[Adventure] Hysteria's Ascendency (Judge: Stonegod)


First Post
"Well, look who duped us, mates."

Braddock moves to cut off the flank from the others.

He levels his curse at the closest wearrat and levels his craghammer. Froom the end of the craghammer comes a cacophany of battle horns, trumpets, shouts and cries. It is deafening to the ears. The wererat takes the brunt of the noise and the wererat minion is nowhere to be seen...

Movement: G-15. Gain Concealment.
Minor: Warlock's Curse Wererat (E-14)
Standard: Clarion Call: (blast 3) Wererat E-14, Minion G-13: 1d20+10+1 → [20,10,1] = (31), 1d20+10+1 → [14,10,1] = (25) Roll Lookup . Crit the Wererat for 22 +2d6 (crit) + 1d6 (curse): 2d6 + 1d6 → [6,4,1] = (11) Roll Lookup . So hit wererat for 33 damage and defeaned TENT, killed minion. Braddock gains 6 THP.

[sblock=ministats] Braddock the Historian, level 5 Warlock
Status: Concealment. +2 defenses vs. wererat G-14, +1 to F/R/W TENT.

Active Vestige: King Elldyr:
Eyes: Next ally to hit target gets a save.
Boon: Ally next to Braddock gains +2 all defenses TENT.

Init: +3 Speed: 5 Perception:12 Insight: 12
AC: 18 NAD: F: 19 R:18 W:15
HP: 41/52 THP 6/6 Surges: 11/11 Surge Value: 13 AP: 1
Languages: Dwarven
Str:10 Dex:13 Wis:10 Con:20 Int:16 Cha:10
MBA: +12 vs. AC, 1d10+9

At-Will: Eyes of the Vestige, Eldritch Strike, Warlock's Curse
Encounter: Clarion Call, Fortune Binding, Second Wind
Daily: Vestige of Thaxter, Charm of Hearts, Leather Armor of Dark Magesty, Vestige of Xandor

Benefits: +2 defenses against cursed enemies. +1 NAD after using Warlock's curse TENT.
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Really cool post when I'm not on ipod

OOC: Minor: Stoneskin robes (unless DM had let me do it earlier)
Standard: Drunken Monkey - hits wererat 2 slide to Q14, it does MBA vs Baldwin
Free: Centered flurry 4 damage to wererat 2 and slide to R14.
Move: Drunk move 9 should get me to K9 avoiding OA except for Wererat 2
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Slightly entitled.
Kellindil curses under the impact of the brutish wererat's weapon. Quickly returning to his feet, he draws his green-bladed longsword and, in a flurry of movement the wererat has no hope of following, slashes the monster twice in quick succession. The deft attacks stagger the beast and leaves its proverbial bell ringing.

"And so it begins, treachery abounds.." he mutters.

Move - Stand from prone
Minor - Draw Lifedrinker Longsword +1
Standard -
Action Point! -
  • Target - Wererat Brute (L10)
  • Attack - Low Slash vs. Ref 18; 1d20+11=21
  • Damage - Lifedrinker Longsword +1; 1d8+6=14+2 (for flanking)
  • Misc - Wererat Brute (L10) slid to M9; slowed until EONT; 41 total damage for round.
[/sblock][sblock=Stat Block]Kellindil Loreweaver - Male Elf Rogue 4
Init: +7, Passive Percept: 20, Passive Insight: 13
AC: 20, F: 13, R: 20, W: 15, Spd: 7
HP: 20/38, Blood: 19, Surge: 9, Surges left: 6/6
Second Wind: Avail, AP: 0/1, Milestones: 0
Str: 8, Con: 11, Dex: 21, Int: 10, Wis: 12, Cha: 15

Basic Attacks:
:bmelee: Basic Melee Attack: +5 vs AC – Lifedrinker Longsword +1; 1d8
:ranged: Ranged Basic Attack: +10 vs AC – Hand Crossbow; 1d6+5

Deft Strike, Piercing Strike
Dazing Strike, Elven Accuracy, Low Slash, Tumble
Blinding Barrage, Shadowdance Armor

  • +2 to AC vs. Opportunity Attacks
  • all non-elf allies within 5 squares gain a +1 to Perception checks
  • ignore difficult terrain while shifting

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RUNESTATE: DESTRUCTION: Allies get +1 to attack enemies adjacent to Orsik.

"I will enjoy mashing you to pulp, filth!"
growls the goliath, his maul coming up and flaring runes threatening those around.

He brings down the maul onto Baldwin's head, but wiry creature manages to take it onto the shoulder. He moves then to block easy getaway to protect his allies.

