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D&D General Adventuring Company Names and What They Are Up To

Jeremy E Grenemyer

Continuing with the newest list of ten adventuring company names, we have:

7. The Sunset Seven

No relation to the adventurer heroes that terrorized Zhentarim caravans on the eastern slopes of the Sunset Mountains over a century ago, this band of chartered adventurers operates out of the Cormyrean village of Dreamers’s Rock in eastern Cormyr. They are sons and daughters of local crofters, and know the endless maze of twisting trails and unnamed cart roads that connect the steadings on both sides of the Way. They earn daycoins as reliable guides for outlander merchants desiring to sell goods at any of the countless local farm markets, and as outriders for caravans traveling on that part of the Way that runs just south of the Vast Swamp, where monster and brigand attacks are common. Four of the Seven are known to be hulking fighters that wear mismatched armor and favor rushing foes to overwhelm them. A priestess of the Great Mother, Holy Nurturer Elarmaedra Melharshield of Monksblade, speaks on behalf of the Sunset Seven. No member of the Seven claims to be the group’s leader.

8. The Howling Northmen

“Merciless.” “Coldhearted.” “Murderers.” These and other dark words are used to describe this quintet of highly mercenary adventurers. The “Northmen” are anything but, each adventurer a man of unusual height and strength born and raised in Waterdeep. The Northmen travel in disguise as adventuring barbarians, and feign ignorance of local laws and customs. They are believed to have killed no less than three prominent merchants of Baldur’s Gate at the behest of nobles based in Waterdeep. Their recent attempt on the life of an exiled Sembian merchant prince living in Iriaebor was foiled when a magical ring worn by the merchant bore him safely into the window of a nearby tower after the Northmen tossed him out of the high tower he was staying in. Recently, the Northmen attempted to cross the Bridge of Fallen Men but were firmly turned away by agents of the Crown of Cormyr. The quintet were last seen arriving in Elversult after a harrowing journey on the Overmoor Trail. Unbeknownst to all they have laid a trap for the Crown spy tailing them, and plan to find passage north across the Dragonmere to Marsember after they have dispatched this latest inconvenience.
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Jeremy E Grenemyer

Continuing with the newest list of ten adventuring company names, here is #9 on the list:

9. The Tempest Maidens of the Thunder Peaks

Active over the last decade among the storm-ravaged tors of the Thunder Peaks, this unchartered adventuring band has been sighted only a handful of times. Wizards of War no longer attempt to eavesdrop on the Maidens as unpredictable lightning storms sometimes erupt overhead, damaging and even destroying whatever structure the war wizard was occupying. What is known of the Maidens’ activities comes from the accounts of Crown foresters, prospectors and stone carvers, and adventurers who’ve encountered the Maidens or spied them from a distance.

One unfortunate stone carver—Ondaver Sarlarth of Thunderstone--claims to have been taken captive by the Maidens and held long enough to observe them work a storm calling ritual that obliterated a tall tower perched on a sharp mountain rise, and left the stone carver deaf for day and night. According to Ondaver only one Maiden spoke to the him during his captivity. Identifying herself as “Lady Devastator,” she warned him to only take stone blocks from the hills and peaks and to leave behind any treasures he happened upon. She further claimed that everything above and below the slopes belonged to Talos, then cast a spell that whisked him to within sight of Thunderstone. Ondaver further revealed the Maidens had amassed at least two strongchests filled with coins and valuables plundered from the tower before its destruction, each chest easily hefted and carried off by a Maiden “tall as a Purple Dragon’s warhorse and just as strong.”

A handful of rumors claim the Tempest Maidens count members of another adventuring band, the Stormchasers, among their ranks. These rumors run counter to an agreement said to have been made between the Stormchasers and the Queen’s Lord of Arabel that saw the Stormchasers disbanded peacefully and each member departing Arabel alone, never to return to Cormyr.

While the truth remains elusive, travelers navigating the Thunder Peaks have begun constructing miniature shelters out of whatever building materials are at hand at least once a tenday, over which a prayer to Talos the Storm Lord is spoken. It is considered a good omen if the traveler encounters the lightning-blasted remains of their creation on the return journey home.
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Jeremy E Grenemyer

And #10 on the latest list of ten adventuring company names:

The Beached Brawlers

The Goose of Doom, in Suzail, is home to this band of ex-Blue Dragons turned adventurers. (The tavern is exclusive to Blue Dragons both current and former.) Unlike their tavern-kin, the Beached Brawlers hold a measure of respect for the Crown of Cormyr. Asdragarnra Thentraever leads the Bralwers and is their public voice in all matters. The Beached Brawlers hold to the creed of "one Dragon, one vote," with the understanding that Asdragarnra's voice counts twice over when a vote would otherwise result in a tie. The Brawlers rarely seek adventure on their own. Instead they hire out to others (nobles, the occasional priest of Umberlee, kin to relatives lost at sea or kidnapped by slavers). A handful of Brawlers make side coins as informal sages of the coastal lands on the Dragonmere; there are few ruins, sea dangers and coastal hideaways the Brawlers have not seen or at least heard about.


