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Adventure in the Open Skies: The Liralen Irregulars (Eberron, Updated 5/10)


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What does Ruel have to be ashamed of?

Nothing! He is totally beating Kashandi in both performances and adventuring at this point! :D But seriously...

Ever perform a practical joke that you thought would be hilarious but turned out to actually be really hurtful to the person and it made you start feeling really bad about doing it?

That's Ruel at this point. Although as a player I was having particular fun with this at the DMs expense as often as possible, of course. :)


The player number as a change for the better or for the worse?

Hmm... well let me answer that question like this: On the one hand, a new player and a new character will join the party shortly, on the other hand the session that we just played and that Micah is so eager to see written involved a CR 10 encounter.

Said new character cast an Augury before the encounter started. The answer she got back was 'Woe'.

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Interlude: A Harrowing Descent

With Micah's permission, I'm posting one of the interludes she has given us between sessions, this one on the experience of the second group of Liralen crew and written from Kashandi's perspective. Hey, most everything comes from Ruel's point of view, so it's only fair right? :)

And another update on the Irregulars will be up later this week.


Kashandi once more found herself in the pinnace headed towards possible danger. Internally she berated herself for the parting verbal shots that she'd parried with Ruel. That was part of what had got her stuck in thiswhole mess anyways. Why did she have to be so ready to step even into dangerto show up the Liralen's wizard entertainer? And yet had the competition between her and Ruel not existed she might well be in the same boat.
Kashandi sighed. She'd grown a touch reckless with the life she'd been given.

Recklessness was a good anesthetic to dwelling on ones past faults, but it did little to ease the bite of fear.

A random thought told her that fear too might have numbing effects, but right now it just seemed to pull her thoughts back to the things she wished she'd done different. The big things and the little things. Perhaps she should have stayed with Yira. Perhaps she should've refrained from kicking at Ruel's ego. She stifled another sigh. Perhaps given enough exposure one would grow accustomed to fear.

She looked around at her companions. The red-bearded sailor looked no different than he did on board the ship. Crew Eight was divided along it's length with a privacy wall, but conversation carried in the tight quarters. To her knowledge she'd heard him respond only with yes and no. He was an island unto himself for the most part. An ever watching and vigilant island, just a very quiet one.

She knew Cynde much better. The alchemist was up at the front of the small elemental ship, peppering the pilot with questions on the handling of the elemental powered craft. She appeared to be bouncy and cheerful despite the unsettling gray mists that roiled about them.

The griffon rider and guard sitting on the final bench of the pinnace both had drawn expressions, but Kashandi didn't really imagine that either of them were actually afraid. They both looked the picture of seasoned veterans and briefly she wondered if they even found the situation boring.

The only other occupant of the small vessel that seemed to be showing apprehension was the warforged. Perched squarely in the middle of the bench at the airman's request to try and keep the boat stabilized, 42NAT0 did not look comfortable. He shifted uneasily and kept his eyes turned towards the bottom of the boat.

Hesitantly Shandi tried to start the conversation, "Are you OK, Fortunato?"

The warforged brought his gaze to meet her own. "I do not want to be here." He said simply. She sighed, "I'm not sure I want to be either."

Fortunato cocked his head in wonderment "But you told Ruel…"

The statement never got completed before the pinnace landed roughly on the ground. Ground that no one, including the pilot, had seen through the thick mist. Cynde the only member of the ground party who had been standing at the time was thrown from the craft. Her sharp cry was almost drowned out by the cursing from Maddy, the griffon rider. The pilot raised his face from the helm, a deep gash over one eye caused by the impact of the sudden landing. The boards beneath 42NAT0 were splintered and Kashandi sat motionless waiting for her heart to stop racing. They were in the Mournland now.


