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[Adventure] The Second Day of Mourning (Judge: renau1g)

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[sblock=Garrick] The amulet glows dimly in your magical detection and you notice the aura of a standard invisibility spell. What you can also tell is that the magic is linked directly to the amulet itself, pulling energy from it's very fiber of existence. Once the magic has used up all of the amulets energy, it will disintegrate into dust and the magical effect will be no more. A standard one-use type of item [/sblock]

Seeing that her team is ready to go, she leads you through the dangerous streets of Sharn, through lower Dura and then up onto several lifts through Upper Dura and into the ritzier sections of town. You travel through one tower, up to the top floor and then across a bridge to the top of another tower. There you see a nice home, build more like a castle than a tower, though it is only a single story high. As she leads you into her home you feel the amulet crumble to dust, leaving only a simple string around your neck. Taking a look around the house, you notice that it is only a single bedroom in the north-east corner and the rest of the small house is another room. Near the north wall, sitting on a simple pedestal is a large amber-colored gem. There is something in the middle of the gem, though the opaque color of the gem makes it hard to see. Gurdis goes walks over to the gem and caresses the top of the gem in an almost motherly fashion.

"Here's what ye be guardin' me friends. She been in me family fer more generations than even me eldest clan member be knowin'. Make yerselves comfy. I be makin' dinner ina hours time. Hope ye don't mind dinnin' with me'n'eachother. I'll go git started. Why don'tcha sit aroun' th'table an git t'know eachother a bit better. "

Though you doubt she entertains guests often, the house is immaculately clean, and the large table in the center of the main room could seat nearly twice as many guests as she currently has. There are a few book shelves and a fireplace with a single chair, it's fabric a little worn, but still in good condition. The sounds of Gurdis, rummaging through her cabinets is slightly distracting, but it's not so loud that you cannot hear yourselves over the din.


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Grryth takes a look around the room, taking note of all possible entrances and points where an intruder may be able to gain access. As well he examines the pedestal and it's relationship to all points of entrance and then begins to formulate a defensive layout in his mind. While he is doing this he also takes in each of his new comrades, trying to gauge what they will be capable of and any possible liabilities they may have once they enter combat.

[sblock=Perception Check]
Perception Check: 1d20+9=29

Once he has surveyed the area and his new companions, he approaches Gurdis.
"So any word on how these thieves broke into the other places? That kinda info would help us in protecting your assets." Grryth states and motions over towards the gem.
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[sblock=Grryth's eagle-eyes] (First off: NICE ROLL!) There is one door (the one you came in) on the east side of the south wall. The north wall has a single window that looks out into the rest of the city and is not but five feet from the edge of this tower. Not something you want to jump through if you're not the dexterous type! Directly above the table is a sky light. You can see a few stars starting to peek through now that it is getting dark. There is a fireplace on the east side of the house, though it seems a might small to get in or out of. [/sblock]

Gurdis picks out a large pot from her cabiinets and begins filling it with water. She pulls out several hunks of meat from an ice-box and starts dicing up carrots and potatoes. While she does this she replies to Grryth.

"Unfortunately, th'thorities ne'er did say how th'got away w'th'it. I 'spose it were to keep th'public ferm goin' inta a panic er some such."


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Seeing that Grryth isn't about to introduce himself, Alexia clears her throat and begins, "Well, I guess I'll start us off. I am Alexia Madgearu. I served as a captain for Karrnath during the Last War, and now I'm pursuing my own interests. I suppose I've been blessed with enough curiosity to want to learn a little bit of everything, and too much of it to stick to any one subject. Oh, and I've been told I'm a fairly good musician." she concludes with a modest shrug.

[sblock=For everyone]It occurs to me that most, if not all of you, came in after Alexia entered the tavern. For your convenience, here's what she looks like:

Alexia is a human woman in her late twenties. Her complexion is pale, her hair dark brown, and her eyes are gray. She's dressed in slightly old-fashioned clothing of sobre grays and muted reds. She has a number of scars on her face, including what would appear to be a claw mark down the left side of her face, and a curving one that crosses her lips on its path from her right cheek to her chin. She has a rosary wrapped around her right hand, on which is fastened the symbol of the Blood of Vol.[/sblock]

[sblock=For Grryth]You notice that Alexia's canines are somewhat pronounced. Also, whenever she blinks, the color of her irises seems to shift to dark red just before the eyes close. When they reopen, they are gray again.[/sblock]

"So, who's next?"


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Lo-Kag pipes up next after the bard's introduction "I am Lo-Kag, and I too served in a command position during the last war. Unfortunately, my commander and I had a bit of a falling out so to speak. I've been on my own ever since." He stares as if thinking of a memory, then jumps back to reality. "Anyway, I've never really served in a position of a guardian before.(motioning over to the gem, then smiling), but I'm always up for a challenge for they bring out the best in all of us."

The looking back at the dwarf preparing a meal. "Ma'dam, if you don't mind, I prefer my meat raw...thank you."

Then to the bard, "I don't have the music ability that you have. However, it's in a dragonborn's blood to keep a simple beat."...thump...thump...thump..thump.


Garrick first starts evaluating the place, measuring the distabce between the gem and the exits and entrances.

Does the gem have any magical protections they thiefs would need to disable or do they just have to take it from there? If no additional protections are placed I'd suggest using a fake one for the time being. Otherwise it wouldn't be too hard to teleport in and out in a flash if they know what and where they are looking.


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"Name's Gurdan," the tallish dwarf says. He has a nondescript face, and the numerous scars on his exposed flesh become difficult to distinguish from his craggly, weather beaten skin at times. His facial expression is volatile, switching quickly from emotion to emotion, but the general default appears to be a mild grumpiness.

"Gurdan Earthshield. 'n I fought in that accursed War too. Miserable thing took everything outta me. When all was said and done I left everything and took up the life of a priest. 'Twas a beautiful time for me," he adds, wistfully, "but fate wouldn't let me give up my hammer and shield so easily. Fightin's just too much a part of what I am, I guess," he adds with a chuckle.

"But war and I are done. For good. I'll have no more watching my friends die one at a time - no more wondering whose family I am destroying when I fell my so-called enemy - no more agonizing if it was worth it, or what it's all for"

"I'm done," he adds, somewhat redundantly, and lapses into an awkward silence.



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Gurdis walks around the table, listening to the introductions. After the dragonborn request his meat raw, she walks back over to her pantry and pulls out a slab of meat so fresh it was still bleeding. She chops a hunk of it off and places it on a plate and then in front of her dragonborn guest. She smiles at the thuroughness with which the adventurers were inspecting her home and preparing for any invaders.

She nods, listening to Garrick. "Aye, those would be good points, were it not fer the fact that th'pedestal be keepin' 'porters away from 'er. Any who dare try 'n'port near 'er'll find 'emselves fallin' t'th'Cogs from jus offa the edge'a this 'ere tower! Gem's been in m'family fer generations. She be ver'a po'erfull, an' she prolly belongs inna mage's tower, not me home, but it be passin down ferm daughter t'daughter an I plan t'keep that tradition. I never thought'a usin' a decoy. It'd be 'spensive t'try'n find one who could make a gem who's gotta same... what would ye mage-types call it... an aura?"

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