[Adventure]: The Mark of Trogdor (DM: Dimsdale, Judge ??)


First Post
"Gentlemen, surely we can work this out so that all parties are satisfied with outcome," Halleck said. "I am of royal blood, and so royal money. If you give us the girl, I could give you a tidy some of gold. But you must prove which is the real one; I have no interest in buying a changeling."

OOC: Sorry for the delay.

Diplomacy: 1d20+17=34

I used no dailies, and Halleck still has 1 Enc healing power and 1 group heal daily.

[sblock=Note to other Players: Bravura]
Halleck has the Bravura Presence:
When an ally who can see you spends an action point to take an extra action and uses the action to make an attack, the ally can choose to take advantage of this feature before the attack roll. If the ally chooses to do so and the attack hits, the ally can either make a basic attack or take a move action after the attack as a free action. If the attack misses, the ally grants combat advantage to all enemies until the end of his or her next turn.

Melee characters might also want to save their AP until I hit with Withering Courage, so they can double dip on the +5 damage bonus.
[/sblock][sblock=Action Block, Mini-Stats]
[sblock=Action Block]
Move: N/A (+1 to AC / Ref)
Minor: N/A
: Brash Assault

  • Target1: BB2
  • Attack1: 1d20+11=30
  • Damage: 1d8+4=5
  • Effect: Against the target of this exploit, you gain a bonus to defenses equal to your Charisma modifier (+5) until the start of your next turn (due to Feat). The target can make a melee basic attack against you as a free action and has combat advantage for the attack. If the target makes this attack, an ally of your choice within 5 squares of the target can make a basic attack against the target as a free action and has combat advantage for the attack.
  • BB2 MBA on Halleck: 1d20+7=8 Miss
  • Vimak MBA on BB2: 1d20+11+2=15 hit for 15
Get rid of this Sblock when you use Brash Assault again[/sblock]
[/sblock][sblock=Halleck Stat block]Viscount Ambrose Halleck - Male Half-Elf Hybrid Warlord/Bard 7
Initiative: +3, Passive Perception: 18, Passive Insight: 20


AC: 23, Fort: 17, Reflex: 17, Will: 20 -- Speed: 5 (-1 Pen from armor)

HP: 45/55, THP: 7/8 Bloodied: 25, Surge Value: 12, Surges left: 8/9
Action Points: 1/1, Second Wind: not used
Common, Elven, Goblin

Basic Attacks
:bmelee: Basic Melee Attack: +11 vs AC - Harmonic Spellblade Longsword 1d8+6
:ranged: Ranged Basic Attack: N/A

On Shift: +1 to AC/REF
On Second Wind: If bloodied, you can spend 2 healing surges

Brash Assault, Vicious Mockery
Encounter: Righteous Brand, Inspiring Word, Majestic Word, Shout of Triumph, Diabolic Stratagem, Withering Courage, Divine Challenge, Battlefront Shift, Boots of the Fencing Master Enc, Recoil Shield Knockdown Immediate Reaction
Daily: Stirring Shout, Stand the Fallen, Heroic Effort, Canon of Avoidance, Dwarven Scale Healing, Harmonic Spellblade Boon,

Harmonic Spellblade Longsword +1

Acrobatics +2, Arcana +3, Athletics +9, Bluff +9, Diplomacy +17, Dungeoneering +5, Endurance +8, Heal +9, History +3, Insight +7, Intimidate +13, Nature +5, Perception +5, Religion +3, Stealth +2, Streetwise +9, Thievery +2

[/sblock][sblock=Halleck's Log]
1. Thorkelson, a bald, tattooed man, entered the hangman's tavern and recruits Halleck and Vimak for a job. Thorkelson, needed some protection at the docks, but apparently had some sinister other motive, since he used drinks from the bar to drug Halleck and Vimak.

2. Wake up in the middle of a fight, being helped by strangers. Give the bandits a beating,

3. Get approached by the bandit leaders, who have to girls that look exactly like that one we want.


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First Post
"Gentlemen, surely we can work this out so that all parties are satisfied with outcome," Halleck said. "I am of royal blood, and so royal money. If you give us the girl, I could give you a tidy some of gold. But you must prove which is the real one; I have no interest in buying a changeling."

The thug glances at both girls, then back at Halleck. Just before he speaks, the girl to the left cuts him off. Hmmm...this changes things...yes...money you have you say?...one of Royal blood you say? As she speaks, her appearance begins to change. What was once beautiful girl with sapphire blue eyes is now a man, of powerful build in seasoned leather armor, with a noticable scar from just below his right eye, down his cheek to the side of his neck. The thug immediately lets go of him and tightens his grip on the Lerrick. The one with the scar continues to speak, stepping foward, while equipping himself with two very sharp daggers. Give me the money...one of royal blood...and maybe I'll let you live. Or...you have proven your worth...Join me. My gang will be the strongest of the city! He raises one of his arms up into the air in triumph. The cloaked one dismisses his spell, wanting to watch the interaction between Hank and the party. The thug behind the group limps around in order to get closer to his boss.

