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Adventure Ideas You Doubt You'll Ever Be Able To Run

Deuce Traveler

I just realized there are a whole bunch of adventures I would like to run one day and never will be able to do so. I thought I’d share some of my ideas, which I doubt will ever get off the ground, most of which are hybrids:

1. A mixture of the Dragonstar Campaign setting with Jack Vance’s short story, the Moon Moth. The party consists completely of bards and has to find a criminal on a chaotic evil world, where everyone wears masks to show status and disagreements are settled by song contests or the blade. The heroes move up and down the social order depending on their skill in navigating a culture that rewards or enslaves due to skill and style rather than a set of laws in their pursuit of galactic justice.

2. Lich investigators, all wizard party. I have an indie published 3rd edition book somewhere (was it Lords of Night: Liches?) of how to play a lich character, complete with rules for a lich city. It has great insanity rules, where the lich PCs gradually accumulate different insanities and quirks as they adventure, making them more and more self-destructive. Anyway, the idea is that there is a conspiracy against the city, and the PCs get brought in on it through an investigation into the destruction of a high-level and important lich citizen.

3. The characters (mostly monks) are part of a campaign setting close to rural China or India (would use a 3rd party campaign setting like Sahasra), and weapon bearing and travel is restricted between provinces by edict of the government for the officially stated reason of preventing banditry. A lottery is taken and the characters are told that they are the reincarnation of past heroes that once rose up and defeated the evil world destroying demon. Everyone knows this is a great honor that occurs in the province once per generation, but the problem is that the chosen ones never return from this generational lottery, though it is said that their sacrifice stops the demon invasion once again. An old, disgruntled government official warns the chosen ones that he believes the quest to be rigged, and they find that their kingdom’s rulers hold the same lottery in a different province each year in order to sacrifice their souls to the rulers and increase the rulers' unnatural power. Oh, and that ruling family is actually a group of shape-changing evil dragons that once killed off all but one of the dragons of good ages ago.

4. Two parties compete against one another. The first are mercenaries recently hired to protect an estate and its treasure vault. The second is planning a heist in order to rob said vault of a peculiar artifact. Both parties do not know that they are hired by competing demonic forces that are appearing as normal humans and plan to break the artifact on a particular night under certain conditions so that they can release a greater demon in which they wish to curry favor. When both parties realize the implications of what is truly going on, they team together to stop the events.

5. An adventure I designed that won 4th place out of twenty-five entries in a create-a-dungeon competition. The only problem is that it is old school, and I doubt anyone here wants to play D&D BECMI characters. The heroes break into a gnoll fortress in order to interrupt the crowning of a new gnoll kahn that wishes to unite the gnoll tribes and bring sweeping death upon their neighbors.

6. A Traveller campaign where the characters behave sort of like those in Firefly. Basically they journey to place to place, taking gigs to keep themselves going for just a little bit longer. Two steps forwards, one step back the entire way, visiting frontier after frontier and running into various adventures. Again, a game system not well known around these parts.

7. Midnight Campaign Setting. So depressing and so lengthy to actually win anything worthwhile against the forces of darkness. But oh so tempting to play.

Anyone else have a wish list they doubt they’ll ever get around to trying?

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5. An adventure I designed that won 4th place out of twenty-five entries in a create-a-dungeon competition. The only problem is that it is old school, and I doubt anyone here wants to play D&D BECMI characters. The heroes break into a gnoll fortress in order to interrupt the crowning of a new gnoll kahn that wishes to unite the gnoll tribes and bring sweeping death upon their neighbors.

I'd play the heck out of this one, just FYI. :)

As for the topic, I have tried, a few different times and a few different ways (and editions) to run Babylon 5 episodes as adventures/campaigns. Its never worked out for one reason or another.

Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
4. Two parties compete against one another. The first are mercenaries recently hired to protect an estate and its treasure vault. The second is planning a heist in order to rob said vault of a peculiar artifact. Both parties do not know that they are hired by competing demonic forces that are appearing as normal humans and plan to break the artifact on a particular night under certain conditions so that they can release a greater demon in which they wish to curry favor. When both parties realize the implications of what is truly going on, they team together to stop the events.

