[Adventure] The Broken Tower DM:Grimmjow Judge:TwoHeadsBarking


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"...Thanks for the path..."

Those words sounded so far off, so fuzzy, so...wait, a path? A path would mean...Kruor can go in and look for the meatiest one! Like child in candy store!

Bolted into action, he took a quick running start and vaulted over Eldreth with his "not-pokey-hand". The landing was a little rough, but the metal monster didn't care.

"Eldreth asked what Kruor eat, now Eldreth see..." Kruor muttered, his glowing red eye-bulbs searched for the biggest, juiciest looking one...and there was no competition. The one standing before the pretty-armor-woman was definitely the largest in the room.

Almost as if Kruor had melted into the shadows, he disappeared from sight, only to appear behind the huge goblin. With a mighty roar, Kruor stuck his five syringe-fingers deep into it's meaty flesh.

At first, this attack seemed to be rather tame...and then another roar came from within Kruor...the roar of his pump, sucking away the goblin's vital fluids, his delicious crimson juices...

"Ah...ha...hahahahah....AHAHAHAHAHA..." Kruor laughs in delirium. His body relaxes as the blood fills up the two massive glass cylinders that rest on his back, as he slowly soothes the aches in his joints..."DEE-LEH-SHAS!"


[sblock=Rolls and Actions]Minor Action: Burst of Speed (+2 speed, no penalties for running)
Move: E10> E9 > E6 > F5 > F4 > E3 > D3
Standard: Vampire Slam (HITS for 9 damage)
No Action: Blood Drinker (7 additional damage)
No Action: Surprise Strike (BG is now Dazed)[/sblock]
  • Kruor is now at D3
  • Big Grigbad takes 16 damage and is now dazed
  • Kruor gains a surge
[sblock=Stat Block]Kruor - Robot Vampire 3 (reskinned Warforged)
Passive Perception: 11, Passive Insight: 11
AC: 19, Fort: 15, Ref: 18, Will: 16
Initiative: +5; Speed: 6
HP: 37/37, Temp HP:
Bloodied: 18, Surge Value: 9, Surges left: 2/2

Dark Beckoning
Taste of Life
Vampire Slam

Blood Drinker [x]
Warforged Resolve [ ]
Surprise Strike [x]
Burst of Speed [x]
Feral Assault [ ]
Second Wind [ ]
Action Point [ ]

Swarm of Shadows [ ]
Cascading Strikes Ki Focus [ ]

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Eldreth sees her hammer destroy the legs of the goblin before her, and finishes it off with a nasty spike to the face, ending its existence and putting it out of everyone's misery. Looking up, she sees a horde of the little bastards surrounding her. They giggle evilly at her and jab their pointy weapons at her, scoring a couple of hits. That's when the horrible pixie typhoon of death appears from out of her pack and nearly demolishes every creature around her! Her jaw drops.

"An' here I be wondrin' if ye were t'be pullin' yer own weight. I be seein' ye pullin' a mountin'!"

A woman in chainmail zooms by and attacks the Hobgoblin. She hits him cleanly in the side, and Eldreth suddenly feels a warmth settle over her, numbing her wounds somewhat. That's when Eldreth remembered about the bard who had joined them. She hadn't recognized her by looks, and it wasn't until she heard her battle cry that she recognized the woman. It was Everlin!

"Glad t'be havin' ye wit'us Everlin!"

Next, Eldreth's eyes follow the blur of metalic motion that is Kruor and her jaw drops again as he sticks his needle hand into the Hobgoblin's neck and drains the creature's lifeblood into the clear cylinders on his back. The female dwarf wasn't quite sure if she should be disgusted or impressed... and she thought she might be a little of both. She shrugged her shoulders and held her hammer up into the air in a salute to Kruor.

