Adventure: The Undead Hunter DM: FourMonos Judge: ??


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Ship Showdown, Round 5

Nate summons another hail of magically propelled stones at the nearest enemies. The summoned wolf seems still unable to hit anything.

Seeing that Kamotz is in trouble, 7 Rabbit fights his way clear of the frozen field. "Hang on, I'm coming!" he yells to his friend, as the twinkling lights of his curse settle on the attacking skeleton's head. Rabbit charges toward the skeleton, trailing whisps of shadow that constantly struggle to keep up with him, and its bones crack under a mighty swing of his star-guided hammer. The shadows wrap themselves around him and settle in comfortably as he comes to a halt facing it.

Kamotz thinks back to his lessons from Vrrsk't as he misses Helsing again, remembering the way the dragonborn's flail hit anything but the intended target.

*Thanks to the valiant efforts of Eloan, the brutal blow of the fierce bonecrusher skeleton was rather muted to what it could of been. Hunzu stumbles back slightly from the blow even so. Catching his stance Hunzu slams his polearm's butt end into the deck of the ship. A crackle of power erupts down the shaft of the polearm. Hunzu raises his polearm in a fancy twirl the strikes forwards into the air with it. Reality once again shifts and distorts. To whose in the close proximity to Hunzu. The slowed time and tilting world suddenly speeds up and rockets the two enemies within across the ships deck. With those two out of Hunzu's way, he fixes his top hat once again and strides forwards towards the open area upon the deck of the ship. As he strides over Hunzu raises his hand and sends yet another missile of force slamming into Helsing.*

Illarion frowns as the fight moves away and he remains fixed to the spot. His bolt splutters and dies before reaching to the skeleton at the edge of his reach. The anger at his own helplessness unlocks his muscles though.

Kruor steps out of the ice barrage and points to one of the skeleton's. "Automation override program, status on." Lights flash and bathe the skeleton near Kruor with energy, but the beast seems unaffected.

The bone giant makes quite an impact on the ship's deck, splintering the wood and bone that composes the body of the ship. The giant lumbers to its feet, looks down at the eladrin next to it and smashes him heavily with his bone club. Eloan flies back from the impact and lands on his back.

The skeletons swarm over the group, landing blows on Kruor and Kamotz.

Helsing boldly walks away from the shifter, dodging the blow from his flail.

"Insolent fouls. You waste my time with your presence here."
He launches a bolt of chilled force at 7 Rabbit, how luckily escapes the blast.

[sblock= Round Summary]
Nathantiel: Pack wolf moves, hit ghoul, BS and S2 with magic stones for 12 damage. Kills ghoul.

7 Rabbit: Missed skeleton 4, which takes 7 damage from Armor of Agathys at start of its turn.

Illarion: Miss

Eloan: Heal Kamotz for 17 hit points, Kamotz shifts.

Hunzu: Magic Missile Helsing. Hit Bonecrusher Skeleton and skeleton 2 for 4 damage with beguiling strands. Bonecrusher makes save.

Kamotz: Healed, miss, take 5 damage.

Kruor: Move to G-14, dark beckoning vs S-2: miss.


[sblock=Map Details]
Illumination: Dim, from various lanterns hung around the ship

Water: Deep water, requires swimming check.
DC to climb back into boat is 10 (athletics or acrobatics).

North end of boat is captain's quarters and the quarter deck above that (10 feet up. Door to captain's quarters is K7-L7.

Stairs to quarter deck and down to galley: N-O 8-9.



Nathantiel (G-10): 47/56 hp +10 THP; HS 8/9; AP 2; Second Wind; Status: +1 defenses

Berry (G-11): 28/28 hp + 10 THP; Status: +1 defenses

Pack Wolf (M-13): 28/28 hp AC 23 F 19 R 21 W 21

Illarion (M-9): 10/39 hp; HS 5/7; AP 2; Second Wind; Status: +1 AC TENT, +1 defenses, bloodied

Kamotz (M-N, 19-20): 21/45 hp; HS 7/9; AP 0; Second Wind; Status: +1 defenses, longtooth shifting (regeneration 2, +2 damage while bloodied), bloodied, marked
(Whiggins 64/67 hp +10 THP; AC 19; Fortitude 18, Reflex 17, Will 16)

Hunzu (I-16): 21/32 hp; HS 6/8; AP 0; Second Wind; Status: +1 defenses

7 Rabbit (L-18): 51/51 hp +2 THP; HS 9/10; AP 1; Second Wind; Status: +1 defenses, Armor or Agathis, concealment

Eloan (O-18): 12/51 hp; HS 9/10; AP 1; Second Wind; Status: prone, bloodied

Kruor (G-14): 11/27 hp; HS 3/2; AP 0; Second Wind; Status: +1 defenses, bloodied, marked


[sblock=Enemy Actions]

BS: Save vs. falling off boat: Made it, falls prone at edge of boat.
Movement: Stand: Crushing Blow vs. Eloan (AC): hit AC 27 for 26 damage. Eloan is pushed one square and knocked prone.

