[Adventure]: Land Ho! FWBTHW (DM:H.M.Gimlord,Judge:Ozymandias79)


OOC: I apologize profusely for the long gaps between posts. I am still playing, just slower than before. Things will pick up soon (they always do when Winter comes). I'm not sure how to handle this because a couple of things went horribly wrong:

  • My last post was not intended as an update of the bad guys' round. I was just posting immediate reactions that resulted from Sheng's foray around the corner.
  • At the end of my last post, Sheng still had a minor and and a standard action to go.
  • In addition, there were some errors in the map that affect Riardon's Actions for which I must apologize profusely
    • I've updated the map to properly reflect the lines of sight that TikChik and Sheng have. This ends up revealing most of the first floor.
    • D14-D16, D20-D23, and -A14-D14 are solid 5-foot-thick walls. I've updated the map with a dark line where the wall is. Unfortunately, this means that Sheng does not have direct line of sight to D19 (the wall is blocking his view).
    • Likewise, moving to D22 is illegal because it places Riardon directly inside a wall.
    • Somewhere I did not properly save the map, and Iron defender 2 magically teleported to From F19 to the stairs at -A15. He is supposed to be at F19, and I have now updated the map in the previous post accordingly.
To remedy the situation, may I propose the following:

  • Since it was I who screwed this up, I'll simply pick up from here if you will do the following:
  • @Walking Dad : Please retcon your actions with legal moves (according to my retconned map). Don't foreget wall locations and the iron defender at F19 (as I did).
  • @Voda Vosa : Go ahead and add an extra minor and standard to the actions you just posted.
When this has been done, I'll post the enemy actions. Sorry about the mess.

@Tenchuu : I'm providing a new update for you here, since you are, for the moment, asynchronous with the others:

[sblock=The Second Floor] The skeletal dwarf, hands you the axe, "The soul of Arkus Gimlord lives within Stang. He will judge your worth, "The dwarf hands Gensai the axe. Electricity arcs to the ronin's hand as he takes the weapon. The pain is startling, but grows into a fire that surges through him as he maintains his grip on the handle, as the buring sensation subsides, a voice rings in Gensai's head, "I am the Lightgiver, the Life Force, the Giant Slayer, and the Coming Storm!" The blademaster shakes his head, but the voice continues, "Find the fuel! Repair the beacon! Light the fire! The others will come!"
GM: Stang's Stats:

[sblock=Picture of Stang]
[/sblock]Around the pommel is a dwarven script[sblock=Script]

Translation: When it is my turn, I will show you my power.
[/sblock][sblock=Maps][sblock=Close Up]
[/sblock][sblock=Wide View]
[/sblock][/sblock][sblock=Other points of interest on this floor]
In the southwest corner of the corridor, the decayed body of a dwarven sentry lies above a stack of barrels, the contents of which are either dried up or well aged. One can only tell by trying.[sblock=Dead Dwarf on Barrels]
[/sblock][sblock=Insight DC 15]The bodies look to have been dead and undisturbed for over one hundred years.[/sblock]Further down the wall to the east, another sentry lies rotting on the floor, though his armor seems to be none the worse for wear.[sblock=Dead Dwarf in Full Armor]
[/sblock]At the far end of the corridor, the southeast corner of the wall has been blown out as if by some horrid magic.

To the north, a small hallway proceeds into another area of the lighthouse, perhaps to the stairs.[/sblock]
GM: Choices:

  • Examine some of the other points of interest on this floor
  • Try to find your way upstairs and clear out the archers on the roof.
  • Go downstairs and help your comrades.
Remember your overall objectives (see above)

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Walking Dad

First Post

Riardon steps back swiftly and mutters two short arcane syllables. Frost falls upon the constructs


move: shift to 19H (No AO. Moving away from the stairs.)
standard: Chilling Cloud vs 18E.
effect: all defenders in the burst have a -2 to attacks until the end of my next round.
also D17 and D19 take 4 cold damage.


When you spend an AP, you get a +2 on attacks.

