[Adventure] The Race of the Five Horns (DM: stonegod, Judge: THB)

On Puget Sound

First Post
To move forward on the ground requires stealth. To move forward jumping from roof to roof requires stealth and strength - two ways to fail for people who aren't hunters. Ropes are slow to set and take down for each alley, and this is a speed contest. I can continue to scout on the roofs to find the safest alleys, but it will be easier without big noisy people following me.

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"Well, I can take the point with Rikka on the ground then. If you all feel that way. I think speed is less important then success in this as we could very well be only ones to pass it without combat if we succeed."


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
OOC: What's the final consensus? Seems Ryk on the roof and everyone grounded? I'll go w/ that on the weekend if I don't hear otherwise.

On Puget Sound

First Post
Ryk's numbers:

Athletics, taking 10: 22 (4 square jump with running start, 2 squares if not)
Stealth, taking 10: 20

Ryk will try to stay just a bit ahead of the party, enough to peek at the next alley or corner from above and signal them if there is an ambush or obstacle. We'll have simple hand signals for:
numbers from 1 to 5
and a hand sign for each party member by name.
(and other signs anyone else thinks we may need?)

This will let Ryk communicate, for example, "Stop. Rikka, climb. Bellegon, scout left" without making a sound. Until we find a Rent-a-Kalashtar franchise on the way.


First Post
OOC: So, Ryk in the lead, up on the roof tops. Bellegon taking point in the alleys, followed by Rikka (about 1 corner/intersection behind), then Vok and Crush (another corner back, but close to each other to avoid straggling too far back), moving as fast as Ryk and Bellegon can operate with relative stealth (Rikka, Vok and Crush will be moving quietly, but not really making active Stealth attempts until the situation changes- that is, one of our scouts spots another sentry). As far as hand signals go, since we didn't set them up in advance (and keeping our disparate cultural backgrounds), I think we're stuck with the obvious basics (Stop/go, pointing to specific directions or people/places, that level of detail).

OOC: If Rikka is trained in stealth or is near or above +9, she and Belelgon should change places in above order because of her high perception. Not being seen is important, but it serves no purpose if bellegon goes by unnoticed, but fails to notice the guard. Otherwise I agree to pathfinder's marching order


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge

Ryk and Spring scurry along the roof-tops, Rikka on the ground below with Bellegon and the rest a bit behind. They leave the "guard" behind quickly, trying to get closer to the garrison.

Ryk soon holds up, and Rikka sees what he is about in her regained feline form soon enough. Up ahead the alley ends to form a large courtyard. It is ringed by buildings that eventually make their way to the garrison, the building littered with laundry ropes and other things that accidently make crossing easier, though longer. The courtyard is more direct, but open. In the night, both the scouts can see two groups of guards patrolling the square; Ryk only sees one archer on the roofs currently, though his view is obscured.

The group needs to determine how to overcome this obstacle.

[Plan, plot, and then I'll ask you to make some rolls. Ignore the waterfront in the image; its evocative more than anything.]


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OOC: Just little more details: how many guards in a group? The question is, of course, can we hide our clankers as guard group (if they are pairs) or even we all go as guards...leaving Ryk and Spring as I doubt we could hide Spring :)

Also, how big is the square? What I mean, how many rounds of full out running would it require to pass from one cover to another?
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