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Adventure: Food of the Gods (DM: ryryguy, Judge: renau1g)


Jynxx opens his eyes, slowly... "What the h377 took you so long sister? Those dang minnows nearly ate me alive! Dad will hear about this!" His characteristic grin pushes though his serious act, has he reaches over and taps her on the shoulder. He pulls her close and whispers, [sblock=Ciliani] "I had a plan sis, it's ok. I wanted to see what our "friends" would do. They proved themselves admirably, and have shown that we are more than just traveling companions with a reward before us. My only regret is that I had to nearly get eaten to discover it."[/sblock]

Jynxx sits up and looks around, "Well, do we have time to start a fire?"


If the group decides that we have time... I'll use a Create Campsite to set one up. If we don't have time... I won't LOL. It takes 10 minutes to cast and lasts 8 hours. [/sblock]

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Stomping out of the water after helping anyone get across, Chaku barks out a laugh over Jynxx's suggestion. Campfire may be good, but we are close to Fulcrum are we not? If we are to bed down for the night, should we not do so at an Inn? Counting the males and females, Chaku grins even wider. Excellent, we even match up well, no need to waste bedspace with uneven numbers. Thinking hard over toward Jynxx he attempts to send his thoughts:
Hoping his message got through, Chaku starts to strip off his armor and most of his damp underclothes, revealing large patches of his lithoderms as well as a multitude of scarring and pock marks from years of harsh tundra life. Spinning the clothing into a rope, he squeezes most of the water out off on the side of the road before shaking them out and redressing. Ahh, much better, not as sticky from sweat and blood!
[sblock=Healing]1 surge spent to top him off[/sblock]
[sblock=Chaku's stats]Chaku - Goliath Barbarian 1
Passive Perception 12, Passive Insight 12
AC 16, Fort 16, Reflex 12, Will 13
HP 33/33, Bloodied 16, Surge Value 8, Surges 6/12
Speed 6, Initiative +1
Action Points: 0, Second wind
At-Will Powers: Howling Strike, Howl of Fury
Encounter Powers: Avalanche Strike, Swift Charge, Stone's Endurance
Daily Powers: Bloodhunt Rage
Racial Features: Mountain's Tenacity, Powerful Athlete, Stone's Endurance
Class Features: Barbarian Agility, Feral Might, Rageblood Vigor, Rampage
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First Post
"We probably have time for a fire, but I'd rather not take it. I don't really want to camp out here. I'd prefer to simply take a short rest and then move on to Fulcrum. It will be safer there. The last thing I want is more of those fanatics interrupting my sleep."

She chooses to ignore Chaku's comment about matching up and not wasting bedspace for the moment.

[sblock=ooc]Since I assume we had to take a short rest for Jynxx to wake up, I'll be spending 2 surges during that time to return to full HP.[/sblock]


First Post
"This isn't really the best place to camp," Kaeysari says. "These trees are too thick. Someone could get right up on us before we'd notice. We're exhausted, but I think marching the rest of the way to Fulcrum is less of a risk than staying here."

[sblock=ooc]Kaeysari, I guess, will spend her remaining surges.[/sblock]


"Whelp, I guess we are moving on then eh? Let's be off." Jynxx marches along in his wet armor, wishing suddenly that he could dry them off. He looks around, looking at his companions, "Well! Get moving!"

Jynxx laughs in response to Chaku's mental barrage. "Take your time. Spread your thoughts out. You nearly made that sound like a foreign language. And yes, I am close to my sister... no bed will be shared." He tossed a wink at Chaku. [sblock=telepathy to Chaku]"Although the others are fair game for you."[/sblock]


Jynnx will use 3 healing surges... yay him![/sblock]


First Post
Papolstaanas splashes over to the rock, still nervous about the fish--there could be other pointy fish, even though those particular pointy fish seem to have been disposed of--but finally he screws up enough courage to jump in and retrieve his javelin.

He agrees with Azryah and Kaeysari. "I-I think we should press on," he says. "We have the sunrod's light for several hours, and who knows where that one that ran away got to... we, we shouldn't stay."