I just introduced a NPC group to the Essentials Box game I an running as a bit of foil to the PCs. The Keggers are a group of B-student frat boys roughly the same level as the PCs that take some of the quests that the PCs do not. They are a collection of 80s movie stereotypes and have names like Chad of the Ax and Biff the Body. The PCs returned from adventure to buy healing potions and found that the Keggers had bought the last two and went to see them to buy one. Turns out that the Keggers were about to head to Neverwinter Woods to a quest that the PCs already completed and they ended up flipping for a potion double or nothing- which the PCs won for free. They will come back in another quest.


Dusty Dragon
In my game, I sometimes ask my players to come up with a company name.

They almost never do. So... sometimes a name is picked for them.

In my Yoon-Suin game, the heroes helped defend the Great Granary of the Yellow City from an attack by squidmen, who are the lackeys of the Krakens, who which to destroy the Yellow City. They rallied the few guards and employees present and managed to hold the evil squidmen back long enough for the "cavalry" to arrive and push the invaders into the sea. This saved the Granary and avoided a famine.

This heroic action got them a lot of fame and since they didn't have a name they became... The Granarians

(the reason the squidmen attacked in the first place is because in a previous adventure, the heroes damaged the magical wards keeping them at bay, but luckily for the heroes, this fact is not well known...)
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Jeremy E Grenemyer

Another list of ten adventuring companies then, each operating in and around Cormyr.

  1. The Brave Binders
  2. The Company of the Quillon
  3. The Disciples of Tavantra
  4. The Fallen Leaves
  5. Gormigal’s Bravehearts
  6. The Hammerhands
  7. The Hunters of Vellarmorn
  8. Ingleiyr's Loyal Daggers
  9. The Wardens of Lagarr
  10. The Riders of Orthgalass
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Jeremy E Grenemyer

Here begins the 3-5 sentence treatment for the latest list of ten adventuring company names. I'm using this map of Cormyr as a reference.


Professional monster catchers—not monster killers. Five in number. Led by a ranger known for her skill at using ropes to bind captive beasts for transport. A pair of hulking warriors, a druid, and a mage of undetermined power round out the group. The Binders are known in Marsember for trapping a tentacled monstrosity the size of a longcart, for twas a longcart on which the Binders hauled the creature out of the City of Spices before releasing it somewhere on the coast well to the east (some say near Dawngleam).


Adventurers turned professional bodyguards. The Quillon do not sit on their laurels when coins roll in. Instead they look for trouble by figuring out who would threaten their client with violence or assassination. When proof is found, the Quillon encourage their client to get his or her retaliation in first. Working as an Eye for the Quillon pays well—almost enough to offset the danger.
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Jeremy E Grenemyer

Part two of the 3-5 sentence treatment for the latest list of ten adventuring company names. I'm using this map of Cormyr as a reference.


Ten in number, the Disciples are a chartered band of adventurers that do the bidding of Tavantra, a mage of middling power that lives in the remnants of a tower keep that occupies a small rise of land on the southernmost tip of the Infested Hills. At least one Royal Scribe claims Tavantra herself is a member of the Disciples, as "she arrives once a year in Suzail to renew the charter, her name the first of eleven." The Disciples' publicly known forays have all taken place along Cormyr's borders. The Purple Dragons garrisoned within Azoun's Hold count the Disciples as trustworthy allies for having rescued a patrol of Dragons from a flight of attacking wyverns, and another patrol from ambush by Sembian mercenaries.
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Jeremy E Grenemyer

Part two of the 3-5 sentence treatment for the latest list of ten adventuring company names. I'm using this map of Cormyr as a reference.

A heroic band of adventurers known to be active in the Dalelands. Their presence within Cormyr was revealed in The Hunting Horn of the Forest Kingdom, a Suzailian broadsheet known of late to focus on the illicit doings of adventurers in Cormyr. According to The Hunting Horn, the Fallen Leaves stole a Mist Fisher's boat off the Immersea docks and conjured a strong current to propel their craft out onto the Wyvernwater. The boat was recovered in pieces, as though it had been deliberately dismantled on the water, but no sign of the Fallen Leaves remained.

(You can find out something more of the Mist Fishers of Immersea in Eye on Cormyr #3. It's free!)
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