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Agents of D.E.L.V.E.


First Post
Following tradition, here’s the format:

We’ll do Die Rolls and OOC info in double parentheses ((like this)). Roll your dice, post the standard formula ((Spot Check at +4, roll of 1d20=6, Total=+10)). Feel free to dumb it down a bit ((Spot 4 + 6=10)) or elaborate any modifiers individually ((Spot Check at +2, Elf racial bonus +2 =+4, roll of 1d20=6, Total=+10)), whatever suits your style.

Speech should be written normally, with quotations. It can be in colour if you like, I’ll use multiple colours to keep NPCs straight in conversations. Use Bold and Italics for volume and emphasis respectively in speech, if you like. Thoughts can be Thought Ballooned .o0(Like this.). Psionic communication should be modified .o0<<like this>>. Colour in thought brackets as shown is encouraged, but not required.

I'll make use of Spoiler Tags to pass notes,
like this
. No peeking. :)

After each round of posts (completed conversation + action, or complete combat), I’ll include a quick summary of the action and resolution as the beginning of my next narrative post.

Without further delay:

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Scene: Nameless Legion HQ: The Clearing.
Exterior, Dawn.

The sun rises over the demiplane, casting the shadow of the Hawk ziggurat over the barracks compound of the team. Revile sounds as the shining blue-white orb clears the pinnacle of the large pyramid.

Immediately after, the mess call summons the hungry or those merely looking for company to the Meal. An assortment of being some identifiable, some not, share duty on Mess and share tables as brothers, sisters, and indeterminate things in arms. The usual variety of foods is laid out buffet-style, enough for all tastes and diets. Its not the Platinum Plate in the best Waterdeep establishments, nor is it as regionally quirky and interesting as the spicy treats of the Grand Bazaar in Huzuz. But, it is hot, and not half bad.

The after-meal cleanup is interrupted by the tolling of the mission bell summoning the D.E.L.V.E. team to the Portal Chamber. Within the massive stone chamber at the bottom center of the pyramid, the Portal Arch stands ready, but quiet. Behind the permanent Wall Of Force, a small team of specialists monitor events on countless worlds. Paymaster Hawk beckons you to the side chamber to be given your assignment.

<OOC: Any actions or prep or intro play you want to get out of the way, in any stage of the above, go ahead. I’ll post the next move tomorrow or Wednesday if nothing happens between you all, or as soon as it dies down, but no later than Thursday. :) >
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Kazadi rises and and joins his fellows in the mess hall. He partakes of a typically modest breakfast of exotic (he long ago gave up trying to recognize or name the food in the mess) fruits and bread, tending to keep to himself. After he finishes he moves toward the practice grounds returning salutations to familiar faces as he goes. Thoughts of some morning archery practice (for his weapons are never far from his side much like most of his comrades) are driven from his mind as the mission bell chimes. When he arrives in the Portal Chamber, he greets Paymaster Hawk and takes his accustomed place against the back wall of the side room, awaiting the assemblage of the rest of the team.


Erran, curiously, doesn't begin his day with the morning meal. Rather, it begins with some meditation and his morning kata. When one (unlike many of his compatriots) only need four hours in a meditative trance to gain the refreshment that most other humanoids need in eight, it gives one an interesting perspective on living life.

Eventually, however, Erran does join the others in the mess hall. Finding several things in the line that he enjoys, he sits down (also alone) and attacks his meal with gusto. Granted, he could just sustain himself on his psionic energies... but those are rather limited: the sacrifice he made upon choosing to resume his previous existence rather than explore his new lease on life.

Barely finishing his meal before the mission bell tolls, Erran makes his way to the Portal Chamber, an eyebrow raised slightly. This should be quite interesting... then again, the missions he has performed for D.E.L.V.E. always tend towards the excitement and intrigue factors. He was taught that one of the most oft-quoted curses of his monastic order was, "May you live in interesting times." Obviously, this sort of situation wasn't quite what the monks of his order had envisioned.

He notes Kazadi already present as he enters the side chamber at Paymaster Hawk's direction, and inclines his head slightly. o O (I wonder what's going on now...)

