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Adventure: Lord Byron’s Economic Woes (DM: Tenchuu, Judge: H.M.Gimlord)


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Tessa takes some time to walk a bit away from the group to rest and gather her senses while listening to Wil's song, with her back turned she held her arms in front of herself, the skin around the wounds inflicted by the kobold turned white and warped and shifted, closing the would, before it returned to it's former pink hue.

[sblock=Healing Surge]5+5=10 hitpoints healed, down to 6 surges.[/sblock]
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After the silence of the end of battle sets in, Stanng takes a knee and bows his head to Maros to say a short prayer of thanks.

Standing, he helps the group gather the valuables off of the bodies. He grabs the Skullcrusher and opens his mouth. He uses the edge of his blade and pops out the creature's canine tooth. She does the same with the sharpshooter he'd killed. Taking the teeth, he puts them in his pouch. Then, he grabs the bodies and throws them into the pit, one after another, until they all were in the pit, save the hexer. Helping Kane with the hexer, they lash the body of the hexer to a tree with his arms behind his back.

When the hexer is secured, Stanng drops to his knees and breaths deeply, cleaning his blade in the grass. Sheathing his sword, he concentrates on healing himself (use 1 healing surge). Standing, he looks at Kane.

He will wake soon. Then we will get the information we desire from this creature.....

[sblock=good cop, bad cop]So, is kane ready for the bad cop... not so bad cop routine?[/sblock]

After a brief rest, Stanng watches as the hexer stirs. When he fully realizes where he is, Stanng is standing in front of him, sword out and leaning on it as he stare's penetratingly at the Kobold. He then, addresses the kobold...

Diplomacy aided by Kane as suggested earlier (+2): 1D20 + 12 => 14

I know not your name kobold, nor do I care. Today, your men fought and died but you.... you have a choice the others didn't. You get to decide how you will die. You get to decide whether you are executed quickly or, if you are to die in a less-pleasant manner. All you have to do is tell me what you have done with the others you kidnapped with me and who know has them. If you fail to answer my questions.... I will let the bugbear ask them again... in a manner of his choosing (nods to Kane).

[sblock=ministats]Stanng Male Shifter Paladin 1
Initiative: +0, Passive Perception: 13 Passive Insight: 18, Senses: Low-light Vision
AC:18, Fort:15, Reflex:12, Will:14
HP:25/25, Bloodied:12, Surge Value:6, Surges left:7/10
Action Points: 0/1
Divine Challenge
Lay on Hands
Holy Strike
Valiant Strike

Longtooth Shifting
Divine Mettle
Divine Strength
Battle Awareness
Piercing Smite

Paladin's Judgement

Important Stuff:
regeneration 2 and +2 to all damage rolls (after being bloodied and longtooth shifting is used).


Full sheet: Stanng Bonetooth, Paladin of Maros [/sblock]
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After trussing up the weasly little kobold, Kane dragged the bound captive over to Stanng. The shifter began speaking to the little creature as soon as it awoke, moving with a quickness that surprised Kane for a moment. After Stanng's words, the bugbear shakes his head and saunters over to the kobold. With a meaty hand he grabs the hexer by the throat and effortlessly lifts him up above Kane's head, dangling like a piece of bait on a tackle. The bugbear pulls him in close, the rancid breath of the barbarian washes over the kobold as Kane speaks

"No, see you is being too nice to the little runt. In my time in the arena they teach us that it better to play with our food before we eat them. It more fun for the dwarves who watch us and gets Kane bigger rewards. I was the best at it and I miss having such fun. Oh please don't answer our questions so I can play with you little one." Kane hisses, then pulls the kobold even closer so the large canines are an inch from his face and bites down.

After his words, Kane throws the kobold at Stanng's feat and glares at him, licking his lips.

intimidate (1d20 9=26)


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After the fight, Wil stores his bow and gets out his flute and plays a calming tune. A short rest will do us some good, then we can move on.

Hergunna sits on the stone wall and rests, cocking an ear to listen to the bard's playing. "Not bad." she allows grudgingly. "Not the best I've heard, but that wasn't bad at all."

OOC: Spend two surges to get to full HP... 32/32 hp, 6/9 surges.

When the shifter and bugbear begin their interrogation of the hexer, Hergunna looks on silently. There is a bit of a sour expression on her face, but that's usually the case. She watches the hexer carefully.

OOC: Ready to make insight checks as needed... Tenchuu please feel free to roll them as needed (+9) to keep things moving.
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[sblock=ooc]So should we wait for the end of the interrogation before we start moving at the camp then?

One other thing about the camp... I think traveler's camouflage should still be active for everyone except Stanng, for the +5 to Stealth until combat starts... Perhaps Stanng should let sneaker types scout first, or is Stanng sneaky enough on his own?

Also Hergunna will start off by listening to the voices and trying to make out who is talking and what they are saying... maybe wait for results of that before we start approaching.[/sblock]
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[sblock=Status]Here is the before and after status for each character, to help you decide what you are going to do.

At the end of the Encounter:
Wil Rando (4): H1 18/28 HS 10/10 AP 0
Tessa Tressd'n (6): H6 16/23 HS 7/7 AP 1
Hergunna (15): G1 10/31 HS 8/9 AP 0 Bloodied
Kane (17): E4 29/35 THP 1/3 HS 8/10 AP 0
Stanng (14): G0 17/25 THP 3/3 HS 8/10 AP 0 (Second Wind Used)


  • Encounter ends, and players gain an AP.
  • Players take a short rest, regaining encounter powers, losing Temp HP.
  • Wil plays a song, giving a +5 HP bonus to each healing surge used.
  • Stang uses 1 HS
  • Kane uses 1 HS
  • Tessa uses 1 HS
  • Hergunna uses 2 HS
At the end of Rest:
Wil Rando (4): H1 18/28 HS 10/10 AP 1
Tessa Tressd'n (6): H6 23/23 HS 6/7 AP 2
Hergunna (15): G1 31/31 HS 6/9 AP 1
Kane (17): E4 35/35 HS 7/10 AP 1
Stanng (14): G0 25/25 HS 7/10 AP 1
[/sblock][sblock=Wil]Are you using a HS?
[/sblock][sblock=Hexer]Great RP guys. I will post a response later today. I gotta get to work![/sblock]

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