• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!



I am preparing to run an Age of Worms PbP campaign with some friends and I have some openings available. Now before everyone jumps in an posts characters you need to know some things first.

1) This campaign is taking place in the homebrew campaign world of Terra Viejo. While many mechanics are the same it is different enough that it has it's own version of the SRD.
Terra Viejo SRD
I don't expect you to become masters of this homebrew, but I would expect you to be familiar with the pertinent details.

2) In addition to the above curve-ball, the campaign is also not occuring in the typical fantasy era. It is instead taking place in ancient Mesopotamia. As a result there are additional rules and changes specific for this time period. These rules are password protected, as they contain copyrighted information. In order to access this information you must contact me for the username and password.

3) Finally, this campaign will not be taking place on these boards. While I am a huge fan of ENWorld, I actually have boards dedicated solely to Terra Viejo (modeled on these very boards). Additional information regarding this campaign (i.e. character creation rules) will only be posted on these boards.
Terra Viejo Forum

If, after reading through these stipulations, you are still interested in playing, I encourage you to take a look at the Terra Viejo SRD, maybe even take a look at the Terra Viejo pages, look around the Terra Viejo Forum and finally let me know of your interest, preferably in the Terra Viejo Forums, but you can email me as well at admin@terra-viejo.net

If you are confused by the numerous links, don't worry, you can access anything and everything related to Terra Viejo, by going to its home page at www.terra-viejo.net

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