Helsing: Regeneration 5. Move to J-21. OA from Kamotz: 15 vs AC is a miss. Deathchill bolt vs. 7 Rabbit: miss. Frostburn zone fades.

S2: Charge attack vs. Kruor: Hit AC 25 for 10 damage. Kuror is marked TENT.

S3: Move to L-20, attack Kamotz with flanking, crit for 13 damage. Kamotz is marked TENT.

S4: Stay at current location, attack 7 Rabbit: missed.



Helsing: (J-21): ?AC ?F ?R ?W

Damage taken: 8, Divine Challenge, Used: Frostburn

Ghoul: (N-10): ?AC ?F ?R 16 W Damage taken: 63

Skeletons (S): 19 AC 15 F 16 R 15 W

1 (N-7) Damage taken: 45
2 (G-15) Damage taken: 31
3 (L-20): Damage taken: 13
4 (K-19): Damage taken: 7

Decrepit Skeletons (ds):

Bonecrusher Skeletons (BS): 22 AC ?F 19 R 17 W

2 (O-P 16-17) Damage taken 53, Crushing Blow: used, bloodied


GM: Let's see if you guys can finally hit something ;)

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First Post
OOC: At everyone, you have +4 to all damage. Go on! And someone Daze him with Overwhelming Force Trap

Eloan raise his sword and the magic of the weapon ward partly against the attack. Eloan fall on his back. "Ouch! Help! Damned!" felling the pain, Eloan feels his courage weakening. "Get that stupid hunter! Kill it if needed! Come on, give all you have!"

He stands up. "Kamotz, come on, you are betetr than that." Kamotz strike the skeleton next to him, but miss again.

[SBLOCK=OOC]Immediate Inetrrupt: Longsword of Defense should have been triggered. I take half damage from the Bone Crusher (i.e: 13 damages). Eloan is at 25/51)

Minor: Heroic Effort. Everyone gain +4 to damage until Eloan is no longer Bloodied. Eloan gain 10 THP.

Move: Stands Up

Standard: Kamotz MBA vs AC on S3 (1d20+11=13, 1d10+13=14) Kamotz badluck strike me...

[SBLOCK=To Players and DM]@.Players: When you use an Action Point:

Insigthful Presence: When any ally who can see you spends an action point to take an extra action, that ally gains +2 to all defenses until the start of his or her next turn.

@.Players: Anyone who want can use this power on initiative.

Battlefront Shift
(No Action * Close Burst 3)
Target: You or one ally in the burst
Effect: The target shifts half his or her speed.

@.Players: Anyone who make a basic attack can declare he use this power. It can be use only once per encounter. First come first serve.

Overwhelming Force Trap
(Immediate Intterupt * Close Burst 3)
Target: The triggering ally
Trigger: An ally in the burst makes a melee basic attack
Effect: The target uses one of his or her melee at-will attack powers instead of making a melee basic attack. If the attack hits, the subject of the target’s attack is also dazed until the end of the target’s next turn.

@.DM: Also, during the monster turn, Eloan might use these powers. Please note I might change the Triggering conditions.

Powerful Warning
(Immediate Interrupt * Close Burst 5)
Target: The triggering ally in the burst
1) An ally is hit by an attack within 5 feet.
2) The ally is hit by less than 5 over the attacked defense.
3) The enemy that hit is not a minion
4) The ally have a good melee basic attack and is within melee reach of the attacker
OR the ally is bloodied
OR the attack stun (assuming Eloan is aware of the effect).
Effect: The target gains a +5 power bonus to all defenses against the attack. The target can make a melee basic attack against the enemy as a free action. If the target of the melee basic attack is standing next to Eloan, the ally get +1 to hit and +2 to damage.

Longsword of Defense (Immediate Interrupt)
1) Eloan takes damage from a melee attack that hits him.
2) Eloan takes over 20 damages.
Effect: You take only half of the damage.