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Update #26: Whitehearth and a White Wolf

Fortunato is the first to exit the pinnance, and though his plating is scored and rent in areas, he appears in fairly good shape. Over both shoulders he holds the limp forms of Cynde and Kashandi. “They need the healer’s attention, quickly,”Is all that he offers as he marches straight towards the healing bay. Maddy Treagar is next, a fresh cut contrasting the mark of handling across her temple and cheek. She supports a limping Kyrjet d’Lyrandar and both nod grimly to D’meryl as they follow Fortunato. Redbeard is behind them, holding a large sack over one shoulder and a wicked looking double scimitar. His arms and legs are laced with scores of gashes, claw and teeth marks. The deckhand pauses and drops the sack, fishing around in it and retrieving a small blue rod with a Cannith seal inscribed in mithral at one end, which he tosses to Alexandre. “Elaydren said it would be important in Whitehearth, called it a keystone.” With a shrug, he hefts the sack again and walks off to join the rest. Krynson, the pilot, is the last to step free of the craft, coughing as he shuffles forward to stand at attention before Captain D’meryl. A bandage is wrapped around his head and over one eye.

“At ease.” D’meryl steps forward to help the pilot sit against his craft, “What happened Krynson?”

“Rough landing, sir. Bruised my ribs, maybe broken, I don’t know. Pinnance was damaged and I couldn’t get back right away. Ran into a lot of trouble, a lot of strange things down there. And healing magic and potions are no good, either.” Krynson coughs violently before continuing, “We think we found the entrance to Whitehearth sir, but we dared not go any further after that damned crab attack. We got it though sir, it should be safe, at least until you go inside. Wydeth.” The other pinnance pilot moves over. “Here’s a map, should get you there. Go down real slow, visibility is awful.” He winces and is racked by coughing again, doubling over. As he brings his hands away from his mouth, they are covered in blood.

“Alright Krynson, you’re coming with me to the healing bay, on the double.” D’meryl helps him to his feet and Errol comes over to help support the pilot as well. “Wydeth, take them down. The sooner we are done with our mission, the sooner we can leave this blasted place.”

As the captain, pilot and cabin boy leave, Wydeth looks to the Irregulars and smiles nervously, “I guess a few scratches on the hull weren’t so much to worry about after all, huh? Come on, let’s get this over with.”


The descent through the dead gray mists is nerve-racking but uneventful and following Krynson’s directions, Wydeth puts them down right next to the opening of a nondescript mineshaft. As soon as the Irregulars disembark Wydeth lifts off, waving briefly as he flies back upward. In seconds, the air-elemental powered pinnance is lost to their sight in the mists.

Ruel retrieves their ever-burning lantern and shines it down the mineshaft, revealing a long, dusty tunnel. Dox moves forward and inspects the mouth of the passage for any nasty surprises. A moment later he leads the way down the mine, the rest of the Irregulars following closely. Mining equipment, much of it still in good order, lines the passage and worn and crude stone tiles line the floor of the cave. Loki pauses to retrieve a pick, inspecting it a moment before putting it in his pack. “Sure doesn’t look much like a secret Cannith facility.”

Dox nods, “I’ll bet that was the idea.”

The mine tunnel branches in three directions and they follow the middle of the three to find a heavy metallic slab lying on the ground at the end of it.

Dox inspects it carefully and looks up, “No traps and it’s sealed tight, but take a look at this.” He points out a small, blue enameled circular opening in the center of the hatch.

Alexandre retrieves the blue keystone and peers closely between it and the opening, “Looks to me like it would fit.”

Ruel nods, shining the lantern about them. “Let us make certain there is nothing else of interest down the other passages first, before we try going down any further.”

They search out the other two passages only to find the same metallic slab with a blue keyhole at the end of each. Dox frowns as he inspects the cover on the left-hand branch. “This one is definitely trapped, magically. I’d rather not try it.”

Audric shakes his head, “But the other two are not? Are you certain?”

Dox nods, “Pretty sure, yeah.”

Ruel incants briefly and his eyes glow violet. He studies the cover for a long moment; moves to the central cover and then to the left-hand cover before returning to the rest of the Irregulars gathered around the right. “All of them have several potent and overlapping magical auras. I am not certain what to make of it.”

