Adventure:-- LPNN (Manzanita Judging)


The man with the probe
Julliana will throw in the occasional log to keep the fire going. "The last watch can probably let the fire die, as the morning light will eventualy aid them"

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"I've acquired an everlasting coldflame torch recently. It should give us some amount of light..."


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In those pre-sleeping moments, when everyone is settling down, Hallidor suddenly asks a few questions, obviously hoping to learn more of his companions -- and what better time than around a campfire?

"Zaeryl, what sort of wizard are you? For a wizard I suspect you to be... seeing as you have few weapons...

Ogrin, what brings one of your kind to human settlements?

And the rest of you... have you ever experienced combat, real combat? I'm still an innocent, although I've trained much, that's for sure.



The man with the probe
"I have trained as a warrior most of my life. I have made grown men look like fools for their overconfidence. I have studied the ways of the warmind. But I have been told I have much to learn from my mistress." Juliana says, somewhat coldly, though not towards anyone in particular. "I have little true combat experience, but I know my way around a battlefield."

"My mistress likes to say that combat is a confrontation just like any other in life. There are sides, and sometimes they're clearer than others. People will judge you on your success or failure in it. A brave heart and the best intent does not always ensure success, while skill and intelligence is almost always rewarded. And if you don't face your fears, you will never over come them."

"Yes, my mistress said you can learn a lot from battle...." She lets that thought linger.


Ogrin shrugs. "It's easier to cheat a human out of his money than it is a halfling, I guess. You tall ones think we're harmless due to our short stature, which is far from truth... as for why I came to be in Orussus, I woke the anger of a wizard a few months back, and he managed to dominate my mind. I was forced to endure this slavery for a few months, until one day, the veil of his spell was lifted by a fortunate occurence: During a visit to a mage's house in Orussus, I entered an area which I later learned was a zone where magic would not work. When the initial confusion had faded, I continued to play along, until we were alone; then I showed that mindbender what true halfling anger looked like.

"Needless to say, he won't be bothering me again.

"I've stayed in Orussus since then, since it is a place of many opportunities for a man of my expertise. I've worked as a bodyguard, mercenary and similar trades."

Rae ArdGaoth

"Bah! Real combat, eh? Ah've had mah share, ye can be sure o' that, mates! Ah kilt an entire tribe o' goblins, all on me own, me 'ole life's been full o' flayers and drow and fightin' and fightin' and fightin'! Ye'll ne'er meet a dwarf with as much fightin' in 'is past as meself, mates. Rest assured, Hallidor, sir, me axes 'ave been 'ard at work in me fightin' 'ands for s'long as Ah can remember, an' Ah know how to use 'em. Matter o' fact, these two blades 'ere are bran' spankin' new, an' Ah'm jus' itchin' to let 'em taste some evil creature's flesh!" Rasereit's eyes sparkle at the thought of the carnage. It's a tad on the disconcerting side, to say the least.


First Post
"I am greatly intruiged with the things you all have told me... I'm not sure who impresses me more, in fact.

One thing that strikes me as obviously true -- like Juliana, I feel like there is much that can be learned from battle, and only from battle.

I am torn, however. I do not seek out battle, yet I desire battle. Yet I fear what might result from battle. Yet I wish to be tested. Yet I have no time for battle. Yet I wish to make time for battle.

I am warring with myself; that perhaps is my true conflict."

Thus speaks Hallidor, quietly and seriously.


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Almayce answers Hallidor's question:[color=#00e0] [color=#00e0]"I have been in what could be called combat twice thus far. First one was dealt by others very swifly, and the second one was actually dangerous. We fought a small dragon, and I was mostly busy trying to keep others alive. We managed to kill the dragon in the end, and got quite nice amount of reward from it and the treasure it had collected."[/color][/color]


First Post
{I'm not going to be able to post again until this evening, so I'll let anyone who wishes to (and hasn't yet) respond to Hallidor before continuing the trek to Rangarata}


First Post
Vargo says, "I have never been tested in combat, at least not up close and in person. As you can tell from my frail frame, I probably wouldn't last long against one of the more ferocious beasts that wander the wild lands. I've had to use my friendship with animals, my wits, and my charm to survive this long." Vargo shifts, then lowers his voice. "Hallidor, do not seek battle rashly. I have seen many courageous youths, possessed of their own immortality, charge rashly the nearest opponent, only to find a seasoned veteran on the other end of the spear buried in their guts. A cool head and a friend at your back will get you through alive - and that is the real goal."

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