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(Adventure) Retrieval of Fallon's Key (Macbeth Judging)


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"Miss Sara, I pardon myself for insulting you in any way, but it does matter to me if we're on the same side here. I am a Paladin. I have vowed to the Code. That Code is not 'just' a bunch of rules I can ignore, and even if I could, I wouldn't want to. I have vowed to fight Evil and injustice, and have been granted with the ability to see the truth about people. Deep inside noone can simply hide who they ahave re, and when such a person is Evil, I cannot work with them. So the Code says, but also, so do I feel."

Rogier continues, but keeps his hand on his sword. "For example, this man," he nods at Thebis-ra, "has a very sorry tale. But I can see right through this mask of appearance. How much as he might look innocent, he certainly is not. He has chosen the path of greed, of selfishness, yes, the path of Evil."

"I shall not work with this man, nor shall I fight you Miss Sara. I should have asked your permission, yet now I know you are not Evil, which the halfling here is. I hope you can forgive me and put your weapons down, so we can still continue this quest we received."

Turning to Thebis-ra, Rogier shakes his head.
"Thebis-ra... I am giving you a choice here. You can leave voluntairy, without too much trouble, or you can make a fuss about it. I am pretty sure my friends here wont like to have you among them as well. You can even start a battle here, but you are greatly outnumbered, and I do not know if you will survive if you start combat. I, for one, will not do so. What will it be Thebis-ra?"

As a last remark, he speaks to Llolian. "There is no need to take Miss Sara down, good sir. At least I hope she sees we are on the same side here, and that we do not need to fear eachother."

[OoC: Ready action if Thebis-Ra or Sara attacks to draw sword and get in position. ]

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Janos Audron

Pah, ' noble' man, you know so little. If you ' see through my sad tale', then pray tell me, what are my motives, what is my reason for being here, why do I loathe, even hate the Red Wizards, why do I want to eradicate every last one of them? Tell me that, then. You too are no better than them, judging before you know someone, using an arbitrary method to determine who is worthy and who is not! You do not promote justice nor equality, you promote vigilante and diversion! Thebis, hands clenched in fists, gets red in the face and spits the words to Rogier You may not look at race, like they do, but you look at an aspect of which you clearly know very little. I am not greedy, I am not selfish. Though my intentions will no doubt go against everything your precious code teaches you, I am a man of honor. Loyalty, equality, justice. These are the things I stand for. Your assumption that I am barbaric and immediately willing to attack you just because you have a different set of morals insults both me as well as my intellect, and it immediately shows yours... Now, I will not go away, because I am here for a job, and since my client has put no restrictions on who is allowed to help and who is not, I have every right to go as you! If you either are unable to embrace the concept of equality or if your 'holy' Code forbids you to even asociate with me, then feel free to leave and pass up on this opportunity. I will not bother to stop you...

Thebis-Ra takes a deep breath and calms down again...

Now, Rogier, watch me and learn as *I* do promote equality. *I* do not ask anyone to leave, just because they are different, *I* do not threaten anyone, *I* do not judge people before they have had a chance to make a good impression, though I fear you have already missed that chance, *I* do not insult people, call them liars, before I have proof that they actually are.

Now, Rogier, tell me, does your Code allow you to promote vigilante? Does your Code allow you to think less of people because they value different things? Does your Code encourage you to threaten people? Does your Code tell you to judge people before they can make a first impression? Does your Code instruct you to call people liars, even without proof?


First Post

"Gosh," Iggy mutters, "I didn't expect the combat to begin this soon."

"Certainly we will not be good at retrieving this key if we can't even get along for five minutes. Sara, please, put away your weapons. There's no need for this. As for you, Thebis, you speak well, and I'd like to speak to you more, but I do know that there is such a thing as 'evil' in this world, and that magic can detect this. I have no wish to have an 'evil' one in this group. I appreciate Rogier for detecting this if he really can do so. It doesn't sound like you are denying Rogier's assertions, but rather that you are attempting to justify your approach. Though I have nothing against you personally, I would like you to leave."

Kahuna Burger

First Post
Sara Laughs at Llolians words and smoothly sheaths both swords without interupting the dance. "If you balk at drawn swords, you'll have very few friends capable of helping you."

After the interlude with Thebis, sara turns directly to iggy. "I'm very sorry to hear you talk that way, my new friend. There may be such a thing in the world as evil, but I leave it to the preists to worry about. I worry only for loyalty and teamwork when in such a situation as this. This man has come in good faith to accept a commission. Not a quest, or a holy order, but an oppertunity offered freely to those who can accomplish it. This busybody not only makes it his business to determine the 'purity' of those he will work with, he does it by ordering Thebis away, instead of going back in the tavern and seeking out those of his own ilk who he can accept jobs with as a group." She shakes her head, and turns directly to the elven child. "Young man, you are our prospective employer. You are here to hire us for this job or not. Did you plan any tests of our souls or inner hearts for this job or are you looking for people to do your job for you? If it's the latter, those who find a place at the Red Dragon Inn do so to take employment and do well at it. If it's the first, you should have mentioned it before I lost my place on the ale list and wasted time with this meddler."