OOC: Skill challenge is a success! You have found the real Lerrick. What do you do now? :) Initiative is yours...fight, run, pay him, join him...
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"Wilden don't hold much for your ideas of wealth. We are the guardians."

Nementah calls upon spirits of nature and forgotten roots and seeds in the city streets grow fast and envelop Rocco, Raijin, Vimak and Halleck growing into their armor and even their very skin.

"Don't worry these will protect you!"

[MENTION=79956]dimsdale[/MENTION], I forgot the details: Nementah uses Move action to move Primera and cast Protective Roots granting DR 4 to the end of the encounter to those listed above
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First Post
OOC: Forced movement breaks a hold right? Quan plans to use Clever Shot to shift the thug two squares away from Lerrick, breaking the hold. Let me know if I should go or wait?


First Post
OOC: I didn't plan on paying them or joining them, so go for it Four.

Dim, can we get an updated map now that the real Lerrick is known? Also, I assume we need some stats on the new baddie.


First Post
An arrow thunks into the wall above the knife fighters head.

"I was under the command of people like you for way too long. Stupid braggarts and bullies. No thanks. Let the girl down and leave and you will live."

Standard: Clever Shot vs. BK2: 1d20+14, 1d12+10 → ([4, 14], [5, 10]) Roll Lookup . Crud roll. That messes up my part of the plan.

[sblock=mini-stats]"Quan" Thatcher- Male Human Hunter 6
Active Stance: Aspect of the Lurking Spider [sblock=Lurking Spider]
1. Gain +2 to stealth checks.
2. Gains +5 power bonus to Athletics checks made to climb.
3. While he has combat advantage against an enemy, he gains +2 power bonus to damage rolls against it [/sblock]
Status: none
Initiative: +8, Passive perception: 21, Passive Insight: 16
AC: 21, For: 16, Ref: 20, Will: 17 HP: 50/50, Bloodied: 25, Surge value: 12, Surges/day: 6/7
Speed: 6 squares, Languages: Allarian, Goblin AP: 0, Second Wind: unused
Powers: Aimed Shot, Clever Shot, Rapid Shot,
Disruptive Shot, Disruptive Shot, Reactive Shift, Assassin's Shroud 1 2, Heroic Effort
Healing Lore, Entangling Roots, Shadowdance Leather[/sblock]


First Post
OOC: And so it begins... Everyone attacks and then it's the baddies' turn

[sblock=DM notes: Please Ignore]
As the heroes unleash their initial attacks, the thug yells towards Hank almost in a panicked voice: Hank, this wasn't the plan! Hit by two attacks by Vimak and Raijin the knife fighter releases the girl in order to protect himself. Lerrick quickly runs for cover. The mage screams towards the thug You're supposed to protect me! Get this dwarf away from me!

The knife fighter shfits to flank the dwarf and then attacks multiple times, but can't find an opening in the dwarf's defenses. The mage panics, sending a thunderous wave into foe and friend alike. The mage manages to dazed the dwarf, but the one who suffers the most is Hank! The mage screams in terror What have I done! Hank doesn't respond as he is momentarily confused. You idiot! You pay for that with your blood! Hank lashes out at the paladin as it is the only foe close to him.


Quan: Misses

Nementah: protective roots: +4 resist all: Halleck, Vimak, Rocco, Nementah, Raijin, attack on Hank misses

Vimak: hits the knife fighter for 15, and +2 damage to Hank and mage (diminish KF2 attack damage by 3)

Raijin: Hits Hank and BK2 for 24, Hank and BK2 -2 TENT

Halleck: Canon of Avoidance on Skalisss +2 power bonus to all defenses TENT, Stirring shout: until the end of the encounter, anyone who hits Hank regains 5 hp, kills BB3, used AP

Rocco: Hits BM for 14, marks BM

Skalisss: Miss Hank, Divine challenge on hank

Total Damage Tally:
Mage: 16
Hank: 26
BK2: 39
BB3: Dead

Baddies turn:
Knife fighter: Dancing with Knives 1d20+12+2 vs Rocco AC: Miss You're lucky! Effect: shift 2 and make another attack against Rocco: 1d20+12= miss again

Mage: thunder wave vs friend and foe from left to right in this order: Rocco, BK2, Vimak and Hank: 22, 12, 10, crit: Rocco: Hit for 8 and dazed (save ends), BK2 miss, Vimak miss, Hank Crit: 12 and dazed! TENT

