Adventure: Love Bites


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Woe steps aside, letting their new patron enter and do his thing.

“Alright, Merry Merith, this is your show now. Just allow me a moment to say "I quit!" to that fat bum’s face before you deprive him of his mind.”

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Lord Sessadore

[sblock=Mikara and Covaithe]Tristan gives a little shrug. "I suppose so. Maybe we'll get lucky." With that, the elf goes out the door and starts towards the tower with Mikara.[/sblock]


[sblock=Tristan and Covaithe]Mikara walks through the streets with Tristan trying to keep track of how to get around the city. It seems so impossibly complex and uninviting. "Do you know anything about this 'Dud-head-turd' fellow? He sounds like a person of some influence."[/sblock]


[sblock=Tristan and Mikara]The streets are fairly clear, but you spot some poorly disguised "students" loitering near Doddoddod's tower, their ill-fitting robes not really doing much to conceal their weapons. They look you over closely as you pass by, but don't move to stop you.

At the door, a rather unkempt servant answers to your knock. He looks you up and down with a look that is only barely short of a sneer. "Yes? What business do you have with Master Doddoddod?"


First Post
Atreus seems to follow passively behind Karse, but really is on the look out for possible traps.

Perception Check: +6 to detect traps or magical wards


[sblock=Tristan & Covaithe]"Here we're sighing to tree if hot-head tarred can fiddle his wingers and fart something saurus." Mikara slaps herself, "Sorry, that came out aaaaaalllll wrong. We're looking for some fellows who have fallen into ill repute of late, and I here they were once under the employ of resident wizard, Doddodod. If he's available, we'd like to ask him some questions, and perhaps get to know him better as well."[/sblock]


Karse smiles grimly. "Very well. Come along, if you wish." He quickly makes his way up several floors of the tower's central stairwell, heading for Doddoddod's private study. Twice he hesitates, as if unsure of the way, then cocks his head as if to listen, and chooses the correct way. When he reaches the heavy, wood-paneled door, he does not hesitate, flinging it wide and striding straight into the room.

Doddoddod, resplendant in a massive construction of purple and green silk, whirls with surprising alacrity. "You!" he gasps. "It can't be! You're dead! No, of course not, you're not him, are you?" He leaps toward his work table, actually achieving a slight separation from the ground as his hand stretches for a wand.

"Halt!" commands Karse, bending his will on the wizard. Doddoddod staggers, but resists the command, fingers closing around the wand. A blast of lightning forks through the air, scorching Karse and narrowly missing the rest of you.

"HALT!" shouts Karse, redoubling his will. This time, the command sticks. Doddoddod stops, eyes unfocused, and does not move as Karse approaches and relieves him of the wand, then strikes him a sharp blow to the back of the head, moving quickly aside as Doddoddod falls with a booming crash.

[sblock=Woe and Atriden]Doddoddod is looking... well, not good, not healthy, even, but far less like a gravy elemental than you've ever seen him before. There is a focused quality to his eyes, a briskness and non-torpidity to his movements that is wholly unlike the wizard you've come to know and loathe. The spell he cast, before Karse took him, was far more powerful than any you'd have credited him with. In fact, aside from the odd cantrip or ritual, it's the only spell you can recall him ever performing in front of you. [/sblock]

"Well, that was interesting," Karse says, making an effort to keep his voice calm. "He is far more powerful than I had expected. Leave us; it will take some time and concentration to possess his mind fully, perhaps several days. Perhaps you might begin your investigations, when you are ready."

Just then, the servant Fritz comes pounding up the stairs, face flushed. "What's going on? Woe? I thought you were dead? Where's Master Doddoddod?"


[sblock=Tristan and Mikara]About halfway through Mikara's garbled first response, there is a scream and a loud crash from somewhere high in the tower. Fritz turns and runs into the tower, leaving the door wide open in front of you.


[sblock=Tristan & Covaithe]Mikara turns to Tristan, bows, and gestures for him to enter as if she were a doorman, "After you, m'lord." and in they go. [/sblock]


First Post
Atreus is about to wait for Woe's answer but thinks it best not to hesitate in this situation " Doddoddod is not feeling well but no need to worry, Palindrome is here taking care of him Fritz. He wishes not to be disturbed. Another thing, you must not speak of this to others, nor reveal that Palindrome and Woe have returned to the tower. Do you understand? "

Bluff check: +9 on social situations

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