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Afternoon: Rocket Corps: Lost on Jupiter(Spirit of the Century)(FULL;ACCEPTING ALTS)


The heroic space-men and -women of the US Army Rocket Corps were warned that theirs was without doubt the most dangerous corps in the Army. But that did little to prepare them to deal with the strange event that would occur over the Great Red Storm and would hurtle half the crew of the Army's latest rocketship into the mysterious world beneath the clouds of the great planet. Only by cooperating with new found friends among the natives of the world could they hope to overcome the savage servants of the Iron Lords of Jupiter and return home.

Rocket Corps: Lost on Jupiter is an adventure set in the Iron Lords of Jupiter setting published in the polyhedron as part of Dungeon Magazine #101. Instead of using the D20 Modern system, I will be using an adaptation of the FATE system as presented in the Spirit of the Century RPG.

Spirit of the Century is a heroic pulp RPG; the system is designed for the wide eyed pulp heroics that are also staple of the sort of adventures that occur in the planetary romance and pulp SF tales that inspired the Iron Lords of Jupiter setting.

No previous experience with Spirit of the Century is required. Pre generated characters will be provided, and players will be given the opportunity to flesh out the pregens.

This is an update of an adventure I ran twice at GenCon. I expect this session to run short for its slot (unless I add some new twists).

1) Xath
2) BrentNewhall
3) Zoatebix
4) Dungannon
5) QuinnHarlech
6) Mrs. QuinnHarlech

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I'd like to play in this game, as well! Sign me up.

Anything we'd need to do before the game? Anything to bring? I'm completely unfamiliar with that rule set.


Working on it
Anything we'd need to do before the game? Anything to bring? I'm completely unfamiliar with that rule set.
If you're the superstitious-type, you could bring your own set of four Fudge dice (or make your own!). Barring that, I actually carry around a box of 20 fudge dice for occasions like this :p

Truthfully though, I think Psion will provide everything we need.

By the way- sign me up, please!


EDIT: I should also mention that the designers are kind enough to give their rules away for free. Should you wish to familiarize yourself with the rules, all it takes is a click and an investment of time.


Added, added, and added!

I'd like to play in this game, as well! Sign me up.

Anything we'd need to do before the game? Anything to bring? I'm completely unfamiliar with that rule set.

A #2 pencil, and you.

Well, I'd said bring FUDGE dice and the rules if you have 'em. If not, don't worry. I'll have spares.


Sign me up! Only played twice, but had fun both times, so I'm definitely in. Also, please sign up my wife, who has never bothered to sign up for ENWorld herself. She gets all her lurking done vicariously through me.


Working on it
Added, added, and added.

Wow, this signup is going much better than the one I did for the spring gameday.
I was tempted by the siren song of a game I'd never played before Last Spring. Technically, though, I guess I've only ever GMed SotC...
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Voidrunner's Codex

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