[SBLOCK=Eloan's Stats]Eloan
Initiative +4
Passive Insight 13 Passive Perception 20; Low-light Vision
HP 25/51; 10 THP; Bloodied 25; Surge Value 12; Surges Per-Day 10/10
AC 25 Fortitude 17 Reflex 20 Will 20
Defenses: +2 defenses vs AoO
Saving Throw Bonuses: +5 vs. Charm
Resitance: Resist All 1
Speed 5
Action Point: 1

Current Effects: None

Basic Attack Longsword of Defense +7 vs AC 1d8 damage

Skills Arcana +9, Bluff +9, Diplomacy +14, Heal +8, History +14, Intimidate +12, Perception +10
Languages Common, Elven


[ ]Commander's Strike
[ ]Direct the Strike

[ ]Second Wind
[X]Fey Step
[X]Noble Presence
[X]Battlefront Shift
[X]Inspring Word
[ ]Powerful Warning
[ ]Overwhelming Force Trap

[X]Bastion of Defense
[X]Destructive Surprise
[X]Heroic Effort (Warlord)
[X]Stand Tough

[X]Bracers of Mental Might [E]
[ ]Amulet of Seduction [D]
[ ]Battleforged Shield [D]
[X]Longsword of Defense [D]
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First Post
Seeing Helsing looming just out of reach beyond his undead servants, 7 Rabbit yells, "I'll keep the necromancer busy - finish cleaning up his minions!" He circles around the skeletons and sets up to charge.

But before he does, a wicked grin crosses his face. "Oh,"[color] he murmers to himself, "This would make a fine feast to sate Hadar's hunger!" He begins rocking back and forth, muttering dark words from behind his mask, and waving his club in complicated passes through the air. He begins hopping from one foot to the other in a jerking dance.

As he moves, a dark void seems to open beneath Helsing's feet. Below is a vertiginous field of stars - although it has the odd effect that, when looking down into it, the viewer feels like they are staring UP towards the sky despite the pull of gravity.

In the center of the field is an area of utter blackness, and at its center is a dull red orb, like an afterimage. Although it does not move or change, the orb seems to swell larger and larger, as if perspective is changing around it. It is swimming up from below like a creature from the depths of the sea, closer and closer... Abruptly the rift closes, but the darkness remains, clinging to Helsing and the nearby skeletons as if it were cobweb, leeching strength from their bones.

Satisfied with his sacrifice, 7 Rabbit runs towards Helsing while the necromancer is distracted, swinging his club. As soon as he enters the field of darkness, though, he realizes his mistake as bits of the shadow-stuff attach to him and begin to devour him as well! "No, not meee!" he wails, swinging desperately at it with his war club. His thrashing does nothing to halt the leeching star-stuff he has called into being, but by accident he thumps Helsing with a solid blow. So he's got that going for him.

Move: to H18 (drawing an OA from Skeleton 4, and keeping Shadow Walk active). That hits me with a 23 - at this point I have AC 22 against it (18, +2 from concealment, +2 for having it cursed), doing 8 damage. I use my Brooch of Shielding to reduce it to 0.
Minor: Warlock's Curse on Helsing
Standard: Hunger of Hadar: area burst 1 centered at K20. Creates a zone of darkness that block LoS until EONT. Creatures entering the zone or starting their turn there take 2d10 necromantic damage.
AP: charge to J20 (gaining +2 to all defenses until SONT from Eloan's Insightful Presence), hitting AC 24 for 1822 damage. (Forget the +4 from Eloan.)

If that hits, I'll also use Overwhelming Force Trap to add dazing (if that's possible. I can't upgrade to an at-will power since I don't have any melee powers.)

EDIT: whoops, I think "all creatures" includes me. I take 2d10 necrotic damage for blundering into my own trap. And I can't even use the Brooch of Shielding to resist it since it's not an attack roll!

Unless they're moved before then, Helsing and S4 will take 2d10 Necrotic and and 1d6+4 cold damage, and S3 - and I! - will take 2d10 Necrotic. I'm not sure if the +4 damage applies to those rolls or not. (It says "can add 4 to damage rolls", not "must", so I'll definitely not add it against myself!)

[sblock=7 Rabbit]
Init: +1 Speed: 5 Perception:13 Insight: 18
AC: 18 Fort: 17 Ref: 17 Will: 16
HP: 41/51 Surges: 9/10 Surge Value: 12 AP: 0
Str:10 Con:19 Dex:8 Int:17 Wis:12 Cha:15

Warlock's Curse on skeleton 4 and Helsing (+2 to all defenses vs them)
+2 to all defenses until SONT
Any enemy that starts its turn adjacent to ne takes 1d6+4 cold damage (Armor of Agathys)
Concealment until EONT (Shadow Walk)

Eldritch Blast
Dire Radiance
Fate of the Void
Warlock's Curse
Second Wind
Vampiric Embrace
Frigid Darkness
Armor of Agathys
Hunger of Hadar
Fevered Certainty of Caiphon
Brooch of Shielding +1
Leather Armour of Dark Majesty +1
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First Post
Kruor grabs hold of the skeleton, but it wrings free by detaching one if it's arms and swings back with it's blade. Surprised, Kruor dips his head back, while dropping the arm the ship's deck.