First Post
"Thebis, your speech is impressive, but do not affect me. I stand where I stand, as does my Code. I have sworn to this Code, I dedicate my life to this Code. This code is not just made up by me, but by my Lord, the one I serve. You probably know his name, and as your intelligence shows, you probably know about the Code we Paladins have as well."

"Evil is not something you can ignore. Evil is within you, and you might seem truthful now, when the moment is there we have a great chance of you betraying us. Maybe not today, maybe not even the first year, but with your strenght growing you become a more fearsome opponent every day. And when the day is there that you have enough power, you will abuse your power. You will not use it the way my Lord wants it to be used. You might even use it against Him and his people. "

"You may speak like you care, but your heart speaks different. That, Thebis, is the reason I have been granted this gift. I see through peoples stories. I see the truth inside. I am not saying your story isn't true, I am saying I cannot work with anyone who has a heart that has been corrupted by Evil. If you are able to better your life, you might be forgiven by Hyrag, and from that day you shall be defended by anyone in his service. But if that day does not come, do not even think I will be allied with you."

Rogier looks around, and looks at Sara. "Our employer did not request any purity of heart. I did. My Code does. My Lord does. If Elendrel decides that Thebis-Ra joins the party, I will be out. If he chooses me to be in, Thebis-Ra must be out. There is no way of compromising. And if that means that you, Sara, do not wish to work with me because of what I stand for, then maybe it is better we do not so."

With that, Rogier takes a look at Elendrel. "Well young lad, it is in your hands. Who do you select for this assignment, and who needs to leave?"


First Post
Wind frowns, takes a deep breath to shake off his shyness, and steps in the middle of the party.
"Anger is not a good friend to travel with, my friends."
He turns to Sara as she shethes her swords with a smile of appreciation
"Thank you. An able warrior knows when to draw his blade. A wise warrior also knows when to stay his blade. I do not understand your grudge, though. Don't you like to know who are you traveling with? Don't you observe them? If you had a gift such as Rogier's, wouldn't you use it to know who you can trust?"
Then he turns to Rogier an Iggy
"Though you may condemn Thebis-Ra's morals, he did no wrong to you. He has the same right we have to be here. Also if you deny his potential of redemption is to deny your own potential of enlightment of greatness. People can change and do change, and are often able to do thing that surprise even themselves. If you feel he's on the wrong path, is this your way to show him the rightful one? This way you'll only strenghten his resolves."
Finally he bows to speak at Thebis-Ra's eye level
"I can't and do not want to judge you, but I can sense your hate. Those who wronged you probably deserve it, but they aren't worth your soul. Don't let hate and anger dwell in your heart, for they will drag you down, and keep you away from the heights you can achieve."
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Janos Audron

Your Code. What a great excuse to hide behind when you have to justify behavior by rational thought. What I see here can never be the way your Code is supposed to work, at least, that is what I hope. Your execution of the Code goes against a lot of things I stand for. I still stand by my previous statements, and untill you either admit or deny them, with a reason why your Lord has instructed you to become such a bad example of freedom, equality and honesty, I cannot think otherwise than that you have somehow been indoctrinated...

When you talk with such zeal about Evil, can you not see categories of Evil? Those Red Wizards, they use slaves, they use magic to corrupt people and animals. I have seen things I wished I never saw. I am not like that. I oppose everything they stand for! They believe human beings can be owned, I believe no man should ever be the property of someone else, all freedom taken away from him. These Red Wizards lie their way through life, always ganging up against one another, backstabbing their allies at the moment of victory, only to increase their own power. I believe in loyalty, teamwork is the key to success, and those who accomplish something should be rewarded the same. I have heard stories about a vile ritual that can turn men into murderous monsters. Magic should not be used that way. Magic should not be used to influence people, to make them do your bidding. If you can not sway them with words, you should not force them to do things they do not want.

When I tell you I stand for Loyalty, why do you not believe me? Why do you insult me by telling me that I am lying and that I will backstab you? When I tell you I stand for Honor, why do you not believe me? Why do you tell me you see through stories, and that you see the truth inside of me, only to proceed to spread blatant lies about me? When I tell you I stand for Justice, why do you not believe me? Why do you say I will one day attack your Lord or His people? They are innocent, they have not wronged me. They do not deserve to be hurt, and thus I will not do so. You are hiding behind some sort of prejudice that a person who has murder on his mind can not be trusted. But Rogier, don't you see, my wrath is not aimed at you! There are those in the world who are truly evil, not just stupid. I know who I have sworn to avenge, I know who I will kill once I have mastered magic. And it is not you.

Wind, at least you see that I have not shown enough of myself to be judged correctly. At least you use your own mind, instead of hiding behind that of someone else. You are correct that they deserve my wrath, but in my experience, hate is a very good way to stay focussed on your goal, hate is a force that strenghtens you, gives your life meaning, and only when the object of your hate is gone will you be able to live peacefully with yourself. So once I reach my goal, I will be able to enjoy life to the fullest. Anger and hate are merely tools to keep me focussed...