On hit Orsik gains +3 to damage vs attacker (Wrathful hammer) TENT and +1 to all defenses (Reinforcing armor) TSNT

Minor: Ready maul
Standard: Divine Rune of Thunder vs AC (Baldwin); destruction damage (1d20+12=28, 2d6+6+2+3=16) - use giantkind gloves to add 2 more to damage (18 total), Baldwin grants CA TENT
Move: shift P14

Runepriest is fiddly class and my bonuses will change constantly - please check my last post before your turn, I will list bonuses and effects depending on the runestate and powers used


First Post
Round 2: Baldwin’s Ambush

[sblock=Previous Rounds]Round 1 & HERE[/sblock]

Hissing and snarling, the dark-furred leopard slashed at the larger ratling. She dragged her claws across the creature's snout, a painful and distracting wound, then slid under its axe and around it, lunging at the other wererat as it tried to reload. The second creature was luckier, just managing to duck under Rikka's claws.

[sblock=Rikka]Because of your freakishly high perception (j/k) I’ll go ahead and say that you notice a poorly concealed trap door in the floor next to where you are at. I placed it on the map under wererat brute 1 (Q6).[/sblock]

Braddock moves to cut off the flank from the others. He levels his curse at the closest wererat and levels his craghammer. From the end of the craghammer comes a cacophony of battle horns, trumpets, shouts and cries. It is deafening to the ears. The wererat takes the brunt of the noise and the wererat minion is nowhere to be seen...

Quan's robes blunt the attack on him by another were-creature. He sees
himself surrounded and his form begins to disappate. The flies and fleas
that surround his unwashed body multiply then take over until all that
is left is a swarm. It moves away and spreads, into a cloud that
confuses some and injures one of the wererats.

[sblock=Quan]Stoneskin robes: I didn’t allow this before the encounter only because it didn’t affect any current affliction (i.e. ongoing dmg, disease effect, etc). If it had been something to modify a skill check, I would have allowed it .[/sblock]

Kellindil curses under the impact of the brutish wererat's weapon. Quickly returning to his feet, he draws his green-bladed longsword and in a flurry of movement the wererat has no hope of following, slashes the monster twice in quick succession. The deft attack staggers the beast and leaves its proverbial bell ringing. "And so it begins, treachery abounds.." he mutters.

[sblock=Kellindil]Nice round, but only 39 damage. +2 for flanking is for your attack roll. I assume this is a copy/paste error or is there an item/effect that gives you +2 dmg with flanking? Let me know if I’m wrong. EDIT: +2 from Low Slash. +2 dmg to Baldwin[/sblock]

Orsik brings down the maul onto Baldwin's head, but the wiry creature manages to take it onto the shoulder. He moves then to block easy getaway to protect his allies.

The remaining wererats all seem to wince and shake a little bit as their lycanthropic disease start to speed their healing unnaturally (all regenerate 5 hit points, except the minions).

The minion drops its loaded crossbow and draws its shortsword. It waits for the brute to move into position to flank the elf-in-cat-form, and then it shifts before it attacks Rikka and connects a solid blow. It seems more lethal when ganging up with its allies on an enemy.

The last crossbow wielding minion fires at the elf monk, which the agile elf monk dodges, then reloads, steps to the side and ducks down behind the wall again.

The last minion enters melee by charging Quan, after waiting for the wererat brute to step into flanking position. (sadly no CA wererat brute 2 is dazed TENT).

The wererat Braddock cursed hisses then steps in to try to bite the dwarf warlock. Its teeth just barely sink into the fleshy part of Braddock’s hand, but Braddock instantly feels the wererat’s diseased bite.

[sblock=Braddock]You have contracted Filth Fever. You immediately lose 1 healing surge. See Filth Fever sblock below[/sblock]

After being slid by the monk, the wererat gathers its wits the steps up to attack the goliath, cutting the giant’s arm.

The dagger throwing wererat raises its short sword and charges the now standing rogue. Kellindil’s sharp reflexes allows him to evade the charge.

The brute chases after the fast-moving cat, stepping into position to flank it, but the claw wounds to its face cause it to stumble. It misses its opportunity to attack.

The wererat brute staggers back from the elf rogue’s attacks. Not wishing to tangle with that one until better odds, he steps towards the elf monk, only to hiss in pain, the opening it saw quickly passes as the elf monk begins an attack of his own.

