answer even if I knew the answer." She glances over to the sleeping dwarf and then back. "Do you think we should have him taken to a room?"

Finding -anything- about githyanki is pretty hard. From what I can see they usually live to be like..200? I'll just stick with Les having lost count!


First Post
"It was well fought today but we all must catch some rest now if we were to go after the mage.", saying this, Ashurn resigns to a corner of the room into the embrace of the shadows, closing his eyes slowly as he drifts into sleep.

Lord Sessadore

Replying to Rabbit, the elf says, "Oh, I was just wondering if you learned anything new from that book yet. Think it might tell us what kind of ritual the Oan might be planning? Don't spend all night reading that book, though. I have a feeling we're going to need our strength tomorrow."

Raiyek chuckles at Les' reply. "Haha, my apologies, I forgot myself. Forget that I asked," he says, waving a hand in the air, eyes still closed. "Mmm ... that food smells good, Maitre'd. Mind if I have some, Les?"

When she asks about Kruk he says, "Well, if he's comfortable there, we could just leave him." Grinning, he continues, "He's a grown dwarf, if he wants a room he can ask for one."

Voidrunner's Codex

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