[Adventure] The Race of the Five Horns (DM: stonegod, Judge: THB)


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Did you see my question about stealth? If not, is stealth a required check and then we make a skill check?[/sblock]

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On Puget Sound

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Ryk settles Spring into hiding; they have stalked together before, so "wait quietly" is something the lizard understands. Then when the archer is looking the other way, the halfling briefly hangs down from the roof to get Rikka's attention, his polished bone boomerang and his feral grin both glinting white in the dim light. He whispers so softly even her keen ears can barely hear him. At your signal. Bellegon and me. Then back up and into hiding. Stealth 29 to communicate to Rikka and Bellegon without revealing himself to the archer.

Readied action: Twin Strike with boomerang. Trigger: Rikka or Bellegon signal for an attack or attack themselves, or archer moves as if he has found any of us.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
OOC: r1—Yes, you'll need a Stealth check. Everyone else—Just to make sure you all know, combat isn't the only solution to this, but it is one. i'm leaving that up to your creativity.

OOC: No help for going under archers nose, since other ways are blocked (at least at ground level). If Crush and Vok are willing to wait for a bit, maybe we can find the way over rooftops? At least bugger is human so shouldn't see too clearly anyhow...

And if I remember correctly, original story says attackers had sleds, they could speed over roofs...

Bellegon aknowledges Ryk and awaits appearance of Crush and Vok looking around for a path that would be hidden or far enough from this watcher to enable less then stealthy members of his group to pass unnoticed

Perception 1d20+2=16
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Disappointed by the results of her scouting, Rikka returned to where Vok and Crush were waiting. Her voice came as a whispering purr. "No easy way around- we're going to have to go past him. One at a time, stay close along the wall so he has to look straight down to see you. The others are ready to jump him if he seems to have spotted us." Still in panther form, she began to slink forward...

OOC: The times you wish we had a wizard- Cantrips could be useful. As it is, since we seem short of ideas, we'll have to just go for it. Rikka will take the lead- if she makes it past, Vok and Crush can follow. Stealth 1d20+5= 22; roll Roll Lookup ; is there any way for us to make Aid Another rolls during this process? If not, there is always the old 'throw a rock over there to create a distraction' trick- hopefully he won't raise the alarm on a unconfrimed noise.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
OOC: I'm open to distraction suggestions. No aiding Stealth directly, but a distraction may make such rolls unnecessary.

On Puget Sound

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OOC: I'm out of position to try a distraction from here, but next archer we may try Spring! Chase that rat! The hard part will be reuniting with him without being seen; once he catches the rat he normally brings it straight to Ryk, which would not be what we want.

OOC: How about lighting something two alleys further away which would make him look but hopefuly not raise alarm (esp if there are more watchers) - risky, but effective if works - Bellegon can even use darkfire to do it so we don't burn somethign down.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
[Just need to know who and how the distraction will be caused. Lighting something depends on how one wants to light it: Magically would require stealth to get over there and an arcana check for its efficacy.


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Vok waits patiently with Crush while he hopes the others can create a distraction.

Just waiting (and hoping) to have a distraction. Vok will have his shield strapped to his back sg, so his stealth score is +0 right now.[/sblock]

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