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Aeon (updated 10/9/14)

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I will strive to post an update by the Vernal Equinox.

Mechanical filler follows.

As neither the Rogue's Gallery in its original format nor the Plots and Places forums have endured, the Eadric et al thread is now buried in the General forum. I feel oddly self-conscious about updating it in such a public arena, like wearing only my underpants in public; subsequent crunch will be in this thread instead.



The First Effluxion of Kaalaanala, as emanated by the goddess as the Blackthorn-ludja fully awakened. It is probably best understood as Kaalaanala's manifest ire, at that particular moment directed towards the city of Fumaril.

Elementally speaking, the First Effluxion's composition might be said to be [Void] + Fire + Earth: the "earthy" component connotes a more tangible reifiction than that of Kaaalaanala herself. The Chthonic (in the sub-abyssal sense) strives to become merely chthonic (or chthonian) in the mundane or subterranean sense. This point of connection might also be presaged by some of the Cheshnites dealing with earth elementals – notably Dao. The First Effluxion is also an echo of Gnhii, a true bhiti which embodies the same principles in a higher octave: as the First Effluxion to Kaalaanala, so Gnhii to the Apparition of Cheshne.

All of Kaalaanala's "avatars" are abominations in the CR 60 to 65 range; they are also anathema from the Cheshnite viewpoint: they are a far removal from the "Purity of Void," increasingly corrupted with matter and ens. The Fires of Death has no rational control over the monsters which she spawns; any act of generation is actually antithetical to her nature. Still, the effluxia remain Kaalaanala, and represent unconscious urges experienced by the goddess herself, directed at substance and materiality. They exist close to the Cheshne/Uedii interface, deemed by Rimilin perylene: a term for "green-black" in terms of an artist's palette, but also something cancer-inducing in the chemical sense.

I had considered making Kaalaanala's effluxia Native Outsiders, indicating that they are in some way permitted; in the end, I simply omitted the Extraplanar subtype, which makes their status more ambiguous. Mechanically, the First Effluxion is based on a paragon chthonic phaethon with a few added twists. Instead of the sorcerer spellcasting normally associated with chthonics, the First Effluxion gains a suite of SLAs reflecting its origin and nature, including epic SLAs approximately equivalent to unmitigated DC300 epic spells. HD are reduced to 50, in line with other paragon chthonics and the greatest exalted celestials: some kind of "limit" exists at 50HD, though I'm not quite sure what.

The First Effluxion's form is magmatic and amorphous, immersed in disintegrative fire. Any shape which it possesses is a temporary phenomenon, as it strives to retain a continuity of being: a notion inimical to its profound non-entity but required by its conditioned existence. It exceeds the largest goristro in size, and in those moments when its form appears quadrupedal and it manifests a head, its aspect is decidedly demonic.

First Effluxion of Kaalaanala
Gargantuan Outsider (Abomination, Augmented, Chaotic, Chthonic, Earth, Evil, Fire)

Hit Dice: 50d8+1240+600 (2,250hp)
Initiative: +28
Speed: 720 ft., burrow 720 ft.
Armor Class: 121 (-4 size, +27 deflection, +30 Dex, +12 insight, +12 luck, +34 natural; touch 97, flatfooted 91)
Base Attack/Grapple: +50/+123
Attack: Slam +108 melee (8d6+56/19-20 plus profane damage)
Full Attack: 8 slams +108 melee (8d6+39/19-20 plus profane damage)
Space/Reach: 20 ft./10 ft.
Special Attacks: Destructive trail, engulf, profane fiery touch, engufing overrun, spell-like abilities, improved grab, profane fire
Special Qualities: Blindsight 500ft., cannot be flanked, cold and light vulnerability, DR 20/epic and lawful, fast healing 25, immunities (ability damage, ability drain, blindness, critical hits, fire, form-altering attacks, mind-affecting effects, paralysis, poison, sleep, stunning), regeneration 25, SR 85, telepathy 1000ft., true seeing
Saves: Fort +78, Ref +69, Will +69
Abilities: Str 83, Dex 50, Con 61, Int 31, Wis 43, Cha 64
Skills: Bluff +90, Climb +99, Escape Artist +83, Hide +71, Intimidate +96, Jump +375, Knowledge (arcana) +73, Knowledge (geography) +73, Knowledge (nature) +73, Knowledge (the planes) +73, Listen +81, Move Silently +83, Search +73, Sense Motive +76, Spellcraft +79, Spot +81, Survival +79, Tumble +89
Feats: Alertness, Cleave, Great Cleave, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack, Improved Critical (slam), Improved Natural Attack (slam), Improved Sunder, Weapon Focus (slam)
Epic Feats: Devastating Critical (slam), Dire Charge, Epic Fortitude, Epic Will, Overwhelming Critical (slam), Superior Initiative
Challenge Rating: 60