Hank: BMA 1d20+15 vs Skalisss AC: miss save vs Dazed: 1d20: saved


Quan: 50/50+7THP HS 6/7 AP 0:
Rocco: 61/61+7THP +4 resist all HS 9/12 AP 0: Dancing Defense, Flesh Grinder Gauntlet Axe Power
Nementah: 49/56 +11 THP (resist 2) HS 11/11 AP 0: Protective Roots
Raijin: 48/48+7THP +4 resist HS 6/6 AP 0: Brooch of Shielding
Skalisss: 65/68+7THP +2 all defenses TENT HS 11/11 AP 0: Paladin's Judgement, Sacred Circle, Martyr's Retribution, Healing Word
Primera: 13/13
Vimak: 51/54 +7THP resist all 4HS 9/10 AP 1:
Halleck: 45/55+7THP (resist all 6) HS 8/8 AP 0: Conon of Avoidance, Stirring Shout

Bandit Minions B1:1//1 DEAD
Bandit Minions B2:1//1 DEAD
Bandit Minions B3:1//1 DEAD
Bandit Minions B4:1//1 DEAD
Bandit Minions B5:1//1 DEAD
Bandit Minions B6:1//1 DEAD
Bandit Minions B7:1//1 DEAD
Bandit Minions B8:1//1 DEAD
Bandit Minions B9:1//1 DEAD
Bandit Berserker BB1:66/66 DEAD
Bandit Berserker BB2:41/66 DEAD
Bandit Berserker BB3:DEAD
Bandit Berserker BB4:55/66 DEAD
Bandit Knife Fighter BK1:62/162 DEAD
Bandit Archers BA1 25/43 RAN AWAY
Bandit Archers BA2 24/43 RAN AWAY
Bandit Archers BA3 DEAD
Bandit Archers BA4 DEAD
Bandit Archers BA5 DEAD
Bandit Mage: BM1: 42/42
Bandit Knife Fighter BK2: 162/162
Hank the Tank H: 200/200

Bandit Minion
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion.
AC 19; Fortitude 17, Ref 14, Will 15; see also mob rule
Speed 6
Club (standard; at-will) ✦ Weapon
+12 vs. AC; 6 damage.
Mob Rule
The human lackey gains a +2 power bonus to all defenses while
at least two other human lackeys are within 5 squares of it.

Bandit Berskerers:
HP 66; Bloodied 33; see also battle fury
AC 15; Fortitude 15, Refl ex 14, Will 14
Speed 7
Greataxe (standard; at-will) ✦ Weapon
+7 vs. AC; 1d12 + 4 damage (crit 1d12 + 16).
Battle Fury (free, when first bloodied; encounter)
The human berserker makes a melee basic attack with a +4
bonus to the attack roll and deals an extra 1d6 damage on a hit.
Handaxe (standard; at-will) ✦ Weapon
Ranged 5/10; +5 vs. AC; 1d6 + 3 damage.

Knife Fighter
HP 162; Bloodied 81
AC 21; Fortitude 19, Reflex 19, Will 19
Saving Throws +2
Speed 7
Action Points 1
© Wounding Dagger (standard; at-will) 4 Weapon
+12 vs. AC (crit 19-20); 1d6 + 6 damage (crit 1d6 + 12) and
ongoing 5 damage (save ends).
+ Dance of the Knife (standard; at-will) 4 Weapon
+12 vs. AC (crit 19-20); 1d6 + 6 damage (crit 1d6 + 12). Effect:
The human knife fighter shifts 2 squares after the attack and
makes one more attack against the same target or a different
one. The knife fighter then shifts 2 squares.
Peerless Tumbler (move; recharge :X ji:])
The human knife fighter shifts 4 squares, ignoring difficult
Combat Advantage '
A human knife fighter deals 2d6 extra damage

Bandit Archer
Initiative +6 Senses Perception +9; darkvision
HP 33; Bloodied 21
AC 14; Fortitude 15, Reflex 17, Will 15
Immune disease, poison
Speed 6 ______
© Slam (standard; at-will)
+11 vs. AC; 1 d6 + 4 damage.
© Bolt (standard; at-will)
Ranged 20/40; +11 vs. AC; 1d10 + 4 damage.
•Y Double Shot
The arbalester makes two bolt attacks, each against a different
target. The targets must be within 5 squares of each other.

Bandit Mage
HP 42; Bloodied 21
AC 17; Fortitude 13, Ref 14, Will 15
Speed 6
Powers: ???

Hank: Bandit Leader (Human)
HP 200; Bloodied 100

AC 23; Fortitude 21, Reflex 23, Will 22

Saving Throws +2
 Speed 6 
Action Points 1
Dagger (standard, at-will)  Weapon
+15 vs AC; 2d4+7 damage.
Dagger (standard, at-will)  Weapon
Ranged 6/12; +15 vs AC; 2d4+7 damage.
Special Powers ???


