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[Adventure]The Eye of the Tiger(Judge: ???)


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
ooc: [MENTION=79628]twilsemail[/MENTION] is up, as are [MENTION=54810]renau1g[/MENTION] (who is still away I suspect) and [MENTION=48854]Vertexx69[/MENTION] (who seems to have disappeared). Also, I assume you Neurotic want to give Sacred Flame's thp to Thalen.

Yes, to Thalen. Sorry.

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First Post
Gren Stabs at one of the smaller Gnolls. He misses.

Move: Stand
Standard: Sly Flourish vs. CF3; +13 vs. AC * 1d4+10 damage

Din - Male Changeling Rogue (Artful Dodger) 5
Passive Insight: 19, Passive Perception: 17
AC:17, Fort:15, Ref:20, Will:17 -- Speed:6
HP:20/42+5, Bloodied:21, Surge Value:10, Surges Left: 5/6
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: not used
Sly Flourish
Deft Strike
Dazing Strike
Sneak in the Attack
Low Slash

Changeling Trick
Precise Incision
Dynamic Dagger Power
Imposter's Armor Power
Amulet of Seduction
Conditions: Resurrected within last 2 encounters: -1 to relevant rolls.
Regen 3; can end condition to spend HS.[/sblock][/sblock]


First Post
Rohna circles around one of the gnolls and crushes the creature while it attempts to react.

Lightning arcs from Thalen's sword into the gnolls surrounding her, causing one of the beasts to fall to the ground in a twitching, smoking heap.

The two remaining gnolls tear into Thalen with unnatural strength, but amazingly the warden survives the onslaught.

Rohna: 64/69+5
Olaf: 73/85+5
Thalen: 11/82, bloodied, resist 3, +1 AC, Oncoming Storm
Tondrek: 62/64+5
Obedient Servant: 20/32
Doggie: 9/9+5
Gren: 30/42+5, regen 3 or end to spend HS
Venakhad: 22/39+5
Abyssal Slaughter-Lord: -154, bloodied, marked by Thalen
Claw Fighter 2: -43, bloodied, marked by Thalen

The above assumes Gren chose to spend a surge.

Rohna uses Pass Forward to safely flank Claw Fighter 4 and then attacks it, hitting and killing it.

Thalen attacks Claw Fighter 3 with Tempest Assault, leaving him with 1 hp left and dealing 4 damage to the Slaughter-Lord. Then each enemy marked by Thalen takes 4 lightning damage, and Claw Fighter 3 drops. Thalen marks all adjacent enemies.

The Abyssal Slaughter-Lord attacks Thalen again, critting her for 14 damage. Thalen is bloodied. The Slaughter-Lord will shift her back and forth, allowing the surviving Claw Fighter to make an OA against Thalen. Hits AC 26 for 10 damage.

Claw Fighter 2 takes a point from Obedient Servant and attacks Thalen, hitting AC 27 for 7 damage. As an immediate reaction the Slaughter-Lord gets to attack Thalen, hitting AC 30 for 8 damage.[/sblock]

[sblock=Monster Info]
Abyssal Slaughter-Lord
AC 27 | F ? | R 21 | W ?
Aura: Allies w/in 5 gain +1 to hit and +2 to damage with OAs
MBA: Reach 2, +16 vs AC, 2d6+5 damage and the target is slid two squares.

Gnoll Claw Fighter
AC 20 | F ? | R 16 | W ?
MBA: +11 vs AC, 1d6+4 damage, or 1d6+6 when bloodied.


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First Post
Gren does an amazing job of distracting the Slaughter Lord and then, very firmly, stabs him in the armor. He has now determined, for sure, that the armor is not, in fact, the Slaughter Lord's weak spot. He may, however, decide to triple check this theory in a few seconds.

Surely enough, Gren spots another shiny piece of metal and lunges for it. Some of his companions may not be surprised if he sneak attacks the wall next.

Regen: gain 3 HP
Move: Move to H3 via I2; provoking OA from CF2 (No idea if you want to take that @TwoHeadsBarking )
Minor: Changeling Trick on Slaughter-Lord; +18 vs. Passive Insight (I'm assuming a 32 makes it).
Standard: Sly Flourish on Slaughter-Lord; +15 vs. AC * 1d4+10+3d8
AP Standard: Sly Flourish; +15 vs. AC * 1d4+10+3d8

Din - Male Changeling Rogue (Artful Dodger) 5
Passive Insight: 19, Passive Perception: 17
AC:17, Fort:15, Ref:20, Will:17 -- Speed:6
HP:33/42, Bloodied:21, Surge Value:10, Surges Left: 5/6
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: not used
Sly Flourish
Deft Strike
Dazing Strike
Sneak in the Attack
Low Slash
Changeling Trick

Precise Incision
Dynamic Dagger Power
Imposter's Armor Power
Amulet of Seduction
Conditions: Resurrected within last 1 encounters: -1 to relevant rolls.
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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"Don't let them bring you down, Thalen, you stand in the light of Dol'Arrah!" - another burst of healing energy blasts from the cleric and Thalen is back from the brink of unconciousness.