The First Effluxion's natural weapons are treated as epic, chaotic and evil for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. All fire damage dealt by the First Effluxion, regardless of source, is considered profane damage.


Aura of Burning Dark (Su): The First Effluxion radiates an aura of unlight which extends to 60 feet. Treat this as a deeper darkness spell, but nonchthonic creatures within the aura automatically gain 1d4 negative levels and suffer 10d6 points of profane damage every round. Spell resistance is effective against level loss from the aura, but even creatures otherwise immune to energy drain and negative energy effects are subject to its effects: the aura acts upon ens itself. The aura of burning dark may be suppressed or resumed as a free action. If dispelled, the First Effluxion may reactivate it as a free action on its next turn. Caster Level 65th, where appropriate.

Countercommunion (Su): Any divination effect used, or any ongoing divination effect brought within 1000 feet of the First Effluxion must succeed at an opposed caster level check in order to function. The First Effluxion is treated as a 65th-level caster for this purpose. Its own divination abiities are unaffected.

Destructive Trail (Ex): The First Effluxion can burrow through nonmagical earth or rock of any density as easily as it can pass across the surface of the ground; when moving at speed across a solid surface, the First Effluxion generates a wake and rain of molten matter. Whenever it moves twice its speed or more in a round, all creatures and unattended objects within 120 feet of any space through which the First Effluxion moves suffer 10d6 points of profane damage and 10d6 points of bludgeoning damage from the hail of disintegrating earth and rock. A Reflex saving throw (DC73) halves each type of damage. The Save DC is Constitution-based and includes a +13 insight bonus.

Devastating Critical (Ex): Creatures who suffer a critical hit from the First Effluxion must make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 84) or die. The DC is Strength-based and includes a +13 insight bonus.

Improved Grab (Ex): If the First Effluxion hits, it deals normal damage and attempts to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. The First Effluxion can use improved grab on a Huge or smaller creature and has the option to conduct the grapple normally, simply maintaining a hold, or attempting to engulf the opponent. Each successful grapple check it makes during successive rounds automatically deals the damage listed.

Engulf (Ex): The First Effluxion can absorb opponents it holds with a second successful grapple check after a grab. The opponent must be Huge or smaller. Absorbed creatures take 40d6 points of profane damage and 40d6 points of bludgeoning damage each round they remain inside the First Effluxion. Victims must make a successful grapple check to “swim” free of the living chthonic magma of the First Effluxion.

Engulfing Overrun (Ex): A foe who is successfully overrun by the First Effluxion is treated as if engulfed.

Profane Fiery Touch (Ex): Touching or being touched by the First Effluxion deals 10d6 points of profane damage. The First Effluxion's attacks automatically deal this damage in addition to their normal damage.

Nondetection (Ex): The First Effluxion resists detection, and is treated as though under the effect of nondetection (Caster Level 65).

Ontic Flux (Ex): The First Effluxion exists at the threshold of being, and is treated as though under the effect of a blink spell, except that attacks which target incorporeal or ethereal creatures gain no special benefit. The ontic flux may be suppressed or resumed as a free action.

Spell-Like Abilities: The First Effluxion may use any nonepic spell with the [Fire] descriptor and any spell from the Darkness, Death and Destruction domains at will as a spell-like ability; the First Effluxion deals profane damage in place of fire damage, and variable numeric effects are always maximized. It may also use any of the following at will: blasphemy, detect thoughts, haste, unhallow, unholy aura, utterdark.

