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Agents of D.E.L.V.E.

Personnel files of the Deep Exploration Low-Visibility Extraction (D.E.L.V.E.) team.

Roll Call:
Erran Steelfist (Male, Prime Human)
Harlan T. Kraus (Male, Prime Human)
Sereth (Female, Prime Human)
Erasnyl (Male, Prime Elf)
Thorn (Female, Outsider Tiefling)
Shadowstone (Female, Prime Dwarf)

Sound off.

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Erran Steelfist

Male elan psychic warrior 1/monk 5: Medium-size aberration; HD 1d8+2 plus 5d8+10; hp 48; power points 5; Init +3; Spd 40 ft.; AC 29 (+3 Dex, +4 Wis, +6 defense bonus, +1 natural, +1 unarmored monk bonus, +4 inertial armor), touch 28, flat-footed 26; Atk +6 melee (1d8, unarmed strike) or +5/+5 melee (1d8 + 1d8, unarmed strike -- flurry of blows) or +6 ranged (1d8, light crossbow); SQ elan traits, naturally psionic, resistance, resilence, repletion, flurry of blows, evasion, fast movement, still mind, ki strike (magic), slow fall 20 ft, purity of body; AL LN; SV Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +7; Str 10, Dex 16 (+2 gloves), Con 14, Int 14, Wis 18 (+1 from 4th level attribute point, +2 periapt), Cha 10 (-2 racial Cha). Height: 6’0”, Weight: 204 lbs., Eyes: emerald-green, Hair: red, Age: 23.

Skills and Feats: Autohypnosis +10, Balance +9, Climb +6, Hide +9, Jump +6, Listen +10, Move Silently +9, Search +8, Sense Motive +10, Spot +10, Tumble +9; Armor Proficiency (heavy), Armor Proficiency (light), Armor Proficiency (medium), Combat Reflexes, Improved Toughness, Improved Unarmed Strike, Shield Proficiency, Skill Knowledge (x2 -- Balance, Listen, Sense Motive, Tumble), Stunning Fist, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Group (basic weapons), Weapon Group (crossbows), Weapon Group (heavy blades), Weapon Group (monk weapons).

Special Qualities: Elan traits (aberration -- no darkvision, requires only 4 hours in deep trance to give benefit of 8 hours sleep); Naturally Psionic: 2 bonus power points at first level; Resistance (Su): Elans can use psionic energy to increase their resistance to various forms of attack. As an immediate action, an elan can spend 1 power point to gain a +4 racial bonus on saving throws until the beginning of their next action.; Resilience (Su): When an elan takes damage, they can spend power points to reduce its severity. As an immediate action, they can reduce the damage they are about to take by 2 hit points for every 1 power point they spend.; Repletion (Su): An elan can sustain their bodies without need of food or water. If they spend 1 power point, an elan does not have to eat or drink for 24 hours.; Flurry of Blows (Ex): extra attack (with -2 penalty), Evasion (Ex): successful Reflex saving throw against magical or unusual attack deals no damage (unarmored or light armor only), Fast Movement (Ex): enhanced monk speed; Still Mind (Ex): +2 bonus on saves against enchantment spells and effects; Ki Strike (Su): unarmed attacks act as magical weapons for purposes of overcoming damage reduction; Slow Fall (Ex): monk can use wall (if within arm’s reach) to slow their descent and take less damage; Purity of Body (Ex): monk is immune to all diseases that are not magical or supernatural in nature.

Psionics: inertial armor (cost: 1 power point)

Possessions: Gloves of Dexterity +2 (4,000 gp), Periapt of Wisdom +2 (4,000 gp), Bag of Holding (type I) (2,500 gp), Amulet of Natural Armor +1 (2,000 gp), masterwork light crossbow with 50 bolts (340 gp). Miscellaneous equipment: bedroll, chalk (10 pieces), flint and steel, small steel mirror, belt pouch, 30 days of trail rations, 50’ silk rope, tent, torches (10), waterskin, monk’s outfit (3) -- 62 gp, 3 sp. Total Funds Remaining: 97 gp, 7 sp.


Erran Steelfist, originally a monk, was selected as an aspirant by the elan council, and underwent the psionic ritual that transformed him from a human into an elan. Deciding to try a new life for himself, Erran tried to devote himself to becoming a psychic warrior, but found that the memories he retained were more powerful than his new devotion. Returning to his original calling as a monk, Erran has since traveled the realms, acting as an impromptu champion of order. With the inherent secrecy of being an elan, however, it seemed all too fitting when he was approached by the Nameless Legion to become a member of D.E.L.V.E. Now, he awaits his first mission… and his fellow team members… with some trepidation. But he is intent on performing to the best of his abilities.


