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Adventures in the lands of Syrael (IC)


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Ostu climbs as quickly as possible, showing none of his typical sarcasm or bravado. Not sure why we're fleeing but if something has got a crew of this type of people running for their lives, I'm not going to waste time asking questions.

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One at a time, the party clambers out of the hole and into the clearing. However, Ostu and Iando were still climbing when the water came; with an almost superhuman leap, Ostu throws himself to safety. A similar attmpt by Iando ended when the limestone he was using as a handhold crumbled and he fell into the roaring watery abyss. The water cloppsed a good portion of the shaft, widening the visible hole. The adventurers now looked down into what used to be a cave.

Now it is only a watery pit.
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Swearing sulphurously, Luhal jumps down once more, changing form, as he dives, into a largish shark.

Scenting fresh blood, he follows the tide of crimson until he finds the battered body of their elven friend. Gripping the suddenly frail-seeming body as gently as possible, he makes his way back to the surface. Back in human form, he pulls Iando out of the water and gently lays him down on the ground.

[sblock]I have a good enough Heal total to know if Iando is alive or revivable, I think. Either way, that's my last shape-change for the day.

If Iando isn't supposed to be findable, let me know and I'll edit.

And, once again, being a Druid rocks.[/sblock]



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Randmar kneels next to the watery pit, waiting patiently for Luhal to return. He shakes his head, and mutters under his breath. "Poor Iando. I doubt there is anyway he could have survived that." Slade flutters down out of the sky to land on Silverdrake's shoulder. The bird is uncharacteristically silent.


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Weel Naxel, roguish human cleric

Al the Absentminded said:
Swearing sulphurously, Luhal jumps down once more, changing form, as he dives, into a largish shark.

"Um ... Luhal's going to save Iando, isn't he?" Weel says a touch nervously. "It's just, well, those teeth look awfully big..."


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Silverdrake can only shrug at Weel's question. "He will certainly try. However, I have the feeling that our companion is beyond saving."


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Draethan kneels down and puts his head up against Iando's chest. "No. He's still alive. But he's taken some pretty massive skull trauma... It's going to be awhile before he comes out of the coma. I suggest we camp here and let the party treat to his wounds. In the morning, we will head to the forward encampment. There will be good healers there."

And so the party rested in the clearing as the sun set, while Iando stabilized. In the morn, Draethan pointed them in the direction that would reach a nearby game trail that would lead eventually to the elven camp. With the help of the adventurers, he created a makeshift litter to carry their wounded comrade. They traveled down the game trail for a good portion of the morning. The forest seemed twisted; some parts were full of life and vibrant, while other areas were enexplainably dead and quiet.

Even the druid and ranger have no idea what is causing the damage.

Soon, they see the highway that leads to their destination. Ostu motions for everyone to get down and be quiet; He's noticed an Orcish patrol on the main path ahead.


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Randmar crouches in the shrubbery, peering out to try and see the orc patrol. If it was only a few orcs, perhaps they could get the jump on them and take them our quietly.

Spot +11, Listen +11
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Heclar Kal'lack

His knuckles turn white as he grips his weapon tightly. Eyeing the on coming patrol from the safety of the forest he insticively reaches deep into his bag with free hand and removes purple colored vile. He holds the vile close to his body as he waits for the group to agree on a course of action.

OOC: Spot (1d20 = 4) & Listen (1d20 = 14)


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Weel Naxel, roguish human cleric

penance said:
Draethan kneels down and puts his head up against Iando's chest. "No. He's still alive. But he's taken some pretty massive skull trauma... It's going to be awhile before he comes out of the coma. I suggest we camp here and let the party treat to his wounds. In the morning, we will head to the forward encampment. There will be good healers there."

Weel checks Iando over, and regretfully tells his friends, "I'm afraid these are wounds my magic cannot affect. It would take a far more skilled healer."

And so the party rested in the clearing as the sun set, while Iando stabilized.

"I can do little for Iando, but I have a spell which can help you more quickly recover from the poison of that spider bite, Draethan," Weel says as they settle down. The ritual is slightly involved, but as Weel finishes the incantations and symbols written in the air, his hand falls on their guide and he feels his strength return.

[sblock=OOC]Using Weel's Lesser Restoration to overcome some or all of Draethan's ability damage. With Iando out, I think Draethan's the only humanoid left who missed a save vs. poison, yes?[/sblock]

In the morn, Draethan pointed them in the direction that would reach a nearby game trail that would lead eventually to the elven camp. With the help of the adventurers, he created a makeshift litter to carry their wounded comrade.

Weel awoke feeling far better, the itching bites of the spiders mere nuisances now. He secluded himself from the others for a short time as dawn broke, closing his eyes and praying silently for guidance on the road they travelled. When he finished his morning devotions, he joined the others.

[sblock=OOC]We naturally heal 1 point per level overnight, correct? I updated Weel's sheet to reflect that. Also, a new list of prepared spells (mostly the same, but with a few swaps here and there):

Orisons (6): Create Water, Detect Magic x2, Light x2, Read Magic
1st level (4+1): Bane, Bless, Entropic Shield, Shield of Faith, Sanctuary(D)
2nd level (3+1): Bull's Strength, Lesser Restoration, Spiritual Weapon, Locate Object(D)[/sblock]

Soon, they see the highway that leads to their destination. Ostu motions for everyone to get down and be quiet; He's noticed an Orcish patrol on the main path ahead.

Weel hunkers down, crossbow at the ready, hoping that, should the group decide to attack, he can get off a round into the fleshy exposed space he's spotted in the orc leader's armor.

[sblock=OOC]Just some flavor to explain that he's hoping to get Sneak Attack damage. ;)[/sblock]

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