The Irregulars file back into the branch in the corridors, inspecting each closely for any other clues on how to proceed. Elisa bends to run her hand over the flagstone in the central passage. “Ruel, bring your light a little closer would ya?”

The wizard obliges and kneels to inspect the stone, “I’m no dwarf, but it does look more worn than the other two, doesn’t it?”

Elisa nods, “My thought too. I’ll bet this is the right way down.”

Alexandre smirks as he leans against the corridor wall behind them, “Good a guess as any, let’s give it a try.”

Elisa rises and moves forward to stand over the cover, holding the blue keystone. The rest of the party stands back, Ruel closest to give her just enough light to work with. It is hardly an inspiring show of support. Licking her lips, she gingerly slides the keystone into the slot and quickly steps back. Nothing happens. Swallowing she taps the keystone carefully with her fingers. Nothing. At last she steels herself and twists the rod and as she steps back the slab swings open, revealing a short tunnel and a ladder down into a spherical chamber below. Oddly, the ladder is not attached to the top of the sphere nor the bottom, but is suspended in air. Two lanterns are also suspended in the air, illuminating the interior, and she can see that at the bottom of the sphere is a small central metal sphere with several openings similar to the blue slot on the tunnel cover, except those below are a mix of blue, brown and green. At a gesture from her the rest of the Irregulars gather around the opening and peer down inside.

“What do you suppose would happen if we used this in those slots down there?” Dox ventures.

Alexandre grins, “Only one way to find out!”

Audric looks to the metal hatch and shakes his head, “Let’s brace this open with some of that mining equipment. I don’t want this closing on us while we’re down there.”

After bracing the metal hatch open, the Irregulars climb down the ladder and cram into the chamber. It is cramped, and finding purchase on the curved floor is difficult. Dox looks over the various openings in the central sphere. “I can’t find any kind of traps on any of these, I think it’s safe.”

Loki is braced uncomfortably against the wall and lifts his eyebrows, “We’re going to be in a bad way if it’s trapped. Are you sure?”

Ruel smiles, “Only one way to find out.” He inserts the blue keystone into one of the blue slots along the circumference of the sphere and twists. Slowly the chamber begins to turn and spin downward and the Irregulars are forced to pedal their legs to keep their places. The opening at the top slides down until the end of the blue keystone is pointing towards it, revealing a metal hatch. The sphere comes to a rest with a gentle click. Everyone releases a pent breath while Dox inspects it. “It’s not trapped and it’s not locked.”

The party readies their weapons as Dox swings the hatch open. Inside is a long corridor, its stones charred and scorched in several places. Behind a burnt out door and frame, a blackened room glows as if with a merry flame.

Dox looks to the rest of the Irregulars, “Er, how about we try a different one?”

The Irregulars first test the central blue opening to make certain their way out was not sealed off, and finding it as they left it, try a second blue aperture on the circumference of the interior metallic sphere. The room turns and they find themselves with a similar hatch. Dox inspects it again before pressing it open; revealing a small room with a body slumped over a chair and books and papers neatly organized.

Audric steps inside and checks the body, “He’s… fresh. As if he just died, though he is very much dead.” He looks back at the Irregulars, but no one offers an explanation. Ruel and Dox step inside and look over the papers. Searching the bookcase, Ruel finds a small rolled up piece of parchment. He carefully unrolls and inspects it, “This is a scroll of Resist Energy. I think I can make use of it, should the need arise.”

Dox flips through a ledger and the sorted papers. “This must have been a clerk. These look like expense reports, inventory, nothing interesting.”

Loki shifts his weight as he rebalances in the sphere, “Let’s see if we can find a room with a little more head room.”

The Irregulars return to the sphere and select a third blue hole for their keystone and the room turns again. Once more bracing for trouble, the hatch is opened. Inside they see a small clear pool and several racks of very clean, neatly pressed clothing. The party steps inside and stretches out in the larger, cozier room, while Dox inspects the clothing, mostly uniforms and coats with the Cannith symbol on them. He is thumbing through their pockets when Elisa jumps to her feet, drawing her greatsword.

“Something brushed against my back!” She jabs the air behind her with her weapon.