[sblock=Mini stat block]
Riardon d'Caelis
Perception: 20 Insight: 15 Low-light Vision
AC 28 Fortitude 22 Reflex 22 Will 19
Initiative: +4
Hit Points: 53 / 64 Bloodied: 32
Temporary Hit Points: 0
Resist: -
Saving Throw: +5 vs Charm
Action Points: 1 Second Wind: 1
Healing Surge:16 Surges per day: 8 / 9
At-Will Powers: Directing Strike, Intuitive Strike
Encounter Powers: Inspiring Word 1/2, Battlefront Shift, Arcane Mutterings, Chilling Cloud, Warlords Favor, Steel Monsoon, Lion's Roar, Feystep, Rousing Words, Amulet of Life
Daily Powers: Calculated Assault, Stand the Fallen, Warlord's Recovery, Sunblade Burst


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Voda Vosa

First Post
Sheng tries to attack the skeleton that shot him with a chaos bolt, but the green and terrifying gas skull misses it's mark completely. Cursing, the monk spins around and seeks cover near Fendwick. Seeing the bad state in which the dwarf is, the jadite tries to block some of Hankels Chakras by piercing his flesh with his bare fingers, in order to stop the bleeding.

Rolled a 1. Using Quicksilver dagger to get to E 23, and the minor to make a heal check on Hankel: a 11


First Post
Gensai hesitated, unsure what to do. He went back and forth, weighing the options, but ultimately knew he could not leave his friends to fight alone if they needed his help. So, risking his position, he shouted at the top of his lungs:



TikChik's mandibles click, "Well, I might as well lose another arm. Somebody's got to punch a hole in those clankers."

The thri-kreen charges headlong into the crowd of constructs doing considerable damage as he goes. One blade slices deep into the iron dog on the right, while the other nearly severs the hind leg of the construct on the left.

The charge is not without a cost, however. The metal beasts strike back, badly wounding the ranger who manages to retreat to crumbled corner of the building to take cover behind the well.

This turns out to be a good move, because no sooner does he duck behind the well, than he feels the air hum with an arrow that barely misses his head.

Arrows continue to rain down from the third floor of the tower, and from this and Gensai's echoing call of indecision, it is apparent that wherever he has gone, he has not reached the archers yet.

Fenwick cradles Hankel in an attempt to keep him alive. So far the dwarf has not stopped breathing, but he remains unconscious.
[sblock=Hankel's and TikChik's Actions]Hankel:
Free: Death Save 1d20=14 Success!

Minor: Snarling Wolf Stance (Until stance ends when an enemy hits/misses TikChik with a close or melee attack, he can make an MBA against it as an OA. He can then shift 3 squares but must not end that shift adjacent to any enemy.)

Standard: Attacks on the run
Granted move: F17, E18(DT), D18, C17
Target 1: Iron Defender 3 as he moves into E18
Attack 1: 1d20+15=29 vs. AC for 3d10+11=26 damage
Target 2: Iron Defender 4 as he moves into E18
Attack 2: 1d20+15=18 vs. AC for (3d10+11)/2=16 damage

Iron Defender 2 OA: 1d20+16-2(Chilling Cloud)=31 vs. AC for 1d8+6=10 damage
Iron Defender 3 OA: 1d20+16-2(Chilling Cloud)=34 vs. AC Crit for 14 damage
Iron Defender 4 OA: 1d20+16-2(Chilling Cloud)=33 vs. AC for 1d8+6=8 damage

TikChik's OA:

Target: Iron Defender 3
Attack: 1d20+15=30 vs. AC for 1d10+11=21 damage
Granted Shift: to C20 (away from stairs)

Free: Dwarven Drakescale Daily Power: Regain 17hp

Move: to C24
[/sblock][sblock=Enemy Actions:]Skeleton Archer 6:
Standard: Longbow
Target: TikChik
Attack: 1d20+13-2(Cover from Well)=22 vs. AC Miss
Move: -A18

Iron Defender 1:
Move: to B21
Standard: Charge to C23
Target: TikChik
Attack: 1d20+16=36 vs. AC Crit for 14 damage

TikChik's Granted MBA: 1d20+15=23 vs. AC Miss

Iron Defender 2:
Move: to G18
Standard: Bite
Target: Riardon
Attack: 1d20+16=25 vs. AC Miss