Baldwin hisses as the goliath tries to squash him with the massive hammer. Dodging to the side, it the hit still manages to catch his shoulder. Darting forward, he attempts to take advantage of his wererat ally’s attack on Orsik hitting a glancing blow. After Baldwin’s attack, the other wererat flanking Orsik manages to squeeze in another attack but misses.

Near Baldwin, silvery mist seems to bubble from the ground, more and more glowing motes begin swirling upwards and entwining to take the form of a dwarf in platemail armor, shield in one hand, a craghammer in the other. Solid once again, Ulrick shakes off the last remnants of disorientation that usually accompany magical travel. ”There you are ya thief!”, Ulrick shouts pointing his weapon at the shocked wererat leader. ”You thought ya could escape Onatar’s wrath ye filthy cur! Now, ye worthless rat, where is the Anvil!” With that, he steps towards Baldwin.

~Ulrick appears at K14~
Free: Divine Challenge on Baldwin
Move: K14>N14
Standard: Righteous Smite vs. Baldwin w/CA (flank with Orsik): 1d20+9+2=24, 2d10+7=21 HITS Baldwin for 21 damage and Kellindil and Orsik each gain 5+3 thp. (forgot +1 for attacking ally adjacent to Orsik, still hits)
My friend is still having issues posting and is working with Stonegod about this. Sadly any RP will have to wait till after the encounter (or sooner).


Illumination: Overcast skies, normal light.
Debris: considered difficult terrain (H4:K4; C6:C7; N5:p5; O6; M9:N10)
Inner Walls: about 4ft tall, provides partial cover while standing behind; full cover while kneeling behind it.
Outer Walls: crumbling but still sturdy; Climb; Athletics DC 10
Trapdoor: (Q6): sturdy enough to stand on; Locked/Barred from the inside; Attack (20hp; AC/FORT/REF/WILL 5) Can be slid open, but not pushed.

[sblock=Enemy Actions]Wererat Minion 1 (F7): attacks Quan (crossbow): 1d20+7=20 MISS; Minor: reload crossbow; Move: shifts G6>F7; Free: drops prone (total concealment: -5 to hit it with ranged attacks)
Wererat Minion 2 (O6): Free: drop crossbow; Minor: Draw short sword; Move: shifts O7>O6; Standard: Attack Rikka w/CA: 1d20+9+2=31 CRIT for 5 damage and extra damage to Rikka for combat advantage (forgot on initial roll) (1d6=6) brute was dazed, no extra dmg.
Wererat Minion 3:
Wererat Minion 4:
Wererat Minion 5 (J9): Standard: Charge Quan F9>J9 (short sword): 1d20+9+1=30 CRIT for 5 damage (no extra combat advantage because the brute is dazed and can’t flank)

Wererat 1 (F14):Move: shift to F14; Standard: attack Braddock (bite): 1d20+10=29, 1d4+2=5 (I forgot +2 def vs. wererat 1 AND -2 for concealment, but it still hits) HIT for 5 damage, ongoing 2 (save ends) and Braddock contracts Filth Fever; deafened TENT (Braddock); cursed by Braddock (shown on map)
Wererat 2 (Q14): Move: shift to Q14; (waits till Baldwin moves to O14 to gain CA); Standard: attacks Orsik (short sword) w/CA: 1d20+10+2=29, 1d6+4=9, 1d6=5 HITS for 14 damage. (still hits with your +1 to all defenses)
Wererat 3 (H11): Standard: Charge Kellindil H11>L11 (short sword): 1d20+10+1=18, 1d6+4=6 MISS

Wererat Brute 1 (S7): Move: S7>Q6 (flank with minion 2 (O6); Standard/Minor: n/a; dazed TENT (Rikka)
Wererat Brute 2 (M9): Move: M9>L9 (flank with minion 5 (J9); Standard/Minor: n/a; dazed & slowed TENT (Kellindil)

Baldwin, Wererat (O14): Move: shift P14>O14; Standard: Triggering Slash (recharge 5-6) against Orsik: 1d20+11+2=30, 1d8+4=6 HITS for 6 damage and allows wererat 2 (Q14) to make a MBA as a free action: (free attack from Baldwin): 1d20+11+2=14, 1d6+4=7 MISS

[sblock=Combatants]Wererat Minion: 1 hp, a miss never damages a minion; AC 19, Fort 17, Ref 19, Will 14; Short Sword +9 vs. AC; 5 damage; Crossbow +7 vs. AC; 4 damage; Bite: +9 vs. AC; 3 damage and the target contracts Filth Fever. Combat Advantage: the wererat minion deals an extra 1d6 damage on melee attacks against creatures it has CA against.
Wererat Minion 1 (F7): 1 hp, prone, full cover (-5 to hit it with ranged attacks)
Wererat Minion 2 (O6): 1 hp, partial cover (-2 to ranged attacks against it - except Rikka)
Wererat Minion 3:
Wererat Minion 4:
Wererat Minion 5 (J9): 1 hp