First Post
(hey, it's back!)

Name: Thorn
Gender: Female
Race: Tiefling
Class/Level: Rogue 1/Fighter 4

Strength (STR) 14 +2 (6)
Dexterity (DEX) 20 (18) +5 (10)
Constitution (CON) 14 +2 (6)
Intelligence (INT) 14 +2 (2)
Wisdom (WIS) 10 +0 (2)
Charisma (CHA) 12 +1 (6)

Alignment: Neutral
AC: 22 (+5 Dex, +7 Defense)
Hit Points: 38/38 (avg)
Movement: 30'

Base Attack Bonus: +4
Init: +5
Melee Attack: +6
Ranged Attack: +9
Fort: +8
Reflex: +10
Will: +3

Race Abilities
-+2 Dex, +2 Int, -2 Cha
-Darkness 1/day
-Resistance 5 to Fire, Cold, Electricity
-Native Outsider
-Darkvision 60'
-+2 Hide and Bluff

Class Abilities:
-Sneak Attack 1d6

-Bonus Feats
Exotic Weapon: Spiked Chain
Weapon Finesse
Weapon Specialization

Bluff (Cha) +9 +2
Climb (Str) +10
Disable Device (Int) +10 +2
Escape Artist (Dex) +13
Hide (Dex) +13 +2
Jump (Str) +10 +2
Move Silently (Dex) +13
Open Lock (Dex) +13 +2
Perform: Dance (Cha) +9
Search (Int) +10
Tumble (Dex) +13 +2

1 Dodge
F1 Proficiency: Exotic
3 Combat Reflexes
F2 Weapon Finesse
F4 Weapon Specialization: Chain

Languages - Common, Infernal, Celestial

Money - 48gp 5sp

Weapons -
Spiked Chain +1 ToHit: +10, Dmg: 2d4+6, Wgt:15, Special: Cold Iron, Cost: 4325gp

Armour - Bonus Max Dex Check Arcane Fail Wgt

Gear -
Backpack, Wgt: 2lbs, Cost: 2gp
Bedroll, Wgt: 5lbs, Cost: 5sp
Flint & Steel, Wgt: 1lb, Cost: 1gp
Small Steel Mirror, Wgt: 1lb, Cost: 10gp
2 Belt Pouches, Wgt: 1lb, Cost: 2gp
Waterskin, Wgt: 4lbs, Cost: 1gp
Masterwork Thief tools, Wgt: 1lb, Cost 100gp

Magic -
Gloves of Dexterity +2 4000gp
Cloak of Resistance +2 4000gp
Potion of CLW 50gp
Potion of Shield of Faith +2 50gp


Eransyl Galakiir - Gray Elf Wizard 6

[sblock]Eransyl Galakiir
Gray Elf Wizard 6

Age: 120
Gender: Male
Height: 4’7”
Weight: 87
Eyes: Golden Amber
Hair: Silver
Skin: Fair

STR: 6 [-2] (0 points, -2 race)
DEX: 16 [+3] (6 points, +2 race)
CON: 12 [+1] (6 points, -2 race)
INT: 23 [+6] (16 points, +2 race, +1 lvl, +2 enh)
WIS: 8 [-1] (0 points)
CHA: 12 [+1] (4 points)

Hit Dice: 6d4 + 6
HP: 23
Armor Class: 16 (10 base + 3 Dex + 3 Class + 0 Armor)
Initiative: +3
BAB: +3
- Melee: +1
- Ranged: +6

Speed: 30’

FORT: +5 (2 Base + 1 Con + 2 Feat)
REFL: +5 (2 Base + 3 Dex)
WILL: +4 (5 Base – 1 Wis)

- +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, -2 Strength, -2 Constitution
- Immunity to magic sleep effects
- +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells or effects
- Low-light vision
- Weapon Group Proficiency: Bows & Light Blades
- +2 racial bonus on Listen, Search and Spot checks
- Automatic search check within 5 feet
- Wizard Spellcasting
- Spellbook
- Weapon Group Proficiency: Crossbows
- Summon Familiar
- Scribe Scroll
- Wizard Bonus Feats

1st Level
- Spellcasting Prodigy
- Scribe Scroll
3rd Level
- Extend Spell
5th Level
- Empower Spell
6th Level
- Great Fortitude