Isida Kep'Tukari

*Pik-ik-cha emerges from his tent, ignoring the mess tent and scuttling straight for the Portal Chamber when the bell rings. He remains at rest, looking like some kind of strange statue as the others come in.*


First Post
Kazath raises at the crack of dawn, as per his usual habits. Lighting a flame in the brazier placed in the center of his room, he takes a seat cross-legged infront of it, staring deep into the flame in silent prayer. After an indeterminable period of silence, Kazath suddenly stands, saying "Thank you for your patience, my lord. I will prove myself worthy of you."

With that he heads out to breakfast, where he eats only well cooked foods and drinks only warm spiced wine that burns as it travels down his throat. After the affair is over, he joins the rest in the Portal Chamber.


First Post
Adamesk rises slowly to greet the day. He dances around the room, while getting dressed. He scurries off to the mess hall to join his brethren/sistren/whatever-en in eating. He sits down at a table with food and begins to eat. And just like any other day, he forgets that the food is usuall spicey or hot. An exhausting gasp escapes his throat, and the water he drinks to quench the fire doesn't help. Eventually he calms down and eats what is left in front of him.

At the tolling of the bell, he jumps up from the table and runs through the groups of people saying"Excuse me, pardon me, pardon me please, excuse me..." etc, continuing his sprint to the Portal Chamber, obviously "braking" before hitting a wall. As he comes to a stop, he acknowledges the other members with a "Hey guys", while acknowldeging the paymaster

All in all the same old morning
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First Post
The Paymaster waits patiently while the team assembles, nodding the Hawk mask to each in turn. His muffled voice is as inscrutable and calm as ever, an effect many suspect is not entirely due to the magic of the mask.

It has come to our attention that an artifact of substantial power has been unearthed far ahead of our anticipated schedule. An unfortunate occurrence, yes, but one we would normally simply send a cadre of Rune Bearers to re-secure.

The Paymaster produces a scroll of rolled parchment from beneath his robes. He unrolls it on the table in the center of the chamber, securing the edges with small polished ingots of metal.

This dispatch from a cadre of Sons of Shadow reached us this morning as we were preparing the Rune Bearers.


Paymaster Hawk allows you a few moments to digest this information. He then resumes. The key in question is a book. Specifically, the Liber Praesusomes.

He gestures, conjuring an image of the tome.


The hawk mask angles to assume an heir of command, its eyes flashing in the light. Recover the book at all costs. Do not allow its existence to be discovered. Eliminate the one who took it with extreme prejudice.

He considers each of you for a moment, then dismisses the illusion and retrieves the scroll. You will rendezvous with the Sons of Shadow cadre already present on site. He raises his arm to the Legion Salute. Success!

The paymaster leaves the chamber. In the larger area outside, the rhythmic thrumming of the Portal Arch aligning begins.

Kazadi salutes in response to the Paymaster's. He bows his head in contemplation for a moment. “Search. Acquire. Destroy. Sounds almost fun.” His voice has an oddly hollow quality to it, despite it's resonance and flowing meter. His lips hardly seem to move, and his arm exhibits the same smooth fluidity as he swiftly gestures toward the Portal Chamber. “Shall we?” He will await the rest of the team before entering the dimensional portal himself, he always prefers to bring up the rear when he can help it.
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First Post
Adamesk salutes as well, giving the normal stylish flair to it and follows Kazadi to the door. Obviously, Adamesk is not the typical Maenad. Adamesk easily shows emotion, almost to the point of being categorized as "bi-polar". This lends itself to interesting situations.

Isida Kep'Tukari

*Pik-ik-cha bobs his head in acceptance of the mission, his jewel-like eyes glowing at the vision of the book. He carefully fixes the image in his mind, then nods his head again. He takes another moment to focus his mind, and when he moves again, it is with more speed and assurance than before.*

*Scuttling to the front of the line, he nods again, waving a limb to indicate he will go first. Crouching before the gate, he seems to be waiting for the word to send him through the portal and into adventure.*

OOC - Take time to become psionically focused for use of the Speed of Thought feat. No weapons drawn, using natural attacks only for now (if necessary).

Voidrunner's Codex

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