Wererat: 55/55 hp; AC 19, Fort 17, Ref 19, Will 14; Short Sword +10 vs. AC; 1d6+4 damage; Bite: +10 vs. AC; 1d4+2 damage and ongoing 2 damage (save ends) and the target contracts Filth Fever. Regeneration 5 (if it takes damage from a silver weapon, its regeneration doesn’t function on its next turn); Combat Advantage: the wererat deals an extra 1d6 damage on melee attacks against creatures it has CA against.
Wererat 1 (F14): 27/55; deafened until TENT (Braddock); cursed by Braddock (shown on map)
Wererat 2 (Q14): 44/55
Wererat 3 (L11): 55/55

Wererat Brute: 88/88 hp; AC 18, Fort 20, Ref 18, Will 17; Great Axe +9 vs. AC; 1d12+2 and the target is knocked prone; Bite: +9 vs. AC; 1d4+2 damage and ongoing 5 damage (save ends) and the target contracts Filth Fever. Regeneration 5 (if it takes damage from a silver weapon, its regeneration doesn’t function on its next turn)
Wererat Brute 1 (Q6): 85/88; dazed TENT (Rikka)
Wererat Brute 2 (L9): 54/88; dazed & slowed TENT (Kellindil)

Baldwin, Wererat Elite: 178/178 hp; AC 22, Fort 18, Ref 22, Will 20; Rapier +11 vs. AC; 1d8+6 and Baldwin shifts 1 square; Bite: +11 vs. AC; 2d4+3 damage and ongoing 5 damage (save ends) and the target contracts Filth Fever. Regeneration 5 (if Baldwin takes damage from a silver weapon, its regeneration doesn’t function on his next turn); Action Point 1; Skirmish: if Baldwin moves 4+ squares, his next attack deals an extra 1d8 damage (if not used this turn, the ability is lost); Triggering Slash (recharge 5-6) +11 vs. AC, 1d8+6 damage and one ally may shift 1 square and makes a MBA as a free action.
Baldwin (O14): 135/178; grants Orsik CA TENT

Braddock (G15): 41+1thp/52 hp; HS 10/11; AP 1; Dwarven Resilience; Status: concealment; +2 defenses vs wererat (G14) TENT; +1 F/R/W TENT; ONGOING 2 damage (save ends); Filth Fever
Kellindil (M11): 20+8thp/38 hp; HS 6/6; AP 1; Second Wind; Elven Accuracy; Status: gained +8thp from Ulrick
Quan (K9): 32 /37; HS 7/7; AP 1; Second Wind; Elven Accuracy; Status: used 5 thp from stoneskin robe
Orsik (P14): 22+8thp/53 hp; HS 10/10; Second Wind; Status: gained +8thp from Ulrick
Rikka (P6): 45/50 hp; HS 8/8; AP 1; Second Wind; Elven Accuracy; Status:
Ulrick (N14): 51/51 hp; HS 11/11; AP 1; Dwarven Resilience; Status:

[sblock=Filth Fever]At the end of the encounter, those afflicted by Filth Fever must make a check to see if the disease stabilizes (or improve)
Stabilizes: Endurance check DC 14
Improves: Endurance check DC 21

Stage 0: cured
Initial Stage: target loses 1 healing surge
Stage 2: target takes a -2 penalty to AC, Fortitude and Reflex
Stage 3: target takes an additional -2 penalty to AC, Fortitude and Reflex, and then loses all healing surges and cannot regain hit points until cured[/sblock]

GM: Summary:
Braddock: -5 thp, ongoing 2 (save ends), Filth Fever
Kellindil: missed; +8thp from Ulrick
Quan: -5thp from robe
Orsik: -20hp; +8thp from Ulrick
Rikka: -5 dmg
Ulrick: -
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Slightly entitled.
Nice round, but only 39 damage. +2 for flanking is for your attack roll. I assume this is a copy/paste error or is there an item/effect that gives you +2 dmg with flanking? Let me know if I’m wrong.

OOC: Huge round, wow. :)

The +2 damage is from Low Slash. If you're flanking you gain a bonus to damage equal to the Charisma modifier, which is +2 in Kellindil's case. I didn't bother to add the +2 to hit due to the flank for either attack as they were already hits.