"Hammer, sword, axe, 'r needle. What needs done be gettin' done! Who's t'be sayin' just how't's t'be gettin' done anyway? Kudos t'ye Kruor, fer yer sure t'be th'only one I know tha' could say ye had plenty blood on ('r fer that matter...in) yer hands, yet never was there t'be a case o' blood bein' spilt 'cause o' you!"

Not wanting to be out-shown by the two "monsters" in her party, but only seeing one cowardly goblin left near her, she quickly scanned the battlefield. Seeing the Hobgoblin eying the two goblins on the west side of the guard tower, she could tell that he was looking for reinforcements. That was something she couldn't allow!

"I be lettin' ye clean up th'rest o'yer mess here, Bug Man! You be havin' fun!"

A surge of adrenaline pumped through Eldreth, and she no longer felt the deep scratches given to her by the gaggle of now dead goblins. In fact, she felt tougher and more limber than ever. Maybe what her Papa was sayin' about being in the midst of battle was true! It was a rush! Grinning in the heat of the battle, the female fortress pounded he way across guard tower, brushing by the goblin's table. Thinking back to her training, she shifted her weight into her hips and lept forward.

"Dwarfs be comin' from rock, don' ye be doubtin' it! An' you jus' found yerself a boulder!"

With her weight in her hips, Eldreth twisted to the side in mid-jump, bringing her hammer around almost to where her back was a moment before. As soon as her feet touched the ground, she swung her hammer horizontally and felt it blow through the goblin's feeble attempts at blocking. Throwing the weight in her hips into the attack, she pushed through the resistance of the goblin's body weight, throwing it to the ground and kept the momentum going by turning with her instrument of death. Cackling all the while, she couldn't help but guffaw a few moments later, after having connected with the face of the other goblin foe a few steps behind her, and looking down at its corpse, she could see the imprint of a flagon of ale on the side of his face...the same icon as was embossed on the end of the flat side of her hammer!

"Stick t'wine ye wuss...yet get hammered way too easy!"

Minor: Dwarven Resilience - Eldreth uses her Second Wind. Using Second Wind heals Eldreth for 8 hp. As well, because she is an Earth Forger, she gains a +1 power bonus to all defenses until the start of her next turn.

Minor: Cleaving Assault (At-Will Minor Personal ✦ Martial, Stance) Knight Utility 1 Effect: Eldreth assumes the Cleaving Assault stance. Until the stance ends, whenever she hits with a melee basic attack using a weapon, one enemy adjacent to Eldreth other than the target of that attack takes 4 damage.

NOTE: This replaces her previous stance.

Standard: Charge from E8 to B5. This provokes an attack of opportunity from GC3 if he wants it. At the end of her charge, Eldreth attacks GC1, hitting AC 19 for 16 damage. This triggers Cleaving Assault, and now GC2 is hit for 4 damage. Both enemies are dead![/sblock]

[sblock=Eldreth's Stats] Eldreth Forgemark - Dwarf Knight 1
Passive Perception 10, Passive Insight 10
AC 21, Fort 18, Reflex 13, Will 11
HP 32/33 + 5 temp hp, Bloodied 16, Surge Value 8, Surges 12/13
Speed 5, Initiative +0
Action Points: 1, Second Wind [x]
MBA - +8 vs AC, 1d10(b2)+7 damage RBA - +8 vs AC, Range: 5/10, 1d6+7 damage
At-Will Powers: Defender Aura, Battle Guardian , Defend the Line, Cleaving Assault
Encounter Powers: Power Strike [], Stone Panoply [], Dwarven Resilience [x]
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First Post
OOC: Actually, does Kruor provoke an OA when going from E3 to D3? And if he does, does Skyla's Divine Challenge proc?

Also, I took the liberty of turning the background of the dead goblins black.


First Post
Arshaka moves through into the tower, avoiding the lone goblin near the door that has somehow survived his allies assault. He spies two goblins on the stairs and decides he should cut off any reinforcements from that direction. Summoning his mental might, he projects it forth at the wall between the two on the stairs. The very air around them bursts into flames and the two goblins on the stairs dissapear from sight. Their screams end quickly and their scorched and dead bodies soon roll back into sight while the air continues to burn upon the stairs for a few more seconds.