Note: If you hit a foe, please subtract damage from total hp as shown on map

[sblock=Adventure Summary]

Summary of Events
Prevented a flesh golem from killing the Weinfurter family. Body guard turned bad.

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First Post
"Righteous action," Halleck intoned, "demands divine protection. Good Sir Paladin, right is might."

Halleck turned to the bloody berserker and said, "Your time is done. Begone!" The man staggard backwards and few steps before collapsing to the ground.

"And as for you," Halleck said, turning his attention back to Hank. "I think I'll keep my coin, and the girl."

"GET HIM!" Hank seemed unphased by the mental assault, but Hallecks sudden allies still felt an urge to attack the brute.

OOC: I used:
Canon of Avoidance
Effect: The target gains a +2 power bonus to all defenses until the end of your next turn.
Sustain Minor: The effect persists. When you sustain the effect, you can transfer it to another ally within 10 squares of you.

Stirring Shout
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, whenever an ally hits Hank, that ally regains 5 hit points

[sblock=Note to other Players: Bravura]
Halleck has the Bravura Presence:
When an ally who can see you spends an action point to take an extra action and uses the action to make an attack, the ally can choose to take advantage of this feature before the attack roll. If the ally chooses to do so and the attack hits, the ally can either make a basic attack or take a move action after the attack as a free action. If the attack misses, the ally grants combat advantage to all enemies until the end of his or her next turn.

Melee characters might also want to save their AP until I hit with Withering Courage, so they can double dip on the +5 damage bonus.
[/sblock][sblock=Action Block, Mini-Stats]
[sblock=Action Block]
Move: Shift to H9 (+1 to AC / Ref)
Minor: Canon of Avoidance on Skalisss
Standard: Vicious Mockery

AP: Stirring Shout

  • Target1: Hank
  • Attack1: 1d20+10=11 Miss
  • Damage: 2d6+6=0 damage.
  • Effect: Until the end of the encounter, whenever an ally hits the target, that ally regains 5 hit points

  • Effect: Against the target of this exploit, you gain a bonus to defenses equal to your Charisma modifier (+5) until the start of your next turn (due to Feat). The target can make a melee basic attack against you as a free action and has combat advantage for the attack. If the target makes this attack, an ally of your choice within 5 squares of the target can make a basic attack against the target as a free action and has combat advantage for the attack.
  • BB2 MBA on Halleck: 1d20+7=8 Miss
  • Vimak MBA on BB2: 1d20+11+2=15 hit for 15
Get rid of this Sblock when you use Brash Assault again[/sblock]
[/sblock][sblock=Halleck Stat block]Viscount Ambrose Halleck - Male Half-Elf Hybrid Warlord/Bard 7
Initiative: +3, Passive Perception: 18, Passive Insight: 20


AC: 23, Fort: 17, Reflex: 17, Will: 20 -- Speed: 5 (-1 Pen from armor)

HP: 45/55, THP: 7/8 Bloodied: 25, Surge Value: 12, Surges left: 8/9
Action Points: 0/1, Second Wind: not used
Common, Elven, Goblin

Basic Attacks
:bmelee: Basic Melee Attack: +11 vs AC - Harmonic Spellblade Longsword 1d8+6
:ranged: Ranged Basic Attack: N/A

On Shift: +1 to AC/REF
On Second Wind: If bloodied, you can spend 2 healing surges

Brash Assault, Vicious Mockery
Encounter: Righteous Brand, Inspiring Word, Majestic Word, Shout of Triumph, Diabolic Stratagem, Withering Courage, Divine Challenge, Battlefront Shift, Boots of the Fencing Master Enc, Recoil Shield Knockdown Immediate Reaction
Daily: Stirring Shout, Stand the Fallen, Heroic Effort, Canon of Avoidance, Dwarven Scale Healing, Harmonic Spellblade Boon,

Harmonic Spellblade Longsword +1

Acrobatics +2, Arcana +3, Athletics +9, Bluff +9, Diplomacy +17, Dungeoneering +5, Endurance +8, Heal +9, History +3, Insight +7, Intimidate +13, Nature +5, Perception +5, Religion +3, Stealth +2, Streetwise +9, Thievery +2

[/sblock][sblock=Halleck's Log]
1. Thorkelson, a bald, tattooed man, entered the hangman's tavern and recruits Halleck and Vimak for a job. Thorkelson, needed some protection at the docks, but apparently had some sinister other motive, since he used drinks from the bar to drug Halleck and Vimak.

2. Wake up in the middle of a fight, being helped by strangers. Give the bandits a beating,

3. Get approached by the bandit leaders, who have two girls that look exactly like that one we want. The real girl is revealed, and natural, a fight breaks out.


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