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Adventure: Food of the Gods (DM: ryryguy, Judge: renau1g)


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Feeling emboldened by the success of his allies, Chaku steps over near Papolstaanas and whispers, Hey, if you can get some pods or bits of leaves over near that smoldering hut, I'll try and unleash some primal fury to show we aren't ones to mess with. He then steps away, casually strolling to about 25-30 feet away from the referenced hut.

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Papolstaanas says, "Oh!" and then immediately lowers his voice. "All right," he whispers to Chaku with a grin, and sidles away while the hobgoblins are distracted by Azryah's talk of omens. Interesting things start piling up silently near the burning hut.

[sblock=ooc]Papolstaanas wants to help Chaku by collecting some materials for him to smash in a spectacular fashion (wood, bits of fruit, etc.). I'm using Stealth as my assist skill, the idea being that Papolstaanas slips away while everyone else is talking and the thugs won't notice all the stuff being piled up, so the performance will be all the more surprising.

Stealth: 1d20+8=20. The bonus is +8 rather than +6 because P doesn't have his shield out.[/sblock]


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Kaeysari growls quietly, and moves around behind the others, drawing herself up to her full height and moving with practiced ease.

[sblock=actions]Athletics check in aid of an Intimidate check. 1d20+11=22[/sblock]


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A smirk spreads across her face as she sorts through what she knows and what everyone else is doing and yet feels like she's missing some vital piece of information. Her eyes move towards the one hiding in the robe with writings on him and linger there. "Signs are very tricky things to understand sometimes it's worth jumping at shadows." She offers a very sad and understanding smile to anyone paying her the least bit of attention.

Woot! heh
1d20+8=25 [/sblock]


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Once the pile of remnants reaches an acceptable level, Chaku mentally calls out to the spirits of thunder, Great spirits of thunder and lightning, heed my call and answer the request of your servant. Come to me and let scatter these brigands to the four winds. The barbarian then claps his hands together and slowly begins to rub them together, the friction creating occasional sparks, which grow in frequency as he continues.

Before long, his hands glow with raw primal energies, crackling for a release he is happy to oblige. Taking off at a run towards the hut, Chaku leaps skyward, dragging the force of nature with him. 10, 15, 20, 25 feet he flies, an increadable feat for one of his size. As he nears the ground, he connects with the elements again, Thunder and Lightning, I release you from my service. An unnerving cry echos through the camp and goliath lands, driving the spirits into the ground, and unleashing a shockwave throughout the hut, carrying the smoldering embers and Papolstaanas' stash on it's blast wave. Chaku slowly rises from his croutched state, rolling his massive shoulders and partially flexing his rippling muscles as the dust and leaves from his devestation outline his form.

Returning to his friends, he flicks off a bit of ash that landed on his shoulder before turning back to the goblinoid group. Weirdos...? he asks the leader, clearly irritated at the reference. I hear a hammer to the face is another bad omen, Just ask them. He points off toward the burnt bodies tossed on the fires, two of which have clearly shattered bones in multiple places.

[sblock=Mechanics]Athletics check for the jump: 1d20+14=28
Intimidate check: 1d20=20 NAT 20 baby!
I mistakenly added Kaeysari's +2 to the Athletics not Intimidate, and didn't know if I'd get a bonus from my Hulk jump. Either way, that's about as scary as Chaku gets.[/sblock]
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//OOC: Idea time. Since we are pretty well set on successes, how about this for diplomacy/peace keeping. We take the bushel, but let them have Krassus as collateral. We then go after the dwarf and co. Once we obtain more bushels, we will hopefully have more than the few we need, and we can trade the extra bushels for Krassus in Fulcum where the goblinoids can wait for us.

Pros: We have control of all the zocalti until we decide to trade it.
We don’t have to escort Krassus back.
If they turn on him, we have enough info on his double dealings that Hedra might not be too peeved

Cons: We might lose any bonuses Hedra could provide for bringing extra zocalti.
If they turn on him, we might not have enough info on his double dealings that Hedra will be peeved.

Thoughts, ideas, things I missed?//


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[sblock=ooc]I'm all for convincing them they don't really want any of it badly enough to mess with us right now, actually. I don't think Hedra will be real happy if she finds out that we gave any of it up willingly; and rest assured that if we do, she will.[/sblock]


Jynxx looks at his goliath friend and offers a somewhat confusing smile. To Chaku and anyone else that looks at Jynxx it appears to be a mixture between happiness and an apparent discomfort. "I believe my friend does not care for your words. To be quite honest, I don't either. We have done nothing until now to show any ill will unto you and your group. Your own words will lead to the fight neither of us truly desires."

"I would suggest that you go now, and we will send a messenger to your employer along with the zocalti. That is as good of an offer as you will obtain from us now. The alternative... well death doesn't suit many people well does it sister?" he says as he turns back to look at her.


Okay, that last comment turned out to be WAY more complex than I had intended. Also, I wasn't quite planning on a show of strength, but I tried to improvise for it lol. Part of that was a bluff, I'm not going to send a freaking thing to them. Part was... pointing out Chaku's intimidate, part is streetwise I guess... maybe Diplomacy too? lol I rolled the bluff, but will be happy to roll whatever else you think that last little bit requires. Didn't mean for it to come off the way it did.

Bluff: 1d20+10=15

Tactics: I think we can get them to back down easily enough. I'd like to get to the point where it's near blows, just to see how far they really are willing to go. I don't like giving them Krasseus, but I don't like us making him break his previous deal. This guy has to live here, we don't. I'd rather not make it so that some local guy is wanting to kick his ass cause then I'd feel bad :) [/sblock]
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[sblock=ooc]Wow, excellent Intimidation by Chaku!!

I won't have time for a full update until later this evening. But after Chaku's display, combined with Jynxx and Cillani's successes I think it's safe to say you've won this challenge, and you can keep all the stashed zocalti if you so choose. But sending Krassus back with them is not a bad idea - if you want to get him off your hands, it's up to you. Giving them a token amount of zocalti so they don't return completely empty handed would probably get them to agree to that.[/sblock]


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[sblock=ooc]Up to the group what to do about Krassus, but I think Az would rather question him further about these people; although she has no intentions of escorting him anywhere as that is too much a waste of time.[/sblock]

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