Adventure: The stolen staff (DM: Someone. Judge: Luinnar)


GM: Mid term update - it's Vyrna's, Ryan's and Shun's turn now

Dekana, you should have 1 action point available.

Ryan: 26/31, Slowed (save ends)
Lily 27/30,
Eva 22/24,
Shun 19/35, Slowed (save ends)
Vyrna 17/22, Slowed (save ends)

Leading orc: 92/92
AC: 19 Fort:16 Ref:15 Will:16 MBA: +8 VS AC, 2d6+4 damage and target is Marked.
Orc alchemists:
30/38 Slowed TENT
AC: 16 Fort:14 Ref:15 Will:14 MBA: +7 VS AC, 2d4+4 damage
Orc troop: Minions
AC: 14 Fort:14 Ref:14 Will:14 MBA: +7 VS AC, 6 damage


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Since it was clear that walking over the bridge was not an option, and after seeing the effects that the river had on the orc, neither was swimming across the river, Vyrna decided to continue bringing the fight to her, rather than trying to get to them.

Once again she locks eyes with one of the orcs across the river. This time it was one of those glue throwers. She knew it wouldn't be easy to fight them on even terms, but she sure like the idea of having the rushing river do the job for her!

The orc before her had a mind made of much sturdier stuff than the last orc, which was a pity for him, as he wasn't dead before hitting the icy cold water of the rushing river and snapping out of the hypnotic trance in which the vampire had placed him. Smiling wickedly at him, she waved and mouthed "bye bye" as the orc struggled to fight the currents.

Pulling against the glue on the ground that was sticking her feet, she frees herself from its grasp and moves behind Shun and Ryan.

While the vampire was tormenting her foe, Ryan reached for a javelin and let loose against the orc on the bridge. The aerodynamic shaft flies true and pierces the creatures' throat, toppling it backwards to fall on the bridge in a dead heap. Try as he might, the glue surrounding his feet wouldn't budge, and he was unable to shake himself free of its sticky effects.

Standard: Vyrna uses Dark Beckoning on Alchemist 1, rolling 22 to hit, dealing 10 psychic damage, and pulling him to J12.

Move: Vyrna moves to L8.

Saving throw vs Slow succeeds. Vyrna is no longer slowed.
Move: pulls out a Javelin.

Standard: Ryan attacks Orc minion at I10 with RBA, hitting AC 19 and killing it.

Saving throw vs Slow fails.



Shun watches as the orcs almost evaporate before his eyes and after Ryan's javelin impales the last orc on the bridge, his eyes narrow and he starts across the bridge. The chain begins to swing around and around, making an ominous whirling noise. The sound becomes more intense as the rhythm of the circling anchor increases in tempo until it finally comes to a crash as Shun approaches the remaining enemy on his left and brings the anchor around towards the orc's skull.

As the anchor crashes into the alchemist, electric energy sparks from the chain and a grin spreads across Shun's leafy visage. Reaching a hand out towards the river, water begins to flow over its banks and pools around Shun's feet. With a loud cry from the wilden, icy blue energy crackles around him and the water begins to flow up and over his body, hardening into an icy protection as it goes. The water and chunks of ice around his feet spread out about 10 feet, making it difficult for the alchemist to even stand.

[sblock=actions]Font of Life: Save at the beginning of turn
Move: F12
Standard: Weight of Earth vs AC 16
Damage: 9hp and target is slowed until the end of Shun's next turn
Minor: Form of Winter's Herald (activates Daily Power) +1 to AC, +5 resist cold, the zone within 2 squares around Shun becomes difficult terrain for his enemies
Free: Nature's Wrath (marks the alchemist at F10)[/sblock]
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Shun crosses the bridge bravely, stepping on the corpses of the falling orc and enduring many cuts and bruises. But not even him can sustain so much damage from long and he collapses on a heap of algae. Roaring ferociously, the rest of the orcs attack the group in a frenzy, leader by the orc wielding the staff, who, battleaxe in hand, just ignores the river and attacks Eva! The witch finds herself between the frenzied orc and the hard rock.

