Adventure: Food of the Gods (DM: ryryguy, Judge: renau1g)


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"Are you the chef?" mumbles Papolstaanas, who is a little slow on the uptake today, being sleepy and a little hung over. "Do you happen to know what's in a Shadowfell Sling?"

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Jynxx tip-toes onto the deck. Seeing the genasi he sprints over to her, "Get me out of here! Hurry!" Jynxx looks near panic, his eyes watering as he spoke. "We have to leave now!"

[sblock=DM and Chaku]

Jynnx gives the goliath a mental prompt to start his rant. He will act terrifed when Chaku pops onto the deck.

DM... Can u roll my bluff for me please? I'm on my phone lol. +10 bluff... Cmon chaku make it good lol. [/sblock]


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As Jynxx dashes upstairs, Chaku quickly removes his boot, wiggling his toes a bit before donning a mask of anger. Stomping up on deck, he spots Jynxx with a genasi. Cabin boy! he roars, looking his best to be as imposing as a 7'8" goliath can, I said ye couldn't see da sky till the me boots're spotless. Do these LOOK spotless to you? He says as he drops his boots at Jynxx's feet. This be da third time this week ye've skipped out on chores. Grabbing Jynxx by the scruff of his shirt, he hangs him over the edge of the boat. This be what we do ta those who skip der chores! he roars, spittle flying off his mouth into the ocean. No, can't do dat, those adventurers we be carrying hired ye to carry their bags, since ye were cheaper den a packmule, and I dunna want to refund der money, he says, draggin Jynxx back on deck. With a shift of his weight and heft of his massive arms, she skips Jynxx on his bum off toward the stairs down below deck. Git back belowdeck, and no more jabbering on ta de passengers! Oh and, he says, picking up his boots. FINISH MAH BOOTS! he flings his boots toward the prone Jynxx, intentionally going high and into the stairway down.

Turning to the newest arrival, his tone immediately changes Sorry about dat missy, dat slave be thinkin he be better dan his post. Are ye another member of dat party for miss Hedra? Ye wait here an I be tellin dem yer here. One a de men be in der smallclothes, and ye dunna wanna see dat I'm sure.

As he turns to head belowdecks he sees Jynxx still sitting there, so he grabs him by the back of the shirt and start to drag him bodily below deck mumbling something about making him use his bits to scrub the barnacles. He also snags his boots when out of sight.

[sblock=Bluff check, DM and Jynxx]1d20=18 That is about the best he can do, now lets see how it goes![/sblock]


Jynxx shoots a pleading look toward his adopted sister. "Help me, buy me back." Echoes through her mind as the defeated looking bard slinks below deck.

[sblock=Below Deck]

Jynxx returns to the same room as the others, fixing his clothing as he enters. His smile was broader than ever. He bowed slightly to the others, "I am sorry, I forgot something rather important upstairs." Dismissing himself politely, he turns and hurries up stairs. There was a good possibility he would need to intervene soon. [/sblock]


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Azryah listens closely to all of Castofle's talk. She finds his way of looking at things quite interesting. If nothing else, he was clearly passionate about his work and that was something she could admire.

She continued to listen to the talk and planning in silence, not really sure what else to say at this juncture. She didn't think marching single file was a terribly good plan regardless, unless the terrain didn't allow for anything else. She didn't really know how to explain how she fought either, but taking a look around at the assembled weapons, and assuming that the kobold was a primarily melee fighter if they thought he should be marching in front, it seemed like if any fighting were to happen, they would all be in the thick of things anyway. She wasn't used to fighting with more than one other companion so she was having a hard time envisioning things their way.


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Chaku returns to the group, barely containing his laughter. Finding an out of the way corner, he props himself up and returns his boots to their rightful place. Sorry about that, Jynxx has a lady-friend up top and wanted me to pretend to rough him up in front of her. I guess she likes the wounded dove approach. Chaku’s cheek’s darken a bit as he realizes he’s talking to two women and a young kobold who probably hasn’t started thinking of females in those terms yet. Well, have we decided anything about the battle plans? Kaeysari seems to have a pretty good understanding of tactics, I guess can do my best to be flanking cavalry.



So.... Charm just informed me that she will be out of net til monday. It's up to you Ry if you wanna NPC her or not. I could post for her, but i'm not sure how 1)fair 2)fast paced it will be.

Anyways, she has a +9 to insight, which I can't roll for her due to my computer hating invisiblecastle.

I'm sorry for the troubles...



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// OOC: Jynxx's Bluff check fooled Cillani, but Chaku's did not...

Cillani smiled sweetly as the sailor pointed her towards the stairs heading down. She only managed to take one step before Jynxx threw himself towards her. She stared startled as he pleaded for her to take him off the boat, before she can speak a large man comes upstairs yelling at her brother. Everything happened so fast she wasn't sure what to make of the situation until the man addresses her. There. "Nice try brother!" a smile crosses her face as she glides over the deck and follows the two.
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