Iron Defender 3: Ready Action[sblock=Insight DC 15 (rolled)]
Bite vs. First Creature to move or shift adjacent
BTW: You can also look at Iron Defender 4's readied action[/sblock]
Iron Defender 4: Ready Action[sblock=Insight DC 15 (rolled)]
Bite vs. First Creature to move or shift adjacent[/sblock]

Skeleton Archer 1:
Standard: Longbow
Target: Sheng
Attack: 1d20+13=33 vs. AC Crit for 18 damage

Skeleton Archer 2:
Standard: Longbow
Target: Sheng
Attack: 1d20+13=17 vs. AC Miss

Skeleton Archer 3:
Standard: Longbow
Target: Riardon
Attack: 1d20+13=24 vs. AC Miss

Skeleton Archer 4:
Standard: Longbow
Target: Riardon
Attack: 1d20+13=15 vs. AC Miss

Skeleton Archer 5:
Standard: Longbow
Target: Sheng
Attack: 1d20+13=27 vs. AC for 1d10+8=11 damage
[/sblock][sblock=Status]Riardon: H18 53/64HP 1AP 8HS
Gensai: B16(Second Floor) 43/81HP 1AP 12HS
TikChik: C24 20/70HP 0AP 8HS Bloodied
Sheng: E23 27/66HP 1AP 7HS Bloodied
Fenwick: G24 33/73HP 1AP 9HS Bloodied

Hankel: F24 0/32 Unconscious, 1 failed save
Skeleton Archer 1: C19 On battlement above76/76 Cover
Skeleton Archer 2: C20 On battlement above76/76 Cover
Skeleton Archer 3: C21 On battlement above76/76 Cover
Skeleton Archer 4: C22 On battlement above76/76 Cover
Skeleton Archer 5: C24 On battlement above76/76 Cover
Skeleton Archer 6: -A18 76/76
Skeleton Soldier: I17Dead
Skeleton Soldier: I19Dead
Skeleton Soldier: H19 Dead
Skeleton Soldier: K18 Dead

Marrowshriek Skeleton: ??? 148/242HP

Iron Defender 1: C23 115/115HP
Iron Defender 2: G18 115/115HP
Iron Defender 3: D17 32/115HP Bloodied -2 to attacks while in D17-F19
Iron Defender 4: D19 71/115HP-2 to attacks while in D17-F19[/sblock][sblock=Map]
[/sblock][sblock=Terrain]The well is of an unknown depth (until someone looks in). It can be climbed with an extra square of movement, but moving out of its square requires a DC 20 Acrobatics check or the creature must save vs. falling into the well.

The bone piles and rubble areas are difficult terrain.[/sblock][sblock=Hankel's Stats]
[/sblock][sblock=Enemy Stats]X5



[/sblock][sblock=The Second Floor]
GM: [MENTION=85539]Tenchuu[/MENTION]: I'm going to wait for you to post an actual move based on your decision, so that I can weave the story accordingly.
[sblock=Stang's Stats]

[/sblock][sblock=Picture of Stang]
[/sblock]Around the pommel is a dwarven script[sblock=Script]

Translation: When it is my turn, I will show you my power.
[/sblock][sblock=Maps][sblock=Close Up]
[/sblock][sblock=Wide View]
[/sblock][/sblock][sblock=Other points of interest on this floor]
In the southwest corner of the corridor, the decayed body of a dwarven sentry lies above a stack of barrels, the contents of which are either dried up or well aged. One can only tell by trying.[sblock=Dead Dwarf on Barrels]
[/sblock][sblock=Insight DC 15]The bodies look to have been dead and undisturbed for over one hundred years.[/sblock]Further down the wall to the east, another sentry lies rotting on the floor, though his armor seems to be none the worse for wear.[sblock=Dead Dwarf in Full Armor]
[/sblock]At the far end of the corridor, the southeast corner of the wall has been blown out as if by some horrid magic.

To the north, a small hallway proceeds into another area of the lighthouse, perhaps to the stairs.[/sblock]
GM: Choices:

  • Examine some of the other points of interest on this floor
  • Try to find your way upstairs and clear out the archers on the roof.
  • Attempt to light the beacon.
  • Go downstairs and help your comrades.
Remember your overall objectives (see above)



First Post
[sblock=second floor]

"Yes, of course," Gensai said, repeating, "Find Fuel, Repair Beacon, Light the Fire."

