• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Adventure: Lord Byron’s Economic Woes (DM: Tenchuu, Judge: H.M.Gimlord)


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Tessa holds her orb aloft once more and a swirling cloud of energies forms over the pit with the hexer in it to rain daggers upon him.

[sblock=Cloud of Daggers] 1d20+4=15 to hit, 1d6+4=9 damage Online Dice Roller

Any creature that starts its turn or moves into the area takes 2 force damage until end of Nimue's next turn.


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The Bloodraged Skullcrusher swings again at Hergunna's prone figure, but the Kobold's Axe stuck in the tree trunk, protecting the druid from the attack.

The Sharpshooter moves up, taking aim at Wil, but the shot sails high over the Bard's head.

The Slinger moves out from concealment and fires a bullet at Stanng, which also misses. It sneaks back behind the trees afterwards.

The Hexer stands up in the pit, iritated to be caught in its own trap. "Damn you bugbear! This isss your doing! Blood Traitor!" The Hexer took aim and issued another Hex at kane, but this attack missed as well. The Kobold leader cursed in frustration.
Standard: Attack on Hergunna (with CA)
Attack:1D20 + 8 => 14 Miss

Move: C-1 to D-1 to E-1 to F-1
Standard: Crossbow attack on Wil
Attack: 1D20 + 9 => 14 Miss

Move: A6 to A5
Standard: Sling attack on Stanng
Attack:1D20 + 6 => 10 Miss

Minor: Shift to A6

Move: Stand Up
Standard: Blinding Hex on Kane
Attack: 1D20 + 7 => 10
Recharge: 1D6 => 1
Wil Rando (4): H1 20/28 HS 10/10 AP 1 ON FIRE
Tessa Tressd'n (6): H6 16/23 HS 7/7 AP 1
Hergunna (15): G1 12/31 HS 9/9 AP 0 Bloodied (Crouching/Prone)
Kane (17): E5 29/35 THP 3/3 HS 9/10 AP 0
Stanng (14): F4 17/25 HS 8/10 AP 1 (Second Wind Used)

Kobold Skull Crusher (6) - G2 7/53 Bloodied
Kobold Sharpshooter (6) - F-1 19/31
Kobold Hexer (6) - E4 44/46 (In Pit)
Kobold Slinger (6) - A6 1/24 Bloodied
Kobold Sharpshooter (6) - A3 0/31 Dead
Kobold Warrior (6) - F2 0/29 Dead
Kobold Blackblade (6) - E2 0/25 Dead
Kobold Skirmisher (6) - D3 0/27 Dead

Kobold Sharpshooter (Goblin Sharpshooter reskin)
HP 31; Bloodied 15
AC 16; Fortitude 12, Reflex 14, Will 11
Speed 6
Short Sword (standard, at-will) Weapon
+6 vs AC; 1d6+2 damage.
Hand Crossbow (standard, at-will) Weapon
Ranged 10/20; +9 vs AC; 1d6+4 damage.
When a goblin sharpshooter makes a ranged attack from hiding and misses, it is still considered to be hiding.
Combat Advantage
The goblin sharpshooter deals an extra 1d6 damage against any target it has combat advantage against.
Goblin Tactics (immediate reaction, when missed by a melee attack; at-will)
The goblin shifts 1 square.

Kobold Warrior (Goblin Warrior reskin)

HP 29; Bloodied 14
AC 17; Fortitude 13, Reflex 15, Will 12
Speed 6
Spear (standard, at-will) Weapon
+6 vs AC; 1d8+2 damage.
Javelin (standard, at-will) Weapon Ranged 10/20;
+6 vs AC; 1d6+2 damage.
Mobile Ranged Attack (standard, at-will)
The goblin warrior can move up to half its speed; at any point during that movement, it makes one ranged attack without provoking an opportunity attack..
Great Position
If, on its turn, the goblin warrior ends its move at least 4 squares away from its starting point, it deals an extra 1d6 damage on its ranged attacks until the start of its next turn.
Goblin Tactics (immediate reaction, when missed by a melee attack; at-will)
The goblin shifts 1 square.