“Now that you mention it, I thought I felt something tugging on my sleeve,” Loki furrows his brow, glancing to Ruel. “Some sort of magic?”

Ruel considers, “Quite possible. Perhaps this room has an Unseen Servant that cleans anything placed inside.”

Elisa grits her teeth, “It gives me the creeps! Come on Dox, stop picking pockets and let’s get out of here!”

They return to the central sphere without incident and with somewhat cleaner clothing. The keystone is placed in the last blue opening and the chamber turns. When the hatch is opened, a narrow hallway is revealed. Dox takes the lead and the party files down to the end of the passage, which branches off in two directions. Suddenly a large, shaggy white-furred animal leaps into the junction, barring the way forward and growling low in its throat. It is twice Dox’s size and wickedly serrated bones jut from its shoulders.

Dox swallows hard and lifts up his hands, “Nice doggie!”

The massive dire wolf stops growling, canting its head curiously at him, then it nods and rumbles out a single word, “Yes!”


First Post
Update #27: Whitehearth and A Black Wolf

Dox considers himself a people person. He has been thrust in countless situations involving the need for delicate negotiation, exacting impersonation or just outright lying. Being a changling is to wear a thousand faces and it is a tool that he enjoys making use of a great deal. Even with a legitimate job aboard the Liralen, there is always a call for a delicate word with the upscale passengers or somewhat exaggerated placations, in addition to his skills with a lock pick when someone ‘loses a key’. His ‘never the same bartender twice’ mantra has been well received by both passengers and the crew alike.

Still, negotiating with a dire wolf is a new experience for him.

“Um, hello?” he ventures.

“Hi!” it replies simply.

“My name is Dox, what’s your name?”


The wolf stares at him intently. The great wolf yawns wide, displaying a maw filled with teeth as long as any of Dox’s fingers and as sharp as any of his arrows. Quickly he turns back to the rest of the Irregulars, whispering loudly, “A little help here guys!”

Audric clears his throat, “Why are you here?”

“I protect my pack.” Rorsa rumbles low in her throat and two smaller wolves peek out from around the corner, “We can’t leave.”

“How do you survive?” Audric asks. The dire wolf cants her head, uncomprehending. “What do you eat?”

Rorsa bobs her head, “Bodies.”

Dox shifts uncomfortably at the head of the line of Irregulars while Audric frowns, “How many bodies have you eaten?”

“Same bodies, return every day. Eat again.” Rorsa explains, haltingly.

Why did he have to bring up food?” Dox thinks, his gaze nervously darting between the larger wolf and the two smaller pups. Unconsciously his fingers fiddle with the tools in his pocket, idly tracing across the mithral etching of the Cannith symbol on the keystone. “The keystone!” Hastily, he digs it free and holds it forward, “Rorsa, we are looking for things like this. Do you know where any are?”

Dox recoils as Rorsa twitches her shoulder, but his eyes are drawn to a green enameled rod freed from within the white coat of her fur, chained to a metal collar. He grins, “Can we have that?”

“Promise to help? Bad wolf has lots of pack trapped. You rescue and I give. Give this also.” Rorsa ducks her head and clasps a large pearl between her teeth, lifting it up for the Irregulars to see, and then dropping it to speak, “Deal?”

Dox nods quickly, “Deal.”

“Take.” Rorsa lifts a paw to hold the keystone forth. Dox carefully leans down and searches for the clasp. He fumbles with it a moment before tearing his eyes from her wickedly sharp claws and focusing on the snap, finding it he quickly takes the keycharm, gripping it tightly as he stands back. “Okay, we’ll be back soon. When we’ve rescued your pack, okay?”

Rorsa nods, “Okay.” The Irregulars back into the central sphere and close the hatch. Dox let’s out a rush of breath and sinks to the floor, “Wow, did you see the size of that wolf?”

Loki folds his arms, “I’ve seen bigger.”

Alexandre inspects the central metal sphere, “Two green slots. Well, do we help the wolfie or not?”

