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(Adventure) Rivenblight's Castaway [Creamsteak judging]


GnomeWorks said:
"Y'know, I'm startin' ta not like th' looks a this." He says. "There's too many questions... like how an elf, a woman, could lead a bunch a human guys ta banditry? It just doesn't make sense, y'know? How is she handlin' 'em? Why are they listenin' ta 'er? Or is she just along fer th' ride, an' only looks like she's in charge...?"

Jaan nods his head.

"I agree. I think that there is more to this than meets the eye at first glance. Thats what makes it interesting."

GnomeWorks said:
He shakes his head. "Man, I'm gettin' nervous jus' messin' around here. Let's get what we need an' head out soon... th' sooner we're out there an' findin' out what we're dealin' with, th' better I'll feel."

"Yes, lets get moving. I think that we have asked all we can ask."

Thomas Hobbes said:
"Want me t' go git them, or would some of ye like to come down and see for yourself?"

"We'll come with you. It may save time if any more questions come up. And I must admit that I am curious to see what lies behind the trap door."

Assuming that everyone agrees, Jaan will follow Daggreth and the others below. If they do not, he won't. :)

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Ioleta's eyebrows alternately climb, scowl and quirk as she listens to the exchange. Odd the dwarf didn't mention our mark's origins. Wonder what he thinks we know and what he's not telling us... gettin' paranoid, step it back a bit, there Ioleta. Ooo.. trap door, yes.

She steps forward eager, grinning, "Me too, I'd like to see the trap door too." She clears her throat and flashes a radiant smiles at Daggreth, "Can I bellow down the hole thing? Please?" She all but digs her toe into the dust.


"I agree. I think that there is more to this than meets the eye at first glance. Thats what makes it interesting."

"Int'resting, eh?" Troi says, looking to Jaan. "I dunno if that's th' word I'd use fer it, man. Creepy is more th' word I'm lookin' for..."

"Want me t' go git them, or would some of ye like to come down and see for yourself?"

Troi brings himself from the wall, and stands near Jaan. "I think I'll come on down with ya. Might be somethin' int'restin'."

"Me too, I'd like to see the trap door too. Can I bellow down the hole thing? Please?"

Troi looks to Ioleta. "Y'know, there's somethin'... odd 'bout ya. Dunno what it is... but there's somethin'..." He shakes his head.


Jaan almost bursts out laughing, and then almost chokes trying to stifle it, when Ioleta asks to "bellow down the hole thing". He hurriedly tries to cover the whole thing as a cough.

Actually, the boy in him had thought the same thing, but the "Holy Guardian of the the Greenman's House" in him had said no.

ooc: bluff check 15.

Thomas Hobbes

First Post
Troi looks to Ioleta. "Y'know, there's somethin'... odd 'bout ya. Dunno what it is... but there's somethin'..." He shakes his head.

“My theory’s that she’s loopy,” says Daggreth bluntly, but he softens it (somewhat) with another toothy grin. Anyone observing Daggreth in conversation, you note, gets a good look at Dwarven dental habits.

"I think I'll come on down with ya. Might be somethin' int'restin'."

"Me too, I'd like to see the trap door too."

"We'll come with you. It may save time if any more questions come up. And I must admit that I am curious to see what lies behind the trap door."

“Heh. It’ll be crowded, but as ye wish,” says Daggreth as you all volunteer to come with him. “Jest watch yer heads, okay?” He flips open the trap door and begins climbing down. As you enter, one by one, the trapdoor, you go on a short climb through a stone and wood tunnel down a rust free iron ladder, with the way lit by numerous small tapers which provide a flickering but sufficient light to get you safely on your way. You estimate that it’s only about seven feet from the floor of the level below to the ground- but as the taller of you discover with dismay, that means the ceiling is a little under six feet. The first one of you to come down sees Daggreth use flint and steel to light a simple oil lantern, which he hands to you. “Don’t need it, m’self.” He waves at the sturdy-looking dwarf with scale mail and an axe. “Dinnae worry, Vlint, they’re with me. Baruk Kazad.” The Dwarf- “Vlint”- nods and relaxes

The ladder comes down in the middle of what appears to be a simple and small underground office, with wooden partitions raised on the flagstones. It creates a somewhat disconcerting mazelike effect. The atmosphere is dry and cool, warmed only by the bodies in it and the oil lantern. “Mostly storage,” explains Daggreth. “Some desks. A mite bit cheaper t’ build underground, y’see. Property only a Dwarf could love. We’ve bought the basements on the adjacent buildings, too.” Moving a little to look past a partition, you can indeed see that there’s a tunnel built between the basement of this building and the next.

Daggreth leads you into a nearby partition, where there are shelves and shelves of ledgers. After a moment of searching done mostly before the lantern first casts light on the books, he pulls out a thick volume and opens it. It’s in Dwarven runes, but Daggreth translates the table. “Date. Merchant. Time o’ departure. Estimated value o’ cargo. ‘cetra.”

“Now lesse, you were looking for small and portable, but with a wagon ye kin hide yer numbers in…” he starts searching. It is, indeed, crowded in the small cubicle. “Anything else?”


First Post
"Yes - we should get one that leaves in a few days, preferably by a minor merchant who's carrying some valuable but easily portable cargo. And, if you know them personally, that would be desirable as well."


Jaan frowns for a moment trying to recall what has been said so far.

"If I understand it correctly, there is no evidence to suggest that the bandits have any knowledge of what is in the caravans before they attack them. They just take easily portable valuables if they find them. Is that right?

"If it is so, we need not necessarily wait for caravan carrying something valuable."
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Registered User
Ioleta eyes the bellowing portal wistfully. Her fingertips brush the trap door as they descend and she peers closely at any part of the mechanism she can see. Tidy, tidy, tidy. So far, all the stories about dwarves are proving true.

She jumps down the last rung of the ladder and lands with a flourish and an ominous creaking of pack straps. She smiles as she straightens reaching up to touch the low ceiling. "This must be what it's like to be really tall." She grins around at Jaan, Velbrik and Troi. With her other hand she lightly touches the cool stones. Nice. So... here. She looks appraisingly at Vlint and cocks her head, saying to no one in particular, "I don't know if you all constructed this," she pats the low ceiling, "I would guess that you did. But it makes a difference." She seems to have trouble articulating, "The stones seem... more solid, alive somehow. Why is that?" She turns her gaze to the others and realizes they have moved on through the warren of partitions.

Trotting to catch up she shoves in between two of her companions. Can't see. Feeling tall and being tall are two different things.

She pipes in, "Have they taken any prisoners or hostages? She seems to be thinking out loud. "Let's get this list from Daggreth and then retire to... the Red Dragon? Somewhere else? To discuss further our plans."
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Voidrunner's Codex

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