[sblock=Actions/Stat block]Start=
Move= From E11 to G8 avoiding AoO from GC3
Standard= Burning Flux (augmented with 2 Power Points) burst 1 within 10 squares targeted at square H4 to affect both GC9 and GC10. +6 vs. Reflex against GC9= 18 , against GC10= 16. Damage for any hit = 8 fire damage. I marked the zone of Burning Flux which lasts until the end of Arshaka's next turn and totally obscures those squares.
[sblock=Arshaka Stat block]Arshaka- Male Shardmind Psion (Telekinetic) 3
Passive Perception: +22, Passive Insight: +20, Initiative: +1 AC: 17, Fort: 12, Reflex: 16, Will: 18 -- Speed: 6
HP: 20/20, Bloodied: 10, Surge Value: 5, Surges left: 6/6
Action Points: 1, Milestones: 0 Second Wind: not used
:bmelee: Basic Attack: +1 Staff of the Renewing Source: +1 vs AC / 1d8 damage (+1d6 on crit)
:ranged: Ranged Basic Attack: Kinetic Trawl: +6 vs Ref / 1d8+7 force damage and pull target 1 square.
Power Points: 2/4

Force Punch
Kinetic Trawl
Burning Flux

Shard Swarm
Far Hand
Forceful Push
Intellect Forteress
Telekinetic Anchor
Staff of Renewing Source
Psyweave Cloak
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First Post
OOC: Actually, does Kruor provoke an OA when going from E3 to D3? And if he does, does Skyla's Divine Challenge proc?

Also, I took the liberty of turning the background of the dead goblins black.

OOC: no your safe as well.

I got to go shower and eat and ill post the enemies actions when i get to my friends house (playing DnD there too XD) But i'll roll the recharge roll for BG's mass tactics now.


First Post
OOC: Sorry it took so long to get this posted guys.

As the heroes rush by the goblins at the door, the only one standing swinging wildly at the pixie who dodges the attacks without a problem. While most of the goblins are no longer standing, and the heroes think they are about to finish the fight, two more goblins come running out from behind the fallen block to aid their hobgoblin boss. The two goblins surround Kruor and attempt to slice the metal skin with their blades. Both stab into the metal of the vampire, cutting deep. The dazed hobgoblin doesn't even notice his allies rushing to his help, he just swings his flail at the eladrin woman in front of him, smashing her across the face.

[sblock=combat]rolls that hit are 20 and 22 against Kruor and 24 against Skyla.
Kruor takes 5 damage from both and skyla takes 1d10+4 is marked by hte hobgoblin and slowed until the end of his next turn.

Your guys turn then Combat [/sblock]


The tiny creature eludes the lone gobin cowering under him, and darts towards the melee taking place at the center of the room. Bu there he's unable to decide if to pull the hobgobling's hair, or smash his knee. He decides to stick his tongue out and make some obscene gestures, but the hobgoblin, stunned by Kruor's attack and surrounded by enemies, doesn't even notice.

Move: Swift river floods movement technique, shift 2 squares to current position, altitude 0
Standard: Swift river floods attack technique. Oops, that's a natural 1.

The horrible creature in eldreth's backpack, pixie monk 3

Initiative: +6, Passive perception: 16, Passive Insight: 11
Defenses: AC: 21, Fort: 17 Ref: 19 Will: 15
Melee basic attack: Dagger +4 Vs AC 1d6+2 dmg
HP:38/38 THP: 0 Bloodied: 19, Surge value: 9, Surges/day: 10/10 Speed: 4 squares, 6 squares flying
Languages: Common, Elven
AP: 1
Fallen needle, Five Storms, Flurry of blows
Swift river Flood, Undeniable Incitement, Pixie dust, Shrink, Unseelie eyes
Masterful spiral[/sblock]
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