[Adventure] Leader of the Pack ( DM: Velmont, Judge: ??? )


First Post
Leader of the Pack

Party Members:
Khazin - Avenger 4
Vander Legion (VanderLegion) - monk/assassin 4
Ghourra Gravedigger (Son of Meepo) - cleric|warlord 6
Mythra (Luinnar) - Wizard 6
Deimos (Walking Dad) - Wizard 7
Bellegon (MetaVoid) - Warlock 7

1. Please include a link to your character sheet in you first post of the thread. Keep your character sheet up-to-date as I use them a lot.

2. In combat I will track your hitpoints and status effects, AP, Healing Surge and power used. But please assure you everything is correct, I'm far from being perfect.

3. If you are using a wishlist, and it gets updated, please let me know. If you are not using a wishlist, no worries, I will award useful items..

4. I will roll initiative for all. You do not need to wait for you're turn in initiative to post your actions. Enemies will usually go on one initiative.

Effects happen in the order you post. Any effects lasting for an entire round, that should effect you, do, but only once per round the effect exists, despite you're posting order.

If you tie for initiative with the enemy, you will go first.

5. I will not post full stats for enemies. All status effects will be posted. Auras will be posted once they first take noticeable affect. HP will be posted once bloody. Defenses will be revealed individually once hit. Some familiar monsters are modified.

6. If an sblock is labeled for someone other than you, I ask you not to read it.

7. If you do not post for 2 days, and we are in a skill challenge or combat encounter, I will allow myself to post for you. I will generally use At-Will Powers unless obvious survival choice are needed to be done.

8. If you have an image you'd like to use for your token, please send me the file julien(dot)deslieres(at)gmail(dot)com.

9. If Invisible Castle is down and you don't like ENWorld dice roller, you may use Dice Room or post your actions and I will make the rolls.

10. Golden Rule 1: Have fun.

11. Golden Rule 2: Spread your fun to others. Good roleplay will be rewarded by XP.
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Son of Meepo

First Post
OOC: Ghourra Gravedigger

Here is the wishlist for the next few levels worth of parcels. Not much interesting other than upgrade of my existing items once I get past level 6.

  • Level 6: Iron Armbands of Power (level 6) (n)
  • Level 7: Cloak of the Walking Wounded +2 (level 9) (n+2)
  • Level 8: Dwarven Wyvernscale +3 (level 12) (n+4)
  • Level 9: Dwarven Thrower Gouge +3 (level 12) (n+3)

[sblock=Ghourra's Stats]Ghourra Gravedigger - Mul Cleric-Warlord 6
Passive Perception 26, Passive Insight 23
AC 25, Fort 20, Reflex 14, Will 19
HP 52/52, Bloodied 26, Surge Value 13, Surges 10/10
Speed 5, Initiative +3
Action Points: 1, Second Wind
At-Will Powers: Brand of the Sun, CPaint the Bulls-Eye
Encounter Powers: Healing Strike, Martial Doom, Guardian's Counter, Incredible Toughness, Inspiring Word, Healing Word, Rousing Words, Healer's Mercy
Daily Powers: Inspiring Shot, Weapon of Astral Flame


First Post
OOC: Stat block has a link to character sheet, I'll get a wishlist created sometime here in the next coupla days.

[sblock="Stats"]Vander Legion Male Human Monk/Assassin 4
Initiative: +6, Passive perception: 18, Passive Insight: 13

AC: 19, Fort: 17, Reflex: 18, Will: 14

HP: 35/35, Bloodied: 17, Surge Value: 8, Surges Left: 7/7
Action Points: 1/1, Second Wind: unused


Basic Attacks:
Melee Basic Attack: +8 vs AC - Transcendent Ki Focused Spear 1d8+6
Ranged Basic Attack: +10 vs AC - Transcendent Ki Focused Shuriken 1d4+5

At-Will: Fallen Needle (Standard/Minor), Five Storms (Standard/Move), Executioner's Noose, Assassin's Shroud, Stone Fist Flurry of Blows, Shadow Step
Encounter: Eagle Claw Strike (Standard/Move), Inescapable Shadow
Daily: Masterful Spiral, Supreme Flurry
Item: Transcendent Abduction Ki Focus

Transcendent Abduction Ki Focus +1
Spear (Main Hand)
Ki Shuriken +1 (Off Hand)


Transcendent Abduction Ki Focus: Blinking - When Vander hits with a teleportation attack power, he has concealment until the start of his next turn. Reaching - Vander has +1 reach with melee attacks.
Ki Shuriken: Once per turn when Vander uses flurry of blows, it does +2 damage to its targets.
Pointed Step Style: When flurry of blows is triggered by an attack made with a spear, one target of it can be up to 2 squares away from Vander[/sblock]

Walking Dad

First Post
Deimos Vrago, Tiefling Wizard (Mage) 7

OOC: Deimos is mostly interested in upgrades for his current items.
Character link is in my quickstats below.



