• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

(Adventure) Heroes of The Vesper Peaks (Uriel judging)


(I'm going to be at home this weekend. I'll try and get the update in during one of these nights. My bags are currently packed and I'm about to head out.)

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As the group moves forwards into the small corridor, cautiously in search of what might be ahead, the fog becomes incredibly thick. So thick, that it halves the light radius created by all non-magical light sources (which I believe is them all in this case). Low light vision only permits vision out to the normal ranges for non-magical light.

The traversal uphill into the core of the mountain is slow, and somewhat quiet, save for the heavy footsteps of the medium armored Grog at the rear of the party.

[Move Silently Rolls opposed by Listen Checks]
[Listen Checks Opposed by Spot Checks]
[Spot Checks Opposed by Hide Checks]

Those of you with low light vision see something ahead of Jagos. It appears to be standing upright, and has the outline of a human figure. Jagos is continuing forward unaware.

[b]This is the Corridor, it is 7.5 feet high, and 7.5 feet wide.[/b]
                                    GKRVMJ   }  S)                                 

S - Shadowy Humanoid Figure

J - Jagos Blueburn
R - Jaret
K - Kunst Ruhe
G - Grog
M - Marl Oconna
V - Vanadan
{} - Limits of Normal Vision
() - Limits of Low Light Vision


First Post
Jagos stops dead, draws his rapier, and tries to squint ahead to notice the figure. "Ahead of me?" he asks back quietly to Vanadan.

He stands still for about ten seconds, waiting for something to happen. If nothing does, he starts moving forward until the torch illuminates the figure.


First Post
"Yes. About 30 feet in front of you," the elf replies. "Get rid of it, quickly," he continues after discarding the chance that the figure might be friendly.


[Listen Check] Jagos: You hear a deep rhaspy breathing up ahead. Whatever it is, it seems to be drinking deeply of the fog.

Jagos takes a couple steps forwards till the fire of his torch reveals the figure, standing upright. It's mottled dark skin looks like it was never human. You can see that the ribs are shattered under the skin, as the creatures chest fills with air as it inhales, stretchign the shape and form of it's chest. It's eyes are closed, but something (perhaps the heat of the torch) causes it to jump back.

A second later, it screams with everything it has, crying out and echoing almost indefinitely through the small rocky corridor.

Just as quickly, the creature launches itself back at Jagos, claws scratching through the fog. Jagos, with readied action, stabs at the abomination with his rapier (13 total). He misses, but he also manages to avoid the creatures claws.

- Notes here: There is no concealment within 5 feet, but after that it slowly increases by 10% for each additional square of distance.

C - Creature - 5
J - Jagos Blueburn - 7
R - Jaret - 11
K - Kunst Ruhe - 19
G - Grog - 20
M - Marl Oconna - 18
V - Vanadan -12


Grog swiftly moves forward to Jagos side, and takes a number of attacks against the monster. He keeps it at bay, but doesn't land any sort of damaging blow.


Since he can't reach the creature, Jaret lights his hooded latern in case something happens to the torch or the torch bearer. As he does so, he begins to review his healing spells in his mind.

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