He stowed the huge weapon as best he could, slung across his back. Moving across the room, he stabbed his sword into one of old barrels, and pulled it out to examine the contents now on his blade.

OOC: Can I see out the window, to down below? I am tempted to toss stang to them, since Gensai can't weild a two handed weapon without redoing all his stats (to the negative).

[sblock=Action Block, Mini-Stats]

[sblock=Action Block]
Minor: Stow Stang
Move: to B17 (+1 AC/Ref)
Standard: Stab Barrel and inspect contents

[/sblock][sblock=Gensai Stat block]Ashikaga Gensai - Male Human Swordmage 9
Initiative: +4, Passive Perception: +14, Passive Insight: +19


AC: 26, Fort: 23, Reflex: 23, Will: 19 -- Speed: 6

Superior Fortitude Feat: resist 3 to ongoing damage

HP: 45/81, THP: 0/5 Bloodied: 40, Surge Value: 20, Surges left: 12/12
Action Points: 1/1, Second Wind: not used

Allarian (Common), Primordial

Basic Attacks
:bmelee: Basic Melee Attack: +15 vs AC - Fey Strike Katana 1d8+7
:ranged: Ranged Basic Attack: +15 vs AC - Fey Strike Katana 1d8+7 (1x Enc)

Sword Burst, Booming Blade, Lightning Lure, Aegis of Shielding, White Lotus Riposte, Boots of the Fencing Master (Move Effect)
Encounter: Sword of Sigils, Dimensional Vortex, Echoes of Sword Magic, Channeling Shield, Fey Strike Ranged Attack, Armathor's Step, Warded Vambraces, Periapt of Cascading Health, Boots of the Fencing Master, Fireheart Tattoo AP
Daily: Frost Backlash, Swordmage Shielding Fire, Hellspike Assault, Armor of Sudden Recovery, Fey Strike Teleport, Healing Infusion: Resistive Formula

1 Fey Strike Katana (Fey Strike Longsword +1 stats)

Note: Gensai's Iaido-like style is for color purposes only. He is wielding one weapon and his off-hand is free. But, I think my color description makes more sense for swordmage abilities. Here's what the Periapt of Cascading Health looks like.


Walking Dad

First Post

"We braved so many dangers! We will not fall for some construct and skeleton!"
Riardon calls as he swipes this blade at the artificial guardian next to him.


move: -
standard: Stand the Fallen vs 18G.
effect: all allies in 10 sqs cn spend a HS.


When you spend an AP, you get a +2 on attacks.

[sblock=Mini stat block]
Riardon d'Caelis
Perception: 20 Insight: 15 Low-light Vision
AC 28 Fortitude 22 Reflex 22 Will 19
Initiative: +4
Hit Points: 53 / 64 Bloodied: 32
Temporary Hit Points: 0
Resist: -
Saving Throw: +5 vs Charm
Action Points: 1 Second Wind: 1
Healing Surge:16 Surges per day: 8 / 9
At-Will Powers: Directing Strike, Intuitive Strike
Encounter Powers: Inspiring Word 1/2, Battlefront Shift, Arcane Mutterings, Chilling Cloud, Warlords Favor, Steel Monsoon, Lion's Roar, Feystep, Rousing Words, Amulet of Life
Daily Powers: Calculated Assault, Stand the Fallen, Warlord's Recovery, Sunblade Burst




OOC: Can I see out the window, to down below? I am tempted to toss stang to them, since Gensai can't weild a two handed weapon without redoing all his stats (to the negative).
GM: The arrow slits are wide enough for the axe. The arrow slits are at D15, D18, and D21. There is also the corner at C24 where the wall has crumbled away completely down to the foundation allowing an unobstructed view of the east side of the building. When dropped from an arrow slit, the axe will bounce to a square determined by a roll of 1d6, one possibility being that it bounces back into the target square. If dropped from C24 it will bounce a square adjacent to the target square on a 1d8 roll, and it will not land in the target square.

Voda Vosa

First Post
The monk tries to keep reviving the fallen Hankel, then moving over the crumbled corner of the tower. Sheng lets lose another screeching skull at the skeleton archer. This time, the spell works out and attempts to sever the link between the negative plane spirit and the skeleton.

Move to C26 to cover from arrows. Hit Skeleton archer for 14

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