First Post
I am not trying to hide me behind my Code. I am saying I am following it. The way you talk and the way your heart is do not match. You spreak of honor, of loyalty, which Evil can indeed know. But as you should be aware of, which I even think you are intelligent enough for to know, it has little to do with being Evil.
You speak of your hatred versus the Red Wizards, which I can totally understand. Again, if your heart wasn't as blackened as it is, I would have travelled with you without any problems. But I know more. Hatred does not force an Evil heart. If you truly are as you say who you are, if you do not intend to hurt villagers, to stick through thick and thin, to help others when able, only to get revenge on the Red Wizards, well, in that case my Magic wouldn't have showed you as Evil.

I cannot go against the Code, even if I wanted to. My options are limited, and I do not blindly do what the code says, but I am aware of it's goals. Do not take me for dumb, Thebis, for I am not. I may not be the smartest on the block, but I am not stupid. I do not jump off a cliff if someone tells me to. I do have a brain, and I do use it. You are saying I am trying to cause vigiliante, that I am calling you a liar, that I am discriminating you for who you are.

I do not intent to disciminate you for who you may be, but what your heart tells me. Hearts cannot lie, yet people can. Again, I am not saying you are at this moment, because I do not know you that well. If your heart wasn't blackened, and yes I repeat this again, I might have gotten to know you better, and even help you in your battle against the Evil Red Wizards. But it is not so! And there is where my Paladinhood is in it's most weakened form. Yes, I feel sorry for you after hearing your story, but I cannot help you, not without the approval of Hyrag.

You may doubt my Code. You may doubt my intentions, you may doubt me. I may have judged prematurely, and may have offended you in many ways. If so, I appologize. No, I do not intend to spread lies about you in any way. But I do have a Code to follow. And that Code does not allow me to travel with people who are, for what reason whatsoever, Evil. And you Thebis, ARE Evil. I cannot help you from there, but you can.

Wind has shown me my error, for I shouldn't be fireing words at you like this. I judged too early. Again, I am sorry for that. But he also says exactly what I cannot do. I cannot show you the path to the life of Good, not before you clearly show you intend to change. Evil can be driven out of one, but it cannot be forced. Forcing Evil to leave will only make it stronger.

I am, once again, to give you, and the party, and Eldendrel. I am keeping myself to the Code, even if you think the way it works is dumb. Now, the choice is first in your hands. If you are willing to change, and leave the path of Evil, I can show you the way of Good. If you do not wish to make this change, if you do not see the need to change for me, for yourself or for anyone, one of us shall have to go. And that will be up to you, Sebastian, Iggy, Llolian, Sara and Wind with of course Elendrel as our employer.

Rogier awaits Thebis-Ra's answer, and hopes his first actions haven't been too offensive for Thebis to be shown the path to Good.


The elven child watched the display his eyes changing from the blue of the sky at early day, to a pink of a sunrise. His voice seems to gain athority as he speaks, his back stiffening, his hadnd going to the dagger at his belt with an expert touch that was not appearant before.

"Paladin, you make the same mistake many of your kind make during the first years. Never assume that evil is the most important facor when determining who you travel with. I have traveled with holy men who destroy whole villages out of a sense of justice, and been there to watch an evil man risk his life to save the life of a child. I counted both as close friends, and found it easier to work with the one labeled as evil. Yes, his motivavations were different from mine, but for the purposes that I traveled with him, he was an able companion." The little boy shakes his head and looks at the rest of the group before turning back to the paladin.

"There are those that are not 'evil' but will fly off and do things for the meer purpose of doing things that cause more trouble and more hurt then some 'evil' people do in their intire lives. There is a reason that your ability is not used in the courts of Fallon, for it's incomplete." The boy looks at the paladin closer and adds "Take some advice. Use your given ability as a single tool, and not the only tool. Your lord has given you judgement, and I think he would be disappointed with your use of his gifts." The boy then looks at the group once more and says "Now, by your word, you have given ME the choice of who to keep. Unless you change YOUR sinful ways," he says, looking straight at the paladin, "I would choose the one that picks to leave rather then the one that would be forced to leave." The child then seems to relax and says to the paladin.

"Please reconcider your shortsidedness and join the others. They would greatly beniffit from your help." He smiles a cruel smile and adds "I'm sure that you do not want to turn your back on thousands just for the sake of yourself and one other."

OoC: Thebis-Ra, please note the we are NOT in a world with the red wizards of they. Keep your background, but do the rest of us a favor and create a simular, but unique group that could exist in this world. ENWorld is rather new and needs help in these areas. Thanks!

Janos Audron

[OOC: We *are* in a world with Red Wizards, since I was allowed to DM an adventure with 2 of them. One of them is currently in the Red Dragon Inn.]aaa

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