Audric nods, “I’d say so. We will probably have to confront that other wolf it spoke of anyways. Besides, we did agree to help.”

Ruel smiles, “And I want a closer look at that pearl she had. But let’s see where each of those two green slots leads us first.”

The first slot they try leads to another metallic sphere with yet more keystone slots. The Irregulars elect to leave that for later and try the other slot. It opens into a tight corridor that bends to an unseen end ahead of them.

Loki draws his greataxe and steps to the fore of the group as they exit the spherical chamber. As they reach the curve of the corridor he is assailed by a large black shape. Its claws scrape across his breastplate but fail to find purchase and the half-giant shrugs off the attack while barking out a warning.

Elisa spurts forward in a flash, rolling and weaving past both Loki and the wolf to tumble behind the creature as she draws her blade free. Casting a trained eye across its form, she notes that it is easily as large as Rorsa but instead of bone protrusions, stony slabs jut out across its back. She thrusts her blade between the protective slabs and pulls back sharply, drawing a deep wound. Though the creature jerks, there is no blood, merely a trickle of brackish black fluid that oozes from the wound. Elisa grimaces, “I don’t think it’s natural.”

Loki raises his greataxe, “Natural or not, it’s…hey, woah!” The half-giant is interrupted by Audric who, attempting to tumble past the half-giant, crashes into the back of his leg instead. Audric sprawls back and his eyes widen as Loki topples over him, the monk gasping as the wind is knocked out of him.

The wolf turns upon Elisa. It rises up and snaps its jaws at her, catching her in the shoulder as its claws latch onto her sides, digging into her skin. It bears down and Elisa’s face wrenches in pain as the claws and teeth tear deeper. With a desperate twist she pulls free, but her shoulder and sides bleed freely. Swiftly she reorients into a fighting stance and slams her blade across its broad face. Again she opens up a wicked wound, but it does not seem to faze the creature, not so much as yelping as its face is disfigured from the powerful blow. Carefully Elisa steps back into the small room at the end of the passage, which promptly comes to life as caged wolves yelp and bark at her, scratching at their cages.

Behind the black wolf, Loki heaves himself to his feet and slides back and off of Audric. As the monk struggles for breath, Ruel presses forward and into a side closet beside the monk, brimmed with collars, leashes, muzzles and other such gear. He incants briefly and leans down to press his palm to Audric’s shoulder, enveloping him in Mage Armor.

Alexandre seizes the moment and with a hearty whooping war cry darts past Loki and leaps over Audric, jabbing his thinblade at the flank of the wolf. Unfortunately, the weapon deflects off one of its stone slab and the swashbuckler curses colorfully. Behind them all, Dox has bow and arrow at the ready, but is both unwilling and unable to come any closer to the wolf to get a proper shot.

The wolf ignores Alexandre. Again it leaps at Elisa and this time its jaws sink into her neck and as it bears down on her again, she collapses. The wolf shakes her like a rag doll in its jaws swiftly, then drops her and turns to face the rest of the Irregulars. The yapping of the caged wolves ceases and for a moment, the room and hallway is silent.

The Irregulars break the silence. Audric retakes his feet and wheels to the side of the wolf, battering it with a kick to its belly. Alexandre maneuvers to its opposite side and jabs at it again with his thinblade, poking a shallow hole in its shoulder. Ruel frees a scroll from his pack and casts Protection from Evil on Loki, and the half-giant moves forward, his greataxe whirling. The black wolf turns on Audric and snaps at him, but cannot break through the protective Mage Armor enveloping him. Audric hammers its face with a pair of quick punches, but hisses in pain as he finds the creature’s skull as hard and sturdy as stone.

Alexandre risks a glance down at Elisa’s crumpled form. There is not as much blood as he expected. “She’s a tough one, tough as I’ve ever seen. Might still be alive, but that means we got to finish this quick.” He spies the gaping wound Elisa opened in its back and his face twists in a lopsided grin. He jabs his thinblade violently into the wound, and it pierces deep, skewering right through the creature and out through its chest. It spasms and then collapses, its rear legs bucking and twisting reflexively. Alexandre yanks his weapon free and Loki brings his axe down. With a satisfying crunch, the creature stops moving.