Immediate Interruption: Shield (if it prevents a hit by a non-minion)
Immediate Reaction: Infernal Wrath (if hit by enemy in range/ not if weakened)

[sblock=Mini stat block]
Deimos Vrago
Perception: 14 Insight: 21 Low-light Vision
AC 21 Fortitude 18 Reflex 20 Will 21
Initiative: +4
Hit Points: 48 / 48 Bloodied: 24
Temporary Hit Points: -
Resist: fire 8
Saving Throw: -
Action Points: 1 Second Wind: 1
Milestones: 0.0
Healing Surge:12 Surges per day: 8 / 8
At-Will Powers: Magic Missle, Scorching Burst, Beguiling Strands
Encounter Powers: Infernal Wrath, Use Vulnerability, Charm of Misplaced Wrath, Fire Shroud, Shield. Emerald Eye
Daily Powers: Flaming Sphere, Summon Magma Beast, Stinking Cloud




First Post
OOC: Thanks for the adventure Velmont! :)


Mythra Stelwart
Male Eladrin Wizard 6

Medium natural humanoid (Fey)
Initiative +8; Senses Passive Insight 20, Passive Perception 20
HP 46/46hp, Bloodied 23, Surge Value 11, Surges 9/9
AC 20; Fortitude 18, Reflex 19, Will 20
Saving Throws +5 vs Charm Effects
Speed 6
Action Points:1

At will:
Chilling Cloud
Beguiling Strands

Ghost Sound
Mage Hand

Fey Step
Illusory Obstacles
Hypnotic Pattern

Tome of Binding
Second Wind

Summon Dretch
Summon Magma Beast
Summon Iron Cohort

Summoning Tome
Cloak of Translocation


First Post
OOC: Khazin

Wishlist (Parcel per level format)

  • Level 4: 840 gp (gp=n)
  • Level 5: +2 Badge of the Berserker (level 7) (n+2)
  • Level 6: +2 Symbol of Victory (level 9) (n+3)
  • Level 7: +2 Flowform Cloth Armor (level 9) (n+2)

[sblock=Khazin's Stats]Khazin - Githzerai Avenger 4
Passive Perception 22, Passive Insight 22
AC 22, Fort 15, Reflex 18, Will 18
HP 45/45, Bloodied 22, Surge Value 11, Surges 8/8
Speed 6, Initiative +8
MBA (Overwhelming Strike): +11 vs AC, 1d12+10, shift 1 and slide target into vacated square
RBA (Avenging Shackles): +6 vs Will, 1d8+4 radiant, Slow UEoNT if OoE target
Action Points: 1, Second Wind
At-Will Powers: Overwhelming Strike, Avenging Shackles
Encounter Powers: Iron Mind, Sohei Flair, Channel Divinity: Divine Guidance/Abjure Undead, Angelic Alacrity, Fury's Advance, Distracting Flare
Daily Powers: Aspect of Might
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So, I'm the last one here. I need to update my stat block and will post it around launch time.

[sblock=Bellegon Stats]
Bellegon DarksunSTATUS:
Initiative +5; Senses Passive Insight 12, Passive Perception 12, Darkvision
HP 55/55 Bloodied 27, Surge Value 13, Surges 7/7
AC 20; Fortitude 15, Reflex 18, Will 19
1 AP
Saving Throws:
Speed 6

Eldritch Strike
Spiteful Glamor
Fast Hands: once per round stash or retrieve item as free action

Cloud of Darkness
Second Wind
Shadow Step
Shared Agony
Life Siphon
Confounding Laugther

Your Glorious Sacrifice
Twilight of the Soul

Talon amulet - Daily: Minor: melee attacker suffers 1d6 damage 'till the end of the encounter
Knifethrower gloves: Daily : Free Action. When Bellegon hits with a thrown weapon attack he can add +5 power bonus to damage roll

Grand master training (gloves of eldritch admixture): 5/5 charges

Acrobat boots: at-will: stand up as minor


[sblock=Wish list]
If I have a preference among the choices, it's marked red, but I don't mind others (because other considerations - level, cost etc) - in no particular order
Head 5: Helm of 7 deaths
9 Diamond Bracers
9 Skull bracers
7 Bracers of escape
6 Bracers of Mental Might
5 Couters of second chances
4 Bloodthirst bracers

Ki foci
9 Abduction
8 Rain of Hammers
7 Ghost strike

8 Strongheart
8 Curse Eye
7 Long battle

10 Diamond Cincture
9 Belt of raging endurance
8 Belt of Vim
7 Belt of dwarven kind

Out of order because I already have two rods, but if you decide to add one
Rod of Stolen Starlight
Rod of Avernus
Rod of First Blood
Rod of Silver Rain
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Son of Meepo

First Post
OOC: How much familiarity should we assume with the geography of Khovaire. While as a player, I can look at a map and formulate a plan, I'm not actually sure if Ghourra or any of the other PCs would know where Greenblade is.


First Post
OOC: Khazin has no idea. He just traveled more or less straight to Sharn from Adar in Sarlona, and doesn't know much at all about Khorvaire.

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