Concentration +9 (9 ranks, +1 Con)
Decipher Script +13 (9 ranks, +5 Int)
Knowledge (arcana) +15 (9 ranks, +5 Int)
Knowledge (dungeoneering) +13 (9 ranks, +5 Int)
Knowledge (planes) +13 (9 ranks, +5 Int)
Speak Language (4.5cc ranks)
Spellcraft +17 (9 ranks, +5 Int, +2 Syn)

- Common, Elven, Draconic, Celestial, Abyssal, Infernal, Undercommon, Ignan, Terran, Aquan, Auran

Spell Selection: DC 7+spell level
Oth level – (1d4+1 rnds) 4 spells
1st level – (1d4+1 rnds) 5 spells
2nd level – (1d6+1 rnds) 5 spells
3rd level – (1d6+1 rnds) 4 spells

Oth level – All
1st level – Endure Elements, Shield, Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Identify, Charm Person, Ray of Enfeeblement, Enlarge Person, True Strike, Mount, Floating Disc, Protection from Good/Evil/Law/Chaos; Alarm, Disguise Self, Feather Fall, Magic Weapon, Guiding Light, Shock and Awe, Hail of Stone, Benign Transposition, Detect Secret Doors, Obscuring Mist, Grease, Hold Portal (1050gp)

2nd level – Scorching Ray, Glitterdust, Blindness/Deafness, Invisibility, Mirror Image, False Life; Hideous Laughter, Web, Protection from Arrows, Speak to Allies, Scale Weakening, Knock, Battering Ram, Baleful Transposition, Alter Self, Bear’s Endurance, Cat’s Grace, Bull’s Strength, Fox’s Cunning, Knock, See Invisibility, Locate Object, Resist Energy, Blur (2700gp)

3rd level – Hold Person, Lightning Bolt, Summon Monster III, Fireball, Major Image, Clairaudience/Clairvoyance; Fly, Dispel Magic, Haste, Spell Vulnerability, Greater Mage Armor, Slow, Protection from Energy, Explosive Runes, Greater Magic Weapon

Melee weapons
-Rapier +0 (1d6-2, 18-20/x2) (20gp, 2lb)

Ranged weapons
-Light Repeating Crossbow +5 (1d8, 19-20/x2, 80ft.) (400gp, 6lb)

Miscellaneous Magic Items
-Everburning Pendant of Intellect +2 (4110gp)
-Handy Haversack (2000gp)

-Detect Secret Doors (25gp)
-Hold Portal (25gp)
-Obscuring Mist (25gp)
-Alarm (25gp)
-Knock (150gp)
-See Invisiblity (150gp)

-Cure Light Wounds (2) (100gp)

Mundane equipment
-Noble’s Outfit
-Spell Component Pouchs (10gp)
-Spellbook (15gp, 3lb)
-Signet Ring (5gp)
-4 Bolt Clips of 5 (4gp, 4lb)

-Raven Familiar (100gp)

Weight Carried: 15lb
Remain money: 61gp

Eransyl prides himself on his attire, his finely lacquered nails. His hair is a lusterless silver and his amber eyes burn with a golden intensity. Fair skin reflected in the high collared garments of the purest ivory embroidered with arcane patterns. Always wearing a pair of fine trousers and a flowing white cloak. At his neck is a pendant worked to resemble a face which glows with pearly luminescence.

Eransyl is vain and cunningly self-assured. His exceptional natural intellect he holds quite flagrantly over those he thinks crude or incompetent. However, his devotion to his arts is without compare, and he will not pause to unleash the forces he has locked within his mind to protect those he feels are threatened.

Eransyl grew up in Shae Mordai, The City of the Dead. Born to a family of vast arcane power and lore, he was destined from birth into his role. And indeed it was fitting, for the young elf took so swiftly to the arcane arts that it was realized he was a prodigy amongst his kind.

He mastered the meager cantrips at an age when others struggled to read, he spent vast amounts of time delving into the various languages known to the world. He was apprenticed to one of the eldest in his family line, a female Undying by the name of Kylae. His progression through the basic studies only wet his appetite for more, and Kylae realized in her immense ageless wisdom that the youth would be stifled by the restrictions of the urban life.

Using her many contacts across the planes, she swept together the information needed so that she could contact an organization she had only heard of in passing. It was the Nameless Legion. She petitioned for the now young adult Eransyl to be entered into their ranks when he was of age. When Eransyl was told of the Nameless Legion, he was intrigued by their offer of delving into lore than none were supposed to know.

He has been with the Nameless Legion for a mere month and is anxious to test what he knows and to unearth mystery.

