[Adventure] The Darkest Night (DM: johnmeier1, Judge: Ozymandias79)


The werebeast howls in immortal terror at the shadows Murphy spews and falls to the ground. His body returns to that of a large, hairy man clad in ragged strips of clothing. Silence descends on the peak and surrounding environs except for the sobbing of a lone girl. At the top, Janus turns to look and sees Isabelle cradling the head of the fallen man.

OOC: Victory! Now if you can remember the original reason for the adventure (some have different backgrounds here) then we can wrap up

[sblock=Everybody but Sheng]
Charles asked you to find his daughter and figure out if she was still alive.

Your mysterious benefactor Ed wanted you to see Isabelle back to him in Daunton. You have a message from him allowing paid passage on a ship back.

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Voda Vosa

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Sheng dusts his cloack and clamly walks around the now defeated man. He frowns and outstretches his hand towards him. The other hand produces an old scroll. As he begins to read the scroll, in ancient jadite tounge, green gaseous-like energy begins to flow out from the body, and into the scroll and Sheng. The corps starts to decay quickly, collapsing and turning to ash. Sheng quickly rolls the scroll and hides it among his broad sleeves along with his hands. Without a word, he keeps walking quickly, towards Isabelle. "I'm here to take you safelty back to Dauton, and away from this place m'lady. Your father is really interested in your safety. Please, come with me; haste is at the essence." he extends a hand towards her.
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The assassin steps between the sorcerer and the female.

"What be yer hurry? We've got bizness with the lass, we do and as I be tha one laying tha killing blow, I be tha first ta make tha claim on the spoils. Well, that is unless ya wish ta be pressin' my claim" Murphy says coldly, his blade still drawn.

Voda Vosa

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"So are you saying you'll "claim" her like a war trophy? Such lower acts are not dign of even one such as yourself. I'm merely trying to return her with his beloved father, it's my mission, it's what I'll be paid for. The werewolves are ... externalities. Whoever gave the last blow is of no consequence. Besides, if I understood well, your mission is the same as mine. You can have the magical trinkets and whatnot these creatures had in their possession. I'm interested only in see Isabelle safe and in her father's care." replies Sheng. "I hope you've seen that there's a more broad spectre of things going on than just 'claiming on the spoils'." finishes the sorcerer, with an eyebrow raised.

OOC: Do I have to make a bluff check on that?


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"I figure there be somethin' off about ya, first ya just drop in all unexpected-like, outta nowhere, and now I got a sense that there be somethin' else goin' on here. I'm not fer keepin' the lass, just makin' sure that I see things through ta tha end is all. Truth be told, I'm not much interested in any hostilities, I'm a bit wiped after our little tussle there, and you look like you've seen better days too. So I'll be givin' ya the benefit of tha doubt here, but I'll be with Isabelle at all times too. " Murphy replies.

Murphy's passive insight is 16 so I figure he'd know something wasn't right about Sheng's first statement. [/sblock]

Voda Vosa

First Post
Sheng grins "Suit yourself then. I have a pass for a ship that is setting sale towards Daunton. If you want to accompany me, I'll be glad to have extra protection in the way back." after saying that, Sheng returns his hand to Isabelle. "So m'lady, are you ready to return?"


Isabelle seems to feel the presence of Sheng and lifts her head after the conversation. Who are you?

Then she looks over to the others and still sobbing asks Janus Reinhardt? Shorrin? Murphy? How did you get here?


First Post
"Wasn't easy Isabelle, let me tell ya. There be lotsa nasty creatures about here, so we best be heading outta this swamp and back to the civilzation. I did have one question for ya, how didja git all the way out here...and with beastman there?" Murphy asks.

[sblock=ooc]diplomacy (1d20+9=22)[/sblock]


Isabelle seems to be distracted from her grief by the questions and answers while sniffling I was staying with my aunt but I met this boy and he was so nice... she looks down at the young man in her arms and begins crying again more forcefully.

After a time she subsides again and while looking at him she goes on. His family was so upset at him seeing me but we didn't know what lengths some of them would go to keep us apart.

OOC: DM's Note: For skills you can either roll or use passive checks (not both) and in particular for Bluff/Insight comparisons between PCs, I would say that much like disguise/etc you don't have to post that you are lying/being misleading at all BUT anyone who wants to sense your motives/etc will go against your static Bluff (for Sheng it would be 22)

[sblock=Arcana 16] The boy was likely a werewolf as well[/sblock]

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