GM: It’s your turn now

I moved Shun to H11 instead of L12. Notice that he couldn’t advance to L12 last turn without either passing through the Grasping Shadow’s effect or provoking an opportunity attack from the orc at F10. Since the change in position didn’t seem to be very tactically important since Shun could do the rest of his action from this new position, I didn’t think it was worth waiting for a reply from Weldon.
As the minion adjacent to Shun dies, it triggers Inspire Ferocity from the orc leader, which allows him to make a MBA on Shun, which hits for 8.
On it’s turn the last orc troop moves out of the Grasping Shadow’s aura and next to Shun, and makes a MBA, hitting for other 8 damage.
The orc in the river is swept 2 squares to the right of the map, and is covered in mud and filth (-2 to hit and Slowed, save ends). It moves 1 square out of the river and uses his Alchemical Barrage ability, hitting Ryan again with caustic glue (just 5 damage) and fails with his acid jar. The other alchemist uses the same ability, hitting Shun and dropping him. Edit: the acid jar deals damage to adjacent creatures, so the orc killed the last minion too. Oops.
The leading orc recharges Inspire Ferocity and now that Shun’s aura is suppressed (correct me if I’m wrong) can move unimpended to G10 (move action) and charge Eva for 10 damage and Marking her. He seems to be under some effect that allows him to walk on the water.

Ryan: 21/31, Slowed (save ends)
Lily 27/30,
Eva 12/24, Bloodied, Marked
Shun -2/35, Bloodied, Dying
Vyrna 12/22,

Leading orc: 92/92
AC: 19 Fort:16 Ref:15 Will:16 MBA: +8 VS AC, 2d6+4 damage and target is Marked.
Orc alchemists:
20/38 Slowed and -2 to attack (save ends both)
29/38, Slowed TENT
AC: 16 Fort:14 Ref:15 Will:14 MBA: +7 VS AC, 2d4+4 damage
Orc troop: Minions
AC: 14 Fort:14 Ref:14 Will:14 MBA: +7 VS AC, 6 damage
The river and it’s edges look slippery and treacherous. You will be Slower for sure if you try to cross it not using the bridge, and who knows what else[/sblock]

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First Post
Lilli runs over to the bridge and attempts to bind Shun's wounds with the strands of web lent to her by Lotte, singing part of an old song she'd heard somewhere in her childhood, which springs to her mind now, though she's uncertain why.

"Hold your head up,
Arise from your bed,
Hold your head up,
Hold your head high!

Warriors stand-to,
Heroes hold-fast,
Warriors stand-to,
Hold your head high!"

Surprisingly, Shun stirs, but that done, Lilli doesn't waste time and turns to the Orc alchemist she caught in her Grasping Shadows earlier. Feeling the psychic feedback from her magic still emanating from the Orc's mind, she has a tendril stretch accross the river to crush an Orcish limb like before.

[sblock=actions]Move action: Lilli moves to I10.

Standard action: Lilli attempts the use of Heal skill on Shun: Total 19. Roll Lookup

Shun is stabilised at least. I've assumed Stabilised the Dying may have to come first, but if Shun can use his Second Wind, then great, let's do that.

Action Point!

Standard action:

  • Phantom Echoes: When you use an arcane illusion power and hit a target, you gain combat advantage against that target until the end of your next turn. If the illusion power has an effect that a save can end, you instead gain combat advantage against the target until it saves against that effect.
Including a plus 2 from the above feat and Targetted at the Orc alchemist she struck before:

Illusory Ambush (At Will Standard Ranged 10 Arcane, Illusion, Implement, Psychic)
Target: One creature
Attack: +7 vs. Will
Hit: 1d6+6 Psychic damage and the target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls until the end of your next turn.

Standard action = Illusory Ambush at the Orc alchemist: Roll Lookup Total to hit = 19, potential damage = 9.
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Although stabilized for the moment, the pall of death still hung over Shun from the terrible moment he was struck down. Breathing in deeply, Vyrna summoned the necrotic pall into herself, leaving Shun's aura clear and untainted...such a pity. Oh but the benefits of drinking in her ally's clinging death!

The sweet surge of death fills the vampire's body, and in her ecstasy, she sets her sites on the brawny orc that had attacked Eva. Forgetting herself in the caress of ravaging energies, Vyrna's hunger is sparked and she bares her fangs. Surging forward at breakneck speeds, the small dead one brutally body checks the orc's legs. Before the much larger creature could recover or fall over, Vyrna grabbed the orc by the head with both hands and she hurled him forward where he landed in a heap.

Vyrna was not nearly sated yet, however. As the leader met the ground unceremoniously, the vampire surged forward again, this time landing atop her foe. Grabbing a handful of hair, and slamming the orc's face into the ground for good measure, Vyrna yanked the leader's head to the side and sank her fangs eagerly into the exposed carotid artery. Blood rushed into her and she drank deeply for a few moments. Standing as she wiped the blood off of her face (one must keep up their appearances after all...), she planted a foot on the orc's backside and shoved him away from her, laughing as he skidded along the floor another dozen feet.

"Now stay down or we might have to get rough!"