Audric rushes to Elisa’s side, gripping her wrist as he studies her wounds. He shakes his head, murmuring quietly, “Impossible.”

Alexandre leans down next to him, “What is it? Is she alive?”

Audric nods slowly, “Yes, at least… her life’s blood is not spent, I can still feel it, weak but steady. But… look at her wounds. They aren’t bleeding! The wolf got her by the neck…”

Dox moves into the room, “Maybe it’s whatever is preserving the bodies or restoring them, like the way Rorsa said they return after being consumed. Maybe its keeping her from dying!”

Audric nods slowly, “Yes, I think that must be it.” He sighs, “But remember what Krynson said, healing magic will not work here. Our potions cannot restore her.”

Beside Loki, one of the wolves whines and claws at its cage. Scanning their pens, he shakes his head. “How are we going to deal with all these wolves?”

Ruel smiles, “I’ll bring Rorsa, they are her pups, I am certain she will help us deal with them.”

The wizard returns with the dire wolf, and her presence and gentle rumblings are enough to calm the wolves enough to be freed. The pack is lead to the central sphere of the Cannith stronghold and, one by one, Loki helps each one up and into the cave above. Rorsa is the last and the most difficult, but, with some help from the rest of the Irregulars, she is at last pushed through as well. The whole affair takes a few hours and Loki is tired and covered in scratches from the wolves’ claws. Audric and Alexandre carefully bring Elisa into the central sphere, laying her down and wrapping her in one of their blankets from the Handy Haversack.

Loki takes a long drink from his waterskin and smiles, “So these wolves have been living off of bodies… I guess I’ll need to have the healers check me for disease.”

“They eat from dishes, not bodies. Magic makes dishes refill every day,” Rorsa interjects, peering down at them from the circular hatch above. “Get dishes? Pack hungry.”

Loki sighs, but Dox quickly agrees and fetches several of the dishes, running them up to the wolves. As he returns, he finds the Irregulars sitting around the circular chamber. Ruel is running Rorsa’s pearl around his palm. He looks up as the changling sits nearby and sighs, “Well, shall we press on without Elisa or call in the other team and let them take all the credit?”


First Post
Ah, yes.

I ruled that once disabled, a creature did not continue to lose hit points. Indeed, they can "survive" that way indefinitely.

Besides helping the PCs, you never know when an "almost-corpse in need of a little healing magic" will be useful to the DM at some point in the future...


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Hello all!

Hey out there! This is Audric the Monk. I finally got to catch up on all the posts and have to say AWESOME job to PhoenixAsh on the write ups! On a personal note, I'm fairly new when it comes to gaming so playing a low level male Monk offers some interesting challenges for me - lots of fun. Audric generally followed the defying stance school of thought in his back story and given that he was originally an undercover guard, he often would TRY to sit back and watch what took place and not always chose to join in the combat. (However, the DM's picked up on that quickly and seemed ever clever in drawing him in) And now that his original mystery reason for being with the group is solved, he doesn't need to be so elusive, timid, etc.
Audric does have some unsolved mysteries of his past to be figued out. I can't say too much as the rest of the party does not know these particulars, but needless to say, sometime down the road Audric hopes to find out about his heritage, abilities, etc. Occasionally when in the cities, he ventures away from the group to search for some answers, but his apprehension to be open in asking questions keeps this a slow process (all he remembers of his father is him telling him to keep certain things/knowledge hidden) Does this sound confusing? A little paranoid? Cryptic? Distracted? Well perhaps you got a little insight into all the thoughts that run through Audric's head, and why he seems to have little time to actually talk with the rest of the group. ;)


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Good to see you on the boards toetapper1 :D

One of our players mentioned that having the storyhour is not only like having a great book to read, but a book where you can influence what happens. It's a neat feeling. It also keeps tmaaas and I scrambling to keep up the "monster" quality.

Heh heh, and you guys thought last session was bad . . . . :]

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