[Adventure]: The Bane of the Black Dragon (DM: Dimsdale, Judge ??)

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Voda Vosa

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I will see what can I do about it... was Vermitrax reply. He would weight the chances, if the balance was turning against the group, the necromancer would swiftly change sides. [/sblock]

"Indeed, let us move forward, and may the gods be on our side." Vermitrax replied to Prime and the monk.


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OOC: Did we get an extended rest?

Also, could we all fly on the dragon or would that be too much weight?

ooc: I am visualizing the dragon carrying Prime. :) Is that possible? Are there some guide lines to how much a young dragon can carry? If not, I say no. Your dragon can carry yourself and one other (not prime...too heavy).

Voda Vosa

First Post
OOC: Look at his strength in the monster manual and then see how much he can carry, then add the weights of the party and compare.


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OOC: Dragon veserab has 20 str, which means that he can only hold 200 lbs and Sharpe actually encumbers him. Oops :eek:! Anyone mind keeping Sharpe's adventurer's kit for him?

Sharpe will ride on the dragon.


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The party hops into the canoes, Prime stepping in the middle of one of them, going solo, but also taking Sharpe's gear as the bard flies with his dragon. The wizard and monk take another canoe, leaving Zharne and Gellan to paddle the other one.

The current is swift and moves the party quickly down stream. After an a couple ours the stream widens into a small lake. Up ahead you can hear the sound of the water fall. to the right of the falls are 20 beached canoes. As you slowly paddle your canoes to the beach area, you see the trail of trampled vegetation leading into on opening to a tunnel with steps going down.

It is dusk now. As you make way down the stairs along side into the tunnel you see that the goblins have placed torches every 100 feet. You continued downward until it levels out. A path leads to an opening on the 50 feet in front of you. You continue forward until you reach the opening. Drew moves foward and peers around the left side of the wall, as he hears the sounds of steel bang against steel. He observes a fight between the goblin groups on a on a flat ledge in front of the massive water fall. Goblins from both sides are down


Your move. Depending what you do determines what the goblins from both sides will.

The goblin mage holds a black-beaded rattle in his right hand...something you've been looking for...
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Voda Vosa

First Post
Vermitrax closes to the others. "We need to take down Vlastode's minions, that means helping the Scar clan. Lead the charge, I'll send the spirits of the goblins to the underworld with a special spell." the mage suggests, and shuffles his spell component pouch, to produce several odd looking objects.


+++Why the hurry? the scar clan surely has the orb and the prisoner, and won't be happy to part with them. Let them kill each other, we can finish the survivors.+++

"They could be reasonable. That little grunt was. And we can claim it as a reward for saving them. Also, they are in minority and won't be able to withstand the attack much longer. They are defending their homes here."

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