I actually played a game that had a group of criminals and a group of cops in a near-future dystopic future setting. It started off being totally awesome, then the criminals pulled their first heist and took their time enough that the cops could show up. The campaign ended in session 2 with a massive firefight that killed most of both groups and leveled a city block.

6. A Traveller campaign where the characters behave sort of like those in Firefly. Basically they journey to place to place, taking gigs to keep themselves going for just a little bit longer. Two steps forwards, one step back the entire way, visiting frontier after frontier and running into various adventures. Again, a game system not well known around these parts.

Every Star Wars game I've run since Middle School is this. I've run campaigns in d6 1 and 2e, several versions of d20 (including Saga), and a few sessions of the new FFG one. It's one of those campaigns that I could literally have 5 strangers show up with characters made right now and be able to instantly run a ten hour session. We've never done the "default" Heroes of the Alliance fighting the Evil Empire, and the few Jedi characters we've ever had have fallen to the dark side and become terrifying assassins or syndicate bosses or the like.

I would love to run an Epic or even try a 5e D&D game in the setting I've been working on for years. The general plot thread would be roughly equivalent to the child Empress of Japan and her twin brother being kidnapped in 40AD and the party are a group of misfits, bounty-hunters, wanderers and the like hired by the Secret Society in charge of protecting Emperors and sent across fantasy Asia, Mongolia, Rome, Gaul, Africa, and Britain attempting to recapture the Empress from the demon that kidnapped her. Oh, and the Immortal Beasts have started up the Vengeful Crusade, waging war against man for excessive trapping and hunting and encroachment on the wilds. And "Gaul" is invading "Rome" while Rome is in the midst of a civil war. Think Princess Mononoke meets Marco Polo meets Julius Caesar meets Seven Samurai meets Ninja Scrolls meets Vikings meets Spirited Away with a thread of addicting, dangerously powerful magic spliced through it. A lot of meets, I know, but I've been working on it for years.

Sadly my gaming group has become a "one GM" group - and I'm not the one. Hopefully I can talk them into letting me run a game, other wise I'll have to set off into the wilds to create a new group before I explode in a gory font of repressed creative energy. :/

Bummer, Midnight is such a neat setting.

I think we all have ideas we want to run, but never have the time to pull it off. I dream of doing a sci-fi mashup that draws from all the various movies, so that you have Predators and light sabers and space wizards and Vulcans and all sorts of absurdity. I keep dreaming about doing a classic sword and planet campaign. I want to do a Warhammer 40K campaign with the characters of Star Wars translated to that setting. Then there’s a spy campaign set in the 80s, like the good old days of Top Secret/SI.

Within D&D, just once I’d like to get back to a campaign shining heroes and good for the sake of goodness, but my gaming group prefers more morally ambiguous/amoral characters on the whole.

I also really want to go back and revisit some of the old editions (particularly the white box and 2e). But again, my gaming group did not particularly care for the 1e system when I ran that for a campaign (even though I enjoyed the heck out of it).


I just cannot get players to bite.

Random Axe

In my Star Wars campaigns, somewhere and at some point, i would love to run a "Ship Dead In Space" scenario to recreate the situation in "Das Boot", dark and frozen and trapped in a dead ship that they have to make run again.


Star Wars: The scene is a New Hope. Princess Leia's Corellion Corvette has been captured by the Imperial Star Destroyer. On board, Leia records a desperate message for Obi Wan Kenobi, and instructs R2 to the nearest escape pod. The droids find their way amidst the chaos and jettison themselves to the desert planet of Tatooine. Meanwhile, the Imperial officers aboard the Star Destroyer notice the jettisoned escape pod.

First officer: "There's another one. Should I destroy it?"
Second officer: "No, use the tractor beam. The stolen death star plans could be on there."
First officer: "Yes sir."

So, the Star Wars universe diverges from canon - the droids are captured! All seems lost. The plans find their way back into Imperial hands. The Rebels' defeat is surely at hand. Can the Rebel Alliance mount a daring rescue of Princess Leia and recover the stolen plans?

Voidrunner's Codex

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