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Adventure: Three Queens in Allaria (DM: BenBrown, Judge: Covaithe)


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The spirit flies rapidly through the air in pursuit of the fleeing goblin rider. It passes through the bodies of Tyris and Spider along the way, its brief presence filling them with energy. One of its tendrils reaches out toward the goblin, who goes rigid and falls off his mount, senseless.

[sblock=actions]Minor: healing spirit on Spider. He can spend a surge. Tyris regains Extra healing on Tyris
3(1d6) = 3

Move: Spirit to E17.

Standard: voice of battle vs Will, rider 1; damage
8(1d20) +6 = 14; 6(1d6) +5 = 11
hits for 11 and kills rider 1.[/sblock]
[sblock=Important: Spirit Effects]A reminder of the effects that the spirit (Murmur) has on combat. The first three are important to players.

• Allies gain a +2 bonus to saves while adjacent to Murmur.
• Murmur occupies 1 square. Allies can move through its space but enemies cannot.
• Any enemy that leaves a square adjacent to Murmur without shifting is subject to an opportunity attack (the Spirit’s Wrath power: +6 vs Reflex, 1d6+5 damage, and the target grants CA until the end of Pharodeys’s next turn).
• Murmur has the same defense values as Pharodeys and can be targeted by melee and ranged attacks.
• If a single melee or ranged attack deals 11 or more damage to Murmur, the spirit disappears and Pharodeys takes 6 damage. Murmur is otherwise unaffected by attacks.
• When Pharodeys takes a move action, she can move Murmur up to 6 squares as well.
• If Murmur is not present at the start of Pharodeys’s turn, she can summon it once during her turn as a free action.
• Murmur is unaffected by terrain and environmental phenomena and can float in the air.
• Murmur is not a creature. It does not count as an ally and does not provoke opportunity attacks.[/sblock]
[sblock=Pharodeys]Pharodeys Female Human Living Statue Shaman 3
Initiative: +0, Passive Perception: 20, Passive Insight: 20, Senses: Normal
AC:18, Fort:14, Reflex:15, Will:16; Resist 5 psychic
HP:36/36, Bloodied:18, Surge Value:9, Surges left:9/9
Action Points: 1
:bmelee: totemic javelin +4 vs. AC; 1d6+1 damage
:branged: totemic javelin +4 vs. AC; 1d6+1 damage
Call Spirit Companion, Spirit’s Wrath, Spirit Infusion, Word of Battle
[o] Scorching Sands
[o] Sly Fox Spirit
[x] Dimensional Scramble
[o] Cast Fortune
[o] Shard Swarm
[o] Speak with Spirits
[x] [o] Healing Spirit
[o] Second Wind

[o] Spirit of the Healing Flood
[o] Spirit of the Great Cat
[o] Skald’s Armor Daily


Full sheet: Pharodeys[/sblock]

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[sblock=Mewness]I don't see where initiative swapping has anything to do with. If:
1. it is true that I can ready an action that I can't currently legally perform, and
2. the trigger occurs after I am no longer immobilized (tent-rider)
then it should still be legal, regardless of how the initiative order works.

If anything, Mal's rules make it easier for me to do this. Since the TENT effects only effect each player during his or her turn, whenever that might be in the initiative order, as soon as my turn ends I am no longer immobolized, in which case i can then legally change (making after my turn ends a valid trigger).
With the rider who attacked him dead, Spider moved out into the stream, looking for the sniper who had hit him. But he could not see the hiding creature, so he settled for the other rider.

Rushing through the water, sending splashes up all around him, he gouged the rider, drawing blood.
OOC: I think the rider is down to 11 hp.

