[Adventure] The Second Day of Mourning (Judge: renau1g)

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Knowing that her skills are more suited for civilized areas, Alexia attempts to simply stay out of the way of the more experienced trackers. Subconsciously, she begins to hum a marching song, unaware of its distracting influence.

[sblock=rolls]Stealth 13, Endurance 15. Why didn't I aid another with Perception? I dunno, that would have been a really good idea. D'oh.[/sblock]

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As Lo-Kag moves through the forest he becomes more frustrated as his skills are not meant for this. He turns around to see how the others are doing. He notices the new one Riel a few paces back scanning the area. "What the...who the heck is..." Lo-Kag instinctiive reaches for his sword, then relaxes, sheathing his sword. "Ah...you must be...nevermind...what are you looking for and is there anything I can do to help?"

ooc: endurance roll: 26
aide another: Riel with insight roll


First Post
Gurdan can't help but guffaw as Garrick lands on his back. "Come on, friend, let me help you up," he says, and offers him an arm.

Come on now, this can't be so hard, he thinks. The dwarf scans the ground, carefully examining each depression for signs of flight.

Noticing each root, twig, and leafy plant, it was easy for Gurdan to tell that the passengers were taken along the right path. Walking over to one of the larger, leafy plants, Gurdan points out to the group a five-leafed plant. All of the other plants surrounding this particular plant had six leaves and closer inspection of the plant revealed that one of the leaves had been torn off at the base of the stem, not something that would have been immediately recognizable after even several glances. Emboldened by his display of knowledge, Gurdan puffs up his chest and feels ready to conquer the band of warforged on his own!

[sblock=Perception/Nature Checks (Everyone please read)] Only 1 (one) Primary Perception Check, and 1 (one) Primary Nature check is allowed per round. Anyone else can Aid Another with Perception/Nature to assist the Primary Perception/Nature user. Sorry if that wasn't clear before :)

Gurdan: Grryth already used Perception this round. I noticed that your Perception and Nature have the same bonus, so I will keep your roll and just switch the skill over to Nature instead! [/sblock]

Knowing that her skills are more suited for civilized areas, Alexia attempts to simply stay out of the way of the more experienced trackers. Subconsciously, she begins to hum a marching song, unaware of its distracting influence.

As Lo-Kag moves through the forest he becomes more frustrated as his skills are not meant for this. He turns around to see how the others are doing. He notices the new one Riel a few paces back scanning the area. "What the...who the heck is..." Lo-Kag instinctiive reaches for his sword, then relaxes, sheathing his sword. "Ah...you must be...nevermind...what are you looking for and is there anything I can do to help?"

[sblock=Tracking the Tracker]

[sblock=Round 1: 1 Success; 1 Failure]

Riel: rolled an Insight Check of 10 (a minor fail) and Endurance of 17 (pass). This means that no bonus is given to the next skill check, but he does not lose a healing surge.

Garrick: Uses Aid Another (Perception) and rolls a 6 (a minor fail) and Endurance 11 (fail). This means that no bonuses are given to the next skill check, and Garrick loses 1 healing surge.

Grryth: Rolled a Perception check of 15 (Failure) and Endurance of 13 (pass). This means that the group has gained a failure, but Grryth does not lose a healing surge.

Gurdan: Rolled a Nature (Success) / Endurcance (pass) check of 26 / 29. This gives the group a success, and Gurdan does not lose a healing surge.

Alexia: Rolled Stealth 13, Endurance 15. The stealth check is a minor fail, as it is not yet required, so no skill check failure will accrue, but I am going to assess a -2 penalty to the groups' next skill check (which unfortunate for him, falls on Lo-Kag).


Garrick: 6/7 Healing Surges
Riel: 7/7 Healing Surges
Lo-Kag: 8/8 Healing Surges
Grryth: 11/11 Healing Surges
Alexia: 10/10 Healing Surges
Gurdan: 13/13 Healing Surges

[sblock=Lo-Kag] I see your Endurance Check, but I did not see your Aid Other Insight Check. Please roll this with a -2 penalty (due to Alexia's stealth failure). [/sblock]


First Post
As Lo-Kag moves through the forest he becomes more frustrated as his skills are not meant for this. He turns around to see how the others are doing. He notices the new one Riel a few paces back scanning the area. "What the...who the heck is..." Lo-Kag instinctiive reaches for his sword, then relaxes, sheathing his sword. "Ah...you must be...nevermind...what are you looking for and is there anything I can do to help?"

As Gurdan picks up on the trail and leads everyone on, the trail gets more and more dense, leaving the group in total darkness. Thinking on his feet, Riel pulls out one of his sun rods and bends it over his knee, creating a large radius of bright light all around them.

Now that there was an ample amount of light, Garrick once again tries to help those looking for tracks ... only more carefully this time.

[sblock=Tracking the Tracker]

[sblock=Round 1:]

Riel: rolled an Insight Check of 10 (a minor fail) and Endurance of 17 (pass). This means that no bonus is given to the next skill check, but he does not lose a healing surge.

Garrick: Uses Aid Another (Perception) and rolls a 6 (a minor fail) and Endurance 11 (fail). This means that no bonuses are given to the next skill check, and Garrick loses 1 healing surge.

Grryth: Rolled a Perception check of 15 (Failure) and Endurance of 13 (pass). This means that the group has gained a failure, but Grryth does not lose a healing surge.

Gurdan: Rolled a Nature (Success) / Endurcance (pass) check of 26 / 29. This gives the group a success, and Gurdan does not lose a healing surge.

Alexia: Rolled Stealth 13, Endurance 15. The stealth check is a minor fail, as it is not yet required, so no skill check failure will accrue, but I am going to assess a -2 penalty to the groups' next skill check (which unfortunate for him, falls on Lo-Kag).

Lo-Kag: Rolled Insight 5 (minor fail) and Endurance 26 (pass). This gives the next skill check no bonuses or penalties, and Lo-Kag does not lose a healing surge.


[sblock=Round 2 1 Success; 1 Failure]

Riel: Rolled an Insight Check of 15 and an Endurance check of 15. This gives the main Perception check a +2 bonus and Riel does not lose a healing surge.

Garrick: Rolled an Aid Other (perception) check of 10 and an Endurance check of 15. This will give the main Perception check a +2 bonus. Garrick does not lose a healing surge. [/sblock]

Garrick: 6/7 Healing Surges
Riel: 7/7 Healing Surges
Lo-Kag: 8/8 Healing Surges
Grryth: 11/11 Healing Surges
Alexia: 10/10 Healing Surges
Gurdan: 13/13 Healing Surges


First Post
ah...I understand now :)

Lo-Kag follows the light source and then states to the others "Let me clear some of this crap out of the way. I'll try not to trample over fresh prints." Lo-kag takes out his weapon and slashes away at the overgrowth.

ooc: athletics and endurance rolls respectively: 13, 22

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