[sblock=surges]Papolstaanas spends 3 to heal to full, assuming we get a Song of Rest.[/sblock]
[sblock=ministats]Papolstaanas Male Kobold Warden 1
Initiative: +2
Passive Perception: 16; Passive Insight: 11; Senses: Normal
AC:19, Fort:15, Reflex:14, Will:12
HP:35/35, Bloodied:17, Surge Value:8, Surges left:4/13
Action Points: 1
Tempest Assault
Weight of Earth
Warden’s Fury (immediate interrupt)
Warden’s Grasp (immediate reaction)

Gale Strike
Second Wind
Student of the Sword (feat)

Form of Winter's Herald[/sblock]


First Post
The group's rest leaves them somewhat refreshed (and those who went in the water, somewhat drier). But it's been a long, hard day, and their reserves are running quite low. An inn bed at Fulcrum

Before leaving the area, the group searches the bodies of the ambushers. Again, in addition to equipment, each has a small stone bowl and a pouch containing a small amount of zocalti powder mixed with small bits of some spongy plant substance. The dwarves also have small stacks of the large Magari gold coins tied up with thongs, while the pale man was carrying a fairly large sack of cash, a mixture of Magari and Daunton-issued coins.

Additionally, one of the dwarfs' heavy armor is unusual on close inspection. To a casual glance, it looks like plate mail, but it's actually a set of scale mail, but its overlapping plates are set so closely together that it's difficult to see the seams. Difficult for killing blows to penetrate them, too.

[sblock=History DC 15 (active/passive)]The armor is a style found in the Kingdom of Jade. Who knows where this Magari picked it up.[/sblock]
Cillani, last on the other side of the bridge, examines the bodies of the attackers on that shore. That dwarf also had an interesting item: his club is obviously out of the ordinary. Carved from a single piece of black stone, it has a fat, hammer-like head. Dark purple whorls of some semi-precious mineral are worked into the haft. The same material is inlaid in a carved rune on the head, which glows dimly.

[sblock=Arcana DC 15 (active/passive)]The rune is an old symbol of primitive origin that means "hunger".[/sblock]
The party remains alert and on guard as they progress down the road under rapidly darkening skies. About five minutes along, Jynxx spots a set of tracks leading off into the jungle perpendicular to the road. They appear several hours old. The tracks were made by a group of approximately ten people.

ooc: you can make active Perception checks to try to get more details on the tracks if you like... then decide whether to follow them, or continue down the road to Fulcrum.

[sblock=XP and Loot!]

Bridge (encounter 4):
  • Pale Man (aka "Onster Glarrak") (Level 3 Elite Artillery) (300 xp)
  • 2 Dwarf Hammerer (Level 3 Soldier) (300 xp)
  • 2 Blood Warriors* (aka Poisonscale Magus) (Level 2 Artillery) (250 xp)
  • 4 Human Rabble (Level 2 Minion) (124 xp)
  • 1 Piranha Swarm (aka Needlfang Drake Swarm) (Level 1 Soldier) (125 xp)

* I'm still giving XP for the guy who fled, since he did contribute to the difficulty of the encounter, and you basically defeated him.

1099 total XP (Encounter Level 4 - Hard)
+10% for difficult encounter setup/terrain (5 space gap!)
= 1209
/ 6 PCs
= 201.5
x 2 (L4W bonus)
= 403 total XP per player

That's enough for level 2. Congratulations! :D You can level up after an extended rest (presumably in Fulcrum).


  • 120 gp cash
  • maw of the guardian warhammer +1
  • fortification scale armor +1

(Note, I still owe you some more loot for level 1... One more item and lots of cash. I'll try to see that you get it soon!)


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[sblock=Checks]Arcana: 1d20+3=21
History: 1d20+5=21
Perception: 1d20+9=25[/sblock]

As the group approaches the tracks Azryah asks that they pause so she can take a quick peek around. "I know we're all tired, but best to be cautious. Besides this could be a good clue for the morrow, if nothing else."


First Post
Papolstaanas doesn't take much interest in the loot; the idea of sorting through the possessions of these people vaguely disgusts him. He takes his armor off (revealing a surprising amount of thick, corded muscle) and sits down on the riverbank. He is about to scoop up some water to clean the noxious blood off his face, when he is reminded of the pointy fish, and decides to keep his hands out of the river. He instead retrieves a waterskin from his backpack and drinks an enormous amount, pausing only to have a small fit of coughing here and there. When his throat finally feels clear again, he dumps more water on his head, rubs his face energetically, and finally feels more like his usual self.

"I wonder how many more of these zocaltipla--zocaltipatla--people there are," he says. "It seems like these ones were specifically looking for us. And however are we going to fix this bridge?"


First Post
Examining the tracks that Jynxx points out, Azryah notices that two of the sets of tracks are deeper than the rest, with shorter strides, matching dwarves in heavy armor. She carefully determines the total number of traces. It is a match to the group that attacked you.

[sblock=ooc]Waiting for a consensus/majority about which path to take.[/sblock]

[sblock=Papolstaanas]The warhammer is from your list... did it change while I wasn't looking? (not that you have to grab it right away in character)

(also, nice post! Papolstaanas' character shines through in every post you make!)[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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