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Adventures in Jals County: Cyril and Simon of Holdmarch


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Day 3 – Daybreak at the Farm

The night was cool, and mostly uneventful until Simon spotted something moving in the bushes. After looking harder, it appeared to be an enormously large insect-like creature. It’s most prominent feature were enormous front pincers—they were as big as a persons arms!

Once we began firing arrows to attack, several of them rushed towards Simon and Aldare who were both on the ground level. I fired arrows from the barn loft until they got too close to my companions. As I reached the bottom of the ladder, I could see one of the creatures had Simon in its pincers. I knew I had to hurry.

They beasts started to drag Simon back to their lair, no doubt to make him their meal. Aldare, Voland, and I pressed our attack. Simon still struggled to get free, but the pincers were wrapped tightly around him when the creature disappeared down into its lair.

Without hesitation we followed it into the hole in the ground. A quick light spell helped to guide our way into the darkness until we at last found Simon and his captor. The bug had a right to be fearful. We killed its companions, and weren’t about to leave without our friend. We vanquished the last creature, and I used the blessings of Toeffer to rejuvenate Simon’s life. Had I hesitated a moment longer, he might have been dead.

Strewn about the lair, we found a pair of bodies less fortunate than Simon--their bones and equipment littered among the insect waste. A simple magical investigation revealed some enchanted weapons. We also found some good quality armor, and a locked box. These would bring a good profit for our troubles.

The dawn is just now peering over the trees, and already we are tired. I hadn’t anticipated a farmer having trouble with anything more difficult than a few wild wolves. Voland has already collected the reward money from the farmer, but Simon promptly returned the money, thinking that the farmer needed it more than we did.

It’s time to return to the city.

[more day 3 material coming soon. It's still morning!]

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Songs from Jalston

From the song book of "Aldare"
The Jolly Fishers' Net.

Way hey and up he draws it
Way hey and up he pulls it
Way hey and up he draws it
Ear-li in the mornin'. (chorus)

Sweepin' the net for caches of silver
Sweepin' the net for caches of silver
Sweepin' the net for caches of silver
Ear-li in the mornin'.


Dancin on the water with a nixie princess
Dancin on the water with a nixie princess
Dancin on the water with a nixie princess
Ear-li in the mornin'.


Sleepin' on the bank deep in the cat tails
Sleepin' on the bank deep in the cat tails
Sleepin' on the bank deep in the cat tails
Ear-li in the mornin'.

(every third verse reprise the first verse.
this is an informal song, that invites the audience to add inprompto
lyrics. And with an inventive group, can last up to an hour.)
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Hookin' the bait gonna catch a whopper,
Hookin' the bait gonna catch a whopper,
Hookin' the bait gonna catch a whopper,
Ear-li in the mornin'



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Travels in and about Jalston (By Aldare)

Mmmm... Much has happened in a very short time.
My new friends and I have been very busy, rooting out murders and thieves in the moors.

Alright, the base facts then. Our group saw fit to learn the fate of the murdered fishermen we heard of in town. After a long night of traveling up the river Serpentine, and a series of fumbling attempts at working together.
We tracked a pair of nair do wells, to a rude mining hut in the moors.
A brief sally of arrows, and an ambush undone, we learned that a greedy trio had set up a scam to loot a group of workers out of gold, and were willing to kill innocent river folk to hide the deed.
The leader fled into the night but his partner blabbed enough to hang him.
We gave chase and soon cornered him (thanks to good tracking by Volund).
Sad to say, once again my fighting skills proved lacking, and I was felled by an arrow (Note to self - LEARN TO DUCK).
After finding the loot and binding the thugs, we arrange for the workers to help us to ferry the whole mess back to Jalston, where we split the booty (half to the families of the slain, and the rest divided among all). The villians were given over to the watch for proper justice.
A time for rest, short thou it may be, is now needed.
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Murders' Luck - Songs from Jalston

Chance met, over ale.
Loss measured, widows' tears.
True men O' the river, under darkness, Blood spillt by a greedy mans blade


Under a wane moon, a watch was kept.
But still a fourth was lost.


The night next, A search taken.
Skulkers seen, chase given.
Oars sweep O' the river, under darkness, Five hounds scent the bloody blade.


Under a wane moon, a foe to bay.
Into the shadowed moors.


An ambush foiled, A coward fled.
A craven foe, felled by bow.
A confession voiced O' the river, under darkness, Greed brings ruin to the cowards blade.


Under a risen sun, crimes counted
And gold carried into the light.


Villians chained, to justice taken.
Loss voiced, tears eased,
Down O' the river, after darkness, To Jalstons' pit drops the greedy mans' blade.


For a gallows is the measure of a murderers greed.
When justice rides O' the river, under darkness.
By blade, by bow, by spell, by song.

By blade, by bow, by spell, by song.

(This is a sample of metered prose, acompanied by chimes or drums)
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Madame Chaos is in charge of order

In my short human life, never have I been so out of sorts.
First I accompany Cyril and Volund on a short trip to Dartham, which I might add could not have been a worse unless Tallydins was in charge.
I never had the privilege of being run out a town before, but thanks to a dimwitted scribe, I now hold that honor. (May he rot in jail).
The truth is Cyril was ill-used by the local temple of Toeffur, being made to run an assault mission with no details on how to win.
On returning to Jaston a plague of misfortune rained down on us. Volund was kicked out of his uncles' home, Cyril reported his failure and was asked to leave, AND I found that my home was now the wall sentry's' chamber pot! I of course complained to my guild, Only to earn a new nickname ("two coins" as in a two bit bard). All three of us decided to leave Jalston.
Still in all, I think that losing Tallydins (and maybe Simon) will make up for this.
A new person joined us as we left town, a dwarf named Nildor

More later
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