Kobold Blackblade (Goblin Blackblade Reskin)
HP 25; Bloodied 12
AC 16; Fortitude 12, Reflex 14, Will 11
Speed 6
Short Sword (standard, at-will) Weapon
+5 vs AC; 1d6+2 damage.
Combat Advantage
The goblin blackblade deals an extra 1d6 damage against any target it has combat advantage against.
Goblin Tactics (immediate reaction, when missed by a melee attack; at-will)
The goblin shifts 1 square.
When shifting, a goblin blackblade can move into a space occupied by an ally of its level or lower. The ally shifts into the blackblade’s previous space as a free action.

Kobold Skull Crusher (Goblin Skullcrusher reskin)
Initiative +3 Senses Perception +2; low-light vision
HP 53; Bloodied 26
AC 16; Fortitude 15, Reflex 14, Will 12
Speed 5
Battleaxe (standard, at-will) Weapon
+6 vs AC; 1d10+5 damage, or 2d10 + 5 while bloodied.
Bloodied Rage (while bloodied)
While bloodied, the goblin skullcleaver loses the ability to use goblin tactics and can do nothing but attack the nearest enemy, charging when possible.
Goblin Tactics (immediate reaction, when missed by a melee attack; at-will)
The goblin shifts 1 square.

Kobold Hexer (Goblin Hexer reskin)
HP 46; Bloodied 23
AC 17; Fortitude 14, Reflex 15, Will 16
Speed 6
Hexer Rod (standard, at-will) Weapon
+7 vs AC; 1d6+1 damage.
Blinding Hex (standard, at-will)
Ranged 10; +7 vs Fortitude; 2d6+1 damage, and the target is blinded (save ends).
Stinging Hex (standard, recharge 5,6)
Ranged 10; +7 vs Will; 3d6+1 the target takes 3d6 + 1 damage if it moves during its turn (save ends).
Vexing Cloud (standard; sustain minor, encounter) Zone
Area burst 3 within 10; automatic hit; all enemies within the zone take a -2 penalty to attack rolls. The zone grants concealment to the goblin hexer and its allies. The goblin hexer can sustain the zone as a minor action, moving it up to 5 squares..
Incite Bravery (immediate reaction, when an ally uses goblin tactics, at-will)
Ranged 10; the targeted ally can shift 2 squares and make an attack..
Goblin Tactics (immediate reaction, when missed by a melee attack; at-will)
The goblin shifts 1 square.
Lead from the Rear (immediate interrupt, when targeted by a ranged attack; at-will)
The goblin hexer can change the attack’s target to an adjacent ally of its level or lower.

Kobold Slinger
HP 24; Bloodied 12
AC 13; Fortitude 12, Reflex 14, Will 12;
Speed 6
Dagger (standard; at-will) Weapon
+5 vs. AC; 1d4 + 3 damage.
Sling (standard; at-will) Weapon
Ranged 10/20; +6 vs. AC; 1d6 + 3 damage; see also special shot.
Special Shot
The kobold slinger can fi re special ammunition from its sling. It typically carries 3 rounds of special shot, chosen from the types listed below. A special shot attack that hits deals normal damage and has an additional eff ect depending on its type:
Stinkpot: The target takes a –2 penalty to attack rolls (save ends).
Firepot (Fire): The target takes ongoing 2 fi re damage (save ends).
Gluepot: The target is immobilized (save ends).
Shifty (minor; at-will)
The kobold shifts 1 square.
[/sblock][sblock=Wil]I can't believe you are still on fire. You must have no eyebrows left on that side. But still, you are. So:

You are on fire, and taking 2 ongoing fire damage. At the start of your turn, you burn for two. At the end of your turn, making a saving throw of 10 or better to end. Otherwise, at the beginning of your next turn, you burn for two more.
[/sblock][sblock=ryryguy]You can use DR or IC. I prefer Dice Room because it's easier for me to make a series of rolls, which I need to do each DM turn. But feel free to keep using IC for your rolls. [/sblock][sblock=Tessa/Judge/Hexer]Nine Damage Pending to the hexer (non-leathal). I'm not certain whether or not the Hexer has concealment here. By rule, I would say yes, since tessa cannot see him in the pit. On the other hand, the pit is 1x1, so it's not as if he's going anywhere. Since it's an area attack, there is no cover. I'll let the judge rule on this one. Any penalty given to concealment would make the attack miss.[/sblock]


First Post
Hergunna rolls to her feat, shifting into wolf form as she rises, snarling, "Pick on a lady while she's down, will you?" She snaps at the skull crusher's legs, drawing blood but missing the tendon. The kobold stumbles back towards Stangg. OOC: Slide skull crusher to F3.

The wolf cocks her head to glance back at Wil. Blood streaks her thick white fur at the shoulder where a quarrel is still stuck. "I could use a little pick-me-up if you've got one..."

[sblock=Actions]Move: Stand up.
Minor: Wild shape to wolf.
Standard: 1D20 + 4 => 15. Incredible, it's a hit! (This is against Ref remember). Damage: 1D8 + 4 => 5 Naturally I roll a 1 on this however... 3 or better would have dropped him :( Slide the skull crusher to F3... so Wil can act freely, he's also possibly lined up for some kind of area or burst along with the hexer. Maybe.[/sblock]
[sblock=Hergunna stat block]Hergunna- Female Human Druid 1
Passive Perception: 19, Passive Insight: 19
AC:16, Fort:13, Reflex:15, Will:16 -- Speed:7
HP:12/31, Bloodied:15, Surge Value:7, Surges left:9/9
Initiative +3
Action Points: 0, Second Wind: Not Used
Powers: Fire Hawk, Call of the Beast, Chill Wind, Savage Rend, Wild Shape, Thorn Spray, Summon Pack Wolf, Hunter's Quarry


First Post
Stanng moves forward, seeing that Hergunna was taking the brunt of the Crusher's wrath at the moment. He swings his blade.... Maros has weighed and measured you.... The Crusher's head falls to the ground.... and you have been found wanting....... At the same time, he calls out to Maros for reprieve for his ally (healing surge for hergunna).

OOC: I'd rp my extra action to, but I don't know what it will be yet, don't know if I can see the sharpshooter... I'll leave this one to Tenchuu.

Stanng will move from F4 to G3 and attack the skullcrusher

Stanng will use Paladin's Judgement on the Skullcrusher
Attack: 1D20 + 6 => 24
Damage: 3D10 + 6 => 29
Special: Hergunna can spend a healing surge

I will spend an action point to gain an extra action. I will charge from G3 to G0 and attack the sharpshooter in F-1.

Perception to see sharpshooter: 1D20 + 3 => 14
Attack: 1D20 + 6 => 7 (forgot to add the +1 for charging which makes it a whopping 8 vs AC......)
Damage: 1D10 + 6 => 10

If I can't see the sharpshooter i'll spend my extra turn moving to H2 from G3


[sblock=ministats]Stanng Male Shifter Paladin 1
Initiative: +0, Passive Perception: 13 Passive Insight: 18, Senses: Low-light Vision
AC:18, Fort:15, Reflex:12, Will:14
HP:17/25, Bloodied:12, Surge Value:6, Surges left:9/10
Action Points: 0/1
Divine Challenge
Lay on Hands
Holy Strike
Valiant Strike

Longtooth Shifting
Divine Mettle
Divine Strength
Battle Awareness
Piercing Smite

Paladin's Judgement

Important Stuff:
regeneration 2, when bloodied and using longtooth shifting.


