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[Adventure] The Darkest Night (DM: johnmeier1, Judge: Ozymandias79)


As Murphy approaches the far two burly men chopping wood stop. They lift their heads into the air as if to smell and then look at one another. They say something and one heads towards the side of the large shack and the other looks out towards Murphy but not at him.

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After the battle Dextyr pulls out his Lyre and plays a mournful melody. Although the song seems dreary and dire everyone feels a little more refreshed after the short rest. As Dextyr is loading his gear onto the newly acquired horse he looks out into the woods. "Farewell Punch Brother" he calls out not knowing where Tonk has run off too or if he will ever see him again.

As the group rides on Dextyrs mood brightens and seems to have gotten over the disappearance of his friend. As they spot the bonfire and the figures around it he pulls his horse to a stop. As Murphy dismounts and explains his plan Dextyrs nods in agreement. "Good plan Murphy. It's better to go into a battle prepared and with the advantage of surprise on our side".

Dextyr will use 2 surges. As well Dextyr has used his daily Inspiring word power already so he's only got his 2 majestic words for healing this fight. Lets hope we do not need more than that. Lets concentrate our damage and drop foes quickly if possible.

As well I wouldn't be opposed if John brought in the level 7 warden - just not sure how he'd get him here since we are a long way from the Tavern.


Murphy has disappeared into the undergrowth. Far in the distance you see the man move out in front of the building's porch. He scans the surrounding area but does not move forward.

[sblock=renau1g] You beat them by a good bit with that latest roll (sorry I lost you on chat) so put down what Murphy is doing next and you can tell (unless he is feigning missing you)[/sblock]



First off... This place is a boot camp and I'm already tired of waking up at 4am.
Secondly... I can post from my phone (yay service) but I won't be able to do much in the form of combat. I can't do invisiblecastle and don't have the time to actually look up everything. I will be happy to be rp-ing until combat, then npc'd. Or if it's easier to pick up a new defender, please do. I would rather the group survive and finish this than quit on my account. [/sblock]


First Post
Once out of sight of his allies and enemies, Murphy changes his form into one of his former enemies, the wolf-bikers.

Murphy continues to remain hidden, but shadows appear to roll over the closest man. After a few seconds, the assassin appears satisfied with his work and pulls out his dagger. He hurl it, but the attack is terrible, the assassin is not used to this form and he overcompensates, sending the dagger into the ground. He then turns tail and runs after the attack. Once out of sight of the "target" Siblyx returns his form to Murphy and runs back to his allies.

"Uh, yeah ain't much there, just a coupla guys, maybe Dextyr can go in an talk ta them?" he says.

Murphy can use Assassin's Shrouds without the target being aware thanks to his Hidden Insight feat, so he shall place 4 shrouds on the target.

Before the attack Change Shape to one of the biker dudes we fought.

Standard: RBA against shrouded enemy - RBA against shrouded enemy; damage; shrouds; sneak attack (1d20+14=15, 1d4+9+1=14, 4d6=13, 2d6=10) really? Of all the times. Ok. so still does 9 damage from shrouds...
Move: Run back the way I came.
Minor: Once out of sight shapechange back to Murphy

[sblock=ministats]Murphy Tang Male Human Assassin 6
Initiative: +6, Passive Perception: 17, Passive Insight: 14, Senses: Normal
AC:22, Fort:17, Reflex:20, Will:20
HP:45/45, Bloodied:22, Surge Value:11, Surges left:4/8
Action Points: 1
Executioner's Noose
Shadow Storm
Assassin's Shroud
Shadow Step
Changeling Disguise

Shadow Darts
Army of the Night
Sneak Attack
Changeling's Trick
Cloak of Shadows
Slayer's Escape
Shade Form
Boots of the Fencing Master

Targeted for Death
Twilight Assassin
Talon Amulet
Deathcut Leather Armour


Important Stuff: When Murphy kills with a melee attack, gains 5 thp.
When attacking with CA, add +1 damage (Talon Amulet)

Full sheet: [/sblock]


The far man jerks as if something bit him and looks around again. He seems to track the motion of Murphy running and then backs up to the porch. From the shack you see the other man come out along with a wizened old woman and old man.

[sblock=Perception 19] There are five other figures moving from the back of the shack out into the swamp.[/sblock]

[sblock=OOC] Everyone can make a perception check. It is up to you to move forward now, you think that the group would know where your group is now (that you would appear as a group of four on horseback) Let me know if you dismount/lead your horse/leave your horses[/sblock]


First Post
"Ok, so there may be some company coming. Just act like nothin' happened, savvy? Maybe we should move in an talk ta them, Dextyr can be gettin' some info from them on the missin' lass." Murphy whispers to the others, walking back to Shorrin and taking his horses reins. Nodding to the dragonborn as he does, the assassin maneuvers to the far side of the small group, leading his horse forward as he does.

Murphy's passive perception is 20 [/sblock]


First Post
Perception Check = 1d20+3 (Perception)=12
Dextyr is oblivious...

Dextyr looks at Murphy and raises an eyebrow. "Well that would be wise Murphy. Now lets just hope that the men we just killed weren't friends of theirs. Cause if so I am sure these horses we are riding might just give us away...."

He gives a shrug and maneuvers his horse ahead, shield on but weapon sheathed, Dextyr puts on a friendly smile and waves to residents of the cabin. "Hey all, how ya all doin" he calls out trying his best to duplicate the local accent. "I was wonderin if ya could help me out, ya see we's lookin fer a lass that's done gone missin".

Minor Action = Words of Friendship (gain a +5 to next diplomacy check)
Standard Action = Try and diplomasise the heck out of these backwoods bayou bumkins; Diplomacy Check = 1d20+21=38
Free Action = Smile and look friendly and not like we just killed a bunch of guys and took their horses......


The two large men begin to move out between you and the old couple, but the woman holds them back with a gesture of her hand. She walks down the steps, seeming to be very weak and slow. The man just sits down on the steps with a scowl, he is looking at you with ill concealed malice. While the "boys" lean casually against the house, you can still see their axes near at hand.

I ain't much of a lass anymore and I ain't missin' nothing but a bunch o' teeth she cackles a laugh so youse must be lookin' for someum else. Mebbe you talkin' bout that Bella? She takes a close look at each one of you and then at the horses Seems you might'a run afoul of da Ourse boys. Well, dey never had much thinkin' tween the four of 'em. Dey cause no end of ruckus and can't keep outta others bisniss. She glances over her shoulder for a moment at this. Her accent is much easier to understand then the horsemen, though her intent seems oddly confusing.

[sblock=Skill Challenge] 1 success already!
Primary Skill DC: Athletics 17, Diplomacy 17, Intimidate 17
Secondary Skill DC (a success if appropriate): 22
You need 6 successes to win this one
Round 1 - Dextyr (Diplomacy)

Voidrunner's Codex

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