[Adventure] The Seeds of Chaos - Judge Needed


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Leather grunts, sheathing his blade and taking out a hand axe. He proceeds to press the edge of the axe near the edge of the red puffy bite marks expelling clear liquid, blood and puss. "Aint no rat going to make Leather sick" he states matter of factly. "Ate far too many of them for that to ever happen again." He wipes the axe clean when he is done and looks about the place. "So which way are we headed?"
[sblock=Endurance Check] Sorry, IC hates me. I don't know any other dice rollers. So for now CFW you can either trust that I won't abuse ICastle as an anonymous user or make Leather's rolls for me. I rolled a 14 for Leather's endurance check. With a -3 penalty that gives him a modifier of +8 so he makes DC 22. I'm pretty sure that is enough to beat the disease: http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3825335/

OOC. Also not too sure why you have Leather at 10 hps. In my last post Leather has 21 HPs after Fhangrim healed him. I'm thinking it is just an oversight.[/sblock]

OOC: Short Rest: Leather spends 2 surges and goes back to 41/43 Hps with 7 surges left. Is that our first encounter?

[sblock= Marcus Leather]
Marcus Leather
Human Fighter (Brawler) 3
Passive Perception/Insight 12
AC:21, Fort:20, Reflex:15, Will:13, Speed:5
HP: 41/43, Bloodied:21, Surge Value:10, Surges left:7/12
Initiative +5
Action Points: 1 (encounter): USED

MBA: Longsword, +8 vs AC, 1d8+4 damage
MBA: Battle Axe of Surrounding +1, +8 vs AC, 1d10+5 dmg
RBA: Rebounding Handaxe +1, +8 vs AC, 1d6+5
Combat Challenge
Cleave, Grappling Strike, Weaponmaster's Strike

Steel Serpent Strike:
Bull Charge:
Inevitable Strike:
Rebounding Hand Axe:
Battle Axe of Surrounding:
Second Wind:

Comeback Strike:
Boundless Endurance:
Dwarven Armour:

Combat notes:
Deft Hurler Style: Leather can forgo dealing damage to the adjacent enemy to instead make a basic ranged attack with a heavy thrown weapon against one creature other than the target of your cleave. This ranged basic attack does not provoke opportunity attacks.
Brawler Style: Leather can use Grappling Strike for OAtks
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Son of Meepo

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OOC: @jbear: You need to make a saving throw to avoid contracting a disease, not an Endurance check. Endurance just helps you fight the disease after you contract it.

Fhangrim checks over his girls who appear to be none the worse for wear by the encounter with the strange rats, which is more than he could say for some of his other allies, but he. Ursa Minor sniffs at one of the dead creatures and then pauses before turning her head away with a snort.

"Yeah, I don't blame you."

OOC: [MENTION=75065]jbear[/MENTION]: to answer your question: Yep! That was your first encounter.

NOTE: After I have the disease saving throws from Haaku and Torqua, I'll continue the adventure.


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OOC: Man sorry I've been away so much. Life has gotten crazy busy, but I expect to have more time in January. Bear with me til then.

Ugh of course I rolled a one. I was saving Heroic Effort for this roll, too.

Haaku is free of any serious injuries, but he (fails his saving throw) starts to sweat and shiver. He spits a curse under his breath.

[sblock=Statblock]Haaku - Male Human Ranger|Fighter 3
MP: 6/22 Status:
Initiative: +4, Passive perception: 20, Passive Insight: 13
AC:19 Fort:17 Ref:17 Will:14
HP: 31/35 Bloodied: 17 Surge value: 8 Surges/day: 6
Speed: 6 squares, AP: 0, Second Wind: used, Temporary HP: 0
Melee Basic Attack: +10 vs AC, 1d8+10 (off-hand)
Equipment: Short Sword, Chatkcha, Javelins(2), Potions of Healing (2), Adventurer's Kit

Powers:Twin Strike, Footwork Lure, Hunter's Quarry, Heroic Effort, Sohei Flurry, Off-hand Strike, Rain of Blows, Invigorating Stride, Jaws of the Wolf[/sblock]
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OOC: Passed my saving throw with a 19. http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3830912/ Spending 2 healing surges to bring my heal back to full.

"As much as I like to believe, I don't think that's the last fight we'll have down here." Torqua says, patching up her wounds with some old cloth from her bag. "And believe me, once I find the man behind this, I will unlease a hell upon him like none have seen before. Yes, he shall pay dearly for what he done to my dress."

"I just had the damn thing clean from the last time I was down here!"

As though triggered by Torqua's use of the word "man", the north water gate opens up and a sluice of clean water rushes into the room, pushing muck and dirt toward the drain in the room to the south where you entered this level of the sewers. To say that the water was clean, simply meant that it was devoid of waste product and dirt. However, the water was tinged red, and a mutilated corpse floated down the north ramp to rest just north of the adventurers, causing water to split its southward path and flow around him. You notice right away that he's not wearing the livery or armor common to one of Proudman's militiamen. Instead, he wore a thin leather covering and simple set of travelers clothes, sans cloak. His pants were coated in grime; evidence that he has been here in the sewers for quite some time. Another notable detail... his chest cavity was...well... a cavity. Broken ribs protruded from a hole in the man's chest and leather armor, and as you may have expected...his heart was missing. Another large wound, this time a puncture, could be seen in the mans abdomen. His had obviously been a painful death!

Before you could take in all of these details, you hear a screeching sound as the stone water wall slowed and then halted near the top of its opening sequence, showing a circular stone chamber to the north.


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"I think someone is inviting us in." Torqua noted as the gate opened, stepping aside to avoid the corpse. "And this poor guy must of been his last guest."

The wide witch cracked her knuckles and snorted out a puff of fire out of her nose. "Let's go crash his little party, shall we?"

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