- Free Action: Shun dropped to 0HP and was within 5 squares, so Vyrna uses Dark Reaping.

- Standard: Vyrna charges the Orc leader (moving to L6) and attacks with Vampire Slam, hitting Reflex 20 for 24 damage (including Dark Reaping bonus), and puts a little extra hurt on it by using Takedown Strike (no action) to add another 5 damage for a total of 29 damage! The Orc Leader is then pushed to J3 and knocked prone.

Action Point!

- Standard: Vyrna charges to K4, attacking the prone Orc Leader with Vampire Slam once more, hitting Reflex 25. Vyrna also uses Blood Drinker on this hit, adding 1d10 extra damage. She gains a healing surge and dishes out a total of 18 damage from this attack (including BD). The orc leader is then pushed to H3.


[sblock=Vyrna's Stats] Vyrna - Revenant (Halfling) Vampire 1
Passive Perception 10, Passive Insight 10
AC 18, Fort 11, Reflex 15, Will 15
HP 22/22, Bloodied 11, Surge Value 5, Surges 3/2
Speed 6, Initiative +5
Action Points: 0/1, Second Wind
At-Will Powers: Vampire Slam, Dark Beckoning, Taste of Life
Encounter Powers:Blood Drinker, Dark Reaping, Takedown Strike
Daily Powers: Swarm of Shadows
Utility Powers: none
Item Powers: Armor Repulsion
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Eva shrieks as the burly orc slashes at her and draws blood. She halfheartedly holds her staff up defensively and then closes her eyes, bracing herself for the next attack... but it never arrives. When the witch reopens her eyes, she's amazed to see that the orc has somehow been flung to the ground on the far side of the room.

"Y-you brute!" Eva stammers at the orc from a safe distance. "You get a time-out for that!" She levels her staff at the fallen orc, and its tip glows brightly with a variety of bright colors as Eva channels a spell. The light coalesces into a mesmerizing ball of colors and then floats lazily over to the orc, engulfing him in its radiance.

[sblock=Eva actions / stats]Standard: Color Orb vs Orc Leader misses Reflex 8. I'll use Elven Accuracy to reroll the attack, which now hits Reflex 24 for 12 radiant damage, and the leader is dazed TENT Eva. (1d20+6=8;1d8+5=12, reroll: 1d20+6=24)

AP-Standard: Second Wind. Eva regains 6hp and drops to 3/8 surges. She gains +2 defenses TSNT Eva.

PC:Eva (Dekana) - L4W Wiki- Female Elf Mage 1
Passive Perception: 17, Passive Insight: 10
AC:15, Fort:12, Reflex:15, Will:13 -- Speed:7
HP:18/24, Bloodied:12, Surge Value:6, Surges left:3/8
Initiative +1
Action Points: 0 (encounter)
Marked by Orc Leader
+2 defenses TSNT (not included above)

Disrupt Undead, Ghost Sound, Phantasmal Assault, Restless Dead, Magic Missile
Color Orb, Darkening Flame, Elven Accuracy, Second Wind, Spook
Spirit Rend
Darkening Flame, Ray of Enfeeblement
Spirit Rend, Summon Dretch[/sblock][/sblock]
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GM: [MENTION=6684473]CrimsonFlameWielder[/MENTION] , looks like that in your concentrated ass kicking, you forgot you also play Ryan.

Also, since Vyrna just bloodied the leader, Eva deals 2 extra damage thanks to her new gloves.
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Covered in sticky glue, and just barely missed by a vial of acid, Ryan (with the severe prodding of Randal) decides that it's time to deal with utilitarian orc. Taking several forceful steps, pulling his feet up from the ground through extreme effort, the warrior slowly, but steadily builds momentum as he careens toward the orc near his side of the river. With kopesh in hand, Ryan slices toward his enemy and cuts through its meager defenses. Howling at the orc as his weighted blade makes impact, he sends the orc flying back into the river. Keeping an eye on his foe, lest he manage to make his way back out and toward one of his allies, Ryan stands in place breathing heavily from the adrenaline pumping through his system.


Move: Move from K9 to K10.

Standard: Charge to L12, attacking Alchemist 1 with a MBA, hitting AC 19 for 9 damage. Ryan gains 3 temp hit points. The Alchemist is marked until the end of Ryan's next turn.

No action: Ryan uses Iron Wolf Charge after hitting with his charge attack. This dishes out another 4 damage. He rolls a secondary attack, hitting 22 Will vs the Alchemist 1, pushing him to L14.

The alchemist has a -2 penalty to attack rolls until the end of Ryan's next turn.

Save vs Slow fails. [/sblock]

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