[Adventure] Murder Most Foul! (Judge: EvolutionKB)


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Boruuk roars in anguish as he realizes that there is nothing he can do at the present moment. You can't keep me here forever! He then takes a couple deep breaths in preparation for his next attack...when he gets the chance.

Boruuk uses second wind gaining 14 hp when he only needed 10, bringing him up to max hp.


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Artemus attacks Boofee and this time, easily stab the creature.

"DIE YOU GIANT BALL OF FILTH!" Knoepf yells as he fires yet another blast of silver flame at Boofee. The blast is so powerfull that it covers the entire body of the beholder. "Heh heh heh...looks like the lady of the silver flame wants this one dead Horan. What do you think about that?" Knoepf says in a taunting voice as he points his holy symbol at boofee.

Tirial teleport up stair and move into sight with the Beholder and shot at him. His arrow miss but quickly put another arrow on his bow string, expecting to attack him again soon.

Boruuk roars in anguish as he realizes that there is nothing he can do at the present moment. You can't keep me here forever! He then takes a couple deep breaths in preparation for his next attack...when he gets the chance.

"I think you are mistaken Dwarf. While you wasted your time on Boofee, I have been slowly destroying you. Boofee was just a distraction. Bwa ha ha ha." Horan laughs as he hits Knoepf with more radiant energy.

Artemus hits Boofee for 9.
Knoepf hits Boofee for 12+10 and kills him. Boofee falls and is considered difficult terrain.
Knoepf moves and gives Artemus 5 temporary hit points.
Tirial teleports to the upper platform and misses the Beholder.
Boruuk does second wind and gets 10 hit points.
Horan flies out and hits Knoepf for 5 radiant damage. Horan is still 25 feet in the air.

Tirial 42/50
Boruuk 62/62, 5 temporary hit points, immobilized until TENT Beholder, +2 defenses TSNT Boruuk
Horan, 7, 4 temporary hit points
Hasifar 34/46, 5 temporary hit points
Beholder, 80, bloodied, quarried, prone
Artemus 25/44, 5 temporary hit points
Knoepf 12/45, bloodied

It's Hasifar's turn.

AC 23 hit Beholder (with +2 AC for cover). AC 18 (with +2 AC for cover) missed Beholder, Reflex 16 missed Beholder.

Will 13 misses Horan. Reflex 25 hit Horan.

The steps to the right that go up 10 feet require 3 squares of movement to ascend. The steps up to the two lower platforms to either side of the main altar platform only go up 5 feet and require 2 squares of movement to ascend.

The green 20x10 rectangle is the chimney. It is 30 feet off of the ground, 20 feet above the altar platform.

The item in front of the altar looks like some type of bucket or something. The PCs cannot see the brown squares to either side of the altar from where they are standing and the blue colored edges of the wall seem to be some type of murals, but you cannot yet make out what is on them from this distance.


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"I think you are mistaken Dwarf. While you wasted your time on Boofee, I have been slowly destroying you. Boofee was just a distraction. Bwa ha ha ha."

Heh heh heh...Yes, I've noticed that. However, as you have been peppering me with your puny spells, I've been keeping my comrades alive and healthy, which will ultimately lead to your downfall. You see, you have done nothing to aide your comrades, and soon they'll all be dead!

Knoepf then yells to the smaller beholder. DO YOU HEAR THAT LITTLE ONE!

Back to Horan. That's why good always prevails over evil of the likes of you. Even if I go down, I'll take great comfort in my death knowing that soon there after, you will die as well, whether it be Hasifar's spells, Tirial's arrows, Boruuk's axe or Artemus's blade. I can only hope that it is a combination of all four...heh heh heh

Voda Vosa

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Hasifar launches a deft phychic attak at Horan, and then at the beholder, if able.

Move: To get in range
Stnd: Chaos bolt vs Horan
1d20+9 → [12,9] = (21)
1d10+9→ [2,9] = (11)
1d20+9→ [10,9] = (19)
1d6+5 → [3,5] = (8)
1d20+9→ [14,8] = (22)
1d6+5 → [4,5] = (9)[/sblock]


Heh heh heh...Yes, I've noticed that. However, as you have been peppering me with your puny spells, I've been keeping my comrades alive and healthy, which will ultimately lead to your downfall. You see, you have done nothing to aide your comrades, and soon they'll all be dead!

Knoepf then yells to the smaller beholder. DO YOU HEAR THAT LITTLE ONE!

Back to Horan. That's why good always prevails over evil of the likes of you. Even if I go down, I'll take great comfort in my death knowing that soon there after, you will die as well, whether it be Hasifar's spells, Tirial's arrows, Boruuk's axe or Artemus's blade. I can only hope that it is a combination of all four...heh heh heh

Hasifar launches a deft phychic attak at Horan, and then at the beholder, if able.

The Beholder rights itself, and then looks at Tirial with its central eye. Tirial responds by shooting the Beholder yet again and killing it. It falls without making a sound.

Hasifar hits Horan for 11 which becomes 5 which drops 4 temporary hit points and does 1 hit point. The Beholder is 10 feet up on the platform, prone behind altar and Hasifar cannot see him.
The Beholder tries to hit Tirial with its central eyebeam, but Tirial hits it first for 29.

Tirial 42/50
Boruuk 62/62, 5 temporary hit points, +2 defenses TSNT Boruuk
Horan, 8
Hasifar 34/46, 5 temporary hit points
Beholder, 109, dead
Artemus 25/44, 5 temporary hit points
Knoepf 12/45, bloodied

It's Artemus' turn.

AC 23 hit Beholder (with +2 AC for cover). AC 18 (with +2 AC for cover) missed Beholder, Reflex 16 missed Beholder.

Will 13 misses Horan. Reflex 21 hit Horan.

The steps to the right that go up 10 feet require 3 squares of movement to ascend. The steps up to the two lower platforms to either side of the main altar platform only go up 5 feet and require 2 squares of movement to ascend.

The green 20x10 rectangle is the chimney. It is 30 feet off of the ground, 20 feet above the altar platform.

The item in front of the altar looks like some type of bucket or something. The PCs cannot see the brown squares to either side of the altar from where they are standing and the blue colored edges of the wall seem to be some type of murals, but you cannot yet make out what is on them from this distance.


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Knoepf turns slowly to Horan and meets his gaze. Now it is your turn to die. Knoepf mumbles a prayer, and then the battle of minds begins. (If a hit). Both minds locked in invisible battle until Horan starts to sweat and tremble, then becomes disoriented. Heh heh heh We are coming for you fallen priest.

minor: none
movement: none
attack: bane 1d20+9 vs Horan's will: 21

If that is a hit, Until the end of your next turn, Horan takes a penalty of 4 to attack rolls and to all defenses.


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