Raven Familiar


First Post
Sereth Merri, Human Warlock 6
Medium Human, Chaotic Netral,
26, 5'2", 115, Female, jade green eyes, Tan skin, Raven Black hair

STR: 12+1 ( 4point)
DEX: 17+3 (10point,+1level)
CON: 12+1 ( 4point)
INT: 14+2 ( 6point)
WIS: 10+0 ( 2point)
CHA: 14+2 ( 6point)

Hit Points: 27 Hit Dice: 6d6+6 (27 hp)
Speed: 30ft
Initative: +3
AC: 17 (+4 Defence bonus/+3 Armor, +3 DEX)
BAB/Grapple: +4/+4

Fort: +3 (+2 Base, +1 CON)
Ref: +5 (+2 Base, +3 dex)
Will: +5 (+5 Base, +0 will)

  • ShortSpear +6 melee (1d6+1 x2)
  • Eldrich Blast +7 ranged Touch, 60' (3d6 x2)

Special Abilities:
  • Detect Magic- at will
  • Damage Reduction 1/Cold Iron
  • Damage Reduction 3/- (from armor)
  • Deceive item

Skills: (63 points, max ranks 9/4)
  • Concintration
  • Knowledge (arcana)
  • Knowledge (Planes)
  • Knowledge (Religion)
  • spellcraft
  • Use Magic Device

  • Weapon Prof(Basic)
  • Weapon Prof(Spears)
  • Skill Knowledge
  • Point Blank
  • Precice Shot
  • Spell Penetration

  • Common
  • Draconic
  • Infernal

  • 39gp, 195x10gp pearls
  • Ring of Sustinence(2500gp, --lbs.)
  • +1 Mithiral Chain Shirt (3150gp, 12.5lbs.)
  • Bag Of Holding type2(5000gp, 25lbs.)
  • MW ShortSpear(301gp, 3lbs.)
  • Rope, Silk (300')(60gp, 50lbs.)
Total weight carried -- 40.5lbs.
Light load -- 43lbs., medium -- 86lbs., heavy -- 130lbs.

Class: (3Least/1Lesser/0Greater/0Dark; spell save DC 12 + spell level)
  • Least- Eldrich Spear(2blast),See the Unseen(2), Spiderwalk(2)
  • Lesser- Walk Unseen(2)

XP: 16000 / 24000
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Telaria:Half-Elf Ran2/Clr4

On the world elves and men alike call Ghraonlainn, the great war between them had left enormous, scarred patches of burnt earth. Humankind claimed victory as the Elves withdrew to the remaining forest. Over centuries, the warred amongst themselves, perused their art and craft, and never quite noticed that the elves were slowly, patiently reforesting the lands. The more humans advanced, the more they lost. Soon the world was again wild, and the Second Great War stood loomed.

The spawn of a forbidden love between an Elven druid and a Human warrior, Telaria was raised in secret and trained in her parent's ways. Her existence forbidden by two mighty races, her birth blessed by the pantheon of gods whom both races had lost the ability to hear, her destiny to save a world from mutual genocide. But first, she would need to become a great champion. The gods of Ghraonlainn cast her into space and time, set upon her destiny. So, far, that's not working out too well for her.

Telaria:NG Half-Elf Ran2/Clr4
Str 12+1	Fort+7  Ref+6  Will+7
Dex 14+2	BAB+5   Grap+6  
Con 11+0	AC 23   FF 21  Touch 20
Int 12+1	HP 28
Wis 16+3
Cha 14+2

Falchion: +6 2d4+2, 18-20/x2
Sickle: +6 1d6+1, x2
Falchion/sickle: +4/+4 ""

Combat Reflexes
Quick Draw
Two Weapon Defense

Weapon Groups
Basic		Druid
Light Blades	Heavy Blades

Handle Animal 		11=9+2
Heal 			12=9+3
Knowledge: Nature 	10=9+1
Listen 			12=9+3
Move Silently 		11=9+2
Spot 			12=9+3
Survival 		12=9+3

Spells per Day: 6,4,3 *Domains: Healing, War
-1st			-2nd
Bless Water		Consecrate
Cause Fear		Hold Person
Divine Favour		Summon Monster II
Doom			*Cure Moderate Wounds
Entropic Shield		*Spiritual Weapon
Summon Monster I	
*Cure Light Wounds	
*Magic Weapon 		

Summon Monster III  
*Cure Serious Wounds
*Magic Vestments

Equipment		Light	28lbs
+1 Falchion 			8lbs
+1 Sickle 			3lbs
Bracer of Armour +2 		-
Amulet of Natural Armour +1	-
Healers Kit 			1lb
Potion  of CLW x5		
Belt Pouch x2			3(6)lbs
Blank Spellbook			3lbs
Waterskin			4lbs
Backpack			2lbs
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Janic Roge Gnomish Bardic Sage