Once each per day, the First Effluxion can also use the following spell-like abilities which are the equivalent of epic level spells:

  • Annihilating Breath: As a standard action, the First Effluxion can manifest a maw which unleashes an annihilating blast in a 500-ft. cone. Targets caught within the blast automatically sustain 50d20 points of profane damage and must make a Fortitude saving throw (DC60) or die; creatures slain in this fashion are treated as though disintegrated. This is an evil, necromantic death effect, nonepic wards are not effective against the First Effluxion's annihilating breath; epic protections keyed to the [Slay] seed and relevant deific protections are entitled to an opposed caster level check.
  • Chthonic Pyroclasm: As a full round action, the First Effluxion can generate a whirling maelstrom of profane fire and disintegrative chthonic "debris" with a radius of 1000 feet which moves with the creature. The effect lasts for as long as the First Effluxion concentrates, and for 20 rounds thereafter. All creatures within the area suffer 20d6 points of profane damage and 20d6 points of bludgeoning damage every round they remain there; a Reflex saving throw (DC60) halves each type of damage.
  • Consume Life: As a standard action, the First Effluxion may cause a consumptive burst which bestows 10d4 negative levels on all creatures within 500 feet. Targrets are entitled to a saving throw after 24 hours (Fort DC60) to prevent permanent level loss. This is an evil, necromantic death effect, only epic protections keyed to the [Slay] seed are entitled to an opposed caster level check. Creatures with divine rank are not subject to the effects of this ability.
  • Diminish Foe: As a swift action, the First Effluxion can deliver a superb dispelling which also bestows 10d4 negative levels upon any single creature within line of sight. The First Effluxion makes its opposed caster level check at 1d20+100. The target is entitled to a saving throw after 24 hours (Fort DC60) to prevent permanent level loss. This is an evil, necromantic death effect; epic protections keyed to the [Slay] seed are entitled to an opposed caster level check to counter the negative levels, and deities are not subject to it; the dispelling effect is not affected in any case.
  • Profane Tremor: As a full round action, the First Effluxion can generate a wave of seismic energy with a radius of ten miles. The shock knocks creatures down, collapses structures, opens cracks in the ground, and is otherwise treated as an earthquake spell except that the DC to resist specific effects is 60 in all cases.

All of the First Effluxion's spell-like abilities gain the [evil] descriptor, regardless of function. The Caster Level is 65th; the save is DC 50+ spell level. Against good creatures, the Save DCs increase by +4.

Regeneration (Ex): The First Effluxion takes normal damage from good-aligned epic weapons; it takes double damage from good-aligned effects or weapons with the [cold] or [light] descriptor.

True Seeing (Ex): This ability has a range of 1000ft. and is always active.

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It astounds me, the way you take the conceptual and mold it into the actual. You are, as always, an inspiration.

I particularly enjoy it's ability to deliver "negative energy" effects to erstwhile immune targets; it attacks their existence, so it gets by. I was thinking just this morning of similar, such as death effects on death-immune targets, burning fire elementals and such.

Dealing profane fire damage to a fire-immune PC who has regeneration (fire) is going to be a hoot.



The recent announcement of the July 12 release date for Martin's A Dance with Dragons, combined with the continual bitching from impatient GRRM fans and detractors with an absurdly strong sense of entitlement who think that Martin somehow owes them something, has prompted me to write this post.

I would simply like to say THANK YOU to you and your players for providing all of us (for free, no less!) with such a beautiful, richly developed, and immensely epic (in the truest sense of the word) story for all of these years now. (GRRM could learn a few things from you. ;))



First Post

The recent announcement of the July 12 release date for Martin's A Dance with Dragons, combined with the continual bitching from impatient GRRM fans and detractors with an absurdly strong sense of entitlement who think that Martin somehow owes them something, has prompted me to write this post.

I would simply like to say THANK YOU to you and your players for providing all of us (for free, no less!) with such a beautiful, richly developed, and immensely epic (in the truest sense of the word) story for all of these years now. (GRRM could learn a few things from you. ;))



Thank you, Sep, for all the years of work you and your players have put into the game.


First Post
This topic is really one of my favorites and is, I think, required reading for any DM who wants to run something going from the epic realm to further heights (or depths, as it may sometimes be). I really enjoy the plot, but I find the mechanics and the organization of the world revealing in terms of how to handle a high-level tabletop game that goes beyond dungeon-crawling.

Voidrunner's Codex

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