Full sheet: Stanng Bonetooth, Paladin of Maros [/sblock]
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Wil starts to seem distracted by the flames around him and tired. We have almost triumphed, Hergunna. Once victory is ours I will sing you a sweet tune of rest. He turns towards the sharpshooter and fires a quick shot, striking the creature for a minor wound. Don't let that break your concentration! Taking a deep breath he shouts across to the crouching kobold. I can SEE you! The creature doesn't seem to hear Wil. The flames licking around the bard fade to smoldering smoke.

[sblock=OOC] Sorry, but both my Majestic Words are spent, as is everything else but at wills. Oh, I have an action point that might be worth using.

Burn for 2 damage, now at 18/28
Standard: Jinx Shot on Kobold Sharpshooter 1d20+7=19 (vs AC) for 1d10+5=6 (if his next attack misses, he falls prone)
Action Point (Standard): Cutting Words on Kobold Slinger 1d20+3=5 (vs Will) miss
Save vs fire 1d20=12 yay


First Post
[sblock=Tenchuu]rastl74 and I posted pretty much on top of each other... I can retcon out the slide of the skull crusher to leave him where he was, then rastl74's move can stand as posted, is that okay?

*edit* Actually I think it doesn't much matter. Stangg could use his attack on the crusher after the slide and still heal Hergunna... the difference would be that he could still move and attack (with AP), rather than being forced to move, attack, then charge (with AP). More or less the same, he might want to charge anyhow...[/sblock]
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First Post
Paladin's Judgement (Daily Standard Melee Weapon ✦ Divine, Healing, Weapon)
Target: Once Creature
Attack: +6 vs. AC
Hit: 3d10+4 mod damage. One ally within 5 squares can spend a healing surge.
Special: (the healing surge can be spend even if the attack misses)

Other: +2 to damage from longtooth shifting.
hit points: I should also go from 17 to 19 hit points from my regeneration this turn.


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With the large kobold out of the way, thanks to the now charging Paladin, Kane was left with just one target to vent his rage on, the taunting rod-carrying kobold in the pit. His eyes light up as the bugbear has a plan.

With a grunt of effort the warrior leaps into the air and over the pit. He uses the momentum of his weight to bring down his bastard sword on the kobold below him. Crashing into the creature, his blade just misses his intended target. Looking at the tiny kobold with his beady eyes, Kane smiles, "Hallo, just us friends down here" he says.

Move: Jump into pit ( 1D20 + 9 => 24 Athletics to gain an extra 2.4 feet)
Standard: Charge the hexer (hopefully I can do this, charging vertically down) 1D20 + 9 => 16 *dangit, 1 short, that would've been cool...*
Minor: talk to kobold

[sblock=ministats]Kane Male Bugbear Barbarian 2
Initiative: +5, Passive Perception: 11, Passive Insight: 11, Senses: Low-light
AC:19, Fort:17, Reflex:16, Will:12
HP:29/35+3thp, Bloodied:17, Surge Value:8, Surges left:8/10
Action Points: 0
Howl of Fury
Whirling Rend

Predatory Eye
Whirling Lunge
Whirling Frenzy
Shrug it Off

Swift Panther Rage

Important Stuff:
+1d8 damage when charging. Cool stuff happens when he bloodies or kills a bad guy


Full sheet: L4W:pC:Kane (renau1g) - ENWiki[/sblock]


First Post
We have almost triumphed, Hergunna. Once victory is ours I will sing you a sweet tune of rest.

"If I wanted to hear a 'sweet tune', I would have hired a skald," Hergunna grumbles. "I need healing!"

A moment later the shifter paladin's devastating attack slays the skull crusher, and healing energy washes over the wolf. Her ears and tails stick straight out for a moment. "Ahhh... now that's more like it!"

OOC: Hergunna now at 19/31 hp (not bloodied), 8/9 surges.


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[sblock=Stanng]Sharpshooter was a clear, legal target. There probably should be a concealment modifier, but since you missed, it doesn't matter anyway.[/sblock]

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