Janic Roge
Male Gnome
Small humanoid (gnome)
Bardic Sage 6
Move 20'

Str 6 (-2)
Dex 14<18> (+2)<+4>
Con 16 (+3)
Int 10 -
Wis 10 -
Cha 18<20> (+4)<+5>

hp 47 (6+(5*3.5)+18+6)
AC 18<20> (size +1, dex +2<+4>, Defense +5, Mithril breastplate +3) t 18<20> ff 14 (+4 vs. giants)
DR 3/-
Initiative +2<+4>
BAB +4
Grapple -2
melee +3 (+1 vs. kobolds and goblins)
Ranged +7<+9> (+1 vs kobolds and goblins)

F +5, R +4, W +5 (+2 v. illusions)

Feats: Skill Knowledge, Skill knowledge, Improved Toughness, basic weapons, light blades, druid weapons,

Bluff +16: +9 ranks +5 cha +2 synergy
Concentration +12: +9 ranks +3 con
Diplomacy +18: +9 ranks +5 cha +4 synergy
Escape Artist +11<13>: +9 ranks +2<4> dex
Gather information +14: +9 ranks +5 cha
Listen +11: +9 ranks +2 racial
Perform Chant +14: +9 ranks +5 cha
Sense Motive +9: +9 ranks
Speak Language 9
Tumble +11<13>: +9 ranks +2<4> dex

Languages, Common, Gnomish, Burrowing Mammals, Sylvan, Elven, Draconic, Celestial, Infernal, Abyssal, Goblin, Dwarf, Terran,

Low-Light Vision: A gnome can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. He retains the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.
Weapon Familiarity: Gnomes may treat gnome hooked hammers as martial weapons rather than exotic weapons.
+2 racial bonus on saving throws against illusions.
Add +1 to the Difficulty Class for all saving throws against illusion spells cast by gnomes. This adjustment stacks with those from similar effects.
+1 racial bonus on attack rolls against kobolds and goblinoids.
+4 dodge bonus to Armor Class against monsters of the giant type. Any time a creature loses its Dexterity bonus (if any) to Armor Class, such as when it’s caught flat-footed, it loses its dodge bonus, too.
+2 racial bonus on Listen checks.
+2 racial bonus on Craft (alchemy) checks.
Automatic Languages: Common and Gnome. Bonus Languages: Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Goblin, and Orc. In addition, a gnome can speak with a burrowing mammal (a badger, fox, rabbit, or the like, see below). This ability is innate to gnomes. See the speak with animals spell description.
Spell-Like Abilities: 1/day—speak with animals (burrowing mammal only, duration 1 minute). A gnome with a Charisma score of at least 10 also has the following spell-like abilities: 1/day—dancing lights, ghost sound, prestidigitation. Caster level 1st; save DC 10 + gnome’s Cha modifier + spell level.

0 6+1 DC 15 d4+1
1 4+1 DC 16 d4+1
2 3+1 DC 17 d4

0: Detect Magic (G), Flare (G), Mage Hand (G), Message (G), Open/Close (G), Read Magic (G), Summarize (G),
1: Cure Light Wounds (G), Detect Secret Doors (G), Grease (G), Hideous Laughter (G), Silent Image (G),
2: Blindness/Deafness (G), Cat's Grace (5 minutes), Locate Object (30 minutes), Mirror Image (30 minutes)

Mithral breastplate +1 5,200 gp
Cloak of Charisma +2 4,000 gp
Handy Haversack 2,000 gp
Everburning torch 110 gp
5 alchemists fire 100 gp
2 antitoxin 100 gp
Bag of Tricks, gray 900 gp
Rope 100' silk 20 gp
food, water, sundries 10 gp
550 gp

Janic is an eclectic storehouse of learning picking up bits and pieces about most every topic and willing to go into wierd exotic locales to learn odd bits of esoterica. When a priest of Segojian Earthcaller asked for volunteers to find out what happened to a hidden temple on the plane of elemental earth it was Janic who volunteered to make the journey into the unknown and unravel the mystery. Facing traps and hazards Janic made his way to the lost temple and maneuvered and talked his way through to understanding the invasion by mephits commanded by a Hargrinn grue. It was Janic's success in this endeavor that brought him to the attentions of D.E.L.V.E. and he has recently agreed to become an agent, a delver working for grand designs.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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