As the two undead size each other up, Kruor can't help but be disturbed when the arm slowly climbs back up the skeleton to re-attach itself.

"That be so creepy. But maybe Kruor can take lesson out of your book too."

[sblock=Actions]I rolled a 12 *sobs*[/sblock]

[sblock=OOC]Have I used WF Resolve? I remember saying I wanted to but FourMonos decided not to or something. Also, can someone sling a bolt/pebble/arrow at this Skellie that's marking me? I want to burn my daily on Helsing (I can hit everyone the BS included if I have optimal positioning) too.[/sblock]

Walking Dad

First Post
Nathantiel Xiloscient

Nate sustains his bombardment as he advances. At least one skeleton falls under the continuous attack. Hidden by the darkness, underbrush grows on the deck to hinder all undead... nearly all undead, Kruor is a fine boy!
The pack wolf continuous his near suicidal hunt after the biggest undead creature around.


No Action: Give PW 5 THP from staff property after being missed

Move: Move Nate to K15 and Berry to J15
Standard: Magic Stone
kills S2, pushes S4 to k20 and S4 and BS take 9 damage (13 with Eloan's bonus)
AP: Magic Stone
hits S4 for 14 damage (27 total this round from Nate) and pushes it to K21
Minor: Nature's Growth at the same coordinates as the darkness
difficult terrain for all but Nate and allies

Instinctive Action: PW moves to N15
HP: 28 THP: 5

[sblock=Quick Sheet]
Nathantiel Xiloscient
Perception: 27 Insight: 18 Low-light Vision
AC 23 Fortitude 17 Reflex 21 Will 21
Initiative: +17 (sense threat)
Hit Points: 35 / 56 Bloodied: 28
Temporary Hit Points: -
Saving Throw: -
Action Points: 2 Second Wind: 1
Milestones: 1.0
Healing Surge: 14 Surges per day: 8 / 9
At-Will Powers: Fire Hawk, Magic Stone
Encounter Powers: Nature's Growth, Thorn Spray, Wind Wall, Camouflage Cloak, Amulet of Life
Daily Powers: Summon Natural Ally 0/2, Seed of Healing (seed), Summoner's Staff


[sblock=Berry Sheet]
Perception: 29 Low-light Vision
AC 21 Fortitude 19 Reflex 19 Will 19
Initiative: +7
Hit Points: 28 / 28 Bloodied: 14
Temporary Hit Points: 0

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First Post
7 Rabbit rushes in with a reckless abandon that pays off, he lands a solid blow on Helsing.

Nathantiel's projectile assault shatters bones all across the ship. The skeleton in front of Kruor comes apart, bones splattering onto the deck and into the water. The bone giant takes a solid blow to the cervical spine. It's head seems to be hanging on by a very fragile appearing connection.

GM: S2 is dead, S3 and S4 were hit and are now both bloodied. The bonecrusher seems very shaky...

[MENTION=79945]JoeNotCharles[/MENTION] Doesn't Hunger of Hadar have an attack component with its activation? It looks like it from the description on your character sheet.


First Post
[sblock=OOC]Friendly reminder of the regen2 I get from being bloodied.[/sblock]
[sblock=Plans]Next turn I'll use my daily (close burst 3) to hit as many targets as I can. With the rider I'll teleport behind Helsing to flank him to get CA. After that, if Eloan could grant me an MBA, I can then use Surprise Strike to daze Helsing.[/sblock]


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Sorcerer moves forward, strangely fluid for a blind man. He even swerves to avoid threatening reach of big skeleton.

Calling upon forcefully stilled waters around the ship and the mists surrounding it, he focuses the energy inside the darkness of the stars.
There is movement inside the mist, but nothing emerges out of it.

Move: L16

Free: Shroud Helsing
Standard: Mists of Disarray in K20 vs Will (Helsing, S4; 7Rabbit;S3); psychic damage (1d20+8=22, 1d20+8=25, 1d20+8=13, 1d20+8=10, 1d8+12+2=19) - forgot CA and mistyped the damage, add two to all attack rolls and 2 to damage :) - hit Helsing and S4 for 21 psychic

Slide Helsing to K20 and S4 to K19
Illarion gains +1 AC TENT

AP: Second wind, gain 9hp and +2 all defenses

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