[sblock=Action Block, Mini-Stats]

[sblock=Action Block]

Half-Orc Resilience: gain 5 THP

to F10
Minor: Berserker's Charge Stance
Standard: Charge MBA

Free: Power Strike: 1d12=5 damage
[/sblock][sblock=Spider Stat block]Jarro 'Spider' Sarak - Male Half-Orc Slayer 4
Initiative: +5, Passive Perception: +11, Passive Insight: +11


AC: 21, Fort: 21, Reflex: 18, Will: 14 -- Speed: 6 (+2 Charging, +2 stance)

Superior Fortitude Feat: resist 3 to ongoing damage

HP: 37/45, THP: 5/5 Bloodied: 22, Surge Value: 11, Surges left: 9/10
Action Points: 1/1, Second Wind: not used

Basic Attacks:
:bmelee: Basic Melee Attack: +11 vs AC - Vanguard Fullblade +1 1d12+12 (Crit: +1d12 +1d8)
:ranged: Ranged Basic Attack: +11 vs AC - Dagger 1d4+10

MBA, Charge MBA, RBA, Berserker's Charge Stance, Poised Assault Stance, Pass Forward (Move)
Encounter: Sweeping Blow, Furious Assault, Power Strike, Half-Orc Resilience
Daily: Vanguard Weapon Daily, Bestial Hide MBA

1 Vanguard Fullblade +1 1d12
1 Dagger 1d4

[/sblock][sblock=Spider's Journal]
[sblock=Adventure: Get Me to The Church on Time]
1. Lord Adelin Mallaby recruits me and some other adventurers from the Tavern. He asked for protection, on a trip to Allaria. He is to be wed to Elena of Terconis, daughter of the Count of Terconis. According to tradition, the wedding must take place at the ancient chapel of the Terconis family, and the chapel in Count's Crovale lies in the high hills of old Allaria. The lady and the Count are already there.
2. The adventurers board Starlight's Veil, Mallaby's brig. The ship is built for speed, not cargo or battle.
3. Intended Path: Land at Ristaren (100 miles south of Fromish), and make our way up the old highway to here. A mile or two off the highway is the village of Achirem, which is still thriving in the midst of rough country, so they say. From there we cross Derianis ridge, and then down to Crovale. The last part through the hills may be dangerous.
4. We land at Ristaren, and it is a small, poor town.
5. We killed a bunch of spiders.
6. We arrived at Achirem, where Kelvan told us to watch out for:
a. Bramble scar: some kind of trap/pit thing we can't avoid.
b. Hzaka Raiders
c. Ismene: Local robin hood bandit type. Lady, with a band of rugged ladies.
7. Get Jumped, or try to Jump, some Hzaka Raiders.
8. Meet up with Ismene's band, but managed to talk our way through it.
9. Encounter: Angry Bear, Angrier bees, and a hungry frog. Graval got eaten by a frog, but Spider saved him.
10. Meet with Ismene and convince her to give us safe passage if we help her take on a local Goblin raider.
11. Launch surprise attack on Goblin tower. Climb to roof and take out archers. Jump in the tower, and find more hobgoblins.
12. Run in to some creepy mushroom field. Attacked by big mushrooms.
13. Stop to rest in an abandoned (?) charcoal burner's hut.
14. Get to Church: wife/father-in-law sent Lord M on a wild goose chase, and don't want to marry him after all.
15. Find out true love Ismene is kidnapped, and we go to her rescue. Fight a bunch of goblins.
16. Rescue Ismene from dirty goblins, give lord mallaby a chance at true love, and collect rewards.

Mista Magi
Lor' Malabee
1. Returns to the Tavern.
2. Lord Mallaby returns to the tavern and recruits Spider for a mission to return to Allaria. Need to escort a supply convoy of three wagons down the northerly road from Ristaren. Wagonmaster is named Sven. Map:
http://i587.photobucket.com/albums/ss315/randomlinenoise/Three Queens/InitialMap.gif
3. Some other stuff I forgot to write down, on the way to Ismene.
4. Raid on the Hobgoblins.