First Post
Still snarling, the leopardess paced backwards, working herself into the corner of the ruins. Then she gave an earsplitting howl, followed by a deep coughing grunt- and the air in front of her was suddenly full of jagged shards of ice. The smaller wererat collapsed in a bloody heap, and the larger creature writhed in pain- with another swipe of her paw the feral druid knocked the creature backwards...

[sblock= OOC]
>Move: shift to P5
>Standard: Thorn spray at Minion O6 and brute Q6, 1d20+12 vs. FORT= 19, 26 (both hit- minion killed and brute Q6 takes 10 damage and has -5 defenses until end of Rikka's next turn); rolls Roll Lookup
>Minor: Hunter's Quarry on brute Q6 (lasts until end of Rikka's next turn)
>AP: Standard: Savage rend at brute Q6, 1d20+12 vs. REF= 22 (hit for 9 base +4 quarry= 13 damage and brute Q6 slid 1 square to R5); roll Roll Lookup



Still stuck on iPod

OOC: move: shift to K8
Minor: beast form
Standard: swarming locusts vs 3 targets

These dice hate me!
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First Post
"Aye, bring it to me, rat," Braddock grins despite the fever burning from his cut.

He slams his craghammer forcefully into the filthy animal, sending it skidding backwards. Now with some breathing room, Braddock moves back towards his comrades, knowing this beast will soon be finished.

"I'm coming elf, hold yer breath," huffs the dwarf.

Start: Take 2 damage.
Standard: Eldritch Strike vs. Wererat (F-14): 1d20+12, 1d10+9+1d6 → ([18, 12], [9, 9, 6]): Roll Lookup Hit AC 30 for 24 damage. Slide wererat to E-14.
Movement: Move to L-12. Gain Concealment.
Minor: Warlock's Curse Wererat (L-11)
Save: 1d20 → [14] = (14) Roll Lookup . Saved!

[sblock=ministats] Braddock the Historian, level 5 Warlock
Status: Concealment. +2 defenses vs. wererats (E-15, L-11), +1 to F/R/W TENT. FILTH FEVER!

Active Vestige: King Elldyr:
Eyes: Next ally to hit target gets a save.
Boon: Ally next to Braddock gains +2 all defenses TENT.

Init: +3 Speed: 5 Perception:12 Insight: 12
AC: 18 NAD: F: 19 R:18 W:15
HP: 40/52 Surges: 10/11 Surge Value: 13 AP: 1
Languages: Dwarven
Str:10 Dex:13 Wis:10 Con:20 Int:16 Cha:10
MBA: +12 vs. AC, 1d10+9

At-Will: Eyes of the Vestige, Eldritch Strike, Warlock's Curse
Encounter: Clarion Call, Fortune Binding, Second Wind
Daily: Vestige of Thaxter, Charm of Hearts, Leather Armor of Dark Magesty, Vestige of Xandor

Benefits: +2 defenses against cursed enemies. +1 NAD after using Warlock's curse TENT.


Slightly entitled.
Pulling a small crossbow holstered to his chest, the elf steps towards the overly large wererat, putting it between himself and the suddenly shapechanging elven monk. With the monster's attention split between the two fey and the swarming insects, Kellindil finds no problem slipping the razor-sharp point of his blade between the lycanthrope's ribs.

"Wonders never cease, elf." he calls to Quan Reah. "What next? Do you plan on juggling gnomes?"

OOC: The +2 damage was actually against Wererat Brute 2. :)
Minor - Draw hand crossbow (held in off-hand)
Move - Shift > M10
Standard -
[/sblock][sblock=Stat Block]Kellindil Loreweaver - Male Elf Rogue 4
Init: +7, Passive Percept: 20, Passive Insight: 13
AC: 20, F: 13, R: 20, W: 15, Spd: 7
HP: 20/38, THP: 8/8, Blood: 19, Surge: 9, Surges left: 6/6
Second Wind: Avail, AP: 0/1, Milestones: 0
Str: 8, Con: 11, Dex: 21, Int: 10, Wis: 12, Cha: 15

Basic Attacks:
:bmelee: Basic Melee Attack: +5 vs AC – Lifedrinker Longsword +1; 1d8
:ranged: Ranged Basic Attack: +10 vs AC – Hand Crossbow; 1d6+5

Deft Strike, Piercing Strike
Dazing Strike, Elven Accuracy, Low Slash, Tumble
Blinding Barrage, Shadowdance Armor

  • +2 to AC vs. Opportunity Attacks
  • all non-elf allies within 5 squares gain a +1 to Perception checks
  • ignore difficult terrain while shifting


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