[Adventure] The Second Day of Mourning (Judge: renau1g)

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Ehm ... just how near? I tend to teleport around when fighting and I would hate to suddenly appear somewhere else.

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Gurdis chuckles at Garrick's uncomfortableness.

"Let's just be sayin' ye don' wanna be doin' that if'n ye could touch it w'th'a spear."


First Post
Arcana checks
Orb 27
Pedestal 17

After examining the items in question Lord Jarot turns to the others and sits in a empty seat. "I am Lord Jarot, a minor noble to be sure, but I will move up. Both fortunately and unfortunately I was unable to participate in the last war. It would have been a great opportunity but also I have made fewer enemies this way. Hopefully we can all trust each other and work together to prevail against our opposition."

Occ: ps I changed color just too many greens.


First Post
Arcana checks
Orb 27
Pedestal 17

After examining the items in question Lord Jarot turns to the others and sits in a empty seat. "I am Lord Jarot, a minor noble to be sure, but I will move up. Both fortunately and unfortunately I was unable to participate in the last war. It would have been a great opportunity but also I have made fewer enemies this way. Hopefully we can all trust each other and work together to prevail against our opposition."

Lo-Kag gives Lord Jarot a stern look as he introduces himself. We he finishes, Lo-Kag states, "Hmmmf...You look like my last commanding officer." After a pause, he continues "Yes, trust is vital as we are more efficient if we work as a team. We all better be ready to do our part and to prove our worth in battle if the need arises. That's how proper respect is earned" he states with his gazed still fixed on Lord Jarot.
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Grryth looks over to the pedestal and then the nearby window.
Hmmm not good, even if it is warded against teleporting.
He then looks at the skylight that is in the center of the room.
Again not good.
He looks around for a minute more while the introductions are going on and the nhe quickly looks towards Gurdis.
"OK here's what I'm thinkin."
Grryth starts off in a hushed tone so that those more than a few paces away have trouble hearing. "We gets sumthin roundish and place it atop the pedestal, and then drape a cloth over it - ya know ta keep the dust off. The we stoke up that fireplace nice and good and get that big pot Gurdis is preparing ta make her soup in. Looks good by the way, whatever it is yer makin. So then we throw the soup pot on the fire and get the soup nice an hot. Now I'm not an expert on gems, but I'm thinkin that it should be nice and safe in the bottom of that hot soup pot. Out of sight and out of reach."

Grryth looks around and then continues. "We then bar up yer front door nice and tight, and move that big table outtda way over into the corner and limit the possible points of entry to the window an the skylight. Maybe flip it up and use it fer cover"

Grryth then looks at the bedroom door. "Ya don't have any windows in there do ya"? He asks Gurdis. "If not, that wud be a good place fer ya to hide and keep out trouble."

"And for those of ya that didn't catch it in the tavern, the names Grryth...and I anit no stranger to fightin and protectin my packamtes."

Feel free to interject and point out any flaws Grryth may have in his plan, I don't mind. Grryth might, but I don't.......
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First Post
A slow laugh rises from the depths of Gurdan's belly.

"Gem SOUP? Oh, that is good! Good!" More laughter.

"I can't say I'm opposed to the idea. Might need a reminder not to eat any of it though. Mayhap a sign? Though I suppose that would defeat the purpose, eh?"


First Post
Gurdis nearly doubles over in laughter at the sheer geniousness of it all.

"THAT, m'boy Grryth, be usin' yer head fer moren' justa bat'rin ram! There be no window's 'n'me room. Jus' hard strong stone. I'll be stayin' in ther' if'n' I can be doin' so."

At Gurdan's comment, Gurdis huffs. "An whater ya tryin't'say bout me cookin' huh!? If'n ya think it be not t'yer likin' without e'en a taste, then ye c'n do without!"


First Post
Gurdan smiles. "Oh no, lass. I just don't want to chomp down on the gem, is all. Here, have a good look at my teeth."

Gurdan approaches the lady flirtatiously and gives a wide, toothy grin. In point of fact his teeth are rather unremarkable.

"These mighty teeth might cleave yer precious gem in twain if I were not careful... As fer yer cookin', if it be half as good as you look t'will be delicious."

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