Lor' Malabee
Sven - Wagonmaster
Sound a Stone - 'alf mantis 'alf amazin


[sblock=re initiative]In regular initiative rules, readying a charge allows you to avoid losing a standard action due to the immobilized condition, but at the cost of permanently delaying you in initiative order for the rest of the encounter. That's potentially a big penalty; initiative matters a lot. Under Malenkirk rules though, there's no initiative penalty for readying an action on an enemy turn. You still act anywhere within your teams initiative block in the next round. So it takes a lot of the sting out of the immobilized condition if readying a charge is allowed.

So I think it's reasonable to disallow readying a charge out of the immobilized condition under Malenkirk rules. I wouldn't force a DM to do it, but if BenBrown wants to rule that way, I'll certainly back him.


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[sblock=re initiative]In regular initiative rules, readying a charge allows you to avoid losing a standard action due to the immobilized condition, but at the cost of permanently delaying you in initiative order for the rest of the encounter. That's potentially a big penalty; initiative matters a lot. Under Malenkirk rules though, there's no initiative penalty for readying an action on an enemy turn. You still act anywhere within your teams initiative block in the next round. So it takes a lot of the sting out of the immobilized condition if readying a charge is allowed.

So I think it's reasonable to disallow readying a charge out of the immobilized condition under Malenkirk rules. I wouldn't force a DM to do it, but if BenBrown wants to rule that way, I'll certainly back him.
[sblock=For the record, totally agree]I will always defer to BB's rulings. He's taking the time to run the game, and I really appreciate that, so basically any way he wants to tweak a house rule, I am cool with.

Just been discussing whether or not it could have been legal, if the GM allowed it.


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GM: Just waiting on [MENTION=6676620]VanderLegion[/MENTION]. Will NPC later if he doesn't post.
OOC: Whoops, somehow missed that it was a new round since my last post. Sorry, I'll go post as soon as I take a look and see what I'm gonna do. Also, I see I apparently forgot to actually put down where I was shifitng to with garrote strangle last round, was supposed to end up in G13, hence the comment on moving into the water (it's a shift 2, so use both squares of movement to move 1 square into difficult terrain.


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Tyris continues to play ring around the rosie with the rider, ducking back behind the tree and out the other side to again wrap his garrote around the goblin's neck.[sblock="actions"]Move: Shift to H12 - stealth - 1d20+12=26
Standard: Garrote Strangle vs Rider 2 - shift to I13, 1d20+9=24 hit for 13 damage. Target is grabbed, -2 to attack Tyris, and cannot speak.
No Action: If rider is still alive - Assassin's Strike - 1d10=5 Damage[/sblock][sblock="Stats"]Tyris Male Shade Executioner
Initiative: +5, Passive perception: 18, Passive Insight: 13, Senses: Darkvision

AC: 18, Fort: 14, Reflex: 16, Will: 17

HP: 20/34, Bloodied: 14, Surge Value: 7, Surges Left: 5/7
Action Points: 1/1, Second Wind: unused


Basic Attacks:
Melee Basic Attack: +8 vs AC - Rapier 1d8+4
Ranged Basic Attack: +8 vs AC - Dagger 1d4+4

At-Will: Garrote Strangle, Poisoned Dagger, Quick Lunge, One With Shadow, Silent Stalker
Encounter: Assassin's Strike, Running Slash
Item: Id Moss Powder (/0), Bloodroot Poison (1/1), Skald's Leather Armor

1 Rapier: 1d8
6 Daggers: 1d4
1 Garrote: 1d4


Attack Finesse: 1/turn deal 1d8/2d8/3d8 (by tier) extra dmg with a weapon attack using a one-handed weapon, garrote, blowgun, or shortbow.
Quick Swap: 1/turn draw or stow a weapon as a free action, then draw another weapon
Two-Weapon Defense: +1 bonus to AC and Reflex when holding a weapon in each hand.
Multiclass(Cutthroat): Bluff check to cause diversion to hide is a minor instead of a standard action.[/sblock]


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GM: Whoops, forgot [MENTION=98561]bluesfella[/MENTION]. By the way, after Sound of Stone's miss, the Armored Goblin shifts to E5.

Voidrunner's Codex

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