Adventure: Lord Byron's High-Seas High-Stakes (DM: Tenchuu, Judge: H.M.Gimlord)

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Kruk picks up his weapon and moves closer to the foe. Frustrated, Kruk continues to taunt his enemy "Aaaaghhhhhh....come back and fight ya chicken!" Kruk has to stop his persuit again due to the ongoing adverse effects of spells.

minor: pick up battleaxe
movement: kruk can move 3 spaces because of his encounter boot power: +1 to speed. Move to C40
movement: move to a43

save vs weakend condition: 1d20 = 8 nope
save vs slowed condition: 1d20 = 8 nope

I've failed my last 6 saving throws!
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Instead of nothing as your standard action you could either use it for another move action or total defense so its not wasted[/sblock]


Wil quaffs Carolina's potion and it keeps him standing. Despite his burning clothing he knocks an arrow and lets it fly far, far to the retreating lizardman. It makes the distance, but the creature dodges it. Curse you! shouts the bard and tries to stamp out his fire. It spreads over his arms and he begins to panic.

[sblock=OOC] Potion heals 10 for 1 healing surge, then 5 ongoing fire damage
Standard: Jinx Shot 1d20+10=15 (bah!)
Save 1d20=1 (you must be kidding, Kruk's bad luck is catching)

Status: bloodied
Init: +4 Speed: 5 Perception:19 Insight: 17
AC: 19 NAD:14/16/19
HP: 9/40 Surges: 7/8 Surge Value: 10 AP: 0
Languages: Allarian, Imperia, Draconic
Str:8 Dex:14 Wis:14 Con:13 Int:10 Cha:21

At Will - Jinx Shot, Cutting Words
Encounter - Second Wind, Shout of Triumph, Twin Strike, Grappling Spirits, Hunter's Quarry, Majestic Words, Words of Friendship, Moment of Escape, Rhyme of the Blood-Seeking Blade, Virtue of Prescience
Daily - Arrow of Warning, Inevitable Shot, Songbow of Vanishment

Full Character Sheet


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Hergunna struggles to move closer to the fleeing kobold and misses with a thorn whip, then changes to wolf form.

[sblock=Actions]Standard: Thorn whip vs. scaleshaper (1d20+7=18, 1d8+5=7) Miss by 1.
Move: to B40
Minor: Wild Shape to wolf
End: Save vs slow (1d20+1=17) Not slowed.
[sblock=Hergunna stat block]Hergunna- Female Human Druid 4
Beast Form
Passive Perception: 21, Passive Insight: 21
AC:19, Fort:15, Reflex:17, Will:18 -- Speed:7
HP:28/46, Bloodied:23, Surge Value:11 (13 in beast form), Surges left:9/9
Initiative +5
Action Points: 0, Daily Item Uses: 1, Second Wind: Not Used
Thorn Whip, Call of the Beast, Chill Wind, Savage Rend, Wild Shape

Thorn Spray, Resist Energy, Predator's Flurry, Hunter's Quarry

Summon Pack Wolf

Death Fang Totem, Enduring Beast Hide Armor, Bracers of Respite


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[sblock=Not The Next Turn, yet...]
Please welcome Mal Malenkirk, who will be joining the group of adventurers with his chracter, Charina, a female Drow sharpshooter. [/sblock]

Having gotten word of the Lizard attack from a fleeing dock worker, Charina moved with speed down to the harbor. As she approached, she saw a haggard-looking group of adventurers, with a trail of dead lizards in their wake, pursuing one more. Concealing herself behind a rock, she watched as the Scaleshaper retreated towards her, oblivious to the threat ahead.

[sblock=Map Info]
Charina is off-map to the north, 20 squares away, with cover/concealment.
[/sblock][sblock=Next Steps]In the off chance that Charina doesn't kill the last lizard, I'll post its actions. But, assuming she does, go ahead and RP the introduction.[/sblock]

Mal Malenkirk

First Post
A bolt out of nowhere narrowly misses the lizard. It turns its head in alarm in the direction the projectile came from. It's no help. Another bolt strike him through the throat and he falls lifeless to the ground.

Over a hundred feet away, a silhouette appears from the shadows. It is a female of slight build carrying an enormous crossbow, taller than she is. She wears a clinging suit of dark leather armour, has short cropped white air and a mischiveous smile.

-''Hey there. I'm a bit embarassed that the first bolt missed. Not my style, really. It doesn't look like you needed any help either, so I lay no claim to the booty. But surely you won't mind if I cut off the lizards' ears?'' says the drow cheerfully, drawing a curved dagger.

Standard: Shadow Strike
vs AC (1d20+12+2=19, 1d10+8+2d8=18)

Looks like a miss. Thankfully, if Charina is hidden when she uses shadow strike, she can take an immediate stealth check after the attack to remain hidden.
Stealth (1d20+16=29)

Still Hidden!

Minor: Reload Crossbow

AP: Sly Flourish
Sly Flourish vs AC (1d20+12+2=28, 1d10+10+2d8=27)

Hit and a kill
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-''Hey there. I'm a bit embarassed that the first bolt missed. Not my style, really. It doesn't look like you needed any help either, so I lay no claim to the booty. But surely you won't mind if I cut off the lizards' ears?'' says the drow cheerfully, drawing a curved dagger.

Kruk looks up just in time to see that female drop the foe. "BY MY GRANDPAPPY'S YELLOW BEARD!...WHO THE HECK ARE YOU!?" Not waiting for an answer, he screams again. "YA COULD HAVE GIVEN US A CHANCE TO MAKE KILLING BLOW!" Kruk is obviously still in battle frenzy mode and is not well versed in diplomacy. He then kicks the limp body in frustration and abruptly collapses to the ground, landing on his back. After taking a few deep breaths and then looking straight up in the air into the face of the female dressed in leather, who is now cutting of the ear of the foe, Kruk states " name's Kruk...well met."

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