He then points toward smaller gnoll. "Begone, mongrel!"
The flames of purity burn it, but it somehow clings to life, waiting for that last straw to topple it over.

Minor: Healing word on Thalen healing surge + Healing word (1d6+7=12) everyone gains +5 THP (redundant except for Thalen); Thalen gains +2 all defenses TENT

Standard: Sacred Flame vs Claw 2 Ref; radiant damage (1d20+8=25, 1d6+6=8) - should be killed by Tondrek's junk



Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Tondrek's servant continues stabbing out at everything, this time skewering the last smaller gnoll through the heart. Tondrek takes up position near Little Big Girl and shoots a bolt at the large brute. The artifice he casts infuses Rhona's weaponry, making them more savage.[sblock=OOC]Yup, unless somehow Gnoll 2 heals before the start of its turn, its dead.

Move to L11 and use Magic Weapon vs SL: Hit, 10 dmg and Rhona gains +1 power bonus to atk and +3 dmg TENT Tondrek.[/sblock][sblock=Tondrek]Tondrek—Male Half-orc Artificer 8
Initiative: +7, Low-Light, Passive Perception: 20 (24 vs traps), Passive Insight: 15
AC: 22, Fort: 20, Reflex: 20, Will: 18 — Speed: 6, 8 when charging
HP: 62+5/64, Bloodied: 32, Surge: 16, Surges left: 9/10; Half-orc Resilience
Action Points: 0/2, Second Wind: Not Used, Milestones 1
Powers -
Magic Weapon
Static Shock

Scouring Weapon
Repulsion Strike
Gale-Force Infusion

Obedient Servant
Flameheart Defender

Healing Infusion x2
Swift Mender
Furious Assault

Regeneration Infusion
Targeting Superior Crossbow +2 (daily)
Skald's Leather Armor +2 (daily)
Onyx Dog (daily)
Clockwork Bombs (1 lvl 4, 2 lvl 9)
2 Acidic Spark Ammunition
3 Tension Wheels
3 Potions of Healing
5 Woundpatches

Doggie—Construct 4
Initiative +7; Low-light, Passive Perception 17
AC: 16, Fort: 15, Reflex: 14, Will: 13 — Speed: 8
HP: 9/9; Bloodied 4



First Post
Rohna charges across the room and slams into the massive gnoll, knocking it off-balance. The beast tries to recover, but before it can do so Thalen drives her sword through its throat.

The last gnoll looks like it might try to run, but it is brought down by Tondrek's creation.

As you catch your breath, the man, a half-elf now that you have the opportunity to notice, who had spent the fight huddled in the corner pushes himself off the ground and limps his way over to you. You notice that dirt and dried blood stain his ragged clothes. He stares in shock at the corpse of the large gnoll. "You, you killed her. That's unbelievable," he mutters roughly. He then looks up at you in confusion, "Who are you? Am I dreaming this?"

[sblock=You win!]Status:
Rohna: 64/69+5
Olaf: 73/85+5
Thalen: 43/82+5, resist 3, +1 AC, +2 to al defenses, Oncoming Storm
Tondrek: 62/64+5
Obedient Servant: 20/32
Doggie: 9/9+5
Gren: 33/42+5, regen 3 or end to spend HS
Venakhad: 22/39+5

Rohna moves and charges the Slaughter-Lord, hitting AC 27 on the dot (forgot CA in roll) for 22 damage. Actually, hits AC 28 for 25 damage, as I forgot Magic Weapon.

Thalen shifts into the flank and attacks the Slaughter-Lord with Tempest Assault, hitting AC 32 for 8 damage, which kills the Slaughter-Lord.

Claw Fighter 2 is unable to escape his fate, and so he too dies.

Well done guys. Abyssal Slaughter-Lords are nasty.[/sblock]
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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
[MENTION=82251]TwoHeadsBarking[/MENTION], Thalen should have surge value more hp then you have in your stat block - she was healed for surge +12 not only 12...

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