[Adventure]: Murder at Midnight (DM: renau1g, Judge Ozy)

Lord Sessadore

Tristan smirks at Ryado's comment, but doesn't add his own.

After everyone has eaten and drank and had a short rest, Tristan rises. "It is time we continue." He looks over at Gil and Papo. "Shall we?" he asks, raising an eyebrow.

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Splitting the party, my favourite tactic :)

Half the group prepares to track the hunter, while the other half get ready to go speak to the half-elf. 7 Rabbit appears to have entered some sort of trance or meditation and despite any attempts to contact him, the dwarf is comatose. Ryado offers to stand watch and see if he can determine what has afflicted him, while the party moves forward on their investigation.

Tristan takes the lead, his formidable senses focused on the task at hand and it is not terribly difficult for one of the chosen of Dayna to follow someone through the woods. The other two follow closely behind keeping watch for any threats.

The path leads to a clearing, in the middle of the clearing you see sprigs of wolfsbane, some pulled and seemingly scattered about haphazardly. A pack and a crossbow lie near some of the fallen toxin. [/sblock]

A scraggly hedgerow and a thousand storms’ worth of water stains mar the otherwise beautiful townhouse squatting at the location that Ryado noted. Well-worn marble steps lead to oaken double doors and an ornate, yellow bell pull.

Upon the pull of the bell, a man opens the door, a human wearing a long blue coat-tailed jacket and powdered wig looks you up and down disparagingly. "No, we are not supporting the local militia, nor do we care about the plight of retired adventurers, and nor do we require any guards. Good day" he says and begins to close the heavy door.

OOC: Sorry all, I tried to update yesterday, then the site died


First Post
[SBLOCK=Speakers]"Sorry, but I think you have it all wrong." tells Eloan as he put his feet in the doorway. "I am an adventurer, you can say, and I like to have a good night before leaving for a long trip. And I have gold too. Someone told me here would be the place." He tells that as he quickly show the card before putting it back into his pocket.[/SBLOCK]


First Post
[SBLOCK=Speakers]"Sorry, but I think you have it all wrong." tells Eloan as he put his feet in the doorway. "I am an adventurer, you can say, and I like to have a good night before leaving for a long trip. And I have gold too. Someone told me here would be the place." He tells that as he quickly show the card before putting it back into his pocket.[/SBLOCK]

"Ah, it appears you have been misinformed as to protocol my good sir. Ms. Marvov does not accepting unscheduled visitors." the man replies, "Now, if you would be so kind as to remove your foot from the door, you can be on your way" the man replies [/sblock]


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[sblock=Hunter]Not a good sign, hunters don't leave their weapons voluntarily and worse we are in the middle of a wolfsbane thicket. Mayhaps the werewolf has an accomplice, or Illarion was correct to think it wasn't a werewolf at all? Gil muses aloud as he carefully inspects the pack.



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[SBLOCK=Speakers]"I see, that's sad. Well, I'll spend my last night talking to the authorities instead. They would be interested to hear that her card was found on a crime site. And then, her reputation could go down... that would be sad. Hey, let just me speak to her ten minutes, that shouldn't hurt her business." suggetss Eloan, on a pelasant tone.

Intimidate (1d20+12=26)[/SBLOCK]

Lord Sessadore

[sblock=Hunter]"Indeed, this does not bode well for the dwarf," Tristan agrees. The elf treads around the clearing with care, inspecting all the tracks and other evidence he can find to see if he can piece together what happened in the clearing, especially whether the dwarf was attacked here. [/sblock]
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First Post
[sblock=Hunter]Not a good sign, hunters don't leave their weapons voluntarily and worse we are in the middle of a wolfsbane thicket. Mayhaps the werewolf has an accomplice, or Illarion was correct to think it wasn't a werewolf at all? Gil muses aloud as he carefully inspects the pack.


As Gil moves into the patch of wolfsbane, suddenly vines rise up from the ground all around you!!! Luckily, Tristan shouts out a warning to the arcanist and the party is able to react.

OOC: Init please, Tristan's observation skills saves you from being surprised (curse you!). Tristan also spots about 5 weird plants that seem to be moving as well, they look like this:



[SBLOCK=Speakers]"I see, that's sad. Well, I'll spend my last night talking to the authorities instead. They would be interested to hear that her card was found on a crime site. And then, her reputation could go down... that would be sad. Hey, let just me speak to her ten minutes, that shouldn't hurt her business." suggetss Eloan, on a pelasant tone.

Intimidate (1d20+12=26)[/SBLOCK]

At Eloan's words, the man's face drops somewhat and he appears to be relenting when Illarion steps up and the duo appear to be too much, even for this pantalooned dandy. Kaeysari agrees to watch the door.

He leads you up the stairs to a sitting room, one that (like the exterior of the home) has seen better days. The rug is somewhat tattered and frayed, the chaise is worn, and the bronze mirrorframes have tarnished.

The butler departs to gather his mistress and ten minutes later the door opens again. A fine-featured woman of mixed descent enters and reclines on a fainting couch, though her pointed ears and upturned eyes betray an even more exotic ancestry.

“You’re clearly not locals, nor are you expected. I know only members of the Institute of Arcane to be so bold. Your fearless little Society has already taken enough from me. Leave or I will call the guards.” she says coolly.


[sblock=Insight DC 15]
There's barely controlled contempt in her voice towards the IAC
But also undercutting that anger is a deep sadness[/sblock]


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[SBLOCK=Speakers]"Only members of the Institute of Arcane are that bold? It sems not as I do not know that Institute at all. I am not Arcanist. And yes, we had to be bold to convince your butler to let us in and come here at this time of the night.

But if we are here, it is because we are running out of time and we need some information you might have. Recently, an elven information broker got killed in his house.

On the crime site, we foud this."
Eloan take out the card and show her before putting it back in his pocket. "If you could light our lantern on why that elf had your card, and tell us what you know about him. Unless you killed him, you have no reason to fear us, and the authorities doesn't know what we found... yet."

Insight (1d20+3=23)
Diplomacy (1d20+14=16) A 20 and a 2... that 2 was to be expected.[/SBLOCK]

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