[Adventure] The Darkest Night (DM: johnmeier1, Judge: Ozymandias79)


Murphy and the others seem to convince Isabelle that they will send word to the family and that the boy's body can be laid at peace at the top of the hill. Indeed, after cleaning the "trash" out of the cave, it seems like the size for a decent temporary resting spot. After wiping her tears with dirty hands, Isabelle walks with the others back to Shule where they came to ground in Allaria.

Isabelle is reunited with her aunt here and she bades the travelers to have a short rest with them.

OOC: I am calculating rewards for the adventure. I know that DarwinofMind was present for part of the encounter and so was changer. How about I give the bonus of a Major Quest completion to those who are here at the end? Let me know you are interested in another adventure after this one (that should bring everyone to the paragon tier) tentatively called "Dungeons and Them"

[sblock=Voda Vosa]Sheng still needs to convince Isabelle (if not the other PCs) to return to Daunton[/sblock]

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Voda Vosa

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Sheng agrees to have a rest in Isabelle's aunt house. "You honour me with your hospitality." he says.

After the deserved hours of resting, Sheng was already up and ready to leave.
He addresses Isabelle
"M'lady, I must urge you to come with us to Daunton, meet with my employer at the tavern, so I can get my rightful reward for helping you and these fine gentlemen, who also take significant part in your rescue. I only ask that favour from you, I think it's a little thing, compare to what we've done for you. After that, you are free to go wherever you please, our ties will be dissolved." he says, trying to convince the woman to travel with him and the others to Daunton tavern.

[sblock=Roll]Bluff: 30[/sblock]


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"Well he's got the right of it ta git to Daunton, but yer folks 'ave been missin' ya too. Maybe we can be havin' them meet us at the tavern too? Two birds with one stone and all that." Murphy adds.

Voda Vosa

First Post
"Surely. We can get to the tavern, and send them word we are waiting them there. Shouldn't be a problem." Sheng says, showing a smile.


The group boards a ship using the papers Sheng produces. They steer clear of the coast beset by the Empire of Hzaka and take a longer route. The sea is peaceful then by comparison an a number of days pass in the journey.

Upon arrival at the port in Daunton, the group engages a boy messenger to run by foot to the outskirts of the city where Isabelle's parents live. They go towards the Tavern and obtain a back room in order to wait.

OOC: This way you don't have to enter the Tavern Thread until the adventure wraps up

Voda Vosa

First Post
Sheng will excuse himself, and go search for his employer and points him towards Isabelle, AFTER he pays him.

I don't remember if the employer wanted something in particular, but I sorta remember something that he'll find Sheng or something. So he should be there somewhere.[/sblock]


Sheng opens the door to leave the back room of the tavern to reveal a young man standing outside. He is pale and very well dressed with an attractive but sad face. He rushes past the startled sorcerer and towards Isabelle.

Oh, my love, I thought you dead or worse!

OOC: You will recognize this as Eddy, Isabelle's suitor from Just Before Nightfall

[sblock=sheng]You will recognize this as your employer[/sblock]

Voda Vosa

First Post
Sheng moves along Eddy, and stands behind him. "I might guess you have not forgotten your word. Give me my rightful reward, and I shall let you to your love one." the sorcerer says between teeth. His eyes weakly shine in the sickly green colour that characterize his foul powers.


Shorrin's momentary shock changed quickly to rage. "Get out of my way! I have a debt to pay him!" Shorrin tries to push past his comrades to get at the pale man, but cannot seem to find a way through the masses. Undaunted, he tries to close the gap.

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