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Against the Red Wizards of Thay

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Agudo Archmage

A magical flash of beautiful blue and white light, appears under the recruitment banner.

Good friends of freedom!
Let it be known many parishioners of the Arcane.
Are more than willing to offer aid in such a grand cause.

For I Agudo the Archmage of Light, shall pledge my help, against the evil empire of Thay.
Together we will banish the darkness, and bring forth the Light that breaks the bondage of slavery.



nevish darkwind

this message appears under the others:
"you truely plan to disolve minor civil wars and territorial fueds with a great war? where is the sense in that? let the seven destroy themselves and assume power when they are at thier weakest. any other way would cost more life than it would save and might not serve your purpose as you think it will. coups only serve to perpetuate the senseless killing that you claim you seek to end. ask yourself this, is it freedom or power that you seek?
consider my words well, for i have seen."


nevish darkwind

this message appears:
" you have pleaded your case and i see your true intentions.
you shall have the strong arm of my army, i am sending 500,000 conscrips and 200,000 heavy knights (on foot) to your cause. tell me wear the troops will gather and mine shall be there in a day's time. i shall also send 2000 battle mages, 1 for each 500 concripts and 1 for each 200 knights. i hope this will serve your cause well. i guess this force will be more than sufficiant, but a stand ready to provide more troops if need be.

may the gods bless your quest"


First Post
*Walks up to the board and reviews the posts...and places his own*

Why do you bother the Juxtans with this matter? Why don't you go recruit for your suicide wars in a place that is actually threatened by the Wizards of Thay? Not that I'm against the Wizards of Thay in any way. But I'm sure people from Toril would much be better suited for this stupid slaughter.



Agudo Archmage

As if laid down by a breath of fresh air, with the vivid colors of a sunrise.
A handsomely crafted note appears, where the last message was left.

Fellow fighter for freedom, those of the Light are saddened at the news of the loss of Redeemer Elistor.
I myself did not know him, yet his words inspired those of a free heart and mind.
To go forth into the dark lands of Thay, in hopes of shining the Light of freedom into the downtrodden.

Never the less Redeemer Gaunt, if you shall lead this grand army of Righteousness. With the same vigor as your predecessor.
Then my companions and I, shall preserver onto victory.

I have gathered over 120 Healing/Battle Clerics and even 85 Mages, of various level of power.
From 33 wet behind the ears Magelings, 26 respectable Wizards,
19 powerful Grand Wizards, and last but not least, 8 mighty Archmages.

The wet behind the ears Magelings, as I call them.
Are the pupils of the before mentioned Arcane users.
And will be under the guidance of their masters in the Art.

I tell you this so as not to alarm you; at the thought of them running a bought,
Half cocked, with wands shooting up the place.

The Clerics are represented by several faiths.
Such as 45 Light Clerics, 58 Torm Clerics. As well as 18 Clerics of Nature.

Many races are represented, in the this large band of Healers and Magic users.
That I believe shall give of us and edge, over the bigoted Thay army.

Your friend in the Light


nevish darkwind

a new message appears:

if you truely speak on behalf of your fallen brother then you still have my support. the wizards are tempting destiny and the fates and it is my purpose to end thier reign and restore the will of destiny to thay. keep me apprised of the situation on the other fronts as i have today lain siege to the capital and await further instructions on how you wish to proceed. i await your word.
i am also sending 2000 clerics of healing to be divided just as the battle mages are."

nevish darkwind,
master of the army of shadow

p.s. if you will have me raze the city give word and it shall be over in a single day.

Voidrunner's Codex

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